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IRC-Log with Adam Kowalczyk (ACK Software Controls)
At there is an IRC-log where Adam Kowalczyk from ACK Software Controls Inc. announces some further details to his hardware plans. The most important details in short:

The problem of the missing A1200-plug Steckconnection for the Powervixxen LT was solved. Linux already runs on the hardware. As firmware U-Boot as well as OpenBIOS is tested. Currently Kowalczyk checks if the boards should be equipped with Onboard-Graphic (Radeon Mobility 7500/9000) instead of a mini-PCI-slot.

Kowalczyk also develops a so called "High-End Solution"-motherboard. So far a "Dev-Board" was used. Probably a first prototyp will be available in 2-3 weeks. The Northbridge-producer is not mentioned. But Kowalczyk praises the good coopearation with Tundra. The following specifications are mentioned for this board:
  • Form-Factor: MicroATX
  • CPU: 7448 with up to 1,7 Ghz (CPU-moduls compatible with AmigaOne XE)
  • FrontSideBus: 200 Mhz
  • RAM: DDR2 @ 2*200 Mhz
  • AGP: AGP-Connector in PCI-Modus (66 Mhz)
  • 3 PCI-slots (maybe 6 slots, but this would mean a higher price of 100 - 150 USD)
  • Onboard-interfaces: 2 * Gigabit-Ethernet, 2 * USB, seriel

It is still too early for a precise price. Kowalczyk guesses the price of a motherboard with 1,7 Ghz CPU with ca. 1000 USD.

Currently the most important thing is to finish the production of the CPU-moduls. There should be an introduction of "several products" on the British Amiga-event "AmiRevival" (29. June). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. May. 2006, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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