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Heise [Newsticker]

"Publius" - The Web against Internet Censorship beeing Tested
«"Share and rule" - the classic formula to ensure one's power now apparently is turning against the governing people. Initiated by computer scientists from AT&T and the New York University a two month lastig experiment of a "censorship resident" publication system starts. On Tuesday 02. August 2000 the distribution of the proxy server shall start up, on 7. August 2000 the testing of the client software will begin.

The Publius named system ensures the promulgation of web releases similar to FreeNet by putting them on numerous servers using the peer-to-peer technique, and under some circumstances this will be done by splitting the files. Hence it becomes harder for potential or existing censorship offices to close documents in this system by carrier liabilities. More over that Publius relies on multible endcoding: It is only possible to decode the pages after all the splitted framents has been put together again. For the carrier of a server those pages are unreadble. For this reason the carrier cannot be hold responsible for content he/she is not able to know.»
The entire article at the titlelink. (German)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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