Frank Seidel via E-Mail
ARexx: Selection Script for Miami
Everybody who wants to save money and therefore assigns his online times
to several providers, knows the problem having to call in Miami the cheapest provider
for the time being via "Load settings" every time. Frank Seidel has written a
small ARexx script to simplify this.
If you call the script for example via the Toolmanager Miami is started (if not
already running) and then you can immediately choose via button the wanted settings
file. There are four buttons available:
| Standard | Mon - Sat | Sun + holiday | Choose yourself |
Clicking on ´Choose yourself´ opens a file requester in the Miami
directory, and you can choose the file yourself. After that Miami goes online.
Download: Miami.lha
[News message: 19. May. 2001, 21:54] [Comments: 0]
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