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Markus Pohlmann (ANF)

New role-playing game for Classic Amigas in the works
Project Crashsite - that'll be the name of the new role-playing game for Classic Amigas which is currently still under development. The role-playing game in the science fiction genre will require a CD-ROM, 68040 (minimum) and a graphics card.

Here an excerpt from the description:
»Mankind has reached for the stars and colonized a planet system. Far away from Sol, Future II develops into a self-sufficient economy system with own government. Not only has this government plans for Future II but the Sol government also. The third in the trio is McJevl, the space flight company who made the settling and terraforming possible. McJevl has plans too, and gets a big chance to make them reality.
Here enters the player as member of the Future Security Corps, the system-internal police. With a team consisting of up to six characters, law and order must be preserved in Future II. A difficult task which gets even harder as a meteor hits one of the planets and an eye-witness of the event is being murdered before the eyes of the Future Security Corps.
Investigations lead to the fact that this is not the only death ...«

Up-to-date information on the game development are now available at If you want to get a first impression of what the Classic Amiga is in for you should surf by.

Comments, suggestions and critics are welcome. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 28. Sep. 2001, 22:51] [Comments: 0]
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