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Aminet-Uploads til 14.05.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
CTorrent-mos.lha        comm/tcp   102K  MOS  small and effiecent BitTorrent client
SDL_sinus_font-mos.lha  demo/file  299K  MOS  Sinus Font SDL effect
iconv-morphos.lha       dev/c      668K  MOS  Character set conversion library
make-bin.lha            dev/c      354K  OS4  GNU make including parallel compile   dev/lang   474K  ARO  Programming language Lua
filex.lha               dev/misc   313K  OS4  FileX - the HEX editor
ext2fs_0.20.lha         disk/misc   92K  VAR  Second Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver
ext2fs_0.5.lha          disk/misc   58K  VAR  Second Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver
ntfs_0.2.lha            disk/misc   48K  VAR  New Technology Filesystem (NTFS) driver 
ntfs_0.5.lha            disk/misc   66K  VAR  New Technology Filesystem (NTFS) driver
DC2Lvl-EMine13.lha      game/data  394K  GEN  80 levels for Diamond Caves II
daimonin_mosclient.lha  game/role   17M  MOS  Massively multiplayer online roleplaying
glload.lha              gfx/3d     135K  MOS  A 3D CPU load display, stack optional
PAR_READ.lha            hard/hack  344K  OS3  PAR: as a VOLUME in READ mode only.
ASpEmu.lha              misc/emu   168K  OS3  48K/128K/+2 Sinclair Spectrum emulator.
ASpEmu_NOROM.lha        misc/emu   107K  OS3  48K/128K/+2 Sinclair Spectrum emulator.
TheMPegEncGUI.lha       mus/misc   471K  OS3  GUI 4 Lame,Ogg,BladeEnc,Pegase,Ncode,Mus              pix/gicon   56K  GEN  New DefIcons for AmigaOS
Annotate.lha            text/edit  268K  OS4  Text Editor with advanced features
Annotate_src.lha        text/edit  189K  GEN  Text Editor with advanced features (sour
ActivateWindow.lha      util/cli     6K  OS3  CLI-tool to activate, move to front wind
Tree179.lha             util/cli   129K  OS3  Lists directory content tree-like
DM_con_LL.lha           util/dir     8K  GEN  My DiskMaster configuration and associat
NewString_MCC.lha       util/libs    9K  OS3  Old but still required mui class - lates
AllKeys.lha             util/misc   65K  VAR  Use ALL mapped rawkeys which includes Mu
Macc.lha                util/misc   58K  OS4  Mouse accelerator with plenty of setting
MPlayer-GUI.lha         util/misc  228K  OS4  GUI for MPlayer for OS4
idle1_9.lha             util/moni   24K  OS3  A (working) A68K cpu monitor
idlewos.lha             util/moni   13K  WUP  A cpu monitor with WarpOS Support
madf.lha                util/rexx    4K  GEN  restore floppy disk images with one clic
stream122.lha           util/rexx   17K  GEN  play and record shoutcast radio within c
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 15. May. 2006, 01:58] [Comments: 0]
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