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01.Aug.2000 Heise [Newsticker] |
Mojo Nation: Another new System for File Sharing «While Napster and Scour (after music the movies) are fighting for their future and one of the atlernative share servers, CuteMX, had closed for the time beeing waiting for the smoke to disapear, which came from the injunction against Napster, which was suspended again in the meantime, Mojo Nation started their test run and touts for users with an amount of features most of the competitors could not offer, yet. E.g. the software even supports it's own micropayment feature, as no other does by now.» «Those seven cypherpunks believe that they have created the next "killer application" for the internet whith their sophisticated system. "We are a mixture of Napster and eBay", blew Jim McCoy, CEO of Autnomous Zone Industries, his big role models to Wired News.» Entire article at the titlelink. (German) [News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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