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Ron van Schaik (ANF)

Event: Commodore-Show in Belgium, 30.10. 2005
All Commodore- and Amiga-fans are very welcome again to the "C= Show" which will take place on 30th October in Belgian Affligem. The entrance is free. For further information please have a look at the title link. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Sep. 2005, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

MorphOS: Status-update of KHTML port
Marcin 'Marcik' Kwiatkowski works on a port of the KHTML-Engine for MorphOS, called GTK+ WebCore. On the official homepage of the project further screenshots have been published which are supposed to show the progress compared with the last message. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Sep. 2005, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Status of GTK-MUI-Wrapper: 192 functions implemented - 28 still missing
Oliver 'o1i' Brunner has already implemented 192 functions to the GTK-MUI-Wrapper which is a Bounty-project. 49 of them belong to the 77 functions which get a bounty. Currently the bounty is 240 US-Dollar. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Sep. 2005, 09:42] [Comments: 0]
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der_willy (ANF)

MorphOS: Several SDL ports
Trailblazer is a remake of the known C64 classic (screenshot), attd is a mindgame which is based on mathematics, Mindless is a Mastermind clone and yeOldePong is a "Pong clone which is still worse than the original" (described in this way by the programmer).

Trailblazer: Download site
attd: Download site
Mindless: Download site
yeOldePong: Download site (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Sep. 2005, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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peter (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Various SDL ports
Trailblazer is a new edition of a well known classic game for C64(Screenshot), while Penguin Command represents the actual counterpart of Missile Command. The top-down view Shooter SDLZombies (Screenshot) seems to be inspired by various classics. Last but not least there is Mindless, a Mastermind clone.

Trailblazer: Download page
Penguin Command: Download page
SDLZombies: Download page
Mindless: Download page (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2005, 19:37] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

MorphOS: Geronto.library 1.0 including AmiNetRadio-plugin published
GerontoPlayer.library is a wrapper which allows the use of certain open source libraries due to a harmonized API. These libraries are used for the playback of music files mainly from old game systems. A plugin for AmiNetRadio is supplied with the library.

Download: GerontoLibrary.lha (3 MB) (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2005, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Mind game BlockRage ported/ Update of REminiscence

BlockRage 0.2.1

Herbert Klackl has ported the SDL mind game BlockRage for MorphOS. It is your job there to arrange dropping boulders in a way, that at least three of the same type touch themselves and therefore disappear.


REminiscence 0.1.8 R2

The REminiscence -port of MorphOS from Nicolas Ramz in the version 0.1.8 R2 is available now and corrects bugs of the previous version. REminescence is a newly written engine for the game Flashback of Delphine Software.

MorphOS 1.4, PowerSDL 10.5 and the files of the original of MS-DOS are required, or as an option the modules of the Amiga version.

Download: REminiscence.lha (171 KB) (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2005, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 20.09.2005
Aminet uploads since our last news item:
amisynergyc.lha          comm/net    108K  OS4  An Amiga OS4 Synergy Client
curl.lha                 comm/net    308K  OS4  Curl
ctorrent.lha             comm/tcp     59K  OS3  BitTorrent Client
libwww.lha               dev/c        28M  OS4  LibWWW - The W3C Protocol Library
cairo.lha                dev/misc    2.0M  OS4  Cairo -  2D graphics library
cppboost.lha             dev/misc    5.8M  OS4  Boost C++ libraries
libcurl.lha              dev/misc    704K  OS4  Libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfe
libfreetype2.lha         dev/misc    556K  OS4  Freetype2
libxml2.lha              dev/misc     10M  OS4  LibXML2 - The XML C parser and toolkit o
mycalcppc.lha            dev/src     159K  OS4  MyCalcPPC Commodity Calc w/Source Code
BackUp.lha               disk/bakup   46K  OS3  A simple backup tool.. v1.42
WolnyCD.lha              disk/cdrom   90K  VAR  Better read, quiet working v1.2 Src,68k,
lyrics.lha               docs/misc    48K  all  Trance/Techno song texts (lyrics).
penguin-command_mos.lha  game/actio  1.2M  MOS  Missile command with nice gfx and sound
reminiscene_os4.lha      game/actio  592K  OS4  REminiscene
sdlzombies-mos.lha       game/actio  2.6M  MOS  SDL Remake of ZX81 game with zombies
UChessMOS.lha            game/board  535K  MOS  GNU Chess
diamondkingdomsdemo.lha  game/demo   105K  OS3  Demo of new platfrom game
VideoPokeriMOS.lha       game/misc   276K  MOS  Nice multitasking video poker game
DescentII-src.lha        game/shoot  2.6M  MOS  Source code to MorphOS port of Descent I
DescentII.lha            game/shoot  6.6M  MOS  MorphOS port of Descent II V1.2, from D2
ConquestMOS.lha          game/think  143K  MOS  ASCII space empire game
MadMatrixMOS.lha         game/think   26K  MOS  Hard MUI game with very simple rules.
DIYrekoIII.lha           gfx/ifx      52K  all  Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
NewLowLevel.lha          hard/drivr   33K  OS3  V41.28, LowLevel.library replacement for
hatari.lha               misc/emu    1.7M  OS4  Atari ST and STE emulator.
OS-NINE.lha              misc/emu    270K  MOS  OS-Nine Is Not an Emulator
TheMPegEncGUI.lha        mus/misc    444K  OS3  GUI 4 Lame,Ogg,BladeEnc,Pegase,Ncode,Mus
playOGG.lha              mus/play    983K  OS3  Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
morphos.png              pix/wb      622K  all  MorphOS 1.4.5 for PowerUP
Next.lha                 text/show   143K  OS3  Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
TagLiFE.lha              util/boot     7K  OS3  TagList-FastExecutable patch with source
amigakeyremapper.lha     util/misc     8K  VAR  Simple program that swaps left/right ami
mkisofs.lha              util/misc   432K  OS4  Mkisofs
snapit.lha               util/misc   108K  MOS  A screen grabber with MUI-Interface.
stream_mos.lha           util/shell   25K  MOS  Stream
stream_os4.lha           util/shell   14K  OS4  STREAM is a Memory Bandwith Tester
cpuwatcher.lha           util/wb      13K  OS4  Measures CPU & memory usage, shows a sim

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 19:34] [Comments: 0]
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Darius Brewka (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Beta testers for the start menu "AmiStart" wanted
Darius Brewka has compiled an AmigaOS4 version of his start menu AmiStart (screen shot) using a cross compiler for AmigaOS 4. Since the program has been tested by only one user yet, the author invites other people to do some beta testing of this application.

Users should ideally be familiar with teh OS3 version may contact Darius Brewka to get the PPC native version. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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21.Sep.2005 Uploads until 21.09.2005
Uploads at since our last news item:
circuslinux_os4.lha    gam/act    2Mb  Circus Linux! - SDL action game
wet_de_cat.lha         uti/wor    2kb  Updated German catalog for Wet 4.0
mixer.lha              aud/mis   90kb  Mixer
memguard.lha           dev/deb   22kb  Mungwall-like tool for OS4
emu10kx.lha            dri/aud   22kb  emu10kx AHI driver
reminiscene_os4.lha    gam/adv  592kb  REminiscene
heretic.lha            gam/fps  400kb  AmigaOS 4 port of Heretic for OS 4.0
uhexen.lha             gam/fps  793kb  AmigaOS 4 port of Hexen for OS 4.0
mycalcppc.lha          uti/sci  158kb  MyCalcPPC Commodity Calc w/Source Code
boost.lha              dev/lib    5Mb  Boost C++ libraries
cmi8738.lha            dri/aud   35kb  CMI8738 AHI driver
hatari.lha             emu/com    1Mb  Atari ST and STE emulator.
amisynergyc.lha        net/mis  108kb  An Amiga OS4 Synergy Client
cairo.lha              dev/lib    1Mb  Cairo -  2D graphics library
libxml2.lha            dev/lib    9Mb  libXML2 - The XML C parser and toolkit o
libfreetype2.lha       lib/mis  555kb  Freetype2
mkisofs.lha            uti/mis  432kb  mkisofs
avcodec_lib.lha        vid/mis  664kb  Audio and Video codec library for OS4
libcurl.lha            dev/lib  704kb  libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfe
curl.lha               net/mis  307kb  Curl
stream_os4.lha         uti/ben   13kb  STREAM is a Memory Bandwith Tester
libwww.lha             dev/lib   27Mb  LibWWW - The W3C Protocol Library
cpuwatcher.lha         uti/wor   13kb  Measures CPU & memory usage, shows a sim
swfplayer.lha          vid/pla    1Mb  Standalone shockwave player for Amiga
avd_template.lha       dev/exa  136kb  Template Project - Skeleton OS4 applicat
bugsquish.lha          gam/act    1Mb  Bug squish - SDL action game
amisynergyc.lha        net/mis  103kb  Amiga OS4 Synergy Client
wb96_2005_edition.lha  uti/wor  104kb  WB 2005 edtion
a52_lib.lha            aud/mis   92kb  shared liba52 for AmigaOS4
mixer.lha              aud/mis   79kb  Mixer
rlphtheme.lha          gra/the    1Mb  Theme Inspired by the Artwork of Rolpho
tunenet.lha            aud/pla  293kb  Music Player (Shoutcast and MP3 Player)
parallax4.lha          dem/mis  258kb  Multilayer parallax SDL demo

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 18:07] [Comments: 0]
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21.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

E-UAE: Version 0.8.28 of the Amiga emulator released
After two release candidates now the final version 0.8.28 of E-UAE is available. This sibling of the Amiga emulator UAE is done by Richard Drummond for the Amiga itself as well as for it's successors and for Linux (PPC, AMD64, x86), MacOS and BeOS.

The changelog as well as the binaries for the supported platforms are obtainable at the title link. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 10:10] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packets until 20-09-2005
With WHDLoad games a nd demos intended for floppy usage are installable to the harddisk. Additionally some compatibility issues with newer Amiga models are removed.

The following installers were contributed lately: (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 09:27] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Retrot game fair in Bochum
From September the 30th until October the 2nd there will be the EuroCon 2005 in Bochum. Along with this event there will be also the first Bochum retro fair for classic video games at the hotel Kolpinghaus. For this fair about 20 vendors have registered already, the entrance fee is 3 Euro. Further information is available at the both said internet addresses. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 09:21] [Comments: 0]
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Sensible Soccer: Remake for the Playstation 2 in 2006
Sensible Soccer is alive: After the disappointing sequel for the Playstation 1 anno 1998/1999 the developers at Codemasters seemed to have rediscovered the roots of that soccer classic and are aiming at the vitues of the classic like good game play in bird's view but current gfx and sound effects. The new version is said to be released early 2006 for the Playstation 2, further Details or screen shots are not available yet. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 09:14] [Comments: 0]
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Brian Bagnall

Book release: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore
The some weeks ago announced book "On the Edge - The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore" is available now. On 548 pages in a hard cover the author Briab Bagnell tells the story about the rise and fall of the former computer giant Commodore. The English book can be ordered using the ISBN 0-9738649-0-7 for $29.95 at every book store. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 09:08] [Comments: 0]
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GoldED Studio blow-out sale
In about two weeks, the next version of GoldED will be released (Screenshot).

Due to the fact that the name of the software has changed from GoldED Studio to Cubic IDE ("An integrated development environment that includes GoldED8") - some packaging material is now obsolete. If anybody is interested: the remaining GoldED Studio AIX items can be purchased at a steep discount, 25 EUR rather than 69,90 EUR. The catch is that, at this price, items are not upgradeable.

If interested, use the author's contact form to reserve an item. Numbers are limited. (snx)

[News message: 20. Sep. 2005, 08:12] [Comments: 0]
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20.Sep.2005 (ANF)

Vesalia: µA1-C-preorder-promotion until September 30th, 2005
Vesalia currently takes preorders for the MicroA1. Several MicroA1 and AmigaOne bundles are listed on the dealer's website under the titlelink. (cg)

[News message: 20. Sep. 2005, 01:15] [Comments: 0]
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Verein zum Erhalt klassischer Computer e.V.

Event: Classic Computing 2005
The "Classic Computing 2005" opens at 24. and 25. September in Neubulach near Stuttgart. The organizer would be demonstrating classical computers within a due framework, following topics will be shown on Classic Computing:
  • Networkgames with CBM-machines
  • Gamecorner for Commodore 64, Ataris and Amigas
  • Computer like Pocket, Office, Casemachines, Homecomputer, Music computer....
  • One Model of the first PC Generation
  • Handys from the beginning of the carphones
  • Contests
Rainer Benda and Dr. Peter Kittel notify his visit, and also a TV-Team from the SWR will be expected.

If you are interessted to show your classical computer on the Classic Computing send your participation here . The participation is for free - The Tax of stand and the entrance are for free.

But for the participation we need a registration, that will be ensure that we have a freee stand for you. Please fill and print out this datasheet datasheet in DIN A4 for every showed computer. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2005, 23:27] [Comments: 0]
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19.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Update of Boost-C++-Bibliotheken to Version 1.33.0
Steven Solie released a Update of his AmigaOS 4-Port of the Boost-C++-libraries. The current Boost-Version is now 1.33.0 and is adapted to Version 51.15 of the AmigaOS 4-SDK.

Not included are the libraries python and thread, but the other Boost-libraries are with a deactivated multithreading and deactiveted wide-character-support included.

Download: boost.lha (6 MB) (snx)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2005, 11:44] [Comments: 0]
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19.Sep.2005 (Software-News)

MorphOS: Software-News til 19.Sep.2005

Ilkka Lehtoranta transfert following five games to MorphOS: the classical Space strategie game with ASCII-Graphic Conquest 1.2.1, the Ego-Shooter Descent II 1.2 R2, the logical game MadMatrix 1.2, the chessgame UChess 2.89 and the Pokergame VideoPokeri 1.02.

ConquestMOS.lha (142 KB)
DescentII.lha (6,8 MB)
MadMatrixMOS.lha (26 KB)
UChessMOS.lha (534 KB)
VideoPokeriMOS.lha (275 KB)

Penquin Command 1.6.9

Frank Wille released with Penguin Command a modified clon of the classical 'Missile Command' with better Sound and GFX as the original. Required is PowerSDL 11.4.

Download: penguin-command_mos.lha (1,2 MB)

Zombies 1.0.0

The classical 'Zombies' from Sinclair ZX81 would be ported from Fabrizio Bartoloni to MorphOS. The game requieres PowerSDL.

Download: sdlzombies-mos.lha (2,7 MB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2005, 11:30] [Comments: 0]
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AHT International (E-Mail)

AHT International: First Prototyp of a IP-TV-Moduls
AHT International, a company, how designed Settopboxes with Linux and AROS ( reported) , notify a IP-TV-Modul with projectname "Viper".

The Prototyp use a STB-Chip, one SCART- and two RJ45-connectors and make is possible to use IP-TV, Video-on-demand and Internet on a TV-Modul (Photo). (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2005, 10:05] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webside)

Soundplayer: PlayOGG 2.9 released
PlayOGG is a Soundplayer for the Formates OGG Vorbis, MP3, MPEG, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA and SID as well as Modul- and Soundformates.

Changes in Version 2.9 are corrections and enhancements like more CLI and wildcard support and a update of the documentation. (snx)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2005, 09:51] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: PerfectPaint adaptation in the works
Marco "Blackbird" Möring discloses in a comment on that he is working on an adaptation of the graphics program PerfectPaint to AmigaOS 4.

Georges Halvadjian, the original author of the freeware application written in Blitz Basic, had disclosed the temporary discontinuation of the development some time ago.

Apparently, the sources reside in the ownership of Möring for some weeks now, who wants to eliminate diverse problems in the usage of the program under AmigaOS 4. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Raffaele (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Cairo, Libfreetype and Libxml2


Cairo is a library for the creation and manipulation of vector graphics, which also supports exporting to Postscript or PDF files, among others.

Link: Download page

libfreetype 2

freetype is all about a font engine for vector fonts. Amiga port by Andrea Palmaté.

Link: Download page


LibXML is an XML/C parser including toolkit of the Gnome project.

Link: Download page (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 15:56] [Comments: 0]
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z5 (ANF)

Demo Scene: Amiga Demoscene Archive with new web design
The web site of the "Amiga Demoscene Archive", which offers more that 500 productions out of the Amiga demo scene for download, was overhauled in general, and now offers some new functions alongside a completely new design. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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RC5-72: "Distributed Amiga" team gains 7th place
The "Distributed Amiga" team eked out the 7th place for itself in the RC5-72 competition. It relegated the "Belgian MoOo Farm" team to 8th place yesterday, and is hot on the heels of the "Japan FreeBSD Users Group" team. More information about the "Distributed Amiga" team is on the team page. Those who want to join the team can do it here. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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18.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

MorphOS: TCP stack ezTCP 0.2
A new alpha version of the PPC-native TCP stack ezTCP was released. In case of errors and configuration problems, the author is available in a thread on (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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DJBase (Forum)

Amiga Clone: Development of PowerOS picked up again
PowerOS, a project introduced by Claus Herrmann to the public in 2001, should originally have been a PowerPC-native reproduction of AmigaOS (Screenshot), which was to run on Amiga computers with PowerPC processors (BlizzardPPC, CyberstormPPC as well as the AmiJoe which never materialized).

However, already at the start of 2002, the original, commercial orientation was discarded for lack of time, and the sources of the project were released.

On the recently revised homepage, from which all old information was removed, details that the development has been picked up again can be found in the new FAQ now: Reportedly, PowerOS is running only under VMWare at present, since this presents the most comfortable development environment. However, versions that run without a host operating system on a standard PC are also planned later on. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Sep. 2005, 02:23] [Comments: 0]
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17.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

Emulation: Lemonade, a WinUAE front-end for retro-gamers (Preview)
With "Lemonade," Robert Gardiner and Kim Lemon introduce a WinUAE front-end that comes with an extensive game database with numerous screenshots. When browsing through the database, individual games can be started with the press of a button - provided that a corresponding ADF file is installed. (Lemonade recognizes ADF files automatically by means of a checksum.)

Some screenshots of the current Lemonade beta can be found under the title link, a target date for the release of the front-end is not stated yet. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2005, 18:03] [Comments: 0]
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17.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

Linux/Cygwin: Cross-Compiler for Amiga-68k
Jocke "Zerohero" Birging makes all binaries that are necessary for the compilation of 68k applications under Linux or Cygwin (Windows) available under the title link, and delves shortly into the installation of the individual components. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2005, 17:56] [Comments: 0]
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CD Tool: WolnyCD 1.2
With WolnyCD, the read speed of a CD (CDR/CDRW) drive can be specified. This procedure should work with most ATAPI and some SCSI devices and serves to reduce the noise level of a drive. In most cases, the compatibility of a drive with discs, that are otherwise criticial, is also improved.

New in version 1.2:
  • option of recognising by volume or device name
  • italian catalog

The archive contains versions for AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS.

Download: WolnyCD.lha (90 KB) (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2005, 15:35] [Comments: 0]
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