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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Aminet uploads until 21.10.2023
The following files have been added until 21.10.2023 to Aminet:
SegTracker.lha           dev/debug  17K   68k A global SegList tracking uti...
libpng1640_a68k.lha      dev/lib    1.5M  68k Lib for reading/writing PNG
JoyPortTest.lha          driver/inp 7K    68k Test your joystick/CD32 joypa...
2D_ATcad_RTG.lha         gfx/misc   713K  68k 2D-CAD-Programm
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   5.0M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   5.3M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   5.5M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.7M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
FallinLeaves.lha         mods/8voic 2.3M      8ch 16bit Synth Pop by HKvalhe
SamplesCreatorDemos.lha  mods/smpl  180K      Some samples created by Sampl...
MultiBubbleBlanker.lha   util/blank 8K    68k P96 blanker with multiple fad...
sysvars.lha              util/boot  5K    68k Put system information in env...        util/misc  15M   68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 21.10.2023
The following files have been added until 21.10.2023 to OS4Depot:
libvpx.lha               dev/lib 3Mb   4.1 WebM VP8/VP9 Codec library
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 21.10.2023
The following files have been added until 21.10.2023 to AROS Archives:
hollywoodsp.lha              dev/mis 846kb Spanish Catalog for Hollywood 10
vnc-client-server.lha        net/mis 5Mb   Aros VNC Client and Server

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 21.10.2023
The following files have been added until 21.10.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
SDL_2.28.4_Libraries.lha  Dependencies/SDL          All Libraries SDL : SDL...
Lua_5.4.6.lha             Development/LUA           Latest release of Lua c...
AmiArcadia_30.31.lha      Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
Easy2Install_1.0b40.lha   Network/PackageManager    A package manager to do...
PolyOrga_1.22a.lha        Office/Organizer          PolyOrga is a general-p...

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 21.10.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 21.10.2023:
  • 2023-10-17 improved: Breach (Omnitrend Software) supports version 1.2e (Info)
  • 2023-10-17 new: Blue Boy (Micromania) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 2023-10-16 new: Defender (Acid) done by JOTD (Info, Image)
  • 2023-10-16 improved: Reshoot Proxima 3 (spieleschreiber) access fault fixed, memory required reduced, icons added (Info, Image)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaRemix: Further file added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 file has been added:
  • Nexus 7 Theme (Cover)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (website)

MorphOS: Web Browser Wayfarer 6.4 (Update)
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 6.3 of his Wayfarer web browser for MorphOS. Besides bug fixes, the audio decoder has been rewritten to use AHI's device interface, and moreover, the presence of the Core web fonts is now checked and otherwise the WebFontsInstaller is executed.

Update: (23.10.2023, 21:18, dr)

Version 6.4 fixes a race condition in audio playback initialization.

Download: wayfarer.lha (35 MB) (snx)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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22.Oct.2023 (forum)

Event: World of Commodore 2023 in Toronto (Canada)
On December 2 and 3, 2023, the "World of Commodore" will take place again in Toronto, Canada. Organized by TPUG (Toronto PET Users Group), a user group founded in 1979 and, according to its own information, being the oldest continuously active Commodore user group, the organizers welcome Amiga engineer RJ Mical as featured guest this year. (snx)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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Music: Guitar Rock covers of Turrican tracks
'BadHairlineProductions' plays music from video games. Now he has also recorded some tracks from Turrican I and II as guitar rock versions, which are available as videos under the title link.

As the artist told us, he started playing some Mario, Pokémon and Zelda tracks with his fusion band a few years ago because, as jazz musicians, they liked the vibe of the early Mario music. Then, during the pandemic, he had started digging deeper and eventually did a lot of academic research on the history of video game music. Among other things, this also gave him the chance to talk to Chris Hülsbeck twice last year (BOING magazine's interview with him from issue #6). (dr)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 07:53] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: SpriteSplitter v0.2 (update)
The basic idea of a spritesheet is to pack a series of images together into a single image. Dan 'zooperdan' Thoresen's "SpriteSplitter" reverses this: it is a simple tool for splitting a spritesheet image into separate images that can be used in the Scorpion Engine. This allows the user to save time when updating spritesheets by automating this process.

It is planned to expand the tool in the future:
  • Parameters to set start and end sprite index. This would let you split out a range of sprites from a larger spritesheet that contain lots of sprites.
  • Parameter for toggling Preserve Palette which let you keep original palette and it's index order.
  • Specify rects for spritesheets with irregularly shaped sprites.
Update: (22.10.2023, 15:25, dr)

Meanwhile, version 0.2 is already available. Changes:
  • Changed to named parameter/value pairs for clarity.
  • Added from and to parameters which let you specify range of sprites to be split/separated out from the spritesheet. This is very useful if you have a large unified spritesheet and you want to grab ranges from it and save to different places.
  • Changed so that when output is not specified SpriteSplitter uses the input as a base for the output instead.

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 07:36] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: "New Bubble Story" coming 2024
"New Bubble Story" (video preview of level 16), a clone of the Accolade classic Bubble Ghost, was to be released in 2021 ( reported). In a small preview video, Alain Treesong now not only presents the more or less final version of the game menu, but also announces the availability of the game for 2024. (dr)

[News message: 21. Oct. 2023, 21:55] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Comparison of A1200-PiStorm32 and A3000/A4000 with 060 processor
In its latest video, the YouTube channel "Hold and Modify" compares an Amiga 1200 with PiStorm32-lite and the latest Emu68 update with an Amiga 3000 or Amiga 4000 equipped with a 68060 processor using a "Star Trek Voyager" animation. (dr)

[News message: 21. Oct. 2023, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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Status report: Doom clone "Grind"
Just a few days ago, there was a new preview video for the Doom clone "Grind". Now the developer has published a detailed report on Patreon in which he goes into detail about the features that have already been implemented, but also gives an outlook on the tasks that still need to be completed. (dr)

[News message: 21. Oct. 2023, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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Theme set: 32se and 32se lite V7.20 for AmigaOS 3.2
AmigaOS 32se" is a supplement of themes for AmigaOS 3.2, which is available free of charge in a "lite" version (video) or in a full version (video) for about ten US Dollars. It was tested by the developer Sami Vehmaa under emulators.

In the new version 7.20, the demo "Human Traffic" and the game DeluxePacMan 1.6 AGA was added and iRipple was reconfigured. (dr)

[News message: 21. Oct. 2023, 06:32] [Comments: 0]
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SCSI-SD adapter: ZuluSCSI firmware v2023.10.20
ZuluSCSI is a new generation of file-based SCSI hard disk and CD-ROM drive emulators (review of an user). ZuluSCSI emulates a SCSI-I or SCSI-2 hard disk using an SD memory card ( reported). Changes of version 2023.10.20:
  • NEW: Platform support for the new ZuluSCSI Pico
  • NEW: ZuluSCSI Pico - SCSI DaynaPORT WiFi ethernet emulator
  • NEW: ZuluSCSI F4 platform support code
  • NEW: ZuluSCSI v1.1 ODE and ZuluSCSI v1.2 support
  • Initiator mode improvements from downstream
  • Remove shared BS2 specific code
  • Add Mac sanity checks when Apple quirks mode is enabled
  • Adopt support for Implicit Image directories from downstream fork
  • Added ability to change CD audio volume in config
  • Add CD audio volume config example

[News message: 21. Oct. 2023, 06:09] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 165 - preview and excerpts
Preview and excerpts of Amiga Future issue 165 (November/December 2023) have been published online at the title link. Content includes a show report from Amiga38, a preview of Roguecraft and a review of the German computer magazine "ASM" game.

Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and a German printed magazine and can be bought directly from the magazine's editorial office as well as several Amiga dealers. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 21:09] [Comments: 0]
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Jérôme Senay (Mail)

Print magazine: Boing #7 (French)
"Boing" is a French print magazine by Boing Attitude (e.g. Dir Me Up and Word Me Up XXL) for all Amiga systems on 52 A4 color pages.

The seventh issue among others includes an Amiga buyer's guide, listing the different solutions available today, information on the A1222+ and interviews with AAA Technology and George Sokianos. (dr)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 21:03] [Comments: 0]
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20.Oct.2023 (ANF)

Amiga-compatible mainboard: Denise
For about 90 Euro the Amiga-compatible mainboard "Denise" from the Swedish developer Enterlogic should be available in principle, plus e.g. 14 Euro shipping costs to Germany - but currently it is listed as sold out since the end of June, a new batch is announced. Besides the bare board, one gets another PCB for the RAM and two microcontrollers including firmware to use also PC keyboard and mouse besides the original Amiga ones.

Once all other components, including the 68000 processor and the Amiga custom chips, have been found and soldered, the fully assembled Denise is said to be most comparable to an Amiga 500+ with two Zorro II slots. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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CLI command: sysvars - system information as environment variables
The sysvars command creates environment variables with system information in order to make it dependent on these, for example, in the startup sequence, which patches are included. So far there is information on the CPU and FPU, the chipset, the vertical frame rate (PAL/NTSC) as well as whether the emulator UAE is used - and if so, in which version.

AmigaOS 2.x is required, a future version for operating system version 1.3 is being considered. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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Do it yourself: amiga-DSKRDY PCB for floppy disk drives
If no original Amiga disk drives are used, the "RDY" signal that the floppy disk drive is ready is usually missing, which can cause problems with some programs.

The 15x20 millimeter board amiga-DSKRDY provides the corresponding signal for such drives, assuming that readiness actually exists after 500 milliseconds. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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Alien Breed clone: new playable demo for 'Chaos Guns'
Chaos Guns started life as a mashup of 'Alien Breed' - running and gunning from a top-down view - and 'Hired Guns' - four indepently playable characters. A first tech demo, written in the rather exotic programming language 'PowerD', was released in 2014. After loosing the only coder and realizing that engine as originally envisioned would be too taxing for the Amiga, the team created several prototypes including one created with Backbone that was released to the public in 2016.

Shortly afterwards Jozef Tomka joined the team as a coder, to write an engine for this reduced version of the game - 32 instead of 256 colors, only one playable character - in Assembler. But according to members of the team, everybody was involved in too many projects, so work on Chaos Guns came to a halt for years. But now Tomka has published a new early alpha version of the game:

"Chaos Guns 8.69 (2023)" ist playable (video), even if the enemies aren't really fighting back yet. To be able to shoot, you first have to select a weapon using the "1" to "7" keys.

Download: ChaosGuns_8.69.lha (386 KB) (cg)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 01:30] [Comments: 0]
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Stoo Cambridge

Poster: Cover of AmigaAddict #19
Stoo Cambridge was a graphic designer at Sensible Software, who had also published the game Cannon Fodder, among others. For the cover picture of AmigaAddict #19 he used the game theme and added himself and Jon Hare in pixel portrait style. This picture can now also be ordered as a poster in his webshop. (dr)

[News message: 19. Oct. 2023, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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Video talk: The "Amiga Game Framework"
In mid-August we introduced Janne Peräaho's "Amiga Game Framework" in a detailed article. Last weekend, the traditional developer conference (DevCon) took place during the AmiWest, where developers report on their projects. Janne Peräaho kindly provided us with download links to the slides and the video presentation of his planned contribution:

Video talk (zip archive with avi video, 43 MB)
just the slides (zip archive with jpeg files, 3 MB) (dr)

[News message: 19. Oct. 2023, 05:44] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Games That Weren't: Truxz
Additional to Fatal Mission, there is another Amiga game started by Ola Zandelin (and Rodrigo Perez) that he did not finish: "Truxz" was supposed to be a 3D racing game with texture mapping. Planned were about nine different types of weapons, many different tracks on different terrain, raytraced graphics and a shop. Again, the developer provides some graphics on his website. (dr)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2023, 22:00] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Converting PC disk drives for operating on Amigas
In his latest video, Jan Beta shows how to modify standard PC floppy drives to work with Amigas and other retro systems. (dr)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2023, 21:45] [Comments: 0]
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3D action adventure: Bugdom 2 for Linux and MorphOS
Similar to the first part of the 3D action adventure game "Bugdom", the second part of the game originally published by Pangea Software was ported to modern OS by 'jorio'.

Afterwards, 'BeWorld' compiled Bugdom 2 for MorphOS (the latest SDL archive is required) and Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky for LinuxPPC-32Bit. The game runs on the Linux PowerPC distributions Void PPC, MintPPC, Fienix.

Download: Bugdom2_4.4.0-linux-powerpc.tar.gz (133 MB) (dr)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2023, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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18.Oct.2023 (website)

AROS distribution: AROS One 2.2 (x86)
"AROS One", a distribution based on the AROS binary interface ABI v0, is now available in version 2.2 for x86 computers. It can be downloaded as DVD ISO file or as USB flash image at the title link, where you can also find video recordings.

Besides updates of the included programs and games as well as bug fixes, also new functions have been added. The changes in detail:
  • Update Core ABIv0:
    • InstallAROS (Fix DualBoot)

  • Update AROS One OS System:
    • On USB Image live created link to InstallAROS on Wanderer
    • Create Script and related Icon for SMB2-Dismount
    • Fix AmiStart menu
    • Add AmiStart Prefs Script/Icon "No Backdrop"
    • View Font "TTF" and "bitmap fonts" on Wanderer and Dopus4 with a simple double-click
    • New Themes OS4 by Miker
    • New and fix Themes AROS One
    • Fix Theme (Animazione Gadget)
    • Improved and enlarged Wanderer top bar
    • DigiClock 'in transparent mode' is now placed on the top bar of Wanderer
    • Add Source MUIClass on Free Pascal IDE
    • Created Descriptor Datatypes PAS (Source Free Pascal)
    • Created Icon Def_PAS (Source Free Pascal)
    • ZuneARC, new AROS One icon-style buttons
    • Fix
    • Fix Pointer Prefs (deadwood)
    • OWB: Set as search engine DuckDuckGo (faster)
    • LilCalendar can now also be found in Utilities
    • DiskImageGUI moved to Utilities
    • Complete installation packages of 4 types of Disk icons and 4 types of Drawer icons, plus 2 types of Apps icons, all icons were created by me for AROS One. The icons are only available for private use, not allowed to be used on other operating systems

  • Update AROS One Apps:
    • Loan
    • ssh2fs 53.1
    • SilkRAW 2.0
    • AmiDream 0.2
    • Zip.hwp 2.0 (PlugIn Hollywood)
    • DigiClock 1.2 (update)
    • Image2PDF 2.3
    • AmiTranslate 0.3
    • LilCalendar 2.7
    • V.A.M.P. 3.10
    • ArosVNC Single Threaded and MultiThreaded Fix
    • WebpTools 1.3.2
    • RNOSlides 1.0
    • HollywoodSP Spanish Catalog for Hollywood 10

  • Update AROS One Games:
    • Open Jazz Jackrabbit Xmas Full
    • Siete Y Media 1.10 (Update)
    • Blackjuan Poker Card 1.10 (Update)
    • BlackIvan 1.0
    • Golf GolfSolitaire 1.0
    • Free Abuse 0.71
    • Pingus 0.7.6

[News message: 18. Oct. 2023, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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Motorola68k emulation: Emu68 v1.0 Release Candidate 2
A month ago, Developer Michal Schulz had released Release Candidate 1 of version 1.0 of his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 for the ARM architecture, focusing on the PiStorm and PiStorm32lite ( reported). Emu68 1.0 Release Candidate 2 contains all fixes from RC1. Additionally it contains two changes improving the support for old games and demos massively:

Updated instruction cache

The instruction cache used for translation of m68k to aarch64 code as well as to verify already translated code has been improved. The writes to chip memory automatically invalidate it, there are less flushes of the instruction cache during operation of Emu68.

Slow DBF

A special hack is added to make DBF busy loops operating with reasonable speed. Until now such kind of loops was way to fast on Emu68 and this rendered many old games or demos unusable or misbehaving. The special handling of DBF busy loops can be enabled in cmdline.txt file by adding a dbf_slowdown keyword, or during operation of Emu68 using the EmuControl tool.

The developer provides more detailed information on the changes in his new Patreon post. (dr)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2023, 06:35] [Comments: 0]
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GUI for Greaseweazle Tools : FluxMyFluffyFloppy v5.0.2 for Windows
Just the other day, in an article about setting up a Greaseweazle V4, we mentioned the graphical user interface FluxMyFluffyFloppy for the Greaseweazle Tools. Now 'FrankieTheFluff' has released version 5.0.2. Changes:
  • Requires Greaseweazle 1.16
  • New disc formats: pc98.n88basic.hd, zx.quorum.800
  • New image format: CT Raw (ctr)
  • Updated "diskdefs.cfg" (2023-08-17)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2023, 21:21] [Comments: 0]
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Frogger clone: Frogger (beta version 3)
Frogger (YouTube video) is supposed to be a 1:1 conversion of the 1981 Konam game ( reported). As the developer reports, the third beta version of the game is technically 100% complete and a small trainer has also been integrated. He was also able to inspire a musician for the project who will compose 20 musical sequences. For now, beta version 2 stays available, since the changes will added to the final version. (dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2023, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Procedurally generated levels in AMOS
The procedural generation of levels is a technique for creating game worlds in which one does not create each individual level by hand, but uses algorithms to construct the levels programmatically. This allows for almost unlimited variation and can shorten development time (see the explanatory article on the example of Unity).
In his latest video, Rob Smith explains this technique using the example of a future AMOS game for which he has to generate a large number of levels. He also shows how to speed up the algorithm and finally create a simple maze. (dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2023, 06:29] [Comments: 0]
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Image Gallery: Update of the "Amiga Graphics Archive"
The "Amiga Graphics Archive" is dedicated to all kinds of pixel graphics created with the Commodore Amiga between 1985 and 1995. According to the operator, quite a number of remarkable images were created during this period, which he believes should not be gathering dust on some hard drive, hidden in an extra level in a game that is never played, or on a PD collection disk that is almost unknown. These graphics should be accessible to all by presenting them on his website.

Somewhat deviating from his own credo, pixel graphics by the Danish graphic artist Facet have been added in the latest Update. (dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2023, 06:05] [Comments: 0]
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Forum 64 (Webseite)

Joystick repairs: Replacement PCB for the Competition Pro Mini
The "Competition Pro Mini" is a miniaturized version of the well-known Competition Pro joystick. Thanks to their small size, the micro switches used in these joysticks aren't really up to the mechanical stress they're put through while playing games - which is why many surviving Minis are only partially functional these days: Some of the directions or fire buttons are not working anymore.

Unfortunately, micro switches with the exact same dimensions as the ones used in the Competition Pro Mini are no longer available. To solve this problem, a user has now designed a replacement PCB, that can use "F4T7-UL" micro switches from SAIA-BURGESS which are still available (example). The required files to manufacture the PCB have been published on Github in KiCad format. Once assembled, the PCB is a 1:1 replacement for the original component. (cg)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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Tobias Baeumer (AmiDev Team) (ANF)

"Making Of"video: AmiFox Amiga38 Boxed Special Edition
The Amitopia AmiDev Team gave away boxed special editions of AmiFox on the Amiga 38 last weekend, like reported in a previous news. Now there is also a "Making Of" video available with details on how it was produced and what was learned in the process. The video also includes footage of the actual event. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 21:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser (Mail)

AmigaOS 4: Update to Heretic II nearing completion (Update)
Since the beginning of the year Steffen Häuser has been working on an update for Heretic II for AmigaOS 4, which among other things should support HD modes. At the Amiga38 a preview of the game was already shown at the stands of Alinea Computer and HunoPPC ( reported). As he now informs us, he worked on the game again after the fair and created a new version. The most important changes:
  • der gl4es-Renderer läuft nun ca. 20-25% schneller als die auf der Messe gezeigte Version
  • der MiniGL-Renderer hat nun Multitexturing, was ebenfalls zu einer Performanceverbesserung führt
According to tests on his AmigaOne X1000, the new version now runs at 108 fps at 1024x768. UHD resolutions are also supported, which then requires an X5000.

Update: (16.10.2023, 19:45, cg)

Steffen Häuser confirms (German) in a forum posting that the OS4 version of Heretic II will only be available as a boxed copy for full retail price in a newly designed box (German), there are no plans for a free or cheaper update for registered customers. According to Häuser, a boxed edition was requested by his betatesters and physical distribution would result in a larger payment for his (quote) "quite time-consuming work" on the AmigaOS 4 port. (dr)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 06:00] [Comments: 1 - 16. Oct. 2023, 19:55]
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Daniel "DNA" Voelkel (ANF)

Diskmag: 'Amiga Rulez' now available in English
A week ago, the first German issue of a new Diskmag called 'Amiga Rulez' was published, now the English translation is available. The next issue will be released in mid December, after that new issues will published every quarter. From now on, the German and English editions will be released simultaneously. (cg)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 01:28] [Comments: 0]
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16.Oct.2023 (Webseite)

MorphOS: PolyOrganiser 1.22a
Frederic 'Polymere' Rignault's PolyOrganiser is a 'Personal Information Management' tool that features a calendar, an address book and ToDo lists. Changes since version 1.21:
  • Fix: Update by overwriting directory can destroy user database forever! Use alternative filename for install.
  • Fix: Fixed the text transparency rendering for Tabs
  • Add: Time format in preference for local system that add secondes at time. Or force AM/PM. More time formats (with or without 0 fill in hour and am/AM choice)
  • Fix: Refresh time format at startup
  • Fix: hit when double clock on empty diary list
  • Add: new event window when double click on an empty diary list (stay or remove the feature ? context menu do the same)
  • Change: Tabs color reference to true color mode. Allow alpha for border for allow full transparency for flat skin.
  • Change: Add transparency to tabs text too.
  • Change: Calendar switch to full color mode. Fix some render issue.
  • Fix: import old not true color may create bad color, use defaut instead.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 01:22] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Image editor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 for Windows, Linux and macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Full version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
AROS: Demo version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (25. Aug.)
Crowdfunded book: Retro Gaming Library - Amiga Edition (18. Aug.)
Operating system for the Amiga: Second alpha version of "Serena OS" (13. Aug.)
MorphOS: Continued GMail support by Iris questionable (11. Aug.)
Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS available / Paolo Cattani games pre-installed (04. Aug.)
Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced (01. Aug.)
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