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Aminet Uploads until 20.05.2001
fnews11.lha          comm/misc   51K+Free configurable News Display Tool for 
dhcpd.lha            comm/tcp    59K+Port of DHCPD 2.0 from ISC
autoindex2i.lha      comm/www    81K+Generates html doc to view pictures with
z80simul_src.lha     dev/cross  287K+Watch your Z80 assembly code from a GUI 
paybackcomplet.lha   game/actio  31K+A viewable demo of me completing Payback
Bdynamite.lha        game/data  203K+A significantly improved style/graphics 
Diamchal.lha         game/misc  354K+Platform:collect diamonds V1.11 !UPDATE!
AChInRu.lha          game/role  551K+USA Chainik in Russia v1.8. Quest
kamband.lha          game/role  901K+Kamband 2.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
Detris.lha           game/wb     80K+Tetris for WB by Deniil 715! v3.11
PfPaint_ENG.lha      gfx/edit    34K+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
PfPaint_FRA.lha      gfx/edit    37K+French documentation for PerfectPaint V2
PfPaint_V26.lha      gfx/edit   1.6M+Paint,Anim from 1 to 24bits
PicBase.lha          gfx/misc   850K+Complex Web-Picture-Cataloger with Previ
MMKeyboard.lha       hard/hack  152K+V1.12 Use entire Multmedia Keyboard on A
imdbDiff010511.lha   misc/imdb  1.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Tiger-light.lha      misc/sci   196K+A special type of cellular automata
Wator1_27.lha        misc/sci   100K+Graph. Simulation von R ubern und Beute
sfx-bin_00.lha       mus/edit   1.5M+V4.10 Bin 68000 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_20.lha       mus/edit   1.5M+V4.10 Bin 68020 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_20m.lha      mus/edit   1.3M+V4.10 Bin 68020+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_30.lha       mus/edit   1.5M+V4.10 Bin 68030 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_30m.lha      mus/edit   1.4M+V4.10 Bin 68030+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_40m.lha      mus/edit   1.4M+V4.10 Bin 68040+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_60m.lha      mus/edit   1.4M+V4.10 Bin 68060+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-data.lha         mus/edit   144K+V4.10 Data Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-doc_eng.lha      mus/edit   232K+V4.10 Doc english Soundprocessingsoftwar
sfx-doc_ger.lha      mus/edit   269K+V4.10 Doc german Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-goodies.lha      mus/edit    45K+V4.10 Goodies Soundprocessingsoftware
mhimdev.lha          mus/play    17K+MHI driver for mpeg.device
ltools20_demo.lha    text/misc   78K+Dictionary and Document Translator
BlazeWCP.lha         util/boot   32K+ULTRA FAST 32bit C2P patch for OS chunky
mirror.lha           util/cli    28K+Mirror drives, homepages, etc.. (v1.4)
ilbmdtPPC.lha        util/dtype  15K+Ilbmdt for the PPC, running WarpUP (45.6
zxdt_patch.lha       util/dtype   7K+Patch to improve the ZX Datatype palette
MultiRen.lha         util/misc  177K+Powerful multi-file renaming tool (with 
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  380K+Report+ 4.63: Multipurpose utility
rn.lha               util/misc    8K+Riktnummer: Special search/database tool
Safe.lha             util/virus  29K+V15.6 of virus dicovering system
VisualPrefs_PT.lha   util/wb     52K+VisualPrefs: Portuguese catalog and docs

[News message: 20. May. 2001, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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