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18.May.2006 (homepage)

AmigaOS 4: CPC-Emulator Arnold
Arnold emulates the CPC-computers from Armstrad or Schneider (Screenshot) respectively. The main goal is a very near emulation of the original system, therefore most of the CPC-software should work properly.

The AmigaOS port of Dr.Hirudo still contains some bugs which should be fixed in future releases:
  • uses all the cpu resources
  • slower in fullscreen mode than in window
  • renders graphics only on 32-bit depth
  • when emulating some noises - the emulator crashes - represented when playing "Space Harrier"
  • double size mode is slow
  • when set frameskip, the emulator speeds up instead of working at 100% speed and skipping frames

Download: Arnold.lha (1,4 MB) (Readme) (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 18. May. 2006, 15:53] [Comments: 0]
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