Timo Kloss via eMail
Inutilis News about Ermentrud
Ermentrud is a new adventure game under development at Inutilis.
More information and screenshots are to find under the title link.
Timo Kloss, programmer of the game, wrote:
'Ermentrud (Amiga)' accidently now has got an interactive 'dialog system' using
the common multiple choice method. Since also the inventory system is finished the next demo version
will almost (almost (almost (...))) show a completed engine, already. Unfortunately this demo doesn't
exist for now, but arguably will do somewhere down the road....
Originally we would have liked to already take the 'tavern scenes of the movie' last weekend,
but we didn't....
This weekend (or even the following Mon/Tue) we are to proceed, really!
[News message: 23. Jan. 2001, 20:26] [Comments: 0]
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