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MorphOS: Tetris Clone Block Attack
Block Attack is an SDL-based puzzle game in the style of Tetris Attack (screenshot).

Link: Homepage of the Linux Version
Download: blockattack-1.1.0_mos.lha (4.4 MB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2005, 23:57] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jun.2005 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Apache 1.3.33 (Beta2)
Edgar Schwan has released a new beta-version of Apache 1.3.33 webserver. His Amiga port supports PHP 4.3.11 and MySQL 3.23.49, but is still in beta-stages and not completely functional. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2005, 15:15] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Software News through 22nd of June, 2005

MUICON 50.20

MUICON is an MUI-based console handler by Jacek Piszczek, who also provides his own terminal display class (PowerTerm.mcc). Version 50.20 reacts now also to ixemul-based utilizations to window size-changing requirements, OpenSSH utilizers should download the newest version of this program on account of that.

Link: Homepage
Download: muicon.lha (290 KB)
Download: muicon_int.lha (12 KB) (catalog data)

logTool 1.6

logTool (previously known as "anaLOGuer") is a little program that filters useful information from MorphOS debug logs and can display the info colorfully (screenshot). The source supports Ramdebug, the serial port and log data. The code of PowerTerm.mcc from MUICON-packet is required. Changes since v1.4:
  • Fixed a possible race on quit.
  • About doesn't clear the display anymore.
  • Closes the file directly after reading it (log from file mode).
  • Added spurious interrupt to default filter remove list.

Link: Homepage
Download: logtool.lha (36 KB)

FloppyTest 1.0

FloppyTest contains several small routines that were generated as a byproduct during development of a floppy driver for MorphOS. The archive should give insight to other developers in the steering of ISA equipment and uncovering a few problems in the built-in Southbridge of the Pegasos.

In this archive you'll find help programs for the steering of drive motors, for reading about individual sectors, and for interrupt handling, all including commented source code.

Link: Download page
Download: FloppyTest (7 KB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2005, 01:48] [Comments: 0]
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Retro computing: expands Amiga section
The "Forum-64" which covers mostly the 8 bit computern from Commodore but also holds boards for Atari, Schneider or GDR home computers expands it's Amiga section.

For discussions regarding the Amiga there are now the boards "Hardware", "Software", "Basteleien/Modding", "Emulatoren", "Datenübertragung" and "Literatur" available. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 17:22] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jun.2005 (Webseite)

AmigaOS4: Soundcard driver for the M-Audio Revolution 7.1
Davy Wentzler has written an AHI driver for the surround sound card M-Audio Revolution 7.1 for AmigaOS4, which will be available from the next days on at the OS4Depot. the card has two inputs, eight analog outputs and one digital output.

The card will be supported by the Envy24HT driver which already runs with the Terratec Aureon 5.1 Sky, 7.1 Space and Phase28 cards. Even not testet yet is should also run with the M-Audio Revolution 5.1.

The author thanks Bill Toner for his support while doing development for this card. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 17:14] [Comments: 0]
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Mikey C (ANF)

Guide: "Amiga Samba for Idiots"
A comprehensive and pictured english guide to install Samba under AmigaOS4 is available at the title link. A version for AmigaOS/68k and teh TCP/IP stack Genesis will folow a bit later. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 14:29] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-ListDatei V1.0 available
Today a new Amiga tool by Steffen Nitz has been released: SN-ListDatei V1.0. It shows a list of all files from one directory including all subdirectories in a single window.

This tool is very handy for e.g. HTML designers who work with several subdirectories. The file list might be saved as text file or send to the printer. There are also overview statics available which show the numer of files and directories and their sizes.

Download page:

Furthermore The Altdeutschland coins page has been maintained. The Pommern Stralsund page became the most extensive page because it will be the Author's favorite. The page contains pictures of six differnt coins from the middle age from the city of Stralsund (located at the coast near the isle Rügen in today's Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 13:11] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

Freescale Technology Forum: "Best of show" awarded to Genesi
At the Freescale Technology Forum Orlando, Florida Genesi was awared as the "Best of show".

The award is for Genesi's Home Media Center (screen shot) which is based on the PegasosPPC and open source software.

Among the jury there were media representives from CMP United Business Medias CommsDesign an EE Times online community, Penton Medias Electronic Design magazine and the online publication analogZONE. Criterions were technological merit, market impact, usability and the "cool factor".

Photo gallery: page 1, page 2

Update: (20:04, 23.06.05, snx)
Meanwhile there's also a video of the keynote speech by Freescale's CEO Michel Mayer, which also includes the "Best of show" ceremony (starting 1:18:10).

Update 2: (16:32, 24.06.05, snx)
Press release by Genesi with details about the MythTV-based Media Center and further photos of the MPC5200 board EFIKA. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jun.2005 renews menu structures
On Tuesday, June the 21st 2005 a minor structural update has been made to website to provide a more intuitive navigation and a better page overview.

The upper and lower menu bars as well as the right menu bar are affected from these changes. Now at the upper menu there are only links related to contentual areas which enrich the daily news. Among thme there are the links for the ANF, the Amiga Link Directory, the bulletin board, comments and the glossar. At the lower menu the internal subpages were bundled, such as the netiquette, the news archive, the guest book, the masthead or the contakt page. At the right, temporary menu at the start page important Amiga related links are located as well as links to our sponsors and in future there will be an expanded article search section added.

Links which were removedfrom the old menu structures were merged into "other sources" and "sub pages".

During the next months the team will concentrate to the English section and is aimig to establish the service at a new domain with not only the news service but also a mostly interactive knowledge and test data base

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding these changes the team is always pleased to get to know your ideas. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 00:32] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Magazin merges with the AMIGAplus
Subscribers of the AMIGAplus will receive the "Amiga-Magazin mit AMIGAplus", the Amiga-CD and additionally to that the a free copy of the PCgo CD by mail during the next days..

The publisher falkemedia was not able to ensure a longer independent future of the AMIGAplus as a stand alone magazine, but this merge teh readers benefit in several ways: Beside high quality Amiga articles, which are still supported by the AMIGAplus editors, teh subscribers also receive a first class computer magazine which supplies important tests, basic articles and high quality software CDs - valuables, precious for both, Amiga and PC users. Not without any reason the WEKA computer magazine publishing house supports the Amiga-Magazin since 1987 and still delivers this magazine combination to thousands of Amiga fans.

Was a subscription for the AMIGAplus (with two monthly CD) alone 81,30 Euro each year, the fee for the "Amiga-Magazin mit AMIGAplus", a high qualitly two monthly Amiga software CD as well as 12 issues of the PCgo (including cover CD) a year is now reduced to 54,90 Euro a year.

By this merge of the both magazines the number of readers could be increased to a volume which ensures the publication throughout the next years - the 20 year anniversary of the Amiga-Magazin will not be missed by the publishers! Already paid ammounts will fully counted to the subscription.

For questions regarding the subscription or the content of the "Amiga-Magazins mit AMIGAplus" please contact the publisher or the editors at the WEKA. The contact data is available at the masthead inside the magazine or online .

The team of the AMIGAplus supports the editors of the Amiga Magazins and continues with the competent news team to deliver latest news to the Amiga-Community at (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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Risc OS: Firefox port released
Risc OS teh operating system which was formerly delivered with Acorn's Archimedes RiscPC homecomputers and is - just like the AmigaOS and alikes - on it's long and stoney way to a new hardware.

Risc OS suffered to a problem which should be well knwon to all Amiga folks: Decent websites were only limited usable with the available browsers (at least six deiffernt ones!) due to lack of proper Javascript or CSS support.

Since yesterday Risc OS users may use a beta version of Firefox. In a recent thread at the author Peter "chocky" Naulls describes some of the occuring problems and tehir solution while doing the port. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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PowerPC: Freescale MPC7448 mass production in October
At the Frescale Technology Forum in Orlando, Florida Freescale announced today mass production of their latest high end processor MPC7448 will start in October. The 7448 is the first ppc using Freescale'e new e600 core which has a 1 MB 2nd level cache (doubled in comparision to the 7447), an improved Altivec unit (out of order sequences) and a faster external bus (up to 200 Mhz) (Out-of-Order-Befehlsfolge), but it keeps pin and binary compatible with it's predecessor (MPC7447).

Due to the newly introduced 90 nanometer process and other detail improvements the MPC7448 will not only consume less energy than the 7447 but also allow to go for higher clock rates. Production from October on will reach 1.7 Ghz. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 14:32] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

MorphOS: SFSResize 1.0
Using the new Amiga tool SFSResize developed by Marek Szyprowski you may adjust the SFS filesystem after performing a partition reduction without formatting completely. SFSCheck is needed in addition to use SFSResize. Beware: Use this at your own risk.

SFSresize.readme (4 KB)
SFSresize.lha (24 KB)
SFSCheck.lha (58 KB) (snx)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 11:32] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (Webseite)

MorphOS: Snoopium 1.1 published
Version 1.1 of the open source system monitor "Snoopium" based on SnoopDOS is now available. Apart from various bug fixes the program window may now be resized. Additionally the toolbar-options "framed" and "images only" were added. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 09:41] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (website)

Team AROS: Bounty #31 initiated for a MorphOS wrapper
Team AROS has initiated a bounty for a MorphOS wrapper for AROS/PPC. Due to their requirements of operating system functions, three MorphOS applications have been specified as an objective for this bounty.

While both operating systems are quite compatible already per default - according to a developer some MorphOS libraries should even run directly like native ones on AROS/PPC -, this bounty aims at ensuring that all system structures and public structures of AROS have to be properly aligned with 68k alignment rules and that a wrapper or emulator takes care for the remaining differences between the operating systems.

Donations to this and other bounties are possible at the Team AROS website using PayPal. For citizens of the EU, James King is offering to forward the money to avoid PayPal fees for direct transfers into the USA. Donations must not be sent by credit/debit card on PayPal, though. (snx)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2005, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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Bradd Webb (E-Mail)

Newsletter: Amiga Update #050531
Brad Webbs newsletter "Amiga Update" contains a summary of the more important Amiga related news of the last four weeks. The May issue has now been released:

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               A M I G A      | 050531 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

          W O R D   M E   U P   F R O M   A M I G A   I N C .

         A M I G A   I N C .   J O I N S   H P   P R O G R A M

 B O I N G E D   I N   B E L G I U M   I N ,   U M M ,   B E L G I U M

        A M I G A E A S T   S H O W   W A S   C A N C E L L E D

          A M I W E S T   I N F O R M A T I O N   U P D A T E

   A M I G B G   I N   J U L Y   -   W H A T ' S   S C H E D U L E D

         B O O T   J I N G L E   C R E A T E D   F O R   O S 4

     G U R U M E D I T A T I O N   S P O N S O R S   D R I V E R S

         E L B O X   A N N O U N C E S   D - B O X   T O W E R

  M I C R O G O L D   E D I T O R   N O W   F R E E   D O W N L O A D

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Long time readers know that May marks the start of a new publication
year for Amiga Update. We are beginning our 12th year of publication
with this issue! Hard to believe as I sit here typing this that it has
been so many years! How many more will it be? At this point I can't
say but the Amiga community is still here after all that time, and
still reading Amiga Update which we find gratifying.
 We have interesting stories from Amiga, Inc. this time around.
Clearly, games are the thing as far as Amiga is concerned right now.
That's probably a good thing as games should generate some cash.
 Our second story below gives some indications of Amiga's plans for
the near future at least. We'll have to see how they work out in
practice, but it's great to see plans being talked about.
 What are Amiga's long term plans? I don't think we can determine that
from what we've seen in recent weeks and months. For now, I'm just
pleased they're still in existence and doing things. As we've done for
many years now, we will have to let the future show us what's in store
as it happens. Since we published our first issue the week after
Commodore went bankrupt, we've been doing this for 11 full years,
starting on 12. We should all be good at it by now.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,

         W O R D   M E   U P   F R O M   A M I G A   I N C .

 May 12, 2005 - San Francisco, CA; Today, Amiga, Inc. announced the
availability of Word Me Up, produced by Jerome Senay, founder of the
Boing Attitude team. This original production creates a zany
combination of action, dexterity and brain-twisting fun.

 Word Me Up introduces a set of cartoon characters, graphics and
amusing sound effects into a world of word-based memory challenges
that progressively scale in up to 60 levels of difficulty in four
different languages.

 Players can choose from 5 characters immersed in the world of
darkness facing the task of retrieving texts stolen by a bad sorcerer.
Every level is a race against the clock to collect the letters of the
word that opens code-locked doors. Along the way are a series of
endless mazes infested with numerous sorcerer henchmen. To save
humanity, users must find hidden parts, avoid drowning and steer clear
of raging elephants.

 "Word Me Up combines the fun elements of a medieval sorcerer arcade
adventure with an educational platform for effectively learning
words," said Vince Pfeifer, Amiga Product Manager. "Today, educational
entertainment is among the fastest growing segments of the digital
entertainment market."

 "We wanted to create a funny, skill-challenging application that
brings rich graphics and high quality performance across a variety of
portable devices. Amiga enables the cross-platform sharing of
binaries, allowing us to concentrate on content," said Boing Attitude
founder Senay.

 Word Me Up is immediately available for WinCE Mobile-based devices,
including PocketPC and SmartPhone, and will soon be available for
Linux and Symbian-based devices, set top boxes, personal multimedia
devices, set top boxes and PCs.

 About Boing Attitude:

 Boing Attitude is a small enthusiastic team located in Nantes,
France. Focusing on gameplay, Boing Attitude's aim is to create
addictive and nice games for portable & small devices but also for
desktop computers. For more information visit Email inquiries:

        A M I G A   I N C .   J O I N S   H P   P R O G R A M

 April 26, 2005 - San Francisco, CA Amiga, Inc. announced it has
become a Premier Member of the Hewlett-Packard iPAQ Developer Program.

 As a Premier Member, Amiga gains access to development tools, source
code, pre-release tools and information and multiple opportunities for
joint marketing and collaboration at tradeshows.

 "We are pleased to welcome Amiga as a Premier member of the iPAQ
Developer Program," said Joel Vincent, Product Manager, Handhelds
Global Business Unit.

 The Hewlett-Packard program comprises more than 15,000 members from
109 countries, including 121 universities worldwide. While the US
still constitutes the largest block of members, a majority of members
are from outside of the United States.

 The original purpose of the program was to serve those developing
iPAQ expansion sleeves. The widespread adoption of SDIO (Secure
Digital Input Output) and CF (Compact Flash) has shifted the program's
main focus now to providing developers with finer control over unique
features of the hardware, especially new features that do not yet have
standard operating system support.

 "The breadth of iPAQ devices enable the consumer/home and
business/mobile users with extensive applications geared to their
respective needs," said Greg Sigel, Amiga's vice president of sales
and marketing. "The specific focus of each device, covering
multimedia, imaging, productivity and business applications mirrors
the development path that Amiga is pursuing with our developer
community. By gaining access to the HP tools, Amiga developers can
more effectively serve each market with the optimal set of graphically
rich, superior performing applications."

 After having recently launched its revised web site, on-line store
and a host of new titles, Amiga continues to pursue an aggressive
distribution strategy and product release plan of 12 new titles per
quarter. The HP-Amiga partnership is a key step to enabling handheld
users with premium content.

 B O I N G E D   I N   B E L G I U M   I N ,   U M M ,   B E L G I U M

16 May, 2005

 Boinged In Belgium will be held this summer 6 and 7 August near
Antwerp. Organized together with the Belgian Amigaclub and celebrating
the 20th anniversary of the Amiga. You should be there... why? Because
we all want "those" days to come back, doesn't mather if you're a user
or a merchant.

 Some of the things that will be to do or to see:

 - 20 years of Amiga exposition

 - Bring your modded amiga with you, the best ones win a prize

 - Non-Stop day and night party ( hotel and camping-info will be added
soon )

 - Big screen gaming and big screen demoshows

 - Various exhibitors have shown interest in the show and there will
be some official announcements soon ( exhibitors )

 - Of course you can combine the event with a visit to the beautifull
city of Antwerp ( )

 If you have something to show, sell or whatever :
and we will work something out.

 And don't forget the dresscode: let us see those "intel outside" and
"boingball's" once again !

        A M I G A E A S T   S H O W   W A S   C A N C E L L E D

 {This is presented after the fact to inform those who were unaware of
the cancellation. Quite sad, we hope for better luck for the show in
the future. Brad}

 1 May, 2005

 We regret to inform you all that the AmigaEast Show May 28-29 2005
has been cancelled.

 Many people and companies had expressed interest in the show, but the
money did not come in to support the $6000 needed to run the show. As
a result of not being able to put the additional $2500 prepayment the
time slot was sold to another event in the hotel. All the work and
logistics had been done, but too little money came in. There is still
a possibility one could happen at the end of the year but it looks as
though I would need to front most of the money myself. Anyone who gave
a credit card # in to order tickets for the show or banquet have not
been charged anything and any checks have not been cashed and will be
disposed of properly. I would still like to look forward to doing
another show in the northeast of the US and am open to ideas.

        A M I W E S T   I N F O R M A T I O N   U P D A T E

 1 May 2005

 From the beginning of the AmiWest shows, certain goals and objectives
have been in evidence. While those who have been connected with the
show are aware of most of those goals and objectives, many of you who
attend may not be aware or may be new to the show. So for you (and to
remind others), here are the things we are trying to accomplish with
each and every AmiWest show.

 1. First of all, we are providing a place for the Amiga community to
gather. This gathering takes place from among a worldwide community of
manufacturers, developers, users, retailers, and others interested in
our great Amiga computers. Old friendships are renewed and new friends
are made among the many attendees at AmiWest. Organized user groups
are especially encouraged to come and exhibit through a user group
special rate policy detailed on our website. (see

 2. Second, we provide a place for breaking news announcements of
interest to the Amiga community. Companies who are part of the Amiga
marketplace have always sent their representatives to announce
significant developments.

 3. Third, we provide an encouraging, peaceful atmosphere where even
those in conflict can come, bury the hatchet, and meet in a
high-energy environment for exchange of ideas. We tell those that are
in conflict, legally or otherwise, to please leave their conflicts for
other arenas.

 4. Fourth, we provide a place where vendors can come to sell the
latest and greatest Amiga technologies as well as some of the best
tried and true Amiga hardware and software. Each has its advocates and
we support the efforts of our vendors who support our show and make it

 5. Fifth, we try to be as educational as possible along the way.
We're working on a few surprises this year as we try to do every year.
We're also continuing our practice of giving qualified presenters a
platform to demonstrate what the Amiga can do.

 For 2005, our theme is "AMIGA at 20: Past, Present and Future," in
honor of John Zacharias. Keep watching our webpage (with brilliant new
graphics) at and these continuing information
releases for further information, including our 2005 exhibitor list
and our 2005 banquet speaker!

 AmiWest 2005 will be July 23th and 24th, 2005, at the

Clarion Hotel Cal Expo
2600 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento California 95821

Reservations Phone 1-800-424-6423 toll-free (local 1-916-487-7600)
and by snail-mail at the above address.

 Please watch our website at for continuing news
and information regarding AmiWest 2005. We are on target for another
improved show! See you there!


So remember,

 AmiWest 2005 is rolling! The facility is reserved and the vendors are
notified! Keep watching for these releases and tell everyone that you
know - the Amiga and the Amiga community is alive and well!

   A M I G B G   I N   J U L Y   -   W H A T ' S   S C H E D U L E D

 The fair will take place on the 23rd of July 11AM-5PM at Lindholmen
Science Park in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference center is located
at Navet which is the main building in the area. It holds the latest
in IT and AV-technology as well as all modern conveniences, like an
ATM, kiosk etc.

 IBM talks about Power and Cell at AmiGBG 2005-05-25 Mikael Haglund is
a well known name among Amigans since the success at AmiGBG 2004. This
year Mikael will update us on the progress of Power and give us more
information on the new Cell processor.

 Haglunds presentation 2004 was extremely appreciated, this year he
will reveal more details about IBM's new 'mystery' CPU called Cell.

 New exhibitor and sponsor - GGS-Data 2005-05-28

 AmiGBG is proud to once again present Swedens oldest Amiga reseller,
both as an exhibitor and as the official sponsor of AmiGBG Retro Room

 Niels Bache as official fair photagrapher 2005-05-27

 We're proud to have Niels Bache as the official photographer of this
historical event. Niels is a frequent visitor to Amiga events. His
previous pictures are avalible at

 New exhibitor: Norwegian amiga union 2005-05-26

 We welcome Norwegian amiga union(Norsk amigaforening) as a exhibitor.
Norwegian amiga union (Norsk amigaforening) has existed by it's name
since 1992, established on the Internet in the fall of 2000. In the
early 2003 they got their official organization number in the
norwegian organization register. Norwegian amiga union is an
organization for norwegian usergroups that has Amiga hardware and
software as an interest.

 The pre-booking system is now avalible 2005-05-25

 The booking system is now online so don't postpone you preorder!
Book your ticket Today! The price is 12 EUR when preordering and 16
EUR at the door. Booking is fast, easy and payment is avaliable
through PayPal.

 Kalms talks about 3D programming 2005-05-25

 Few people who have owned an Amiga computer back in the 90s do not
know the name Kalms. Mikael Kalms is one of the programmers in the
demo group 'The Black Lotus'. TBL has a long list of 1st places at
parties like The Gathering, Mekka Symposium and lately Breakpoint
2005. Still coding on the A1200 with a Motorola 68060 CPU. Mikael will
talk about 3D demo programming in the Developers Pavilion at AmiGBG

        B O O T   J I N G L E   C R E A T E D   F O R   O S 4

Leuven, Belgium. - May 25, 2005

 Chaos Union and Hyperion Entertainment VOF announced today that
recording artist Susumu Hirasawa will deliver a boot jingle created
specifically for AmigaOS 4.0. Two additional tracks will also be
included on the AmigaOS 4.0 CD to showcase Hirasawa's music.

 About Susumu Hirasawa

 Susumu Hirasawa is a highly acclaimed recording artist. He has
written soundtracks for commercial successes such as Millenium
Actress, Paranoia Agent, the Beserk tv-series and videogame, and he is
currently working on his latest cd-release. Since 1979 he helped
defined Japanese pop-techno in the group P-MODEL and launched his
first solo album in 1989. Since the mid-90s Hirasawa has toured with
his Interactive Live Show utilizing Amigas with the support of Amiga
user group of Japan(FAMIGA) for a spectacular interactive multimedia

 About Hyperion Entertainment VOF

 Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company,
founded in March of 1999. The company specializes in 3D graphics and
the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to
niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86,PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X).

 Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of
3D graphics for companies such as Monolith ( and has
developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D
graphics to low power digital devices such as PDAs and STBs.

 Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC
native incarnation of the groundbreaking OS introduced by Commodore in

    G U R U M E D I T A T I O N   S P O N S O R S   D R I V E R S

20 May, 2005

 Andreas Loong, Proprietor of GuruMeditation, has stated:

 "We would consider sponsoring development of hardware drivers for
OS4, whether it be PCI, clockport or Zorro based. So I'll make this a
general call to developers: If you can make a driver, let me know and
I'll send you the required hardware."

 We feel drivers are inherently important to a platform as a whole,
and AmigaOS 4 currently covers alot of audio and video drivers, and a
good number of IDE controllers.

 If you have written drivers before, or if you are an experienced
programmer, this is an excellent opportunity for you.

 If you can make a driver for AmigaOS 4, we are prepared to ship you
the card that you need.

 It should be in C, it should follow the new AmigaOS interface
guidelines, and it should be portable. It must not be a port of a GPL
driver, or a proprietary driver. Check with us if you are uncertain.

        E L B O X   A N N O U N C E S   D - B O X   T O W E R

17 May, 2005

 Elbox Computer is happy to announce a new tower system for Amiga 1200
computers. D-BOX 1200 is a perfectly designed, modern, functional,
spacious tower case.

 D-BOX 1200 is targeted for these Amiga 1200 users who want to upgrade
their computers with the DRAGON 1200, a ColdFire-based accelerator
card combined with the PCI/AGP Expansion busboard. D-BOX 1200 allows
also using other busboards like Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI
1200 LT4, Mediator PCI 1200 or Zorro IV with Mediator PCI ZIV.

 After all of the amazing Amiga chassis designs that Elbox released in
the past few years, the D-BOX 1200 includes the first chassis with the
movable back bracket bays born after extensive research and
development by the Elbox engineers.

 The D-BOX 1200 is much more performance-oriented and versatile than
all previous towers for Amiga 1200 computers. Standard features such
as four 5.25in drive bays, five 3.5in drive bays, and a chassis
prepared to perfectly fit A1200 motherboard with many different PCI
and Zorro busboards are combined with new elements like USB ports in
the front panel or a movable front cover bay for CD-ROM. D-BOX 1200
tower system with a powerful 350W ATX PSU is ready for massive
expandability of your A1200 hardware.

 D-BOX 1200 replaces the discontinued Mirage 1200 and E/BOX 1200 (also
known as A1200 Power Tower and A1200 Winner Tower) Amiga tower

 Pricing and availability

 The D-BOX 1200 Tower will be on sale from early June 2005 at the
suggested retail price of only EUR 149.95 or US$194.95 (VAT and local
taxes excl.)

 For more information see: D-BOX 1200 website.

  M I C R O G O L D   E D I T O R   N O W   F R E E   D O W N L O A D

25 May, 2005

 The microgolded editor is now available as free download. Instead of
asking users to pay for it, it is released as sponsored software and
contains offline advertising.

 microgolded is a small editor. It provides basic editing features,
such as undo-redo, folding, macro recording, formatting, auto-case,
auto-completion and other basic editor stuff. It is very fast and very
configurable. All in one file, no installation.

 Registered users can find a new, advertising-free version on the
GoldED web site. New features: black-on-white color scheme (optional)
and navigation tabs.

 Amiga users and dealers interested in advertising software, events,
web sites or services in microgolded please contact GoldED support.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 12th publication year.
Copyright 2005 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _
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(nba) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2005, 16:57] [Comments: 0]
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Yeahronimo per eMail

Commodore PMC30
The Commodore Portable Media Centre is a truly complete AV Jukebox with multiple features and easy to use functionality. You can now enjoy hours of mobile entertainment from music to photos to complete motion pictures. With a 30Gb storage capacity the Commodore PMC30 can store up to 60 films (based on MPEG4 format). The device is equipped with DRM (Digital Rights Management) security, thus enabling consumers to download music legally at nearly every authorized download store. The player comes with high quality headphones, a USB cable, 2.5mm plug to RCA (3 wire) cable, multi language manual, software CD, AC adaptor and a warranty card. (nba) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2005, 15:31] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (website)

MorphOS: shell tool to activate 3D sound
Under the title link in the Pegasos forum you can find the program setup3dsound to enable the 3D sound functionality of the onboard chip SigmaTel 9766 for the analogue and the digital output of the Pegasos board.

setup3dsound is run from the shell with a parameter for the intensity of the 3D effect - from 0 (off) to 3. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2005, 08:13] [Comments: 0]
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PegXMac mailing list

PegXMac: version 1.4.2 for Pegasos II finished
David Benthams Live CD PegXMac for Mac-on-Linux is now available for the Pegasos II in version 1.4.2.

  • G3 and G4 versions combined (separate root structure)
  • Installer of the Pegasos I version added
  • Installer now asks for the file system used on the boot partition, that is FFS, SFS EXT2 or EXT3
  • File manager (Midnight Commander) added to the molmenu
  • Shutdown and reboot are now available in the molmenu as separate functions
  • Amiga-fdisk can now detect up to 20 partitions
  • Pre-empt function added to the kernel
(snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2005, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (web site)

Video editing: "Auto video ripper" for VLab Motion
With "Auto video ripper" you can automatically export a video source as MPEG or DivX file.

To do so, you enter the length of the original video, open Movieshop and start a project as well as your video device. You can change the bit rate, the image size and the output format. There's no sound export as the author doesn't own a Toccata sound card.

Download: autovideoripper.lha (700 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2005, 10:16] [Comments: 0]
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Antibike (ANF)

JAmiga: Website online again
The website of the Java-project JAmiga is online again. The site must has been closed because of a missing copyright reference in one of the source code files. But it will last some time until all files will be accessable again. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2005, 17:52] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan (ANF)

Boinged in Belgium 2005: Questions to the Amiga-OpenOffice-Project
During the event "Boinged in Belgium" which will take place on 6. and 7. August in the near of Antwerpen there will be also a question round with Christophe 'Amon_Re' Ochal to the level of development of the port of OpenOffice for AmigaOS4.

According to the project leader in a thread on there is still no certain date of completion of the AmigaOS4-port. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2005, 17:43] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. announces relationship with Riverdeep
Under the title link Amiga Inc. announces a cooperation with the "Edutainment" offerer Riverdeep. For further details please have a look at the homepage. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2005, 14:00] [Comments: 0]
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11.Jun.2005 (website)

GUI-Toolkit: RxMUI v42.2
"RxMUI" gives ARexx programmers the possibility to create complex graphical user interfaces. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 19:40] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: Update for OS4Emu
Ilkka Lehtoranta released an update for his wrapper OS4Emu (compatibility list). A new version of the os4loader.library gives a slightly improved compatibility. The update contains just this library and needs OS4Emu 1.7.

Direct download: os4emu-update (6 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 18:53] [Comments: 0]
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11.Jun.2005 (website)

Internet radio: AmiPodder 1.0 receives Podcast streams
Robert Williams released version 1.0 of his Amiga Podcast receiver program AmiPodder. Podcasting is a method for audio broadcasting (usually in MP3 format) with a minimum of infrastructur. With a receiver program like AmiPodder you can pull the Podcast feeds.

AmiPodder is an ARexx program that uses rxMUI and that needs a browser or a download manager for downloading the Podcasts. The playback is done with AmigaAMP or TuneNet. The Podcasts can also be sent to an external device like an MP3 player.

Download: AmiPodder.lha (47 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 17:48] [Comments: 0]
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