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Aminet-Uploads until 13.08.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
FussballBundesliga.lha      biz/misc     10K  GEN  TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
wookiechat.lha              comm/irc    681K  VAR  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
conv_ara_html-mos.lha       comm/www     12K  MOS  HTML arabic character entities converter    comm/www      4K  GEN  Aminet search plugin for Mozilla Firefox
SpamReport.lha              comm/yam      5K  GEN  Prepare spam reports to SpamCop
libao-morphos.lha           dev/c       715K  MOS  Cross-platform audio library
make-bin.lha                dev/c       355K  OS4  GNU make including parallel compile
ccache-bin.lha              dev/gcc      85K  OS4  Advanced compiler cache
distcc-bin.lha              dev/gcc     403K  OS4  distcc distributed C/C++ compiler
dupfinder.lha               disk/misc    10K  OS4  Finds even more duplicate files on your 
Africa.lha                  game/board  201K  OS3  Conversion of 3W boardgame
atakks.lha                  game/board  856K  OS4  Othello-like clone
Saga.lha                    game/board  350K  OS3  Conversion of TSR boardgame
Q2CE.lha                    game/edit    76K  OS3  Questron 2 Character Editor
bitefusion.lha              game/misc   279K  OS4  Bitefusion - Yet another snake clone
deadlycobra.lha             game/misc   5.9M  OS4  Snake with a twist.
fm.lha                      game/misc   866K  OS4  Old Skool Football Manager
pacman.lha                  game/misc    98K  OS3  Pacman version 0.9B
pengupop.lha                game/misc   1.1M  OS4  PenguPop - A puzzle bobble clone
amisudoku.lha               game/think  211K  OS4  Sodoku game and solver
eremit.lha                  game/think  1.2M  OS4  Ball Puzzle
naster.lha                  game/think  999K  OS4  Nats Mastermind clone
pipepanic.lha               game/think  1.0M  OS4  Pipe puzzle game.
sdlmemory.lha               game/think  2.7M  OS4  Pairs game
BMP2SPEC_AOS4.lha           gfx/conv     43K  OS4  Windows BMP -> Spectrum TAP/Screen$
ffmpeg_os4.lha              gfx/conv     10M  OS4  FFmpeg - Multimedia System
JP2A_AOS4.lha               gfx/conv    582K  OS4  Converts JPEG images to Ascii Art
ST2IFF_AOS4.lha             gfx/conv     55K  OS4  Atari ST NEOchrome/DEGAS -> IFF ILBM.
mencoder.lha                gfx/edit    4.2M  OS4  MEncoder for OS4
amp2-mos_src.lha            gfx/show    530K  GEN  AmiDog's Movie Player 2 (MorphOS sources
WarpView.lha                gfx/show     46K  OS4  A fast Image Viewer using Warp3D
afid_aos4.lha               misc/emu     48K  OS4  Apple ][ DOS 3.3 disk image utility
AmiArcadia.lha              misc/emu    180K  OS3  Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
c64bin2p00_aos4.lha         misc/emu     27K  OS4  Convert C64 name to emulator's xxx.P00
DCMtoATR_AOS4.lha           misc/emu     28K  OS4  Atari: Conv DCM files to ATR files
kegs.lha                    misc/emu    700K  OS4  Apple IIgs emulator.
MakeLNX_AOS4.lha            misc/emu     28K  OS4  .LYX to Atari Lynx .LNX file conversion
ShowLNX_AOS4.lha            misc/emu     60K  OS4  Show info about Atari Lynx cart images
sna2tiff_aos4.lha           misc/emu     75K  OS4  Dumps ZX Spectrum Snapshots to TIFF Pic
vice-1.19-20060616.tgz      misc/emu    4.8M  GEN  Vice 1.19 sources (20060616)
VICE-AmigaOS3-1.19.tgz      misc/emu    3.3M  OS3  Vice 1.19 (2006-06-16) - AmigaOS3
VICE-AmigaOS4-1.19.tgz      misc/emu    5.8M  OS4  Vice 1.19 (2006-06-16) - AmigaOS4
VICE-AROS-1.19.tgz          misc/emu    4.2M  ARO  Vice 1.19 (2006-06-16) - AROS x86
VICE-MorphOS-1.19.tgz       misc/emu    4.5M  MOS  Vice 1.19 (2006-06-16) - MorphOS
VICE-powerpc-AROS-1.19.tgz  misc/emu    5.2M       Vice 1.19 (2006-06-16) - AROS ppc
zip2d64_aos4.lha            misc/emu     24K  OS4  Extract C64 Zipcode disks to .D64 image
poet_aos4.lha               misc/misc    40K  OS4  Generates random poetry
pwcrack_aos4.lha            misc/misc    25K  OS4  decrypts PassWorm-encrypted passwords.
UP-BEATS.lha                mods/techn  215K  GEN  UP ROUGH "Beats in Springtime" by Qwan.
UP-CYDIK.lha                mods/techn  695K  GEN  UP ROUGH "Check Your Dick" by Spot
UP-VAFLS.lha                mods/techn   18K  GEN  UP ROUGH "Vaffals!" by Goto80
rockbeat.lha                mus/edit    1.7M  OS4  Create drumming tracks, export them as W
playOGG.lha                 mus/play    1.0M  OS3  multi format sound player.
amipal-music-icons.lha      pix/gicon   2.8M  GEN  amipals music icons
Aminet-Readme-Creator.lha   text/misc    38K  OS3  Generates Aminet upload .readme file
MultiCV_AOS4.lha            text/misc    50K  OS4  Convert ASCII from/to Amiga, DOS & MAC
timer.lha                   util/cli     26K  OS4  Time how long it takes to execute a comm
DM_con_LL.lha               util/dir      9K  GEN  DiskMaster config and associated scripts
sdiREKOPrefs.lha            util/dtype   15K  GEN  Preferences GUI for sdiREKO DataTypes
aiss.lha                    util/misc   2.2M  GEN  AISS - Amiga Image Storage System
lcdtest.lha                 util/misc   809K  OS4  LCD monitor test pattern generator
ReportPlus.lha              util/misc   318K  OS3  Multipurpose utility
adepack.lha                 util/pack   213K  OS4  Depacks packed Amiga files.
deemon.lha                  util/rexx    12K  GEN  deemon -daemonizing Scout
themesaver.lha              util/wb     891K  OS4  Save and recall your Workbench themes
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 14. Aug. 2006, 01:36] [Comments: 0]
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