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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
LocalePL_OS39.lha    biz/dbase   79K+Polish locale for OS3.9 ver 1.5
tummy_020.lha        biz/dbase  887K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
tummy_040.lha        biz/dbase  888K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
tummy_060.lha        biz/dbase  887K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
NickServAuth.lha     comm/irc     1K+NickServ identify AmIRC script
UidlRem.lha          comm/mail    4K+Automatic daily YAM .uidl file deleter :
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   343K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
Puchdemo.lha         demo/slide 1.4M+Really stupid slideshow demo. Swedish.
muimaster020.lha     dev/mui     98K+Muimaster.library 020 patch
TextEditorExam.lha   dev/src     11K+ReAction texteditor.gadget example
charlemagne.lha      docs/anno  744K+New C64 CD to release!
AIOV45.lha           docs/mags  437K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 45 (Marc
AquaDemo.lha         game/demo  2.6M+Demo of Aqua a great new commercial adve
FlashNG.lha          game/misc   74K+Small GPL Arkanoid clone with RTG suppor
angband.lha          game/role  726K+Angband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
kangband.lha         game/role  842K+Kangband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
MagicNumbers10.lha   game/think  33K+A small but good mind game
SvIVFix917.lha       gfx/misc     5K+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.17 (24.3.2001)
imdbDiff010316.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
listchopper.lha      misc/imdb   11K+Prevent buffer overflow in MovieMUI 3.5a
ThatsWhat.lha        mods/s3m   239K+That's what friends are for
TIM_0040.lha         pix/3dani  1.3M+TIM's rendered animations (Cinema4D)
GameIcons.lha        pix/gicon  490K+Great GlowIcons for MANY Amiga games.
fomst28.jpg          pix/henz   309K+NCC-1701D (Star Trek)
fomst29.jpg          pix/henz   280K+Romulan Warbird (Star Trek)
Hipsamtab1.jpg       pix/misc    57K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Hipsamtab2.jpg       pix/misc    53K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Hipsamtab3.jpg       pix/misc    51K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Cruiser.jpg          pix/trace   54K+D7 Klingon Cruiser
StationK7.jpg        pix/trace   62K+Classik Series Star Trek"The K7 Station"
theworld.jpg         pix/views  100K+Poem with background pic
guideml2.lha         text/hyper  51K+Cool AmigaGuide -> HTML converter (V2.1)
AutomaticRead.lha    text/misc   40K+An Automatic Reader that speaks your tex
CGXrndLIB.lha        util/boot  1.6M+Random Bootpic.library Selector
titleshadow.lha      util/boot   20K+Add shadows or outines to your window ti
WoW.lha              util/conv   40K+Text converter (Html, Ww6, Rtf, AGuide, 
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 215K+AkJFIF-dt V44.97 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/M
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 230K+AkPNG-dt V44.97 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/MOS
akPNG-PPC.lha        util/dtype  79K+AkPNG-dt PPC plugin V44.97
akTIFF-dt.lha        util/dtype 226K+AkTIFF-dt V44.97 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/M
WarpPSDdt.lha        util/dtype  44K+Adobe Photoshop  datatype V44.1 (68k,War
ArgueGUIColl.lha     util/misc   53K+Argue GUI for SoftCinema, Moovid, Visage
ReqAttack_mgr.lha    util/misc    5K+RAPrefsMUI hungarian catalog

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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