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Olaf Koebnik

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - UAC Design Bonus!
"The Hunting Games" by Frank Abbing ready for download. There are the following games:

'Plakat schiessen', which works similar to the Moorhuhn game principle, cause one should shoot as much signboards as possible within one minute, but of course not the hunters!

In the case of 'Scheiben drehen' you shoot on plates until all of them face into the same direction. A plate hit will always do one quarter rotation more than the others. Who will make the best time?

Amiga Arena - UAC Design Updates! There are several updates online for games Frank Abbing from UAC Design made available to the Amiga Arena. The quiz game Awaking AGA/ECS is now there as executable version. The game can be played directly from harddisk, no longer .adf format. Risiko v1.7 is now there as the freeware version.

[News message: 23. Jan. 2001, 20:43] [Comments: 0]
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