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The Coolest Amiga on Earth!
Among yesterday's Aminet uploads AmigArt has found three pictures by Mikael Persson from Sweden showing his super-cool Amiga built into an "Amiga" table (Aminet-Readme):

Our Danish translator Viggo has done a raw translation of the readme text:

What do you think about my new Amiga? Cool, eh? I started to work on it right after Christmas, so it took more than four month to finish this thing. Are my grandfather and I just slow, are we?

The frame contains of aluminium rods with two hardened 6 mm glass plates put in between. The drawing was done by print office. Inside of the table there are two strong and above all silent fans for cooling the system. There are also four fluorescent tubes of 18 watts each - this can make the thing warm.

On the forefront you can see the floppy drive next to the CD-ROM drive and the on/off switch (on the left). The other switches are to control a "lightning control station" with which I can let the light inside of the table blink in different colours (note: like in a disco). On the backside of the table (not visible on the picture) there are infrared units and all of the Amiga ports (note: serial, parallel, etc). Inside of table there is an Amiga 4000 which was completely reconstructed. Please, pay attention to the wireless keyboard and mouse on the table.... and the best of all... the TFT flatscreen, which even works with my Amiga.

This was a brief description. If you would like to get more information just write to me! Of course I have got many pictures of my Amiga's reconstruction.

I also do other things. As soon as I can get a little help I will build a new Amiga table which even will be lifted to the ceiling after use.

Regards, Mikael Persson
(Englisch translation by mj)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 02:18] [Comments: 0]
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