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Thomas Steiding via E-Mail

"Knights and Merchants" to be Ported to MAC
e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment porting "Knights and Merchants"

e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment GmbH has signed an license agreement to port the real time strategy game "Knights and Merchants" to MAC.

The world "Knights and Merchants" plays in is a counterpart to the medieval age. Expect for the imaginary geography of our world all of the game contents were take from the European and especially from the Anglo-Saxo medieval times around 1200 u.C.. There are no additional fantastic elements as like e.g tale creatures used. The player takes the role of a simple captain serving the kings commands. Due to a confederacy against the king and his empire the captain (the player) gets assigned the job to defend the royal provinces remaining. Expect for this land the kingdom has fallen apart to many small principalities and counties. After disposal of the ancient empire was lost the king himself in his capital city gets threatened by hostile forces. This is the starting situation the player faces at the beginning of the game. The players task is to reconquer all of the provinces which have belonged to the ancient empire.

The game "Knights and Merchants" can be taken for a strategical economy simulation. Cardinally the economic part represents the main element of this game running in real-time. With numerous medieval buildings in combination with then customary producer goods can manufacture several wares. He lets build and maintain buildings and streets by his 'bondslaves'. The economic structures are simulated in detail whereby each ware is produced using several raw materials and passes the respectively number of manufacturing sites. All of those manufacturing systems are visualized in detail and comprehensible enabling the player to fast and reliable control economy. The result of all productive activities is the manufacture of weapons and armaments. Mentionable in this are the logistics the player prearranges by the structure of transport rout (streets). All of the wares must be transported between the houses by assistants which marks down planning of the town, production times, and buildings, thus the efficiency of economy. Also in this the player gets the transported wares graphically displayed. All game figures have their specific operational area and do their work independently. The do not depend on any control by the player. The players opportunities are limited to indirect commands for creating buildings, streets, corn fields, etc.. Only the military units can be directly commanded by the player.

More information about "Knights and Merchants" are to find at the projects section of our homepage:

Consulting Thomas Steiding via telephone arose that there is no version for Amiga planned for the time being, because apparently there is not enough demand.

Well, this game sounds quite interesting. Maybe we are able to assure Thomas Steiding of the antipode. ;-)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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