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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 159
The English and German issue 159 (November/December 2022) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed. It can be ordered directly from its editorial office and from Amiga dealers that stock the magazine. Content of the current issue includes a report about the demo scene as well as reviews on Pagestream and the "Dynatech 30th Anniversary Edition". (cg)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2022, 23:29] [Comments: 0]
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05.Nov.2022 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 3/4: Web browser IBrowse 2.5.7
The team of Oliver Roberts has released version 2.5.7 of the web browser IBrowse. Most important changes (detailed changelog) of this update:
  • Reworked Brotli huffman decoder to avoid triggering a bug on the 68060 processor, which prevented pages from loading
  • Tweaks to the loading of external modules
  • JavaScript improvements
  • Switched to GCC 11, with all warnings enabled, which identified numerous previously unknown bugs which have now been fixed
  • Hundreds of minor internal changes
The update is available in the download section of the official website, AmigaOS 4 users can alternatively install via AmiUpdate.

Update: (06.11.2022, 14:45, cg)

Due to a couple of bugs that were discovered after IBrowse 2.5.7 was released, a hotfix update is now available for download (OS4 users may use AmiUpdate instead). Anybody who downloaded IBrowse 2.5.7 before 10:00 CET on 6th November is strongly advised to update their installation using the new update. (cg)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2022, 19:45] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: GUI for Snes9x emulator - SnesMUI released
Developer 'jPV^RNO' has released a GUI named SnesMUI for the Snes9x emulator providing the following features:
  • The most important emulation options are configurable within the GUI
  • A custom arguments option to configure any other Command-Line options
  • Shows preview and cover images of games if available
  • Supports Zip archived ROM files
  • Automatic detection of the emulator version
  • Supports custom graphics in the GUI

[News message: 05. Nov. 2022, 13:32] [Comments: 0]
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Kung Fu action: "Devil's Temple" V3.4
About two weeks ago, Geezer Games had released "Devil's Temple ( reported). Now an update to version 3.4 is available which fixes some bugs. Changes:
  • On ECS machines, enabling the cheat would break the menu display - fixed (Copper updated properly)
  • Booting using Kickstart >= 2.0 on A500 would crash loading the executable - fixes (Probably Vasm Bug with odd addresses)
  • Module audio timing issues - fixed
  • Typos / Corrections in various places
  • Sprite corruption issue in levels 5/9 - fixed
  • Game could possibly not spawn some essential events if too many enemies were on screen (spawnImmediate routine created)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2022, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: AmiBlitz 3.9.8
After two pre-releases, today version 3.9.8 of the programming language AmiBlitz has been released. Changes:

  • (compiler) can send his own log data to PED's log
  • (compiler) added an error-requester in case the exepath is not set correctly (settings in Sourceproperties "ExePath")
  • (compiler) current include is shown in compile status window
  • (PED) rewritten Find and Replace-Routines in BASIC
  • (PED) minor improvements to intellisense
  • (project) moved some examples into other subfolders
  • (compiler) removed vbr-detection from code that starts compiled executable, as it is now inside the debugger
  • (PED) fixed misspelled tooltype "USE_INTELLISENSE_COMMANDS"
  • (PED) fixed bug in routine to set current dir that led to problems when AmiBlitz3 was located in a longer path
  • (PED) fixed intellisense that did not work anymose
  • (PED) fixed bug that localization was not turned of completely when tooltype was enabled
  • (PED) fixed crash when loading old bb2 source file
  • (PED) fixed bug in displaying a sourceline when scrolling out of the window
  • (include) fixed bug in image_include that used a wrong Minterms in image_BlittPattern{} that led to wrong display with newer P96 versions

Download: AmiBlitz398.lha (11 MB) (dr)

[News message: 04. Nov. 2022, 20:58] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Further development of the emulator Janus-UAE 2
Blitter Studio, which is also responsible for the Amiga emulator Amiberry, has started to continue the development of the emulator Janus-UAE 2.

In contrast to version 1.x, which was based on Richard Drummond's emulator E-UAE V0.8.29 WIP4, is part of the AROS distribution Icaros Desktop, for example, and thus is based on the ABI-v0 developer branch, the original author Oliver Brunner had already started porting WinUAE 2 to AROS in 2011 with Janus-UAE 2, which uses the ABI-v1 branch. By the end of 2015, he had brought Janus-UAE 2 up to the level of WinUAE 3.2.0 and subsequently finished work on it.

The Amiberry developer 'MiDWaN' has now cloned the sources from SourceForge to a Github repository, including all his changes so far, among other things so that he has write permissions. His goal is to bring Janus-UAE 2 to the latest WinUAE and SDL 2 (instead of SDL 1). He also wants to add some features from Amiberry. (dr)

[News message: 04. Nov. 2022, 09:50] [Comments: 0]
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Music tip: Protracker track "much"
'no9' has been working in the audio section for years and also occasionally composes music for games. On his YouTube channel, he also publishes his own compositions from time to time, like the piece "much" most recently. He uses the ProTracker 2 clone for Windows by Olav Sorensen for this. As 'no9' writes, he would have tried to use the original Amiga for it, but the constant data exchange between Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and Amiga would have been very time consuming, as there would sometimes be a lot of copying back and forth for sample data. The Amiga Protracker compatibility was mandatory for him, though. (dr)

[News message: 04. Nov. 2022, 06:37] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Often unknown Amiga operating systems
Ravi Abbott, known for his documentary "Downfall Amiga, after Commodore" ( reported), introduces often unknown Amiga operating systems for 68k Amigas, such as p.OS or UNIX. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AKReal 9.1
AKReal can already works with 16 colours and is the inofficial adaption of the Workbench distribution AmiKit to real Amigas (video). After five years, the distribution was updated and now version 9.1 is available. The changes are listed in the changelog. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 06:47] [Comments: 0]
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Developer tool: GNU Make will drop support for AmigaOS (Update)
GNU Make is the implementation of the in the Unix world often used program make for the operating system GNU. It automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code by reading files called Makefiles which specify how to derive the target program. (Wikipedia).
As OSNews now reports, support for OS/2 (EMX), Xenix, Cray and also AmigaOS will be removed in GNU Make starting with the upcoming version.

Update: (03.11.2022, 19:30, dr)

Obviously triggered by our article, discussions have developed especially in various Discord servers which have led to some "protest mails". The maintainer of GNU Make, Paul Smith, responded to one of the mails and asked to stop writing mails:

"While it's good that AmigaOS as an operating system is still under active development, what I care about is whether anyone is maintaining *GNU make* on AmigaOS. I have not received a single patch for an AmigaOS problem with GNU make since 1996. I haven't received a single response from anyone on AmigaOS to any request for anyone to test a release candidate, or a new release, in I don't know how many releases....But if AmigaOS is not updating to newer versions of GNU make, then I don't want to maintain the (not insignificant amount of) special-case code currently existing to (not really) support it, in future releases. Fundamentally, for non-traditional operating systems it's not enough to just ask for it to be maintained. Someone has to volunteer to actively participate in the maintenance effort." (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 05:44] [Comments: 2 - 04. Nov. 2022, 19:52]
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Programming assistance: "AB_Template II" V0.58 offers templates for AmiBlitz 3
In contrast to "AB_Template" which is meant to support the development of games, "AB_Template II" is meant to help developing applications with AmiBlitz3. Here Sami Vehmaa published now the first version 0.58. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 05:20] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Video about history and usage of AmigaOne X1000 (Update)
Roman 'kas1e' Kargin has published an extensive video about the AmigaOne X1000, which was officially announced by A-EON at the beginning of 2010. Kargin informs - with English subtitles and background music - about the history of the board, the installation in an unusual case, the installation of AmigaOS 4.1 and much more.

Update: (10.11.2022, 15:00, cg)

After the video had to be taken offline due to a copyright complaint, Kargin now provides an updated version with the disputed parts replaced with new footage. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 04:35] [Comments: 3 - 12. Nov. 2022, 15:01]
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AmigaOS 4.1: Tutorial on installation of 3D graphics driver
Roman 'kas1e' Kargin has published a detailed tutorial on in which he describes the correct installation of Warp3DNova, NovaBridge, MiniGL, Ogles2, and WarpOS-Emu so that everything that has to do with 3D runs best with RadeonHD or RadeonRX graphics cards. Eventually, you should be able to run games, applications and demos written for WarpOS or 68k. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 04:21] [Comments: 0]
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DIY project: Building an Amiga 2000 (part 5)
'Drygol' is a member of the demoscene group Lamers and basically deals with retro computers in the form of restorations, upgrades etc. On his site he not only offers various retro articles, but also runs a blog. Among other things he describes there his project 'Tesseract', the building of an Amiga 2000 from scratch with all maximum modifications. His project is based on the GitHub project of 'Floppie209', a replica of the Amiga2000 motherboard with Sprint layout. After the first four reports (1, 2, 3, 4) he published the fifth blog post of the series yesterday which amongst others is about adding a DVD drive. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 03:56] [Comments: 0]
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Programming contest: AmiGameJam 2022 launched
After the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, which just ended with numerous entries, the next contest for game programmers is already starting: At this year's edition of the "AmiGameJam" the motto is "Sword and Sorcery". Those who want to participate must submit a newly developed game with this theme to the organizers by April 30 at the latest.

The participants will again be divided into the two categories "OCS/AGA" and "AmigaOS 4/MorphOS/AROS", voting will again be done by both the community and a group of official judges. The jurors and prizes will be announced as soon as last details are clarified. (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 01:30] [Comments: 0]
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Twitter (ANF)

Tutorial: Wake on LAN Client under AmigaOS 3
Matthias Münch describes in a short tutorial how an Amiga can "wake up" other devices in the network from wait mode with the help of the Wake on LAN client hpwake. (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 00:51] [Comments: 0]
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Playable previews: 'My Life Sucks' and 'My First Shooting Game'
Two more games developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam are not yet finished, but the developers already provide playable pre-release versions. To what extent the titles will be developed further is currently unclear.

My Life Sucks (video) was supposed to be a dungeon crawler in the style of Dungeon Master, with the difference that the player controls an autonomous vacuum cleaner whose AI has taken on a life of its own. The game is described by the developer as a "tech demo", as it was not finished in time for the contest deadline. They say it is solvable, but still has plenty of bugs. Main reason for the release them the disclosure of the source code for interested Blitz-Basic programmers.

My First Shooting Game is an "experimental project" according to the author - the vertical shooter is his first Amiga and Blitz Basic project. The game currently runs only on NTSC computers and must be controlled with the keyboard. It is distributed as source code, which has to be compiled by the user himself with Blitz Basic. (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 00:46] [Comments: 0]
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Flip-Screen-Shooter: Shuriken
Phil Grenways 'Shuriken' (video) is a Berzerk-inspired flip-screen shooter with a ninja theme. The title was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, the Blitz Basic source code can be found on (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 00:33] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Simulated pub crawl: Weegie Nights
In 'Weegie Nights' (video) you have to wander through Glasgow by night and maintain the right alcohol level, in addition the consumption of food and alcoholic beverages as well as various "sources of income" want to be well organized. The title was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam and requires an Amiga with 2 Megabyte Chip RAM and a 68020 processor. (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 00:28] [Comments: 0]
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Arcade clone: Megafrog
'Megafrog' (video) is a variant of the arcade classic Frogger, in which the playing field is significantly larger than the current screen section. The frog here can mutate into the titular Megafrog by eating a certain amount of dragonflies, which can then also attack cars. The gAME was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam and requires an Amiga whose processor is clocked with at least 14 Mhz. (cg)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 00:27] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

SimCity for animals: Microtopia
'Microtopia' (video) is described by the developer as a "prototype of a city-building simulation", in which a city for crows, beavers and moths is to be built on randomly generated maps. Numerous features that are still missing are to be added in later versions. The title was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam and requires an Amiga with one megabyte of RAM. The game also runs on a 68000 processor, but here it occasionally runs a bit halting. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 23:40] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

New articles on Obligement website
The articles below have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months. All translations are welcome. Please contact David 'Daff' Brunet for more information.
  • September/October 2022 news.
  • Old articles from Joystick 55 to 65:
    • Interview with Jérôme Bonaldi and David Gonner
    • Review of All New World Of Lemmings
    • Review of Flink CD32
    • Interview with Stéphane Picq
    • File: And if piracy was essential
    • Review of Pinball Illusions
    • Review of Sim City 2000
    • File: Music in video games
    • Review of Alien Breed Tower Assault
    • Review of Cannon Fodder 2
    • News: Atried Concept my new name is Pearson
    • Review of Fields Of Glory
    • Review of Super Stardust, etc.
  • Report: Amiga 37.
  • Interview with Jérôme Senay (editor of Boing magazine).
  • Interview with Matt Gray (musician).
  • Review: Wrong Way Driver.
  • Review: BePlayer 1.4.
  • Hardware: Furia EC020.
  • File: History of Trecision (part 2).
  • Tutorial: Building an AmigaOS 4 cross compiler (Binutils 2.23.2 & GCC 8.3.0) on MSYS2.
  • Tutorial: Installing MorphOS (update).
  • DIY: Mounting an HxC SD and a floppy drive in an Amiga 600.
  • Misc: Irving Gould's villa.
  • Special quiz on MUI.

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:59] [Comments: 0]
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Top-Down-Racer: Zebra 3
'Zebra 3' (video) is a top-down racer with four different courses. The title was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, Kickstart 2 and a "fast Amiga" are given as minimum requirements. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:36] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Playable preview: Capacitor's Revenge
In the shooter 'Capacitor's Revenge' (video) you have to defend the Amiga's m68k processor against attacking capacitors ( reported). The title is being developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, the author now provides a first playable preview version. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:31] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Platformer: Daredevil Dennis Remix
'Daredevil Dennis Remix' (video) is a conversion of the 8-bit title Daredevil Dennis for the Amiga, developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam. The game features 25 with increasing difficulty. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:24] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Vertical Scrolling Shoot'em Up: ACE Battle Over The Sea
The vertically scrolling shooter 'ACE Battle Over The Sea' (video) was developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam. The title, inspired by classics like 1942, offers four missions and runs on any Amiga with at least one megabyte of Chip RAM. The download is free, but if you wish you can give the author a small obolus during the download. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Arena shooter: Blower
'Blower' (video) - developed for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam - is an arena shooter in which up to four human players use firearms and flamethrowers to get at each other. Computer-controlled "bots" are also available for training purposes, but the developer says they are "pretty dumb".

'Blower' runs on all Amigas with at least one megabyte of Chip RAM, it supports a parallel port adapter for connecting two additional joysticks and offers seven different levels, various bonus items. The download is free, but if you wish you can pay the author a small fee. (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS 3.17: openssl3.library November Hotfix
The MorphOS developer team has announced: "New vulnerabilities have been identified and fixed for the version of OpenSSL that is included in MorphOS 3.17. Two discovered issues, namely CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602, were found to potentially affect MorphOS users.

A fixed OpenSSL library will be bundled with a future MorphOS release. Meanwhile, you can download the following replacement openssl3.library that fixes the problem for MorphOS 3.17. To install it, copy the file to MOSSYS:Libs and reboot." (dr)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2022, 06:39] [Comments: 0]
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Encryption protocol: AmiSSL 5.5 (AmigaOS 3/4)
The open source encryption protocol AmiSSL has been updated to version 5.5 and is now based on the latest OpenSSL 3.0.7, which was also released today. This fixes a security problem that has existed since OpenSSL 3.0.0 and is now classified as high: a buffer overflow could be triggered when checking X.509 certificates. Thus, all users who have installed a version 5 of AmiSSL (based on OpenSSL 3) are recommended to update. The changes:
  • Updated OpenSSL backend to full compatibility with the latest OpenSSL 3.0.7 (1.11.2022) version, which includes:
    • Added RIPEMD160 to the default provider.
    • Fixed regressions introduced in 3.0.6 version.
    • Fixed two buffer overflows in punycode decoding functions. ([CVE-2022-3786]) and ([CVE-2022-3602])
  • Improved and simplified random number seeding routines.
  • The AMISSL_NO_STATIC_FUNCTIONS preprocessor symbol has been added to the SDK, mainly for use with VBCC

Download AmigaOS 3: AmiSSL-5.5-OS3.lha (3,3 MB)
Download AmigaOS 4: AmiSSL-5.5-OS4.lha (3,1 MB)
Download SDK: AmiSSL-5.5-SDK.lha (2,3 MB) (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 21:25] [Comments: 2 - 02. Nov. 2022, 08:16]
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Point'n Click adventure: NEONnoir
The Point'n Click adventure 'NEONnoir' (Video) was developed with AmiBlitz for the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam. As a down-and-out private eye, the player has to track down a drug addicted daughter from a wealthy family.

'NEONnoir' requires at least an Amiga 1200 with a harddisk. The game can be downloaded for free, but users can name their own price before downloading. A walkthrough is offered on the official website and the game's BASIC sourcecode is available as well: Either as a LhA download from the official website, or in the author's Github repository. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 18:56] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Turn based strategy: playable preview for "Settle the World" (update)
Christian 'TheoTheoderich' Wiegel has released a first playable preview of his turn-based building and trading game 'Settle the World' - refer to our extensive preview for more information. The author points out that this is an early development version and many gameplay elements are not implemented yet: For example, the happiness of your citizen currently has no effect at all on game progress.

'Settle the World' is primarily intended to be played with multiple human opponents, but it does include a single player campaign. The game requires 1 Megabyte ChipRAM and 4 Megabyte FastRAM, a harddisk and at least a 68020 CPU. A version that should run on Kickstart 1.x is provided as well, but is untested as of now.

Update: (05.11.2022, 14:05, dr)

The developer has published a short tutorial on YouTube on how to start his game. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Games for RTG systems: Sky Tower, Last Space Raider, Dungeon Escape, Börd
Sami Vehmaa has written several Arcade games for Amiga systems that have a graphics card installed: The games were written using AmiBlitz, they require a fast Amiga with a graphics card and AHI installed. Each game can be purchased for one Euro, the AmiBlitz sourcecode for each game is included in the download. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 15:31] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Restoration of an Amiga 1000, part 3
In the third part of his documentation about the restoration of an Amiga 1000 ( reported), Richard "Shred" Körber explains how he replaced the floppy drive with a Centuriontech "GOEX on pills" floppy simulator. (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 08:54] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Webseite)

MorphOS: Password manager PastePass 1.9
Stefan 'Kronos' Kleinheinrich's PastePass is a password manager for MorphOS.

Version 1.9 is a complete reimplementation using the cryptostorage.library. The code has been reworked, many security checks added, and the entire GUI and program flow streamlined. The author's initial tests went well, but he requests further testing and explicitly marks this release as a pre-release. The changes in detail:
  • changed databas to use cryptostorage.library
  • entries will always be part of a group
  • a group can be protected by a 2nd password
  • PassTool functionality has been intregated into PastePass, allowing you to store your password in a seperate databae which will be opened by the name you used for registering MorphOS
  • added the option to set a default user name
Download: PastePass.lha (77 KB) (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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Linux tutorial: Using the Fienix distribution on the X5000, part 2
In the first part of the instructions for using the Linux distribution "Fienix" on the X5000, editor Daniel Reimann reported how to prepare a USB stick under Windows for this purpose. Here now the continuation:

Starting Fienix

After the USB stick has been plugged into a free USB port, we can boot up the X5000. As soon as the Boing Ball starts spinning, it is best to press the "M" key twice. With the first press we get into the "AmigaOne Early Startup Control" menu...

...and with the second keystroke into the command line menu. Now, we the following line:

usb reset

Among other things, it is searched for storage media. I have the following (special?) case: my tower has several USB ports at the front, but only two can be used. In order to have one free for the USB stick, I have connected my Mac keyboard to the other one and my USB mouse to it. But I have to disconnect it before running "usb reset", otherwise it will be recognized as another storage medium. Now enter the following lines:

setenv bootargs root=LABEL=FIENIX-DISK
fatload usb 0:1 1000000 uImage-6.0
fatload usb 0:1 1c00000 cyrus-p5020.dtb
fatload usb 0:1 2000000 uInitrd-5.10
bootm 1000000 2000000 1c00000

The kernel is loaded and Fienix is started. After the input, several columns of numbers rattle across the screen, but finally the login window should appear:

Here's what we enter:

Username: fienix
Password: fienixPW

Looks good! Let's see if there is a tool for capturing screenshots. Yes, there it is, "Accessories"...:

Synaptic Package Manager

By default, no word processor is included. You have to install that, and of course many other software, via the package manager "Synaptic Package Manager". It can be found under "Administration":

Right-click on the first AbiWord entry and select "Mark for installation":

You will then be asked if you want to install any other package dependencies associated with it. We do, which also marks the two entries below:

Now go to "Apply" at the top and the packages will be installed. Before we reboot, we want to see if it worked and look under "Office" for the corresponding entry. Perfectly: "AbiWord" is listed:

After restarting, we test AbiWord briefly: works!

In the third part of the tutorial, we will look at how to make the printer ready for use and how to configure the Linux button in the "AmigaOne Early Startup Control" menu so that we can save ourselves typing the instructions in the future. (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 05:57] [Comments: 0]
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Platformer: Ami-Tower
The Polish developer 'Tukinem' (farm simulation "Farmiga") has ported Icy Tower in Blitz Basic 2 to the Amiga. The game principle is to let the main character climb a tower by jumping to different heights.

The levels are created randomly. You can jump over two platforms and then have more points and bonus jumps. After every 50 platforms, the time to the end of the game is restored, so you have to jump up as quickly as possible.

The game requires a standard Amiga 500 with Kick 1.3 and 500 KB. The game is still in development, the end of the game and the game menu (options and highscore) are missing. (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2022, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension 1.6.5
Bartman', member of the demo group 'Abyss', provides with 'amiga-debug' a 'Visual Studio Code' extension for "compiling, debugging and profiling Amiga C/C++ programs compiled by the bundled gcc 11.2 with the bundled WinUAE" (YouTube video). Three days ago, version 1.6.4 was released and today version 1.6.5. Changes:
  • FIX: libintl issue in ARM-based Macs #145
  • FIX: 'Profile File Size' broken since last version
  • FIX: Vasm fixes
  • CHG: Better stack unwinding for assembly code
  • FIX: GDB Mac exe without libintl dylib dependency

[News message: 31. Oct. 2022, 06:20] [Comments: 0]
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Doom clone: "Dread" becomes "Grind"
The developer and demoscene member Krzysztof Kluczek had worked on the Doom clone "Dread" in his spare time and so far regularly published videos documenting the progress of his work ( reported). As he now reports in a Patreon post, he hands over the project to John 'Tsak' Tsakiris, who will continue it under the new name "Grind" (introduction on the new Patreon page). Kluczek will continue to work on "Dread" alone, as long as his new commitments allow him to do so: as non-commercial project. (dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2022, 06:07] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AmiKit XE 11.8.2 for Raspberry Pi 4/400
The update to version 11.8.2 (changelog) of the Workbench distribution AmiKit XE for the Raspberry Pi 4/400 includes the recently released version 5.4 of the Amiga emulator AmiBerry. In addition, the WHDLoad database and the Linux system has been updated. (dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2022, 05:49] [Comments: 0]
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CPU and RAM monitor: NewMeter 1.332
Thomas Rapp's "NewMeter" is a monitor showing on the Workbench screen the utilization of CPU, RAM and several partitions with a bar chart. The program is configured using tooltypes, ( reported).
In the latest version 1.332 configurable custom gauges have been added, whose values are read from env variables. This allows now to display the values of AmigaKit's Real Time Clock und Sensors Module. Also support for i2cs sensors has been added. (dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2022, 05:42] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 29.10.2022
The following files have been added until 29.10.2022 to Aminet:
CloudDav_1.71.lha        comm/net   559K  MOS A WebDav client
nfs3.lha                 comm/net   10K   68k Mount NFS3 shares using bsdso...       comm/tcp   32M   68k Apollo Explorer
COP.lha                  dev/debug  165K  68k Low Level Debugger
RawIO2Parallel.lha       dev/debug  9K    68k Redirect debug output to para...
anaiis.lha               driver/oth 205K  68k ANAIIS USB Stack Release 1.22
anaiis_boot.lha          driver/oth 255K  68k ANAIIS USB Boot disk Release ...
OlivettiJP.lha           driver/pri 14K   68k Olivetti JP WB Driver  40.5
OlivettiJP790.lha        driver/pri 13K   68k Olivetti JP 790 (HPDJ560C) WB...
AmiQuake_AGA.lha         game/shoot 6.0M  68k Amiga port of WinQuake
AmiQuake_RTG.lha         game/shoot 6.0M  68k Amiga port of WinQuake
2nd-Albireo.ACEpansio... misc/emu   21K   MOS ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC...
Albireo.ACEpansion.lha   misc/emu   43K   MOS ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC...
ptripper.lha             mus/misc   18K   68k Protracker module ripper
AmigaAMP3.lha            mus/play   1.9M  OS4 Multi format audio player wit...
AmigaAMP3-68k.lha        mus/play   406K  68k MPEG audio player with GUI
gwimport.lha             util/conv  5K    68k GeoWriteImport
DisLib.lha               util/libs  19K   68k A library based MC68K disasse...
IconLib_46.4.lha         util/libs  1.1M  68k free icon.library in optimize...
ReportPlusMOS.lha        util/misc  796K  MOS Multipurpose utility        util/misc  2.4M  68k Versatile Amiga Test Program
newmeter.lha             util/wb    27K   68k Shows free RAM and storage as...

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 29.10.2022
The following files have been added until 29.10.2022 to OS4Depot:
ht.lha                   aud/edi 964kb 4.0 Multichannel chiptune tracker, b...
amigaamp3.lha            aud/pla 2Mb   4.1 Multi format audio player with GUI
drawing_dt.lha           dat/ima 380kb 4.0 Vector superclass + DR2D/SVG Dat...
spotless.lha             dev/deb 9Mb   4.1 Your favorite debugging tool
mednafen.lha             emu/gam 10Mb  4.1 Mednafen Emulator
deark.lha                uti/arc 6Mb   4.0 Extracting data from various fil...
sacrificiopagano.lha     uti/mis 6Mb   4.0 Magic Tool

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 29.10.2022
The following files have been added until 29.10.2022 to AROS Archives:        dev/lib 195kb The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Li...        dev/lib 615kb libGLFW
hollywoodsp.lha              dev/mis 776kb Catalog in Spanish for Hollywood 9      gam/pla 69Mb  SDL Jump-n-run game inspired by ...
sacrificiopagano.lha         uti/mis 6Mb   Magic Tool

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 29.10.2022
The following files have been added until 29.10.2022 to MorphOS-Storage:
ENCORE_Morphever_1.0.0... Demoscene/ENCORE          Demo for MorphOS PowerPC
Albireo_1.5.lha           Emulation/ACEpansion      Plugin for ACE CPC Emul...
2nd-Albireo_1.5.lha       Emulation/ACEpansion      Plugin for ACE CPC Emul...
AmiArcadia_29.12.lha      Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
Woof!_10.4.0.lha          Games/Shoot3D             Woof! is a continuation...
SacrificioPagano_1.80.lha Misc                      A special app to people...
ReportPlus_8.41.lha       Misc                      A Multipurpose utility ...
CloudDav_1.71.lha         Network/Streaming         A WebDav client
Wayfarer_4.3.lha          Network/Web               Wayfarer is the latest ...

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 29.10.2022
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 29.10.2022: (snx)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 files have been added:
  • Flashback End Theme (Live Performance)
  • Silkworm / Turrican Mashup (BIT Live 2022)
  • Turrican II - Freedom (Wish I was in Bergen Remix)
  • Vixen
  • Wings of Death (Introduction)
  • Viz: The Computer Game
  • Seven Gates of Jambala
  • Turrican 3 (Credits)
  • The Secret of Monkey Island Theme (Live Performance)
  • Nearly There [Fullmoon Endpart]
  • Citadel - Main Menu [OST Remix]

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: U-Boot warning regarding AmigaOne X5000 still valid
Two years ago Mark Olsen, who maintains the official firmware for the distribution of the AmigaOne X5000 by A-EON Technology, had pointed out in great detail that the work of Steven Solie's team on their own U-Boot version could lead to unpredictable problems and thus also to data loss, which is why especially users of operating systems other than AmigaOS 4 are strongly advised not to install newer firmware versions on the X5000 unless they originate from him.

After it was stated again on the occasion of this year's AmiWest that Solie had created his own U-Boot versions for the AmigaOne X5000, among others, which would be distributed "soon", Andreas Wolf inquired at the title link with Mark 'bigfoot' Olsen whether that warning from 2020 would still be valid. This was confirmed. (snx)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaOS 4: HivelyTracker 1.9
HivelyTracker is a tracker based on the AHX format. AHX was developed in the nineties to be able to write music tracks that resemble the typical chip sound of the SID (sound chip of the C64).

In the update released after a good nine and a half years, several improvements were made to the original fidelity, details can be found in the changelog. (snx)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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McFly (ANF)

German Amiga Podcast: Issue 9
The ninth edition of the "German Amiga Podcast" (GAP) reports what moved visitors and exhibitors at the Amiga37 fair in Mönchengladbach.

The episodes of the podcast initiated in January by the former Boingsworld presenter 'McFly' can now be found not only at the title link but also at Apple podcasts. (snx)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Shoot'em Up: Reshoot Proxima 3 to be released in March
The next version of the Reshoot series by ex-"Amiga Joker" editor Richard Löwenstein, Proxima 3 ( reported), is to be released on March 15, 2023, as APC&TCP informs at the title link. Users who don't want to miss the release date can also register for an e-mail notification. (snx)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Guest article: Trevor's personal review of the Amiga37
Trevor Dickinson traveled from New Zealand to present A-EON and AAA Technology at Amiga37, which took place two weeks ago. We asked him for his impressions of his stay in Germany and the event, which he has described to us below. Many thanks to Trevor.

Amiga 37 Germany - The show of the Century!

I have just arrived back in New Zealand following my attendance at Amiga 37 in Mönchengladbach. What can I say about Amiga 37? Wow, what a show! With over 1400 registrations it’s certainly the biggest Amiga event of the 21st Century so far.

It was my first international flight since Covid-19 locked down New Zealand in early 2020 and my first Amiga show since Amiga Ireland in January that year. Apart from sponsoring Amiga 37 on behalf of A-EON Technology, I gave a joint presentation with Enrico Vidale of ACube on the Amiga Next-Generation scene. I’m sure there will be numerous reports and updates from people who attended the show, so I am only going to highlight some of my own personal experiences of Amiga 37.

In the hope of overcoming some of the inevitable jetlag, I arrived in Dusseldorf on Thursday a couple of days before the main event. I met up with Matthew Leaman at the airport before taking the train to Mönchengladbach. We had booked into Hotel Leonardo which was recommended by Markus Tillmann. After a few drinks in the hotel bar, we retired to our room to sample some scotch whisky I had brought with me. Although we got to sleep reasonably early just after midnight, I woke up a few hours later and could not get back to sleep. The next day I did a little work on my presentation for the show and in the evening, we attended the Amiga 37 pre-party and enjoyed free pizza and an open bar. It was great meeting up with all my Amiga friends after almost 2 years of isolation due to international travel restrictions. I even made some new ones. Everyone was in a celebratory mood which was boosted by a generous open bar and servings of soup and pizzas. At the end of the night, Matthew and I went back to our hotel room with Dave Haynie and Costel Mincea to finish off the whisky. It was 4:00 am before Costel and Dave left. :) What was that comment about overcoming jet-lag?

After 3 hours sleep, we got up, had breakfast and made our way to the Kunstwerk centre which was a 25-minute taxi ride away. A-EON Technology, Amiga Kit and Amedia Computer were sharing a joint display stand under AAA Technology, a joint venture company they formed to sell Amiga hardware and software in Europe. Laurent and Frank from Amedia had brought along a large selection of Classic Amiga hardware and software as well as X5000 computer systems for sale. Two X5000 systems were set up running the latest versions of AmigaOS 4.1 and MorphOS. A-EON resident Linux expert and beta tester, Christian Zigotzky supplied his MorphOS hard drive, and he and his wife Nadine helped with the AAA Technology display. It was good to see both next-generation operating systems running on the X5000.

Amedia had a busy two days and ended up selling one X5000/40 system at the show and another online. At one point over the weekend Christian had an issue with his MorphOS hard drive and with assistance from Frank Mariak and the MorphOS team they helped to fix the problem and get the X5000 system back up and running. The MorphOS team also had an X5000 running MorphOS powering a wide screen display on their stand. They also showcased a beta version of MorphOS Power-Up v3.13 running on an A4000D equipped with a Phase5 Cyberstorm PPC accelerator running at 420MHz with G-Rex 4000D PCI bus, 4dfx Voodoo 3 graphics card and X-surf Ethernet card.

The Amiga Future stand, supervised by Andreas Magerl, was close to the AAA Technology display area and included Petro Tyschtschenko as a special VIP guest. I had a nice chat with Petro and he proudly showed me a large selection of photos from the time Commodore Germany sponsored Bayern Munich football club. He said Commodore sponsored the team for ~16 million DM during the period 1984-89. He presented me with a signed copy of the Bayern Munich team photo.

The Apollo team had an extensive and impressive stand with a variety of Vampire V4 and accelerator cards on display. Having recently become a new owner of a V4 system they gave me a replacement battery module to take back with me to New Zealand.

I had a long chat with Sean Donohue of My Retro Computer Ltd who was demonstrating his C64 & VIC20 ‘breadbin’ inspired PCs running the latest version of the Linux based Commodore Vision OS. Following the death of Barry Altman, Sean purchased many of Commodore USA’s assets, acquiring the case moulds, website and some stock. We discussed his recent successfully completed Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns which raised a massive £157,078 from 564 backers to create officially licensed Commodore branded C64 PCs supplied in the C64 breadbin case, smashing his initial funding goal of £25,000. If you followed his Kickstarter campaign, you would know that it was temporarily suspended due to Intellectual property dispute claim lodged by Commodore Industries (also known as Commodore Engineering). However, following an intervention by Eugene Van Os of Commodore Corporation BV, who confirmed that My Retro Computer was licensed and authorised to use the Commodore brand, Kickstarter allowed the campaign to proceed. Unfortunately, according to Sean, it is not the end of challenges from other third parties who object to his C64 case design.

In addition to Costel, Timothy De Groote, another former Hyperion Entertainment director turned up at the show on Saturday. We had a brief chat about the future of Hyperion and took the chance for a photo opportunity. Hey, who said 3 wise monkeys? ;) Ben Hermans, the main Hyperion Entertainment shareholder also attended the show. He and Matthew Leaman had a discussion covering several key issues. I encouraged Ben to meet with Michael Battilana of Amiga Corporation/Cloanto to see if they could find any common ground to resolve their legal impasse. They had a long face to face meeting on Saturday afternoon which I attended as an observer. Again, many issues were discussed. I'm not sure if it will produce any positive results but at least they agreed to keep on talking.

There was so much cool and interesting hardware and software projects on display including some excellent retro classic machines for sale. The Akiko 32, a mini-ITX hobby development motherboard was on display along with a portable version build into a laptop case. Marvin Droogsma, the mercurial MC of Amiga 30 Amsterdam had an amazing collection of boxed retro Amiga systems for sale, many of which I have never seen before. Unfortunately, I was travelling from New Zealand with hand baggage only so could not take any of them off his hands!

Of course, Amiga 37 was not just about the vendor display area. A continuous programme of presentations ran throughout the weekend with such luminaries as original Amiga developers Dave Haynie and Ron Nicholson along with Jon Hare, Tim Wright, Mike Clarke from the gaming industry and many others. David Pleasance, the former Joint MD of Commodore UK and my co-author of the ‘From Vultures to Vampire’ trilogy revealed plans for his Commodore Amiga Global Alliance (AGA) initiative, his ambitious plan to provide a centralised resource and information database bringing together the whole Amiga community of enthusiasts, developers, retailers and magazines. Please visit his provisional website for more information.

Apart from the displays and presentations, Amiga37 is also a chance for Amiga enthusiasts to socialise and enjoy some triple-A fun. The buffet dinner on Saturday evening was very well attended with plentiful food and good German beer. Before we tucked into our dinner, I had the privilege of making a short address to thank Markus and his team for organising Amiga37 and to thank the community for keeping the Amiga dream alive.

After dinner it was off to the Retro Party at Projekt42. I must admit, suffering from a combination of jetlag and lack of sleep, I sneaked away with Ron Nicholson just before midnight with Mike Clarke escorting us back to our hotel. I still woke up at 3 am.

My presentation with Enrico was the last event of the show on Sunday and I was surprised how many people were still around to hear our talk. We talked about our respective Amiga Next-generation journeys and outlined our joint plans for release of the A1222 Plus, Enrico alsotalked about the final Sam460 LE production run and revealed details of a PowerPC notebook ACube were developing for the GNU/Linux Open Hardware PowerPC project. During our presentation I made a throwaway comment about not wanting to see AmigaOS 4 running on a PC. I truly believe that any computer that aspires to carry the Amiga name should be a whole system complete with branding. Personally, I don’t care whether it is running on 68k, PowerPC, ARM or even x86 but it must look and feel like an Amiga system. Simply running AmigaOS 4 on any PC hardware does not make it an Amiga IMHO. If you don’t agree with me that is your prerogative and we will have to agree not to agree. At the end of the show, I had the privilege of presenting Markus with a special commemorative Amiga37 framed poster signed by all the VIP attendees. It was a hectic few days but I still had time to be interviewed by Andy Caulfield of Bedrooms to Billions for his latest filming project.

After Amiga37 closed a group of us, including Dave Haynie and Ron Nicolson, met up for a farewell dinner and after the meal we ended up in the lobby of our hotel for a few drinks before saying our last goodbyes.

There are too many Amigans to mention in this short update but here are a few who I remember talking with: Stephen Leary – Terrible Fire accelerators, Stephen Jones – Checkmate Digital, the incomparable Dan Wood & Ravi Abbot, Marcel Franquinet –, John Hertel of ReAmiga fame, Jan Zahurancik – Amikit, Dimitris Panokostas - AmiBerry, Adam Spring – Remotely Interested podcast, David ‘Skateman’ Koelman OS4 & Linux tester, and George Sokianos – OS4 developer, Steven Fletcher – The Commodore Story, Tomasz Marcinkowski – Warp/Pixel Magazine, Jens Schönfeld – Individual Computers, Daniel Müßener – Golden Code - plus everyone else who I talked to but can’t remember your name! You know who you are. ;-)

Finally, I want to thank the Amigan who presented me with a small bottle of Jagermeister to help with my throat. You will be pleased to know that Dave Haynie helped me finish it off. Also, many thanks to Tony Schiffbauer from Pittsburgh who gave me, Michael Battilana and Ravi Abbot a ride back to Dusseldorf airport on Monday morning.

Amiga37, what an event! (dr)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2022, 05:27] [Comments: 2 - 21. Nov. 2022, 05:05]
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