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Grzegorz Juraszek via E-Mail

New PCI-Board "Prometheus"
Announcement - Warsaw, March 29, 2001

We are pleased to introduce you to our latest product - "Prometheus" card for Amiga.

It is the most advanced PCI bridge adapter available for Amiga computers equipped with Zorro III expansion slots. With "Prometheus", a world of cheap, standard PCI cards opens before you! Some features of the product:
  • Works with any Zorro III equipped Amiga, regardless of the turbo/processor card installed in the system,
  • Four 32-bit PCI slots clocked with 33 MHz,
  • Fits any tower case, also works with desktop A3000/4000s when open,
  • Works with other Zorro III cards, supports AutoConfig (TM),
  • Real transfer rates between Amiga and PCI cards - up to 12 MB/s,
  • Real transfer rates between PCI cards - up to 120 MB/s,
  • Additional on-board connector for the power supply,
  • Professionally designed four-layer printed-circuitboard with gold-galvanized contacts - complies the PCI standard specifications.

Together with the "Prometheus" card we bundle a CD-ROM with:
  • Drivers for the Voodoo3 graphics card, developed in close co-operation with Hyperion and the authors of Picasso96. 2D drivers work under the P96 system, 3D functions are available through Warp3D,
  • Drivers for a sound card and a network card,
  • A completely FREE software development kit for programmers. There is no need to sign NDA and no additional fees - we want to make "Prometheus" the most open PCI bridge solution as far as the drivers development goes,
  • Demo versions of the games that use the 3D functions of Voodoo3: Heretic 2, Shogo.

The "Prometheus" package also contains multi-lingual reference manual (also in English), holders for the bridge and PCI cards and the extension cord for a graphics card.

Prometheus - no promises, just solutions.

Our webpage:
For information about Prometheus in English, contact Grzegorz Juraszek:
e-mail: or cel. phone: +48 609 394778 (from 10 am to 6 pm).

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 01:43] [Comments: 0]
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