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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Markus Tillmann by e-mail

Digital Dreams Entertainment website with new layout
DDE has provided a very nice layout for the site. There are also new screenshots for the game Code Name Hell Squad. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld by e-mail

News from Individual Computers
Much has been done at Individual Computers, the newsletter has grown very long. So here the headlines only. Read the full news at the title link.

+++ Hypercom 4plus production successfully finished +++
+++ Talks with Albrecht Computer Technik (A.C.T.) confirmed +++
+++ ISDN board: New concept +++
+++ Samba Install CD delayed +++
+++ Supply situation critical +++
+++ New software online +++ (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Falk Lücke by e-mail

Eternity News
Spring has just arrived, and we have already something more to report:

World of Amiga & Atari We will exhibit on the show taking place on March 20th/21st in the city hall Neuss. Tales of Tamar will be shown as well as the "Exorzist" system based on Blizzard technology. A new Exorzist system will also bee shown, provided all needed parts are available until then. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Peters Amiga Homepage

New printer drivers for Epson 400/600
Epson600.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The World Foundry website with new design
The TWF and also the Explorer2260 pages received an entirely new design. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Peter Hauke in ANF

Heise: Nuclear clock signal of the PTB in Internet
As reported by the Heise Newsticker, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesamt now offers the service of a nuclear precise clock in the Internet. To get the precise time, you need special software. Aside from many other platforms, the Amiga was respected, too. The software is freeware, started as commodity. The title link points to the Heise news site, you get to the download area from there. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rolf Roth in ANF

PlayGUI News
PLone, the PlayList add-on for PlayGui, has now been released as version 1.3, and can be downloaded from the title link. PlayGui is an add-on for the players Hippoplayer and Play16, and gives these a skin-like new interface which can easily be customized by the user. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Juan Manuel Wehrl in ANF

HTMLEXT is now available in a reworked version. New: Pixelmeter gauge, buttons with the important functions and many detail improvements. Have fun working ;)
Download: htmlext215.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Schmidt in ANF

The Amiga area of my homepage is not that big, but not uninteresting (I hope). I just implemented a forum hoping that it will be used. Just have a look. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens in ANF

Amiga User List updated
My site has been updated again, and I will resume answering e-mails as usual. Another note on the Amiga User List: On April 4th, the AUL celebrates 1st birthday. This will be the day of the next release, too. I don't want to say what will happen then: Surprise... most of you will like it for sure. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by e-mail

VirusExecutor v2.02 released
Name: VirusExecutor v2.02
Archive name: VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size: 196,951 Bytes
Release date: 15. March 2000
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
System: OS 2.0x or higher
Download: VirusExecutor.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ben Vost by e-mail

No good news: Amiga Format folds :-(
Ben Vost informs us that the next issue of the print magazine "Amiga Format" will be the last. Read his detailed statement below.

It is really sad to see one magazine folding after another in recent months.

From:        "Ben Vost" <>
Date:        Wed, 15 Mar 2000 15:57:54 +0000
Subject:     News - not good news, but news all the same

It's been a very sad month for me. Since I found out that AF was to close,
I've had nothing but sleepless nights and now you've all found out in the
worst way possible, when I thought I should be the one breaking the
terrible news. Future's policy was to keep silent until the issue had
finally gone to press, but now there seems little point, and in a way, I'm
glad - there was nothing worse than me having to prevaricate about
subscriptions or future plans for Amiga Format.

The closure of Amiga Format means the end of an era for me. For thirteen
years (pretty much my whole working life) I've been involved with the Amiga
market in some capacity, whether that be in sales, distribution, freelance
consultant and writer, or journalist and editor on Amiga Computing or Amiga
Format. All this time I've been at the heart of the Amiga market and I've
met and got to know some fantastic people, not least of whom are my
readers. I've used some fantastic software and seen hardware dreams come
and go. I've probably spent in excess of ten grand feeding my obsession and
will carry on using the equipment I have at home for a long time to come.
As for what I will be doing, you have no cause to fear on my or Richard's
behalf: Rich has a job on Linux Format as a staff writer, working with
erstwhile Amiga Format editor Nick Veitch. As for me, I hope you'll look
favourably on Future's new launch - 3D World - where I'll be deputy editor
and the editor of its website. 3D World will be aimed at professional 3D
artists and those looking to get into that market, whatever the platform. I
will be honest and say that although the only important criterion for
inclusion in 3D World is image quality, the speed at which those images
need to be rendered, and the quality of the support software, means that I
don't think there'll be much, if any, Amiga coverage and that saddens me

For those of you who are subscribers, there's no cause for alarm. We aren't
a fly-by-night company that will let you down when it comes to dealing with
your subscription. All subscribers will get a letter shortly - included
with your final subscription issue, that will explain all the options.

As far as any future reincarnation of Amiga Format goes, I am not yet
personally convinced that Bill and Fleecy will be able to achieve all they
want to, but if they do succeed I'm sure that Future Publishing will be one
of the first publishers back into a new thriving Amiga market, and you can
bet I'd want to be back. As such, although my new job will probably take me
into the world of PCs and workstations, you can be sure I'll keep an eye on
what's going on here and I've promised Bill McEwen I would remain part of
the AAC in order to be better able to tell him where I think he's going
wrong. :)

In the meantime, I don't think that the Amiga market has died, I just know
it's got to the stage where Future Publishing can't sustain Amiga Format.
At the end of the day, the only reasons for this are an increasing
unprofessionalism in the marketplace and a lack of people willing to part
with their money. There are plenty of good dealers out there that have
their customers interests at heart and it's up to you to make sure that
their level of service and support don't go the way of Amiga Format.

Just remember, there's still an issue on the shelves right now that contains
all sorts of fantastic info (and Personal Paint 7.1b on the CD) and our next
issue on sale, our last, will be well worth buying since it will contain a
dissection of the Amiga market as the freelancers and staff on AF see it and
a history of AF.

On a personal note, it's not so easy to convey emotion while writing an
email. Suffice to say that this page would be wet if it were a letter I was
sending to you all.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)        PGP key available        T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                             F: (+44) 01225 732275
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

New Amiga web portal: AmigaGlobe
The new portal site by Andrian Sweeny offers news, several theme oriented forums, a member area and an Amiga job market. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz via Email

BlackIRC 1.1 Freeware edition released
Our business is is shifting evermore into the graphic arts area and the development of online products for servers and businesses. We therefore no longer have the resources needed to continue BlackIRC development so we have decided to release it as freeware. The integrated news service of BlackNews will be taken over by We will however no longer support BlackIRC because it is now freeware and support involves costs. Should anyone be interested in further developing BlackIRC we are offering sourcecode licences starting at 5000 DM.

BlackIRC is an IRC client for AMIGA with exceptional capabilities. Some extras like XDCC, Bots, CTCP flood protection etc. are already implemented in the client. Furthermore BlackIRC is the only Amiga IRC client allowing video conferences.

Download: BlackIRC.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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SimplePPC in ANF has a report about the upcoming Amiga port of Heretic II. is a treasure trove of infos concerning the game. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Leon Woestenberg in ANF

Infrabox goes down in price
The InfraBox infrared remote control transceiver for Amiga computer is now available for a special price. The hardware module allows you to control your audio and video appliances using your Amiga. Vice versa, using a remote control commander, you can control your Amiga programs. The accompanying software, InfraRexx and InfraFace, are available for free. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Luense im ANF

VorwahlenGUI datafile update V1.45
For VorwahlGUI (a program to search for German area codes) there is a new update of the datafile. Download area. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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4D+ Internet Double Wheel Maus available
VMC now has available the NG4D+ Internet Mouse. It has 4 buttons and 2 directional wheels. The Mouse includes a specially designed Amiga driver, which includes all functions of the mouse and it is fully compltible and integrated with AmigaOS.

Horizontal and vertical scrolling are controlled by the 2 wheels. All buttons are individually controlled by the driver software. Here some technical details (German).

I have tested the VMC mouse. The installation on the serial port was simple and the configuration of the commodity driver software very easy. This mouse has a good feel to it, even though it is quite a bit higher that what I am used to. This takes a while to get used to. The first few hours I still scrolled in the old fashioned way, but once I got used to the scrolling wheels I never want to be without them again. A few old games that hit the mouse hardware will still require the old mouse to function, but it still can remain connected without any problem. I can only recommend this mouse! (ps) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Showcase

#Ami3D Competition
Four pictures on the subject of "World War II" are been voted upon at the #Ami3D competition (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Update at
Steve Crietzman has posted an update concerning the Open Amiga Foundations current situation. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox via Email

New PC-Maus Interface "Mroocheck" from Elbox
MROOCHECK - New PC Mouse Interface with Wheels support

ELBOX COMPUTER proudly announces: Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface is a microprocessor based adapter for attaching any PC mouses, trackballs, glidepoints and radio-controlled mouses to all models of Amiga computers.

MROOCHECK is simply connected between a PC mouse and the Amiga Mouse port. It supports all PC serial and combo mouses working in the following protocols: Mouse System format, Microsoft format, Microsoft format with Logitech extension.

MROOCHECK converts these serial protocols to the Amiga Mouse Port format including all the specific features like the middle (3rd) button support or high resolution. This conversion is made by the interface microprocessor so NO additional software drivers are required. The interface start to work simultaneous with computer's start, so it could be used in the early-startup-menu (unlike the mouses connected through the serial port).

MROOCHECK recognizes vertical and horizontal mouse wheels movements and converts them to Amiga analog joysticks signals.

Mroocheck.driver converts Amiga analog joysticks signals (of horizontal and vertical wheels movements) from Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface to input events for input.device.

Wheel movements are transmitted independent of (simultaneous with) mouse movements and three mouse buttons.

Mroocheck allows scrolling in both directions (horizontal and vertical), even in mouses fitted only with one wheel!

Switching directions (from vertical to horizontal) is obtained by holding the 3rd button simultaneous with the wheel movement.

MROOCHECK suggested retailed price: EUR 30.00

Best regards,
Darek Smietana
Fax: +4812 6564981 (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New ProStationAudio Line and AudioLabs Promotion Video
Three new products have been added to the new ProstationAudio product line: Millenium, Classic and Remix. The spectrum of possible customers is thus expanded to accomadate many different professionals, such as DJ`s. More informations at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaAMP 2.8 Beta-5 available
Download: AmigaAMP28b5.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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14.Mar.2000 with new Layout has now moved to a new server and at the same time greatly imporved thier look. While not entirely yet complete the main pages are already available. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Abitz by eMail

Microcode Solutions are raising pressure
Under Amiga News Micocode Solutions published the following call up:

WE STILL DO NOT HAVE THE LATEST VERSION OF STORM. We reported problems to the authors, and although these problems are suppose to be fixed, we can not get this version. We can not proceed with FUSION-PPC until we obtain the new version. We urge everyone to bug H&P so that we can complete this project! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner by eMail

New Online-Reg system at
Most Vapor products can be purchased at the Online Shop of Silicon Circus Ltd. Payment can be made with every common credit card. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner by eMail now online have created a seperate FAQ website for the different softwares. The contents isn't that big yet, but will grow rapidly since everybody can post messages. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann in ANF

Recall of the CD-ROM version Digital Almanac II
To the owners of the CD-ROM version of Digital Almanac II (V1.8.8):
Unfortunately the CD contains a bad bug. Amigans using OS 3.1 are particularly concerned. In this case installing the main program from CD to harddisk will fail. So if you are belong to this group of people (approximately 15 CDs sold) you may have the CD exchanged by sending it, along with DM 3.- in stamps (return-postage) back to the author (not your retailer !!).

If you own OS 3.5 and if the installation doesn't start by double clicking on the installation icon, copy the Installer V44 (!!) from your OS 3.5 CD-ROM to your harrdrive, to C: for example. As said before: This exchange can only be claimed by people owning OS 3.1 and the Digital Almanac II (V1.8.8) CD-ROM version. A new update (V1.8.9) is available at the author's homepage. The Aminet upload will be available as soon as Paderborn will be online again. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jörg Rebenstorf in ANF

There are news about a new Sana2 driver called "nullsana". The device can interconnect its units to connect a Macintosh TCP/IP stack with an Amiga TCP/IP stack. Thus it works similarly to vlink.device.

However the new device is faster, more flexibly configurable and is conform to the newest Sana2 V2 standard including package filter and mutiple opened units. The device can be configure as Ethernet, SLIP, CSLIP and Loopback.

Ethernet RAW Frames for Shapeshifter are supported. Sana2 statistics are computed. Since Aminet Paderborn is down you can download the device here. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Haage & Partner

ArtEffect 4.0 scheduled for May - PageStream 4 Release 4
Version 4 of the popular graphics software for picture editing and natural painting comes once again with a variety of new functions and improvements. This time special focus has been on planes functions which have now become very flexible and powerful. A new manual and a CD-ROM containing fonts, cliparts and workshops round up the new package.

A free update is available now. Registered users may wait until we have created a patch or claim the complete version (more than 10 MB) at our site.
Claim (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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PC-Welt: Burned by the joystick
"A part of the Nintendo 64 games collection "Mario Party" may cause hand injuries. This has been confirmed by the US central of the game's manufacturer. Every owner of the video game will now be provided with security gloves in the USA.

Following a statement of the New York federal prosecutor, many parents have complained over "Mario Party" at Nintendo in the USA. They say their kids have injured their hands while playing at it. Parents report several kinds of injuries like burnings, stitches, cuts etc..."

Nintendo have now agreed to deliver four fingerless gloves ,which are reinforced at the palm, to each american Mario Party customer. This engagement may cost Nintendo up to 80 million dollars. Furthermore the company will pay for the 75,000 dollars which cost the investigation by the federal prosecutor.

A call at the hotline 0130/5806 from our part showed that there have been no cases or complaints arround here, at least for the moment. So this may simply be a too early "April Fool's" joke. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Körber in ANF

Scout-Source Fixpack
The original source could not be compiled since an include file was missing. The actual pachage is now working. A Scout-fixpack exists for those who already downloaded the former package. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion Software

Heretic II status
Developing Heretic II is nearly at an end. If everything goes as planned, Heretic II will be released end of march/beginning of april. Amiga Format has rated the game 95% in a preview. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jarmo Laakkonen

New GCC includes
If you are getting strange crashes from vfprintf when using GCC PPC 2.95.1, you should install these replacement includes. Put these in lib/gcc-lib/ppc-amigaos/2.95.1/
newinc.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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László Török

MooVId Version 1.2 now with PPC support
Registered users can get a free update with PPC support from the author. Kontakt: László Török (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Executive Update
A new Executive Update has been posted:

March 10, 2000
Dear Friends:

With all of the continuing rumors out there, one would think that we were gone, or just spending the money that we raised on homes in Hawaii, or doing nothing.

I can assure you that this is not the case. As mentioned in the previous update, if you do not read it here do not believe it.

This months letter is going to be a long one, and I apologize in advance for the length. There is a lot of information here so take your time.

Recently I received an e-mail message that brought to my attention a sad reality.

When Gateway purchased Amiga in 1997 they made many promises, and in fact there were 6 different product announcements during their tenure. I was involved with two of them, QNX, and Linux.

While I believed that we were going to deliver on the two product versions that I was involved in, they did not materialize, and it has hurt many of you. The decisions to change or alter either of these announcements was not mine, but I was a part of the team that was involved in both. For this I am very sorry.

It is because of the reasons mentioned above that I promised not to say anything or announce anything until it was done, and ready.

I know that this is difficult, especially with the number of great people and Amiga companies who are feeling the continued strain, but I did not want to have us all go through any more false starts, and undelivered dreams.

April 1, 2000 is the date, and St. Louis is the place. This is the first opportunity for ``your'' Amiga company to present, demonstrate, speak, and see the first product to come out of Amiga - The new Developer System. In fact one lucky show attendee will win one of these systems.

With all of the above said; Another month, and a great deal of work has been completed. Many of you believe nothing is happening, I can assure you that a great deal has been occurring.

Amiga - ``So the World May Know''.

There have been some great new hires, many new partnerships and great progress as we are moving forward. There is more information about them mentioned below.



The first of course was the announcement with Tao-Group which has been moving along great. In St. Louis we will be showing the first round of the Amiga/Tao system. There is a great deal of work to be done, but we are far enough along to launch the new developer system for Tao at the show.

Haage & Partner

We have entered into a long term relationship with H&P that will provide API's and a path towards to the future OS. This includes new updated versions of Storm IDE. They have also committed to porting all of their software to the new platform.

We are also excited to work with H&P on a new version of the WarpOS that will allow the new Amiga to run on PPC accelerator cards. This means that an Amiga that has a PPC card running WarpOS will be able to run the new Amiga on that card! That's right. The new Amiga running on the current A1200s!

More on H&P will become public as we continue to move forward and work through the testing programs.

We are very excited about this relationship.


Hyperion and Amiga have entered into an agreement for the porting of the existing and new games to the new Amiga. This along with the great work that Ben and his team have done in working on a new 3D gaming engine for the new Amiga. They have been working very closely with the Amiga development team and Tao-Group to make the development of games for the Amiga a cut above the rest. We are very pleased to be have them as members of the new team.

Epic Marketing

Thomas Steiding has been a great supporter from the beginning. Epic has announced that not only will they be making their games available on the new system, but that they have secured the rights for many new games. More on Epic with a follow on announcement later.

There are many more partnerships that will be revealed in St. Louis with even more exciting news.


Where to start. I continue to receive hundreds of e-mails everyday, and while I am not the only one on the team who seems to be living on e-mail, we have not been able to answer as many as we would like.

We are listening, and working on many of your comments. Here are some of your concerns and what we have been doing to help:

Phase 5 and their recent changes.

We have been in contact with Mr. Thomas Dellert, and Mr. Stefan Domeyer, and we are working with both DCE, and Met@box to provide solutions for the Amiga market and we expect some great news soon. I can say that the conversations have been going very well, and we look forward to working towards an exciting future with both of these companies.

One of the key benefits with the relationships that we have been able to strike with both of these firms is their long term commitment to Amiga.

According to our initial conversations, and project plans we are working to ensure that the new Amiga will run on both of the PPC boards supplied by these companies.

We will be providing more detail in product announcements from both firms.

Dealer and distributors have been contacting us about their current situations and future plans.

In response to the many requests we have created the Amiga Dealer Network, or ``A D N''. Randy Hughes our VP of Sales (more about him later) sent out an e-mail message to over 300 dealers, and the response has been fantastic. Many dealers are ready to begin carrying the Amiga again, and more are very excited about the future. The A D N is a way for us to better communicate our plans, hear concerns, and work together to create a stronger Amiga. As I am sure that you will see there are great things to come from the A D N.

Remember that we plan on being able to run the New OS on PPC boards. Does your machine support that option?

Developers and the future development plans.

Training sessions at Tao-Group have been continuing for some months now, and we have a better relationship today than when we started, and we are more convinced than ever that our decision was the right one. There will be opportunity in St. Louis for others to see the Tao-System at work, and we look forward to seeing all of you there.

We also will be having a developer meeting in St. Louis on March 31st at 7:00pm. This is a developer only meeting, and we will be giving information about the hardware, software tools, and the developer support program. We know that there is going to great interest in this seminar to plan ahead and get there early as space is limited.

Please check the St. Louis show site, and the Amiga sites for more information.

Communication with the Amiga Community.

We have contracted with Equinox Design to create the new ``Amiga World'' newsletter. This will be available for free to all of the Amiga community. Initially this will be made available via the Internet from our new website and then (if demand merits) we will make a printed version. This is not in anyway in competition with the existing Amiga publications that currently are in print. This instead is targeted as a newsletter designed as a vehicle to help the community communicate better together. The Editor of Amiga World is Fletcher Haug, the former Editor and Publisher of the Amiga Informer. The first edition should be available within the first two weeks of April.

There are no advertisements, and we are using this as another method to get information out to all of you, and to help the publications that we have today.

More Communications with the Amiga Community.

As mentioned in the past update, I have reactivated the AAC. There have been some great discussions and great ideas to come out of the conversations to date, and they will be a great help in the future as we move forward. The members of the AAC are:

Christoph Dietz
Carsten Schroeder
Coner Kerr
Andrew Elia
Bill Panagouleas
Craig Delahoy
Ben Vost
Wayne Hunt
Don Hicks
Goetz Ohnesorge
Gary Peake
Kermit Woodall
Holger Kruse
Thomas Frieden
Juergen Haage
Thomas Raukamp
Heinz Wrobel
Wayne Martin
Thomas Svenson
Jeffery Rose
Randhir Jesrani
Trish Zlotek
Tom Lively
Cade Hannan
Luca Danelon
Guenter Horbach
Ian Greenaway
David Law
Paul Lesurf
Bill McEwen
Christian Kemp
Basil Flinter

We will soon be reactivating their mail accounts.

New Faces for the Team

There are many new people at Amiga, and we are excited about the team that we are continuing to build. Below you will find some specific detail on certain team members, here you will find the names and descriptions of the folks that I get to work the most closely with.

Randall P. Hughes - VP Sales and Strategic Business Development

Randy comes to us after being the VP of Sales at a very exciting Java technologies company ThinWeb. Randy and I worked together when he was my primary contact at QNX. He is a very skilled person with backgrounds in Banking, and technology. Randy understands the Amiga, and what the future brings. He has had business dealings with some of the strongest technology companies in the world. He was the person that QNX selected to open their first office in California. I know that you will enjoy meeting him in St. Louis.

Now the official comments that will be going up on the web site later;

Mr Hughes comes to Amiga directly from a Java based start up where he headed the sales and alliances function from inception to its filing for IPO on the NASDAQ exchange.

Randy was initiated to the Amiga community as the lead manager responsible for the relationship with Amiga during his tenure at QNX where he headed the expansion to Silicon Valley and into Southern California.

Randy was first and foremost a financier from his days at notable Canadian financial institutions, namely the Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank.

Randy was educated at the University of Ottawa, Canada and at Marlborough College in England.

Vincent P. Pfeifer - VP of Operations

Vince and I worked together for several years at ConnectSoft. Vince has an incredible ability to deliver products. I have seen him time and again walk into extremely difficult situations with very hard headed engineers and stupid marketing people, and deliver amazing products. I am very pleased that he has agreed to join us.

Here is his official web site description;

Vince Pfeifer has 14 years experience in the computer industry with the last 12 spent in the software area. Vince joins us from GraphOn Corporation where, as Vice President of Product Development and General Manager of GraphOn's Seattle based operations, he oversaw all Engineering resources for GraphOn's multiple development sites. During his tenure at GraphOn, sales tripled while product offerings doubled. Additionally, Vince helped oversee the merger that made GraphOn a publicly traded company whose Market Capitalization quadrupled in under a year.

Vince has hands-on experience building and managing software development operations as well as product management organizations. Vince has experience with both startup organizations (ConnectSoft, Exodus Technologies, GraphOn) as well as more established companies (Symantec).

Why I joined Amiga, by Vincent P. Pfeifer

Other than the belief that Bill McEwen could sell ice cubes to Eskimos, I joined Amiga to take on the challenge of turning a company's name and image that has become somewhat dated here in the United States into a top level, respected company in the computer industry. As I am coming off a successful venture in helping turn GraphOn into a publicly traded company with record revenues from the position of Vice President of Product Development, I was ready for a new set of responsibilities in more areas than Product Management and Engineering.

Amiga offers a challenge that I look forward to: build a company from the bottom up with the benefit of having name recognition and some technology already in place.

It is an opportunity to do something that I have wanted to do since my early days at 5th Generation when I sat on the Tech Support phones and listened to average users try to use relatively complicated software. I know that it sounds like a religious crusade, but I want to make computers easier for the masses, and with my position at Amiga, I have an opportunity to help influence that vision significantly.

Gary Peake - Director of Developer Relations and Support

My favorite man from Texas. Gary has already put thousands of hours of his life to support the Amiga, and the community worldwide. Now he has joined our team in delivering his years of experience and affection for the Amiga in supporting the efforts of the Amiga community.

Tarah Mallo - Reception and Office

Tarah is our first line of communication to the outside world. She has been working with the development team gathering information and support. As well as helping me to get organized. I will state for the record that the pictures of the original office were taken ``before'' she joined. Say hello to Tarah the next time you call.

Kari Erickson - Executive Administration

Kari is the person who will keep my life and travel plans in order. She is who you will get to speak to first before getting me, or any other member of the executive team. Kari joins us after leaving one of the very prestigious law firms here in the Seattle area, and I am sure that you can already feel her pain in having to deal with me on a day to day basis.

Susan Sutton - Director of Finance and Human Resources

Susan is going to take over the collection of funds, and the paying of bills. She is also the person who gets to deal with all of the employee complaints about Fleecy. Just kidding there are more complaints about me, than there are Fleecy.

Gordon Stone - Director of Information Services and Information Technologies

We refer to Gordon as the network man. Gordon got his start in computing by upgrading Amiga memory for recording studios in Oregon. He has since moved onto operating numerous systems, and is versed in all that is connectivity. Gordon actually will start in two weeks, but we wanted to introduce him now.

Operations in Germany - New Members on our team

Markus Grohmann - Order processing and EDP

Markus already has a family history with Amiga, as his brother used to work with us in Braunschweig. We look forward to working with Markus.

Barbara Nitzsche - Executive Assistant to Petro

With the addition of Barbara to our team in Germany we will be able to have Petro out more. Next time you call Langen say hello to Barbara and welcome her to Amiga.

Members of the Development Team

Dean Brown - Dean founded DKB weeks after the first A1000 came out and then spent the next 15 years designing and producing all manner of add ons, expansion cards and accelerators for the whole range of Amiga computers. He brings a deep understanding of the spirit and reality of the Amiga hardware, along with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of current and future projects. He will use this to help Amiga and its partners create multiple hardware platforms for the future.

Dave Taylor - Dave is another scouser, from Liverpool, UK, although he supports the wrong football team. He has spent the last ten years designing and implementing distributed manufacturing, control, and eCommerce systems for small, medium, and large companies across the globe, on Mainframe, Unix and Windows architectures. The last 3 years have seen him concentrating on distributed systems, databases, and n tier commercial systems. He brings commercial world experience, eCommerce expertise and formal methods with a refreshing new look on architecture to the company, and was also brave enough to try snowboarding with Wouter and myself.

Wouter van Oortmerssen - Wouter is a tall, dutch, quake master currently completing his doctorate at Southampton University. He has been an Amigan since the early 1990's and is most well known for the excellent Amiga E language and compiler that grew from a research project into a professional system. He is bringing a fresh look at language, conversation and interaction in the new Amiverse.

Andreas Kleinert - Andreas has worked for the last few years producing public domain, shareware, and commercial applications for the Amiga, PC and UNIX markets. For the Amiga market, Andreas concentrated on various graphics and datatype systems before taking up the challenge of lead developer for the SuperBase database product line. His deep knowledge of data storage, retrieval and indexing is core to creating a self describing and multi dimensional amiverse.

Trond Werner Hansen - Some people are leg men, others are face men. Trond is most definitely a face man - INTERFACE man 8-) Over the last seven years he has moved from small programs to enhance workbench, through completely reimplementing layers.library as SuperLayers, to developing a NG Amiga workbench system. With configurability and simplicity being central features for the Amiverse, Trond will be helping to redefine presentation and participation in digital worlds.

The Amiga Developer Support Network Crew!

Gary Peake <>

Gary has used and beta tested on most Commodore/Amiga computers from the Vic-20 to the A3000. His organizational, design, and testing skills will be a valuable asset to providing a unique, forward looking online developer support system that will set many "firsts" in the computer industry. And his association with Team Amiga will enable Amiga Inc. to provide a valuable multi-national scope to Amiga Developer Support. Gary has many years of experience with online web applications and will utilize his experience to provide an evolving Developer Support structure that will grow with us and our Amiga developers. Gary is also a current member of the 3D Development Team.

Gary will host our first Amiga DevCon in St Louis on Friday March 31st and will be there to answer questions on an individual basis through April 2nd. The full program details will not be announced until then, but all developers wishing more information should contact Gary Peake at .

For information on the time and place of the DevCon contact Bob Sharpe at

Ray A. Akey <>

Ray is the creator of CNet BBS for the Amiga Classic and has been programming for the Amiga for a number of years. Ray's understanding of all areas of product development from concept to coding to testing to finished product gives us a unique look at all areas of Amiga Developer Support needs. Ray's experience with Internet application programming will prove extremely helpful for the future of the Amiga. Ray will also be assisting in maintaining some of the online systems we will employ. Ray currently lives in Canada.

Götz Ohnesorge <>

Götz is one of the most aware Amigan's I know in dealing with cutting edge products and issues. He has been an Amiga user since they were first available. Götz is a quick study on high-end multimedia and new technologies. His expertise in getting the facts quickly and succinctly will aid us in all areas of developer support. He will be assisting in keeping information current and available for new developers in the several online systems we will be providing. Götz's knowledge of several languages will help the new Amiga Developer Support System to be truly multi-national. He is a current member of the Amiga 3D Development Team, as well. Götz currently lives in Germany.

Jonas Gustavsson <>

Jonas is a long time Amiga user and has excellent experience in programming, testing and using high-end digital/multimedia applications. He has worked with 64 bit Alpha's under heavy multi-media use. Jonas' primary areas of interest is digital graphics, high-end multimedia, video editing and titling, and he has experience working in the commercial tv and movie industry as well. Jonas speaks several languages as well and will be an exceptional asset to the Amiga Developer Support System in assisting us to be multi-national. He is also currently a member of the Amiga 3D Development Team. Jonas currently lives in Sweden.

More information.

We have spending a great deal of time on infrastructure and getting ready for the next wave.

New Building!

One of the first problems was in the area of Real Estate, we currently are in 600 feet with us bulging out the walls, and being located outside of a car wash has its benefits, but it is still rather annoying with all of the car stereos going at the same time outside your front door.

We are in the process of moving to our new world headquarters in Snoqualmie, Washington. The new address will be;

Amiga Incorporated
34935 SE Douglas Street
Suite 210
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
Telephone number +001 425.396.5660
Facsimile number +001 425.396.6551

We officially open the doors and are up and running on March 15th, 2000. However we will begin moving equipment, phones, servers, etc on Monday March 13th, 2000. This means that it may be more difficult to get in touch with over the next few days. We apologize in advance for any hardship this may cause.

New Web Site!

This is one of the number one items on the list, and the largest number of ``comments'' that we receive from the community.

We have been in process building a new web site for some weeks. The difficulty has been server location and time. We have now addressed both of these issues and we plan to have a new site up in the next couple of weeks.

A web site is a constant work in progress, so we look forward to your comments, and will continue to try and enhance the experience.

Final thoughts.

This letter does not cover all of the activities that are and continue to take place. There is so much more happening that I could spend days writing and still not keep up with it all.

We are extremely busy here, and could not be having more fun. The company and the people who have contacted us to support what we are doing have been in many cases overwhelming. We have several more partnerships that we are going to be announcing in St. Louis, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.

I recently asked a long time Amigan, and a member of the select team that worked with Jay directly the reason that Jay started this venture. I have heard many ideas as to what Jay ``really'' wanted to do, and many e-mails inform me that they know what Jay had planned all along. While I never had the chance of either meeting, or speaking with Jay I thought I would ask.

Simply stated ``Jay wanted to build the greatest home computing experience ever, for under 500.00''. I can tell you that his dream still lives with every member of this company, and we will deliver on his dream.

I thank each and every one of you for your continued support, and look forward to the future.

Keeping the faith,
Bill McEwen, and the rest of the Amiga team (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fax from Falke-Verlag

World of AMIGA & ATARI fair during may 2000
The Falke publication house are organizing the World of AMIGA & ATARI fair on 20th/21th of may in the city-hall of Neuss (near Düsseldorf). Since the price for a square meter is very low, a large number of participants are expected. Shareware authors can rent a display stand for only DM 150,-. Media agency J.H. Schüler from Kiel is responsible for the acquisition and the servicing of the exhibitors. Persons interested in exhibiting at the fair should contact them for further information. Tel. 0431/2059330 or Fax 0431/2059340. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marko Seppänen by eMail

Visual Engineering News
Visual Engineering are proposing plugins for Image Engineer. Once again there is a "Deal of the month". This time you can buy all of the plugins that have to be registered for a special price. Visual Border is surely most interesting. The plugins can be registered here. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto by eMail

Amiga Explorer 3.5 released by Cloanto
Amiga Explorer has been released 1997 as a part of the Amiga Forever package (Amiga Emulator for PC). The actual version 3.5 is the result of years of refinement and improvements. As a consequence to this Cloanto have now decided to release Amiga Explorer as a standalone product. Further informations can be found under the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Scharp by eMail

Amiga 2K - Special gifts to Banquet attendees!
The first 250 visitors at the "Banquet" at the Amiga 2K Show in St. Louis will receive a Gift. Here is the press release:

Amiga Inc. will be giving away a special gift to the first 250 attendees of the BANQUET. That's right, a free gift for attending what is already one of the highlights of the Amiga 2K show.

Come to the banquet, be one of the first 250 attendees, and receive a free gift from Amiga Inc. Sorry - can't say what it is, but I know you will be proud to have it.

Oh yes, did you hear... Amiga Inc. is donating a "Developer System" as a door prize, in addition to a Amiga 1200. Another A1200 will be given in a separate raffle Saturday as well, courtesy of Amiga Inc.

Don't forget to get your money in for the Banquet tickets. Mail a check or money order for $35 US to:

Amigan-St. Louis
PO Box 672
Bridgeton, MO 63044

Admission to Amiga 2K is in addition to the Banquet cost. It is as follows:

Two day admission - In Advance = $17 At door = $20
One day admission - In Advance = $12 At door = $15
Class tickets will be sold at the show only.

WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Scharp by eMail

Amiga 2K - Developers Conference
here will be a developers conference at the Amiga 2K (beginning of april in St. Louis). Here is the press release:

Developers wishing to develop for the newest and most experienced of the "Multimedia" and "Digitally Enlightened" Computers of the last two decades. Here's your chance to sink your teeth into development on a platform that is fun , challenging and with a known name in multimedia and video.

Amiga Inc. will conduct their first "Developers Conference" at the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis, MO. USA. If you are a current, past or future potential Developer for the Amiga Computer platform, you need to attend this conference.

Amiga Inc. will have all of their executives present to discuss the platform and answer questions. Experienced Amiga staff will present the "One on One" sessions. You need to attend, to get a hands on perspective of the newest and best platform development systems.

To be accepted for this conference, you must fill in the "Developers Form." Upon acceptance, you will be notified by Amiga Inc. Upon entry to the conference, you will be required to show a photo ID, and sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

Schedule of Conference

Friday March 31st, 6 PM - 8 PM - Introduction and discussions
Saturday April 1st, 2 PM - 4 PM - One on one meetings
Sunday April 2nd, 10 AM - 12 PM - One on one Meetings

Please go to the Amiga 2K show site, click on the "Developers Form" link and fill out the form. Amiga Inc. will review your form and email you as to your acceptance for this conference. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz in ANF

Aminet Paderborn down
As many have noticed already, the german Aminet server is down. However only the german server is concerned. The server in the USA, UK, Italy, Sweden... are still working. Those can be found on my GUI under the corresponding country flag on the UpLoads-Page.

One thing concerning a personal matter: The switching to SSI of my GUI will be delayed since my 10GB harddrive has broken down. I have been trying for a week now to make it work with the FastATA3 controller. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Steinborn in ANF

New stuff at AmiDog
New versions of AMP (1.32), Frodo (AmigaPPC rev 3) and SOPE (0.310) available at AmiDog.
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner by eMail

AmIRC V3.4 released
Download: amirc_34.lzx (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Bramm in ANF

New GL Quake version released
Version GL Quake 1.00 beta 6.1 for WarpOS/Warp3D has already been released on 6th of march.
Download: GLQuakeWOS.gz (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding by e-mail

Dafel: Bloodline
On the Epic website, in the Projects area, there are first informations about Dafel: Bloodline. The game is a classic action role playing game. Aside many other features, the game will be released in a RTG and an AGA version, offering extra graphics effects for fast CPUs and 3D effects like light, transparency and fog. Sound will be done with AHI support and Advanced FSG Audio System. If everything goes as planned, the game will be released in May, distributed by Pagan Games. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AWNPipe version 2.39 released
AWNPipe is a multi-functional device used by many programs.
Download: AWNP_2.39.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Schölzel by e-mail

CD32-Alliance news
Sharks! gets "powered by CD-32 Alliance"
CD32-Alliance will release the game "Sharks!", developed by Digital Design. More news about it can be found in the CD32 corner.

CD32-Corner updated again
Finally we were able to update the CD32-Corner after over a month. Due to a system failure, most of our files were deleted or couldn't be found again. But we did it, and the CD32-Corner is back with new links and the latest news about the CD32.

The team of the CD32-Alliance is looking for CD32-users willing to become active for the CD32 Alliance! Currently, we look for web designers and layouters, to rework the CD32 Corner of the CD32 Alliance, making it more user friendly and professional looking.
We are also looking for someone to continue updates of the "CD32 Cheats Guide", and someone to translate this guide to English.
Many many CD32 users sending in news and infos! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Some terminal programs (MMircoTerm, TermLite and AmigaTerm) have been ported to AROS. It looks like porting to AROS has become very easy :-). The according directory has grown from 5 to 10 MB last week. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz by e-mail

VHI homepage updated, and VHI driver for GVP IV 24 available
The VHI homepage has been updated. New are the logo area, and a page with pictures and informations about most supported cards.

A VHI driver for the GVP IV 24 digitizer is immediately available for free download from the VHI site. For using the driver, we recommend VLRec NG 4.0 :) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Neidhardt in ANF

EASys! customers: Important support information
My Amiga gets a nice working corner in the basement. Since there is not yet a phone connection available there, I am unavailable under the usual support address. If it's important, please contact me at EASys! is continously worked upon. Details are available at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch in ANF

Amiga User Group 99 - Update
The vote count for February has been completed, and a new vote for March has been installed. Additionally, our forum was opened. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michaela Prüß in ANF

Server failure
As one or another might have discovered already, the following URLs are currently unavailable: (search engine) and (my homepage). Several e-mail accounts and websites on and as well as several other domains located on the same server.

Reason: The cable modem connecting the server to the net has suddenly failed Friday evening. Sadly we have to wait for the provider maintenance to replace it, which will not happen before Monday. Even this was almost impossible to accomplish. We have created a mirror this week, however the IP routing is not yet active, and usually takes at least 48 hours (plus time shift to the US, since the second DNS is running there). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Current infos on the CamX/Camouflage project
Martin Endres is still looking for developers who want to develop audio/video/MIDI modules for CamX/Elate. Notation editor, sample editor, Uni-SysEx/editor and so on. As CamX has a modular concept, several (e.g. notation editors) could be added to the CamX packet. The user could decide then which editor he wants to use. Or he can use all at once. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ACT offers product licenses
ACT Albrecht Computer Technik offers production licenses for the Prelude Zorro boards and extensions. The license includes the following production rights: Prelude Z2, Arpeggiator digital IO, MPEGIt, MPEG audio decoder and Rombler MIDI interface. The license agreement can be downloaded as PDF file. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Warp3D V3.0
A first, preliminary version of the Warp3D v3.0 developer archive which does not yet contain support for vbcc, and a small update for the user archive are ready for download. FTP (Translation: mb)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amster version 0.5 released
Download: amster.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Davy Wentzler by e-mail

Audio Evolution website moved
The Audio Evolution website (audio harddisk recording program) can now be found at (title link). Please adjust your bookmarks. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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André Lorbach by e-mail

André Lorbach writes:
Some days ago I decided to release my latest music CD "uNDEFINABLE TUNEs" as MP3 for free download. The CD is available both on Aminet and directly from my homepage (download area).

I created my first AmigaAMP skin. It looks rather well for a first attempt, I am curious what you think about it. It can be downloaded from the link above. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Dellert by e-mail

DCE: BVision production successfully started
On March 9th, the first BVision boards have finished production. The cards will be shipped to Vesalia Computer, so pre-orders can be met ASAP. The Permedia-II chip now comes with a standard heat sink. This should remove temperatire problems. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Günther Horbach by e-mail

AWebII version 3.3 available as special upgrade version
AWeb-II version 3.3 is now available in two flavours. A full version for users that don't have a previous version of AWeb-II, and as an update for the users that already use the limited version that was included in OS 3.5. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Pagan Games

Pagan Games Member Area grows steadily
For some time now, Pagan Games is working on a complete user group on their website. The preparations are 80% finished. Currently, people are wanted for the developer forum that offer their code in e.g. C, Blitz or AMOS to newbies, and help explaining how games are written and what the subroutines are for. If you want to participate, contact There will be a chat room in the Member Area, too. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jarno Laakkonen

Update Lame MP3 encoder version 3.63 for WarpUp
Download: lame.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Metabox AG looking for programmers
As can be seen from the subject, we - Metabox AG - are looking for programmers short- and long-term for reinforcing our software team. We have several full-time job openings. The location is Hildesheim, Germany. We would prefer persons that already wrote software on the Amiga, and know the AmigaOS concepts. Of course you are free to apply even if you don't meet these criteria, if you meet the following:
  • Required:
    • Sufficient knowledge of the English language, e.g. you should be able to communicate both verbal and in writing.
    • Good to very good knowledge of the C programming language. Other languages, like Java, C++, Rexx, PERL etc. should at least been touched. You should be able to work with makefiles and complex source trees.
    • You must be a ble to work in a team, following given style guides and programming rules, working with a preemptive multitasking OS ;-). (This only briefly touches Linux.)
  • Helpful:
    • The ability to read and understand documentations of electronic parts and devices (network, CPUs, graphics and common peripherals), and convert them into functional driver software.
    • Knowledge of the AmigaOS concepts.
    • Basic knowledge of the 68k assembly language. It is sufficient to read them.
    • Knowledge in HTML, and XML.
    • A certain resistance to stress :-)
  • Working area:
    • Everything ranging from ultimate "low-level" subroutines up to applications, with personal preferences and abilities of course being taken into account.
If you are not yet scared away and looking for an interesting job, you should apply by e-mail at the following people:

A note from the translator: Since this was posted in a German newsgroup, and Metabox is a company located in Germany, firm knowledge of the German language wouldn't be a bad idea either. ;-) (mb) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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DarcNES update and new Sony Playstation emulator
On the AmiDog website, there is a new DarcNES/Amiga version 000308.
Download: dn9a0305.lha.

New in the emulator bunch is SOPE, a Sony Playstation emulator. Version 000308 is the first release. A graphics card is required. This version has no sound support yet.
sope301.lha. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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PlayGui News
At first, there is a new PLone version 1.2b. PLone is an add-on for PlayGui, which creates and maintains playlists like a database. PlayGui again is an add-on for the module player HippoPlayer and the sample player Play16. PlayGui gives these two programs an interface which can be easily customized with other graphics (skins). A number of new skins is available from the website. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Körber writes in ANF

Scout sources available
Since Andreas Gelhausen and myself won't continue development of the system monitor Scout, we decided to release the sources under the GNU GPL. They are available from my website and Aminet.
Download: Scout-src.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Status
Meanwhile more than 2000 games have been ported to AROS, since March 8th MAME is running with AROS :-). Have a look at the screenshots yourself.

An AROS Announce Mailinglist has been opened. More details on the mailinglist. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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