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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Achim Stegemann via email

Digital Almanac II bugfix update
Now there is a minor bugfix-update for Digital Almanac II available. The update can be downloaded from the homepage of the author.

Also beta-testers for DA III are wanted!
Send an application with a description of your Amiga and your knowledge via email to the author. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Wille

BPPCFix v1.4
BPPCFix v1.4 (27.03.2000) can now remove 68040/060.library, too.
Download: BPPCFix.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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68k assembler programer for Scalos wanted
Scalos developer archive to be re-released very soon (hopefully). We are looking for one more full time 68k assembler coder to help comment the huge main Scalos program and also fix bugs; send your offer to (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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BeOS 5 Personal Edition
As announced earlier BeOS 5 is now in a "Personal Edition" available for a free download. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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VNC-Server for Amiga released
Avnc is a brandnew VNC-server for the Amiga. Now, for example, it is possible to control WindowsNT-PCs with the Amiga via internet. More of this issue VNC you will find under Download:avnc-beta6.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Henk Jonas

MetaView 2.9 released
The solution for clip art users converts from WMF, CGM, GEM, DSDR, DR2D, DXF, XFIG, EPS, WPG, HPGL and CMX to EPS, CGM, GEM, DR2D, HPGL, WMF, JMF, AI, XFIG or ILBM. Also im- and exports AMF (see AmigaMetaFileFormat). Download: MetaView.lha - MetaView.readme (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Kühn in ANF

AmigaPeople on the Net
This is a list of Amiga users, where any Amiga user can add himself, to provide help and support to Amiga users nearby. This list is international, and not limited to the German language countries. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert by e-mail

akMPEG v4.401 released
Audio support has been improved.
Download: akMPEG4.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Funke by e-mail

PowerPC-World News
The PPC software list of the PowerPC World at Haage & Partner recieved an update. 44 new entries are listed. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute

Don't expect too much...
Some thoughts on the upcoming Amiga 2K. Not as negative as it might sound, but some facts to consider:

Don't expect too much - Thoughts by Martin Baute

In three days it will happen. On the "Amiga 2K" in St. Louis, USA, the new developer boxes are presented to the public.

It really seems like, for the first time since the AGA chipset, announcements of a new Amiga technology will be indeed followed up by a real product.

With interest I followed the enthusiastic expectation expressed on mailing lists, chat rooms etc. I hate to pull the brake on this enthusiasm, but I have to call out to many Amigians: Don't expect too much!

To prevent the big outcry after this weekend, "we have been fooled", "Bill and Fleecy aren't better than the people before", I want to have a critic eye on what we are up to.

The hardware that will be displayed in St. Louis will not be different from an off-the-shelf PC. Yes, that means x86. This won't change in the foreseeable future, since Amiga doesn't have a choice.

Yes, I hear the cry: PPC! But where to get one? The only manufacturer of high-power PPC systems in significant numbers is Apple - and their systems are not only more expensive than their x86 counterparts, but also much less documented. Apple simply doesn't tell every anybody all the details of their motherboards, as Be came to realize painfully.

The POP PPC boards by IBM? Except for the one I saw at the Amiga booth in Cologne, I haven't seen one so far. They are real, for sure. But where to get one, for which price?

So swallow the pill and take a x86 board. Let's face it: why not? The CPUs are no beautys, but they offer x times more performance than any (existing!) Amiga PPC boards, they are cheap, and available from the retailer around the corner.

(Well, I see, certain people from the Amiga community will likely hang myself after this article...)

Graphics? Be real, no company in the world can hope to outperform the big players in the business, ATi, Matrox, nVidia, 3DFx etc. just like that. And they, in turn, will most likely not offer some kind of miracle chip exclusively to Amiga.

So we have to settle with "standard hardware" in this area, too.

So what's special about the developer boxes at all?

Software, of course. But what kind of software will that be? If you think about it, you should realize that these systems won't show the new Amiga Desktop.

For one, it would be a miracle if, after a few (three? four?) months of cooperation with the TAO Group, it would be already finished. And if it would, they would ship user devices instead of developer boxes.

What will be running on the developer boxes will be Elate, the real-time core from TAO. Perhaps natively, perhaps "hosted" on e.g. Linux. (And in case McEwen pre-installed Windows on the Amiga developer boxes, I will travel to the USA myself to send him to the asylum.)

This will be supplemented by a documentation of the Elate and intent architectures (intent is the "multimedia layer" from TAO), probably a special version of GCC and a bunch of Includes.

Or, to put it an Amigian way: It will not be the successor of the OS3.5 CD, but the successor of the Amiga Developer CD.

Developers will be happy to get a glance on "the insides". For users, the developer boxes will most likely be as (un-)interesting as the last Cheapo-PC.

The fact that hardware is shipped together with the software at all is to avoid developers having to write drivers for their XY card with ZZ chip at first; at the same time, you don't have to specify your hardware configuration at length when sending in a bug report...

"But when the first end-user products are released, everything will be fine, wouldn't it?"

Sorry I have to pull the brakes on this one, too - no it won't. At least not automatically.

Even if all programmers from the Amiga community get themselves a developer box (and many will not, if not simply for cost considerations); even if ALL existing Amiga software would be available for the new machines in a new version, starting from day 0...

...that would be great for us, and a real miracle. But would it lead to the PC user next door getting himself an Elate-Amiga-whatever instead of upgrading his system?

Your friend wants to buy the PC with monitor, Windows, Word, and Works for 999 USD. Can you (without guilty conscience) recommend buying an Elate-Amiga with Monitor, Elate, AmigaWriter and TurboCalc, PPaint and MUIbase for 999 USD instead?

Yes, I hear ye: It will be much cheaper, because being much more efficient with the ressources.

Sure, and again the Amigians tell the world that AmigaOS is happy with a half-as-fast CPU because being efficient. Don't you remember the sorry glances?

It will take time. It will take the support of software manufacturers porting PROFESSIONAL applications to the Elate-Amiga. It will take applications that, in their elegance, efficiency, and their usefullnes aren't POSSIBLE on any other platform. It will take an unparalleled marketing campaign, and I don't know who will pay for it. It will take strong partners, supporting Amiga financially - because the startup money brought together by Bill and Fleecy won't take forever.

It will take a lack of attention from the competition, with their large amounts of "operative cash" and their monopolistic stranglehold, which could crush the small startup in no time.

You could read from between the lines of the Executive Update that Bill and Fleecy already have big-player companies at hand - just for getting confirmation on this (and to hear names) makes looking at this weekend's happenings at St. Louis worthwhile.

And, after the many years of hoping, waiting, holding out: It will take programmers porting their tools and applications to the new machines with full enthusiasm, with no regard for the collapsing "Classic" market.

Some will say: "I have done my part for the Amiga, now others should take the lead." God knows, I could spend my time with more pleasant things than hours of translations.

But right NOW is the moment when it will be decided: Have the years of holding out been worth it? Right NOW the developers have to take the chance to provide the plattform "new Amiga" with desperately needed software right from the start.

Even if it becomes a success, probably only a few will make the big money with it. But to say now that it won't be a success anyway means saying the recent years went to waste.

And in the last, it will need users more than anything else, spending their money on buying these tools and applications together with the new hardware; creating the foundation for the new users that might follow.

Don't expect too much. But do what you can!

Martin Baute (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Thomas Dellert (DCE)
Read this interview with Thomas Dellert (DCE), done by Petra Struck on March 29th, 2000, clarifying the availability of PowerUP products:

Interview with Thomas Dellert, DCE
Author: Petra Struck
Interview partner: Thomas Dellert, DCE Computer Service GmbH, Oberhausen, Germany
Translator: Martin Baute What is the scheduled date for shipping the following products with P5 licence?

Thomas Dellert:
  • BVision: Over 100 already shipped to Vesalia. We ship finished cards daily.
  • Cybervision PPC: Production started last Friday.
  • Cybervision64 3D (bugfixed Version): The first 100 were shipped to Vesalia on March 28th.
  • Cyberstorm MKIII Boards: The first boards were shipped Friday.
  • Cyberstorm PPC604e Boards: We just recieved 400 604-233. I hope we will be able to ship the first boards in the next 10 - 14 days.
  • Blizzard PPC603e Boards: The circuits boards are already in storage. Sadly the delivery of CPUs and CPLDs is being delayed. Why those big delays? What problems did DCE had to fight?

Thomas Dellert: The worldwide shortage of parts is a big problem right now. Here only some exsamples:
  • SMD Kondensator 1 NF. Delivery time 20 weeks.
  • CPLD Logik Chips. Delivery time about 24 weeks.
  • SGRAM for BVision. Delivery time about 15 weeks.
  • Tantal Elkos. Delivery time !!!!! Not this year..... Is there a plan to continue the G4 plans from P5, or has DCE put these to a rest once and for all?

Thomas Dellert: G4 isn't on the list for now. The CPUs probably won't be available this year. Is there a plan of developing new graphic cards?

Thomas Dellert: If we hadn't recieved the Permedia II chipsets, this certainly would have been an issue. Is there contact between DCE and Bill McEwen? If so, can you tell us something about it?

Thomas Dellert: We are in contact. It's about technical details of the PPC boards. I cannot say more about it at this time. The DCE website is partially availalable in German already, will the rest be translated too, and what is particulary interesting, will there be a "news" site, where everybody can see what's new at DCE?

Thomas Dellert: We are working on it. I hope to complete the site in the next 14 days. Will DCE attend the Amiga & Atari show in Neuss, June 2000?

Thomas Dellert: All products will be offered there by Vesalia Computer. We hope that this time we have plenty of stock. Will other retailers recieve products too, or will the hardware only be available from Vesalia in the future?

Thomas Dellert: Vesalia will for sure also ship to other retailers. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The AAA Award for USA will be given to the winner on the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ami Sector One

New rare demos at Ami Sector One
At Ami Sector One, some very rare demos can be found which are not available on Aminet or Funet. Among others, you can download e.g. "Gate Megademo 1" and "Gate Megademo 2" form the group "Gate" from there. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga News now in French, too :-)
The team from AmigaImpact, under the leadership of Stéphane "SteaG" Campan volunteered to translate our news to French :-).

AmigaImpact already offers Amiga news in French since October 1999. This way, a wonderful cooperation begins, since we can provide each other with news about Amiga, making up a perfect match :-). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer in ANF

A/NES CGX version 1.18 released
Download: anescgfx.lha - 90 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr in ANF

Amiga & Atari show, Neuss - website now online
As already previously announced, the show has been relocated to the weekend from June 10th to 11th, 2000. More info about the "World of Alternatives" is now available at the title link.

Everything with a name will attend the show: Amiga Germany, Vesalia, KDH, Epic Marketing, Haage & Partner, Schatztruhe, Titan Computer, RBM, Individual Computer, Dreieinhalb-Computer, ACP & TCP, and of course the host, Falke Verlag. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel in ANF

Help forum for CD32 users opened!
At the title link, a new forum for CD32 users has been opened. If you have problems with the CD32, want to buy / sell CD32 games or hardware, you are at the right place there. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Etzrodt in ANF

Sharks! CD32-Edition no longer "Powered by CD32-Alliance"!
At this place, I want to announce that the upcoming CD32 game Sharks!, coded by Christian Steiner, is no longer supported (powered) by the CD32 Alliance. I don't want to name reasons at this place.

Current information about the games progress can be gathered directly from the programmer:, or simply his homepage at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer by e-mail

Java-Installation for Linux and Wind*ws
The documentation about the installation of java was extended. Now there are different sections which describe how to install Java® (JRE® 1.2.x) and Swing® under Linux and under Wind*ws. Additional there are some special scripts for Wind*ws available which make the installation very easy - only some mouseclicks are necessary now.

(Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer by e-mail

JavaRunner 1.1 for Linux (PPC and 86x86) and Wind*ws
The new version 1.1 is now available. A bug was removed which took effect only under Linux and some special abilities were included. So the JavaRunner now tries to create the CLASSPATH-environment-variable if it doesn't exists. Additional V 1.1 works perfect with the new JRE® 1.2.x. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme in ANF

Amiga University wants you!
Amiga University needs your support for several areas:

Author: Kevin Orme
URL: Amiga University

Hello fellow Amigans.  I would like to take but a moment of your time to notify you of a new site that isn't quite done yet, but is definitely on the way and hopefully will be able to help *all* of you use your Amigas to the nth degree, as they were designed to be used. 

Due to the excitement being generated by this year's Amiga2K show, we wanted to announce our presence just before the show to jump on the bandwagon.  As Bob Scharp likes to say, Amiga2K is going to be HUGE!

The site is called Amiga University, and located at  We are currently looking for the following:

1) Visitors to the site, primarily Amiga users from around the globe who want to use their Amiga in new, different ways as well as expand on their existing knowledge of current interests.  Refer to the News page for the sections of the site already done vs. those still under construction (we're about halfway there at present);

2) Faculty for the university.  If any of you have specific Amiga knowledge or experience and would like to share it, please visit our Faculty pages and climb on board, we'd love to have you.  It doesn't matter if your expertise is in hardware hacks, Lightwave animation or MIDI wizardry, the more the merrier!

3) We have other 'projects' we'd like to get underway as soon as feasible.  Please visit our Projects page and decide if you're interested in helping on these/leading others.

4) Finally, we will be at Amiga2K, sharing a booth with Northwest Amiga Group (NAG).  Please stop by!  We'll have mousemats and hats for sale, as well as faculty sign up forms and anything else Amiga you want to talk about, we're all ears.

See you at Amiga2K!

Kevin Orme (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Grzegorz Juraszek by e-mail

New print magazine in Poland
I would like to inform you and all Amiga users that we have started publishing a new paper Amiga magazine in Polish. It is called "eXec" (48 pages, with CD) and will be released on April 8th, 2000 at Amiga Meeting 2000 fair in Lodz. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC & TCP looking for graphic artists and programmers
We are urgently looking for an excellent graphics artist to work on the Pulsator project. Please contact by e-mail.

Additionally, we could need a good Blitz Basic programmer with experience in writing games. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Efim Shuvikov by e-mail

IBrowse2 extension
First big support for IBrowse2. This project allows IBrowse to view the sites which uses dynamic fonts technology (tag FONT FACE). Expand your IBrowse2.2 with Cascading Style Sheets. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll by e-mail

AFD-Copyright news
Here some news on the project "AFD-Copyright"TM or "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"TM. This copyright notice is an offer to all Amiga developers wanting to release FD-Software, be it freeware, giftware, shareware or whatever.

AFD-Copyright is now available in fifteen (15!) languages - in two formats each, plain text or HTML file. The latest extension has been the Russian translation by Andrew Boyarintsev and Oleg Sergeev.

The files can be downloaded from the Official Support Site for AFD-COPYRIGHT - single file or complete archive. The address is (title link).

The webmasters among you are asked to add this to your hotlist. If should be offline again, you can also find the site directly at (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Sharp by e-mail

Amiga 2K Banquet Ticket Announcement
Amiga 2K - Press Release - March 27, 2000

The Amiga 2K show is fast approaching. With more exhibitors and advance ticket sales than ever before. It is shapping up to be a great show.

Be certain to check the web for information about the Banquet. We have been able to secure the ability to sell tickets to the Banquet right up to Saturday, providing we don't sell out. Tickets are limited, so if you want to be absolutely positive you get one, send your check via overnight mail to:

Amigan-St. Louis - PO Box 672 - Bridgeton, MO 63044

Banquet tickets are $35 each. Check or money order only please.

See you at the show! - Bob Scharp (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Support by e-mail

New software for MROOCHECK PC-Wheel-Mouse-Interface by Elbox
New software for Wheel support for MROOCHECK PC Mouse Interface. Also included in this release is FreeWheel - the commodity which converts wheelmouse events into scrollbar movement or cursor key movements. It can also map several useful functions to the wheel button, and a fourth mouse button. Read more in ReadMeFirst.

The Mroocheck interface guarantees full compatibility of these devices with Amiga computers (wheel and extra button functions included). The basic advantage over the solutions, which are based around connecting mouses to the Amiga serial port is that a mouse/trackball connected through the Mroocheck interface is active as soon as in the early-startup-menu, not only after the computer software drivers are started. Obviously enough, Mroocheck does not block the serial port in Amiga.

Download: Mroocheck10FW11b.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Recent

New Aminet uploads
catalog.lha          biz/dbase   32K+Create a database of your disks or CDs (
OnyxBase.lha         biz/dbase  110K+Great address book manager with lots of 
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo    74K+V0.8.0b Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO
MoneyManager.lha     biz/misc   159K+A new improved version of the nice and f
DCF77update.lha      biz/patch  587K+Update for DCF77 3.0-3.9 to 3.10
amirc.lha            comm/irc   799K+Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v3.3)
amirc_68000.lha      comm/irc   223K+68000/OS2.x version of AmIRC (v3.4)
MagicFile_46r3.lha   comm/maxs  168K+Automated file menus & MUCH more, 4.6r3
TATty.lha            comm/misc   42K+Internet Dial Cost By Mak41 V1.20 Italia
AMarquee50.lha       comm/net   259K+V50.11 TCP Data Broadcast System (librar
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   325K+V1.32 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
nullsana.lha         comm/tcp    33K+Mac/Amiga connection Sana2 V2 device
YGM.lha              comm/tcp   129K+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
TASC.lha             comm/thor   29K+Thor Automated Spam Complaint script v2.
CheckHTML.lha        comm/www   204K+Checks HTML files
crs-brsg.lha         demo/aga   253K+BrainSurgery demo by CoRRoSioN
crs-ss3.lha          demo/aga   138K+Ss3 invitation intro by CoRRoSioN
wpz-frozen27.lha     demo/aga   579K+Frozen#27 - TRSAC Party Edition
crs-40kin.lha        demo/intro  48K+40k intro pack intro by CoRRoSioN
crs-alife.lha        demo/intro 130K+AnotherLife boardtro by CoRRoSioN
crs-crime.lha        demo/intro 202K+'crime does not pay' dentro by CoRRoSioN
crs-down.lha         demo/intro  82K+'down with the blue' intro by CoRRoSioN
crs-lqs.lha          demo/intro  67K+Liquid Sky boardtro by CoRRoSioN
crs-party.lha        demo/intro  87K+'crs party intro' by CoRRoSioN
crs-xtcf.lha         demo/intro  17K+Ecstacy boardtro by CoRRoSioN [v1.2]
DKG-ST14.lha         demo/mag   2.7M+Showtime 14 by Darkage!
Oepir10.lha          demo/mag   398K+Oepir Risti issue 10
FirstExt.lha         dev/amos     1K+Little Extension AmosPro (Balrog Soft)
clockita.lha         dev/basic   48K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
PMM.lha              dev/c      1.2M+Project-Make-Manager (PMM) for vbcc
mpega_in_e.lha       dev/e        4K+Example how to use mpega.library with Am
Python152_Doc.lha    dev/lang   817K+Python 1.5.2 documentation (HTML)
flexy.lha            dev/misc    67K+FLEXY v1.1  A very user-friendly GUI for
Flexy.lha            dev/misc    86K+FLEXY 1.2  A very user-friendly GUI for 
MCC_MysticView.lha   dev/mui     96K+MysticView custom class for MUI
IdentCDR.lha         disk/cdrom  18K+Identifies CD-R/W media (update!)
fat95.lha            disk/misc   40K+Win95/98 compatible file system
PFS-Defrag10.lha     disk/misc   19K+New defragmenter for PFS disks
PFS3ud.lha           disk/misc  216K+PFS3 undelete 
SV-Discount.lha      docs/anno    5K+Shareware bundle and RegNet information 
AIOV34.lha           docs/mags  315K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 34 (Marc
AFD-Files1-15.lha    docs/misc  137K+Standard Copyright Note in 15 languages
jafeb00.lha          docs/misc   53K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
freeciv.lha          game/2play 824K+Amiga Version 1.9 => Freeciv 1.10.0
sharksmulti.lha      game/actio 323K+Great Action-diving OCS/AGA ! V1.4
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (12 Marc
Foundation_dt.lha    game/data    5K+Alternate German catalogs for Foundation
AmiUHS_12.lha        game/hint   18K+V1.2, Universal Hint System (UHS) Reader
SaveEd.lha           game/misc   94K+Universal save game editor
WormWars.lha         game/misc  683K+WormWars 5.5: Advanced snake game
Frotz232r11.lha      game/role  241K+Infocom game interpreter
YAGAC.lha            game/role  416K+Graphic adventure creator v0.8b (Balrog 
MadMatrix.lha        game/think  15K+Hard MUI game with very simple rules. ( 
MUI_FreeCell.lha     game/think 285K+Amiga MUI version of well-known solitair
CMNDR-ImageFX.lha    gfx/ifx     66K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  309K+V1.41 PSX MemoryCard Reader
A4k2towerDIY.lha     hard/misc  3.3M+Convert your A4000 desktop to tower!
Basic35Manual.lha    misc/emu   172K+Commodore Basic 3.5 manual
BlackUnZipGui.lha    misc/emu    29K+A Gui for Zip-Files with password
BSNES9xGui.lha       misc/emu    70K+A great gui for SNes9x
BSNESGui.lha         misc/emu    69K+A great gui for WarpSNes
BSNESMagyar.lha      misc/emu     3K+Hungarian Catalogs for BlackSNESGui
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   210K+THE Multi-Emulation system, support for 
imdbDiff000303.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000310.lha   misc/imdb  1.4M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000317.lha   misc/imdb  1.7M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
MoonDial.lha         misc/sci    33K+Graphically shows the moons phase. V1.4
adt.c                misc/unix   78K+Aminet Download Tool 2.5, minor update
Midnight.mpg         mods/elbie 2.0M+Midnight in Mordor [Dark Classical] by E
l_basis.lha          mods/jungl 385K+Drum & Bass flavor
L_BASIS.lha          mods/jungl 385K+Drum & Bass flavor
twig_neve.lha        mods/med   323K+NeverFinished, a tune by DJTwiglet
vdo_scot.lha         mods/techn 402K+the 44th voodoo release
XGMain1.6.lha        mus/midi    69K+New XGMainEdit for YAMAHA XG-Devices
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc    55K+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
amiga.jpg            pix/art     19K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
amiga1200.jpg        pix/art     26K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
balloon.jpg          pix/art     10K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
lightmyfire.jpg      pix/art     12K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
YeehaaAmigaBk.lha    pix/art    148K+Rachel Raccoon pictures by Leslie Dietz
Alien_vs_Borg.jpg    pix/mark   600K+Borg vs. Alien - Who is more dangerous?
Ambassador.jpg       pix/mark   534K+My first PPC-rendered Picture
Enterprise-C.jpg     pix/mark   302K+Enterprise-C in outer space (Star Trek)
IkeWB1.jpg           pix/wb     125K+800x600-16 OS3.5 WB featuring OpusMI
BareED.lha           text/edit  129K+A simple text-editor for the use of non-
APT-Watch.lha        util/batch   4K+Execute command upon file change (v1.00)
GatewayTools.lha     util/cli   936K+Various tools for use in CLI
StarDate.lha         util/cli   124K+StarDate-Clock (CLI) for free use
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   847K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 193K+AkJFIF-dt V44.78 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
akNAIL-dt.lha        util/dtype 106K+AkNAIL-dt V44.10 (NAIL, 68000-060)
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 201K+AkPNG-dt V44.78 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
akTIFF-dt.lha        util/dtype 206K+AkTIFF-dt V44.78 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/W
GatewayLibrary.lha   util/libs   83K+Shared Library with many functions
SetTaskPri.lha       util/moni   17K+Sets the priority of a task/process. (MU
DRemind.lha          util/time  118K+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.53!
SetDST.lha           util/time   62K+Adjusts time for Daylight Saving Time
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

AIO issue 34 finished
Mark Tierno releases his first issue as AIO editor.
Download: AIOV34.LHA (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Toms Commodore Emulation Website
Tom has recieved permission by Dave Haynie to post some of his videos from his time at Commodore, West Chester, PA as .mpg. All in all, six different .mpg files are available for download. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Schmidt by eMail

Linux concepts: device management under Linux
The free Linux information service put the third part of the Linux concepts series online. This part is covering the device management under Linux. The text is as usual available in the Dokumentation / Konzepte area. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Plantamiga by eMail

Planetamiga Austria presents a completely renewed online offer
Planetamiga is proposing a completely reworked and at the same time the first Amiga online shop featuring a shoppingkart system in Austria since today. After the former version of the Planetamiga site had somewhat aged, Planetamiga decide to realise a completely new idea. The design and structure of the page is decent, but the contents is expandable.

Most interesting for austrian Amiga users might become the Planetamiga-Newsletter which does not only send actual information about the Amiga directly to the private mailbox, but will also inform about the most recent deals. Planetamiga is also planning a bannerfree Webinterface for webmasters. Since this is not ready it will not be described yet. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Klopsch in ANF

Hardware meeting of the IMAGE usergroup
On the 1st of april there will be a hardware meeting in Nürnberg, Mannertstrasse 10 (side entrance JVA) beetween 09:00 and 24:00 h. If you want to attent please contact Jörg Karisch ( or Tel.: 0911-317459. You can also get a road description there. Don't forget your extension leads and plugs. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Scharp by eMail

Amiga 2K Press Release
The big Amiga 2K Show in St. Louis will begin on Saturday. Find a list of all the events and happenings at the show under The full press release:

From:            Bob Scharp
Subject:         Amiga 2K Press Release - Events page now up on website

Amiga 2K
Press Release

April 25, 20000

The "Events and Schedule" page is now up. You can find out
all the exciting things planned for the Amiga 2K show in
St. Louis, MO. USA by visiting our web site at:

Then click on the link to the "Events" page.

Lots of classes and seminars are listed for Saturday April 1
and Sunday April 2. Plus other items of interest for
developers and exhibitors on listed for Friday March 31st.
More will be added soon.

If you're a Developer for Amiga software or hardware, you
should consider attending the Developer Conference being
held on Friday. Check out the page and click on the "DevCon"
button to get to the Developer Form.

If you are an Amiga user, and haven't decided to attend yet,
now's the time to do so. Check the classes and seminars. I
know you will find items that will interest you. Check the
list of exhibitors. More will be added Sunday too. There
are more exhibitors than last year. Lots of door prizes too!

See you at the show. The largest Amiga show in the Americas.

Bob Scharp

Bob Scharp,                   ____
Amigan-St. Louis           /\         |___|   || //
P.O. Box 672              //\\           ||   ||//
Bridgeton, MO 63044      //__\\          ||   | /
U.S.A.                  /_____ \        //    ||\\
                       //      \\      //     || \\
                      //        \\    //__    ||  \\
                     //          \\  |____|   ||   \\

WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE!
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto by eMail

Amiga Forever News
Some news about the Amiga Forever CD Cloanto. First there are new files for the Amiga Forever 3.0 CD. There are new links to legal download sites for classic Amiga games and softwares on the Amiga Forever Homepage.

From:        " Information"
Subject:     Amiga Forever News from Cloanto (Always Hot, Never Vaporware!)
Date:        Sun, 26 Mar 2000 11:35:29 +0200


While some of the most enthusiastic (and lucky) emulation users are
reporting faster-than-060 Amiga speeds on their new GHz-class PCs,
Cloanto just made available a new set of Amiga Forever 3.0 files at The Amiga Forever home page also includes new
links to legal downloads of classic Amiga games and other software.

Amiga Forever Online Edition is now also available in a convenient
cross-platform ZIP archive. All Amiga ROM, Workbench and the preinstalled
System and Work configurations are ready to run on any platform for which
the UAE or Fellow Amiga emulators are available (e.g. Linux, Mac, DOS, etc.)
As our users already know, Amiga Forever includes a legal and official
license to all Amiga technology (patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.)
which is implemented in the resulting emulation configuration.

Both the Windows and the cross-platform version of Amiga Forever were
brought up-to-date with the latest versions of the bundled third-party
software, and are now being released after extensive tests. The WinUAE
emulation software has also been updated. The Workbench now opens in an RTG
screen mode by default, resulting in a faster system. Also, Martin R.
Huttenloher, author of MagicWB, kindly allowed us to use his original color
scheme, so that the Amiga Forever Workbench environment, without further
changes or add-ons, can now properly display both NewIcons, GlowIcons and
MagicWB icons. This is something which not even "Amiga OS 3.5" can do!

The new Amiga Explorer 3.5 software, which can be used to connect an Amiga
to one or more Windows systems, is available alone for $19.95, or included
in either the Windows or the cross-platform version of Amiga Forever, which
cost $29.95. The Amiga Forever Plus Pack, which includes a collection of
additional ROM and Workbench files of historical interest, and an interview
(MP3 audio) with the late Jay Miner, "Father of the Amiga", is available at
the special promotional price of $9.95 with every order of Amiga Forever.


Amiga Forever Home Page

Amiga Explorer Home Page

Cloanto Logo Graphics


Cloanto Home Page

(Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Gruner by eMail

New tip by Ralf Gruner - floppydisk backup
Ralf Gruner send us concise instructions and a small script to created floppydisk backups. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dhomas Trenn by eMail

Press release: Commander-ImageFX (configurable GUI)
Commander by Dhomas Trenn is a software which creates configurable graphical user interfaces for other softwares. Actually Dhomas has adapted his software fo ImageFX:

From:          Amiga News: Press Announcements
To:            Amiga News: Press Announcements
Date:          Sun, 26 Mar 2000 15:09:41 -0400
Organization:  young monkey studios
Subject:       Announce: Commander-ImageFX (Customizable GUI)

About Commander
One of the drawbacks of many programs is the lack of a customizable
user interface. Functions, such as ARexx scripting and plug-ins, often
have to be started via file requesters or multi-level menus. This
approach can slow down your workflow - and often hinder your creative

ImageFX, for example, lacks a customizable (or updated) command
interface. When new modules/hooks scripts are added to the program
(home-made, pd, shareware, or commerical) you're required to select
those functions through a file requester or other means. This can slow
down the creative process. Commander is the solution to that problem.

- Can control any program that has an ARexx command set. A "GENERIC"
  demo is available to demonstrate Commander's capabilities regardless
  of what application you want to use it with. If you have an
  application that you would like to see Commander support for, please
  let us know.

- Commander is currently available for: ImageFX. See special features

- Extensive customization allows the user to design multiple
  interfaces for all kinds of different approaches to working.
  Just about everything is customizable, including: layout, fonts,
  gadgets, colors, images, etc.

- Openable on any public screen. Can be run multiple times on the same
  screen and/or on different screens, each with a different or same GUI.

- Can control more than one application from one GUI.

- GUIs are designed external to the main program. This minimizes memory
  requirements and increases the interface speed.

- Includes useful examples and tutorials to get you started. Example
  files can be modified to meet your needs, or new interfaces can be

ImageFX Features
- Works with any version of ImageFX under WB2.x or higher.

- Full control of ImageFX via it's ARexx command set. Now you can have
  immediate access to all those extra hooks and effects that aren't part
  of the standard ImageFX GUI.

- Commander can start automatically when ImageFX starts. Quitting
  Commander can also quit ImageFX.

- Can be run multiple times on different screens, for multiple
  simultaneous iterations of ImageFX.

What Will Commander Do?
Commander allows you to customize your own GUI for supported
applications, giving you the ability to directly access your favourite
ARexx commands, scripts, and plug-ins in a way that works best for you.

If you use a large screen (1280x1024) you may wish to have numerous
independently movable panels of grouped commands. If you use a smaller
display (640x400) you may prefer to have a page flipping type
interface. Or you may want to have multiple configurations for
different kinds of workflow. Commander can do it all.

What Won't Commander Do?
Commander won't help you to be creative, but it will help your creative
flow by avoiding the hinderance of a cumbersome GUI.

- WB 2.x+
- Text editor
- A supported application (see above)

FOR MORE INFORMATION and to download a demo

dhomas trenn

---------------------------------------------------------------    -
797 Mitchell Street, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3S8, Canada
Phone:  (506) 459-7088
-------------------------------------- young monkey studios ---
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Kimna by eMail

Prerelease of the FTP client ATC
A new prerelease of the fantastic FTP client AmiTradeCenter by Matthias Böcker has been available for a couple of days now. The software is very performent, is very stable and has extended configuration possibilities; even a Tetris game, to shorten the download time, and a graphical CPS display have been build in. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by eMail

APC&TCP has a new URL
APC/TCP has got a new URL from now on: and Andreas Magerl a new eMail adress: Andreas is available as usual from now on.

Please correct your bookmarks, link pages and mailing lists. Members of the club, who have got a hompage at APC/TCP, should consider that their URL has changed too: (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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A.G.N.U.S is a new link directory "Amiga Emulation Directory" which covers the subject of emulation. There you can also read the interview with Dominic Schmidt and Torsten Giebl, authors of the Fellow project. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: The mighty magician

Please use this occasion to visit the homepage of cartoonist Torsten Dudai. Torsten has redesigned and completely reworked his site recently. You can read how caricatures are created for example. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Konrad in ANF

Indiana Jones 4 part 2
Robert Konrad, PR-manager of "Indy Project", writes:
As you can see on (title link), there will be an Amiga version of Indy Project. I will see after it. Perhaps I will need some more people, perhaps I am good enough myself until then to handle it myself. See, it will take some time until the game is close to completion, and before starting the port makes sense. I don't expect major problems with the port, but there won't be a disk version :-(

If there are still some Turrican fans around, you should have a look at (Translation: mb)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze in ANF

Informations about stormamiga.lib and HSMathLibs
At the title link, you find the latest informations about the status of development and future of stormamiga.lib and HSMathLibs. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Håkan Parting in ANF

New online registering, new homepage and new version AmiCompSys 1.32
Håkan Partings website holds many new items. By virtue of a cooperation with ShareIt, he now offers SSL online registering for AmiCompSys. Credit cards like MasterCard, Visa, Diners and American Express are accepted. Cheques and bank transfers are also accepted as before.

The new website is now also home for his other programs VersionWB, AMarquee and GlossTask.

Today, version 1.32 of AmiCompSys has been released. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga News now in Turkish, too :-)
The team of the online mag AmigArt will translate our news to Turkish starting immediately. This is a great day for us; in two new languages on the same day! We are proud to be available in six local languages, and want to send greetings to all translators on this occassion :-). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bernward Hofmann by e-mail

Disk icons with "label"
Bernward Hofmann did send us a new submission for our Tips and Tricks site. If you have multiple disk drives connected, this is the tip for you, since Bernward explains in detail (in German... :-/), what you have to do to recognize at first glance which of your disk drives just recieved a new disk.

Many thanks for this tip. If you have more tips for this site, feel free to send them to (Translation: mb)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Benda

Computer Reseller News 12/00
The magazine "Computer Reseller", in its 12/00 issue, reports about the Amiga comeback. read the full article (German) at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga News now in Polish, too :-)
Starting immediately, Piotr Pawlowski will support by translating our news to Polish two to three times a week, and posting it to his website. So we are available in five languages already. Piotr is from Kielce, studying Economy, Finance and Banking at the SGH (Warsaw School of Economics). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers via eMail

Two new games (Website currently down)
Alive Mediasoft will publish two new games in April: Super Taekwondo Master and Cedric and the Search for the Magic Sceptre. Super Taekwondo Master is a 2D action simulation with one- and two-player modes.

Cedric and the Search for the Magic Sceptre is an action role-playing game in which you play the role of the heroic Cedric who undyingly fell in love with the daughter of the king. This love is reciprocated, but of course the king won't let his daughter marry a commoner. One day the king's magic sceptre is stolen, and Cedric now gets the chance to raise his reputation by returning the sceptre. In the process, Cedric has to master some adventures. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht per eMail

Program updates
As the Aminet server is currently down I would like to remind that all my software projects are available for download on my website (title link). Some programs were updated (e.g. RAWBInfo, PrintManager, IcoDT,...) since the server was down. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Kisner in ANF

Launch of
On April 3rd will launch. My work DNS server just picked it up this morning, so do not be distressed if it does not come up, it exists I assure you :) (look at to see). This is web site is owned by the newly formed Grapevine Computers Inc., and will eventually include many features, at this point I'm not sure which ones will be operational at launch date. It is being run on a fully Pearl/CGI enabled Linux web server with a secure site certifcate for secure online purchases.

The idea behind this corporation is that it will be 100% owned by Amiga users, and at launch date users may purchase shares of stock no matter where in the world they live (We've contacted the IRS on how to do this). We want to compete with the very few online vendors of Amiga products that have a monoply like effect selling upgrade parts and replacement parts for very high prices for classic Amiga. We will also be a dealer for the new Amiga. I've contacted Bill McEwen but I haven't heard back from him (he's a busy guy I'm sure), to get the offical Amiga blessing. All shareholders will get a discount on items for sale, and right now were planning on members of the board of directors getting products at cost. Shares of common stock will be sold for $1 US, and anyone can purchase a few as one share. It is a privately held close corporation, in in will operate pursuant to the Texas Close Corporation Act (my lawyer talking there).

We're also looking for a couple people. One, someone to translate the site into German and and server as a coordinator and contact for operations for German. Second, someone to serve as a cordinator and contact for operations in England. Stock will be traded in consideraton for these positions, and they will eventually will be paying positions when we get off the ground. This is by no means full time (it's not going to be full time for me either, even though my girlfriend sure thinks it is). Interested persons can e-mail . If their DNS servers are not updated yet, they can e-mail .

Further details will be released on April 3rd on the website. Anyone having quesitons can e-mail me.

Thanks, Tom Kisner, President/CEO, Grapevine Computers (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Herbert Markart in ANF

300 gigabyte harddisk comes
«The harddisk manufacturer Seagate has achieved a new record regarding data density. The company succeeded in saving a density of 45 gigabit per inch square [7 gigabit per centimeter square]. Converted to a regular harddisk with five metal drives this results in a harddisk size of 300 gigabyte.» (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

New ak-Datatypes
In the support area are new ak-Datatypes. Make use of the bundle offers which you can register directly through Regnet. Also updated was the PRESS FEEDBACK page. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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24.Mar.2000 via eMail

Graphical Artists Competition
OOSTERHOUT (NB)-NL -- 24/3/00 -- C&C · Logo and Design, an innovative and Benelux based designing company, is looking for a Graphical Artist by ways of competition.

Up to the 30th of April 2000 we welcome any graphical artist, who is interested in doing some parttime work for our company, to join the contest.

All the details can be found at our website (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers via eMail

Alive Mediasoft website down
Within 6 hours of Alive's new web site being launched, we have exceeded our monthly traffic allowance! As we are already on our providers premium gold account we cannot increase the bandwidth any further with them. The site is still there but many people are find it impossible to get on as it's just too busy. We are in contact with several larger internet providers to find someone to cope with the traffic. As soon as we find one we'll move the site and hopefully see no more problems.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but do keep trying - you never know it may calm down in the next few day! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Testkernel 2.2.3pre1 for m68k Linux
A compiled testkernel 2.2.3pre1 for m68k Linux is available in the download area. (Website in German) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mitchy back online!
After the server move, the link directory of Mitchy is back online with many improvements and new layout. Mitchy now has its own domain and can be reached directly under (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer

New FreeCiv Version 1.9 released
Download: freeciv.lzx - 735 Kb

SimplePost Version 0.1 released SimplePost is a postscript previewer for Amiga. Currently there's only some kind of beta version as some important features as e.g. printing are still missing. OS3.0 and MUI are required.
Download: simplepost.lzx - 645 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
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MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
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