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Marco Miljak on ANF

StarGATE Newsletter 03/2001-1
The brand new, entirely reworked website of StarGATE Software was finished and put online and can be accessed at

The essential changes in very short and quickly:
  1. Entirely new (hopefully better) design.
  2. Easier to use and navigate.
  3. Main focus of the site is now exclusively the "Software" area, both for Classic Amigas and the new AmigaDE and for Java.
  4. The pages have been entirely translated into English language.
  5. StarGATE now has it's own domain.

As a matter of course some software products are available, too. Among those the initial AmigaDE programms by StarGATE. I hope you will like the new pages. Suggestions, critism, enhancement proposals, and hints of course are always welcome.

Finally some words about the software section in general: Since it is measurable that the Classic Amiga has had it's time and the new AmigaDE or AmigaOne are moving forward new developments mainly will be for the AmigaDE.

[News message: 22. Mar. 2001, 12:08] [Comments: 0]
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