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Thomas Unger via E-Mail

The Kickstart Archives V1.1
The most important innovation of version 1.1 of KICKSTART ARCHIVES is the integrated freeware-search-engine "S@lz&Pfeffer Leicht 1.0" by Rainer Eschen.

With the help of a pre-calculated JavaScript-file it is possible searching the websites offline on the CD-R. The search engine does not depends on platforms and is directly integrated in the index-tree of KICKSTART ARCHIVES. It is only expected a web-browser which supports frames and JavaScript-standard 1.1. There is a german spoken help function at any time. But there must be said that interpreting the ca. 8 MByte script-file when starting the search engine takes ca. 10 minutes on a 900 MHz Pentium III-system (WinME, IE 5). But each search for a string takes just ca. one second. (Remark: THE KICKSTART ARCHIVES themselves and images are put on a harddrive of Amiga 2000 with Blizzard 2060 and 64MByte RAM under AmigaOS 3.5. The images are burned with MakeCD 3.2.)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 14:06] [Comments: 0]
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