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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: KHTML engine port in the works
Marcin 'Marcik' Kwiatkowski is porting the KHTML engine library to MorphOS - GTK+ Webcore, to be more precisely. At the title link you can find several screenshots and a movie of the current state of development. (snx)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 23:20] [Comments: 0]
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Microsoft (E-mail)

10 years Windows 95
On August the 24th, 1995 Windows 95 replaced MS-DOS with a simple to use graphical user interface and a fast system kernel. Contemporaneous Office 95 had been released and the Microsoft Network service (MSN) has been lauched.

Windows 95 was based on 32 bit technolgy and replaced the MS-DOS extension Windows 3.x. Thus, the PC evolved to an universal work tool and conquered the digital household. This version became the most successfull software of its time for business and private customers. The new features included the start button with its embedded menu, long file names and internet connectivity usind TCP/IP of the integrated MSN client. Thus, Windows 95 was anticipating many imortant developments. A similar big step for the IT will be the coming release of Windows Vista.

Today Windows, as a former concurrent system to the Amiga, plays an important role for the Amiga scene providing a base for the Amiga emulator WinUAE. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 21:51] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS Development Team

MorphOS 1.4.5 Free Edition for PowerUP Amigas

Five Year Anniversary - MorphOS 1.4.5 Free Edition for PowerUP Available

24th August, 2005 - The MorphOS development team would like to celebrate the five year anniversary of the first ever publically available MorphOS release by announcing the immediate availability of MorphOS 1.4.5 Free Edition for PowerUP accelerators by phase5 & DCE.

By releasing the latest end user version of MorphOS for PowerPC-equipped Commodore A1200, A3000 and A4000 computers, the OS is brought back to its origins. Prior to creating versions for the bPlan PEGASOS and various embedded hardware platforms, development started out on the forementioned computers by Commodore Business Machines and resulted in a first beta version to be released in August 2000.

For information about supported hardware configurations, installation instructions and the actual download location, please visit

Please note that the MorphOS Development Team is unable to provide direct end user support for this specific version of MorphOS. If you encounter any problems, please use the PowerUP forum on MorphZone to ask for help and support.

We sincerely hope you enjoy the Free Edition of MorphOS 1.4.5 and would like to welcome you soon as regulars on a MorphOS community website.

Thank you for your interest,
The MorphOS Development Team (cr)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: Four new songs added provides Amiga game soundtrack remix mp3 files for download. Four new tunes were added now, a summary of available titles is avaialble at the title link. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 21:38] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Drum-Computer RockBEAT 1.1
RockBEAT is a simple software drum machine (Screenshot) for AmigaOS 4. It is a tool for musicians that allows you to create drumming tracks. It can create multiple tracks, each one being 4x 4/4 measures with 16th notes. You can save individual tracks as wav files, or the whole thing as one big song. You can drop in your own 16bit 44100Hz PCM WAV samples in the drumsamples/ folder if you like. The new version 1.1 is out now including several fixes.

Changes in detail:
  • No more grim reaper alerts when starting then stopping playback quickly I removed an AbortIO() call that wasnt really needed.
  • Theres no more excess silence at the end of wav files for individually saved tracks.
  • Button graphics are freed up when quitting now.
  • All message ports are emptied and deleted when quitting. No more "unfreed signals" error messages now, and I think it has brought up stability a little.
  • Drum samples limit changed to 20. It used to crash after more than 10 samples were loaded due to a silly programming error. i.e. looping up to 20 times when there were only 10 available spaces in the array.
  • Adding new samples to the drumsamples/ folder will no longer make old projects invalid.
  • Better compatibility with some WAVs. RockBEAT used to assume a certain WAV header value was a always certain size, but I've found out it can be different.
  • I have included a cool cymbal sample to the default drumsamples/set.
The demo is restricted to 10 minutes. If you like it, you can purchase a keyfile from the author for $15 USD. (nba)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 21:14] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Webseite)

Feelin: MorphOS version available
Olivier Laviales open source projekt Feelin, an object based system for AmigaOS, has been ported by Guillaume Roguez to MorphOS (screen shot).

Download: Feelin050823_mos.lha (2 MB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 18:55] [Comments: 0]
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24.Aug.2005 (Forum)

AmigaOS4: Betaversion of a Synergy client
Douglas McLaughlin has released an early beta version of his Synergy clients for AmigaOS4. With Synergy one keyboard and mouse may be used for several computers within one network. Please note the readme file regarding the current limitations.

Download: AmiSynergyc.lha (97 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 17:17] [Comments: 0]
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Retro gaming: Test reports from older Amiga magazines at "Amiga Reviews"
"Amiga Reviews" provides hundereds of test reports from German (AmigaJoker) and British (CU Amiga, Amiga Power, Zzap) Amiga magazines. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Holger Krefting (ANF)

PBEM game: Tamar needs new land! (VI)
The Massive Multiplayer PBEM game 'Tales of Tamar' will be extended by another area of land. The following announcement is taken from the game's forum:

For the sixth time, we start our event 'Tamar needs new land!'. - Once again, all of Tamar has been settled, and new land has to be found for new realms.

Don't miss that opportunity! It will take place on September 1st, only 10 days from now. Start with other players under equal conditions, and show that your a contender for the rank of emperor!

Explore regions of Tamar that no man has set foot on before. Meet unique challanges like dragons, undead and other creatures, and prove yourself in the contest with other human players.

Hint 1:
Our price of 500 Euro for the first emperor among the realms created after January 1st 2005 has still not been claimed. (You'll find the detailed rules in the ToT forum).

Hint 2:
If you enter the keyword "Shareware" in the field for the serial number while registering, you can start playing for free. A turn fee will only apply once you got deeper into the game. Also please add the remark that you want to start on September 1st.

Hint 3:
Since the clients for Mac OS and Linux are also playable on the same world, we need some beta testers for these systems.

Wishing you a lot of fun,
with best regards,
Your ToT-Team & Wolfen (snx)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2005, 09:06] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: New Alpha-Version of AVD GUI Builder
Another Alpha-Version of "AVD GUI Builder" is available for registered members of BITbyBITs subscription program.. GUI Builder is for creating and maintaining ReAction-based graphical user-interfaces (cg) (Translation: is)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 23:43] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphZone bounties: TCP/IP stack project not assigned anymore
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski, who started to develop a TCP/IP stack for MorphOS as part of the MorphZone bounty program, has announced at the title link to drop all his projects due to personal reasons.

His source code for the ezTCP stack has been committed to MorphZone in case another developer would like to continue. The current state of donations for this bounty are 754.16 USD. (snx)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 22:07] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

Genesi: Support for the AMCC 440EP Yosemite board (Update)
Press release Genesi is pleased to announce that it will provide under license the Pegasos hardware abstraction layer and IEEE 1275 compliant Open Firmware (HAL/OF) for the recently released AMCC 440EP Yosemite Board.

The Pegasos HAL/OF approach brings with it immediate GNU/Linux kernel support as well as support from a growing number Linux distributions, including Debian, Gentoo, YDL, Ubuntu, CruxPPC, Montavista and Fedora. An OpenSolaris PowerPC port is also underway. The Pegasos HAL/OF has been used and is being used to support PowerPC-based platforms from Freescale, IBM and now AMCC.

Genesi recently participated in the first European meeting of held at the Barcelona Super Computer Center. At the Event the Pegasos HAL/OF approach was discussed as a potential standard for PowerPC based boards to speed system enablement.

"Already, companies like Genesi USA Inc. are building PowerPC processor-based systems using the IEEE 1275 Open Firmware model to bring PowerPC technology, flexibility, and efficiency to the desktop, low-end server, home entertainment, and pervasive computing markets at an affordable price. The hardware abstraction layer of the PegasosPPC has been integrated into the mainline GNU/Linux kernel and includes an x86 emulation extension which allows generic PC-based components to be used."

The Pegasos HAL/OF approach enables the vast software resources currently available on the Open Desktop Workstation to be shared with other PowerPC-based platforms. The Open Desktop Workstation is a CHRP compliant platform based on the Pegasos and composed of standard PC components. The Pegasos HAL/OF provides a logical successor to the CHRP standard replacing hardware dependent code with API callbacks to an abstraction layer that provides a common interface to operating systems and/or applications as required.

Update: (18:51, 23.08.05, snx)
At you can find a photo and an article about the Yosemite board. (snx)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphUp: development status of paket manager
Rupert 'naTmeg' Hausberger took over the ezPM-Project (currently given bounties: 192,83 USD) from the MorphZone-Bounty-rogram and called his Software "MorphUp". Meanwhile he has published a development status report, reachable via title-link.
(snx) (Translation: is)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 09:21] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Musicdatabase AMP: New Ultimod-List / 131 further interviews
the music-databse has provided a new version of the Ultimod-list in their download-section. In this case it's a listing of meanwhile 84895 Ultimod music-modules.

Since our last information the number of accesses on the AMP-Website exceeds the number of 100000. In addition 131 further interviews were added, which results in a total number of 730.

Aforesaid interviews were held with: 911, Absys, Adonis, Agemixer,, Ambien, Angeldust, Anthony Milas, Arrakis, Arrogance,,, Babydee, Baby Kool,, Bkh, Blo, Boone, Boray, Braintumour, Cenobit, Cerror, Chorus, Chris Korte, Colorboy, Corny, Cosmiq, Counterpoint, Crazy Man, Cybarite, Dance, Darryl Sloan, Dbug, Deejay Jones, Deetroy, Distance,, Djamm, Djkor,, Dr Vector, Dsn, Duz,, Elijah, Energizer, Equalizer, Erk,,, Fby,, Flame, Floopy, Florist, Floss, Fxl, Goto80,, Hattrick,, Hot shot,, Hyperunknown, Jaz, Jean-Marc Grignon, Jorgen, Jozef, Kaneel, Keith303, Landslide Purist, Lars Hamre, Latyl, Leach,, Lord Performer, Lot, Lurios, Maf, Manwe, Mc Mp, Mdb, Meta, Mikromission, Mindplay, Mr Fancy, Mr Future, Mr, Mytholog, Nhp, Noor,, Oriens, Patrick Groove, Phlexor, Powl, Radich,, Rambones, Rawer,, Rioter,, Scene Seven, Schmoovy Schmoov, Serval, Slaze, Souleye, Steelhertz, Stein Vidar Olsen, Strike, Suny,, The Cyborg, The Inspector,,, Typhoon, Ulrick,, Unknown, Useless, Vegard!, Vibe,,, Yoghurt, Zero Dezign, Zoltar.sw, Zoon und Zzzax. (snx) (Translation: is)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 08:09] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Games-database: Further updates of the Hall Of Light
The Hall of Light is an extensive Amiga-Games database, which is constantly updated by an international team . New games, screenshots and scans are added nearly everyday. Since the 14th August, there have been 200 updates. (snx) (Translation: is)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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Total Amiga (Webseite)

Event: changed opening times of the Big Bash (GB)
The Big Bash 3, by their own account the biggest british Amiga-event this year, takes place on 24th September in Peterborough. The opening hours are from 13 - 18, which differs from the original statement. AmigaOS/68k, AmigaOS4, MorphOS and AROS will be shown. (snx) (Translation: is)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 07:45] [Comments: 0]
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Grasshopper LLC (ML)

PageStream: IRC session / Updates for AmigaOS/68k and MorphOS imminent
As Grasshopper LLC inform on their mailing list, updates for PageStream 5.0 are imminent. Besides a much improved MorphOS version, there will also be an Amiga/68k release for the first time.

Furthermore there will be an IRC session with Deron Kazmeier (IRC nick: "PageStreamSupport") to celebrate the 20th anniversary of PageStream. The conference will start on August 27 at 22:00 CEST (3 PM Central Standard Time) on at channel #PageStream. Some systems will require a specific server (a few users have used if all else fails).

To celebrate this anniversary, users who purchase (or have already purchased) PageStream 5.0 or PageStream 5.0 Pro will find a grab bag of goodies in the download section including some commercial clip art and the Amiga's much beloved TypeSmith font editor. These goodies will be available until the end of this month only. (snx)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 07:18] [Comments: 2 - 24. Aug. 2005, 08:32]
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DENIC registers 9 million .de-domains
On August 20th, 2005, for the first time DENIC registered a total numer of 9 million .de-domains. Each year more than one million new .de-domains are added right now. (nba)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 01:01] [Comments: 0]
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Lemon Amiga

Games database: 65 new cheats on
Lemon Amiga, a big games database with many screenshots and detailled information, now offers 65 new cheats mainly for the CD32, with a permission by Ray Earle's Game Help. The total number of cheats in this database is currently 764 pieces. (nba)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 01:01] [Comments: 0]
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Sascha Weigelmann (ANF)

Kick Off 2: World Cup 2005 in Germany
The 5th official Kick Off 2 World Cup is coming to Germany. It takes place from November 12th to 13th, 2005, in Cologne. After England, Holland, Greece and Italy had the honor of hosting before, it is Jörg "Panni" Pansen and Sascha Weigelmann who organise this big event in 2005. They expect guests from all over Europe and as the hosting country they hope that a lot of fellow countrymen join them in the games, partying and finally battle for the World Cup title.

The official forum to the WorldCup is at . On this forum there are - sometimes rather vivid ;) - discussions concerning the rules and all kinds of Kick Off related topics.

Kick Off 2 is a computer based football game from the company Anco back from the year 1990, which was mainly successful on the Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST. The game is still fascinating today because of its rapid gameplay and the unique way of steering, where it needs real skill to control the ball. The fun while playing is enormous and even so many years after the release there is a giant fanbase. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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22.Aug.2005 Uploads until 22.08.2005
These are the latest uploads to the added since our last update:
3dto3d-os4.lha           gra/con 285kb Convert between different 3d formats 
tsohg.lha                gra/the 687kb Gui theme for Amiga OS 4 
dragon.lha               uti/wor  22kb DragOn - a screen dragging hack 
cmi8738.lha              dri/aud  10kb CMI8738 AHI driver 
rockbeat.lha             aud/tra   1Mb Simple software drum machine 
perl-src.tar.bz2         dev/lan  10Mb Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4 src 
perl.tar.bz2             dev/lan  15Mb Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4 
themes.lha               gra/the   1Mb New Themes for the New Intuition 
flite-bin.lha            aud/mis   3Mb Flite: a small run-time speech synthesis engine 
reaction_dn.lha          dev/exa 528kb Reaction examples 
contextmenusscripts.lha  uti/wor  20kb Scripts for ContextMenus and Config 
mplayer.lha              vid/pla   3Mb MPlayer 1.0pre7 Dirty Preview #5 
amipodder.lha            net/mis 344kb Subscribe to, play back and manage podcasts. 
avcodeclib_os4.lha       vid/mis 684kb Audio and Video codec library for OS4 
mixer.lha                aud/mis  79kb Mixer 
ahxplay.lha              aud/pla  58kb Ahxplay.library + command line player
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 21.08.2005
Last week's Aminet uploads:
amipodder.lha            comm/misc   344K  all  Subscribe to, play back and manage podca
MakeHTMLMap.lha          comm/www    884K  OS3  The Gallery/Onlineshop Creator for Amiga
reaction_dn.lha          dev/src     528K  OS4  Reaction examples
dr_hpgl.lha              gfx/conv    172K  OS3  Plotter support for PageStream and conve
gifsicle142-mos.lha      gfx/conv    654K  MOS  GIF/AnimGIF twaddler tool
mplayer.lha              gfx/show    3.3M  OS4  MPlayer 1.0pre7 Dirty Preview #5
zxlive.lha               misc/emu     98K  OS3  ZX-Spectrum 48/128k/Pentagon Emulator v0
RockBEAT.lha             mus/edit    1.5M  OS4  Simple software drum machine
searchguidecf.lha        text/hyper    5K  OS3  Search tool for amigaguide docs (to repl
sdiREKOPrefs.lha         util/dtype   15K  all  Preferences GUI for sdiREKO DataTypes
ExtraLib.lha             util/libs   352K  OS3  Dynamic buffer system + simple strings
flite-bin.lha            util/misc   3.1M  OS4  Flite: a small run-time speech synthesis
contextmenusscripts.lha  util/shell   20K  OS4  Scripts for ContextMenus and Config
limpidclock.lha          util/wb     156K  VAR  Transparent clock / calendar
whdautolaunch.lha        util/wb      98K  OS3  WB AutoLaunch for WHDLOAD Games&Demos li
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 16:09] [Comments: 0]
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22.Aug.2005 (forum)

Feelin: Patch for beta version 050819
Olivier Laviale has released a patch for the recently published beta version 050819 of his object-oriented system Feelin ( reported).

The patch does fix the following bugs:

1. dos.library/DupLockFromFH() does not work with WinUAE virtual volumes (and maybe large disks). Because the function was used by FC_Document, Feelin was unable to read XML files, which result in an empty preference editor. This is fixed now.

2. "Prefs" has not been linked properly, resulting in a crash when the program ended. This is fixed now.

Furthermore, one person reported a dimension problem: the preference editor window was too big, ~1500 pixels. The author would like anyone to contact him who has experienced the same issue.

Download: Feelin050819_beta_fix01.lha (7 KB) (snx)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 11:34] [Comments: 0]
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Martin (DaFreak) Rebentisch (ANF)

Demoscenenparty Evoke 2005
For the 8th time in a row the demoscene-party Evoke will be held on August 26th to 28th, 2005. The location this year will be the Vulkanhalle in the center of Cologne, Germany. Read more details on the website of Evoke 2005. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 08:29] [Comments: 0]
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amiga-news merges .de- and .com-domain
The online-news-magazine amiga-news is focussing on a stronger internationalization. Since August 22nd, 2005, the portal is wrapping up the domains and The company strengthes its english news part as well as working on the future integration of further english areas.

The translation team now constists of the following editors:
  • Alex Jeßen (aj)
  • Caghan Demirci (cad)
  • Daniel Reimann (dr)
  • Ingo Schmitz (is)
  • Thomas Zitzelsberger (ts)
  • Ulrich Beckers (ub)
  • Wolfgang Krause (wk)

We would like to thank all previous translators for their engagement and are happy to welcome the new members to our team!

We would also like to thank the previous owner of the com-domain, Ricco Clemens, for his accommodation to include into amiga-news.

Apart from the internationalization the comment function at amiga-news is activated again after the summer vacation of the moderators. (nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 02:44] [Comments: 0]
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amiga-news: comment function activated
The comment function at is now activated again. Since August 21st, 2005, it had been turned off due to a summer vacation of the moderators. The team is looking forward to follow a worthy interchange of ideas of the Amiga community members. (nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 02:44] [Comments: 0]
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22.Aug.2005 (Website)

C=128 Anniversary Video by Bil Herd and Dave Haynie
Bil Herd and Dave Haynie published a new video about the anniversary of the legendary Commodore 128 (C=128) which can be downloaded for free. Rare prototypes of the Commodore machines including the Commodore LCD are shown inside the video. Comments by Bil Herd and Dave Haynie are included as well which tell about the destruction plans of Commodore regarding the Sinclair by introducing a 49$ computer. Haynie also shows a CD32 board and a Triple-A (Advanced Amiga Architecture) motherboard. Download: bilndave.mpg (167 MB). (nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 02:01] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Meigel (E-Mail)

iPod Shuffle and Amiga: amiShuffle v0.6.0
Thomas Meigel wrote a simple program to use the iPod shuffle in combination with AmigaOS. The program allows the connection of the mp3-player using the USB-port and shows the shuffle inside the system as an integrated USB flash stick with mp3-play-function.

After copying the mp3-files onto the iPod the user should start amiShuffle to fill the database (iTunesSD) with the necessary information.

Download: amiShuffle_0.6.0.lha (19,5 KB) (nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 01:48] [Comments: 0]
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Neo (ANF)

QuakeFusion for AmigaOS 4.0 under development
QuakeFusion is an add-on for Quake 2 that loads the datafiles into the ego-shooter Quake 3. Please find a screenshot under the titlelink showing QFusion in action. QuakeFusion is currently under development for the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0. (nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 01:48] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

Commodity: Dragon imitates draggable screens (update)
Dragon from #AmigaZeux is a little program, wich imitates the function of Amiga's screendragging under CyberGraphX (Screenshot, Video).

With the left mousebutton the front screen can be pulled down and sideways to have a look at the screen behind. A click of the right mousebutton switches to this screen. Moreover a GUI offers certain options.

Download: Dragon.lha (62 KB)

Update: (12:01, 22.08.05, snx)
Meanwhile the version 1.1 is available under the same download link.

Besides a general code cleanup the old Mode-ID is reused and the BestModeID is skipped if the screen to be opened has the same depth as the minimum required depth.

Moreover the indication of the version in the OpenLibrary()-function call was corrected: Minimum required is V41 of the cybergraphics.library and not V42, as mistakenly mentioned. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 22:35] [Comments: 0]
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21.Aug.2005 (Website)

Video of a new AmigaOS4-function: draggable screens
Julien 'Crisot' Cervellera published a video which shows the new functions of the intuition.library for AmigaOS 4: draggable screens. Meanwhile an additional mpeg-version of the XVid-file as well as mirrors were created.

os4intuition.avi [Mirror] (13 MB)
os4intuition.mpg [Mirror] (21 MB) (snx)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Claus (ANF)

Event: GuruMeditation 2005 in Göda, Germany
The "GuruMeditation" will this year again be held in Göda near Bautzen. The event will take place from October 1st, 9 o'clock, to October 2nd, 16 o'clock, 2005. The GuruMeditation is no pure Amiga event - all operating and computer systems are welcome. Further information can be found under the titlelink. (nba)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 18:50] [Comments: 0]
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Martin (DaFreak) Rebentisch (ANF)

Demo scene: Liquid Skies records #088
The scene group Liquid Skies released their 88th music pack yesterday. This time it contains the music piece "Temptation" composed by the new musician Alex West, who could be ranked into the techno section.
  • Title: Temptation
  • Musician: Alex West
  • Style: Techno
  • Spiellänge: 4:20
  • Playing time: MP3
  • Size: 5,1 MB
The packed file is available for free download under the title link.

Furthermore the Russian musician Alex East (a friend of Alex West with the same given name) joined Liquid Skies. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Zahurancik (ANF)

Emulation: mailinglist for AmiKit
AmiKit is a complete preconfigured Amiga environment for use with WinUAE, similar to the wellknown products "Amiga In A Box" or "AmigaSYS". The environment is planned to be out in the near future. The mailinglist for AmiKit was introduced to keep interested people informed about the project news. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 14:13] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: First Screenshots of Quake 3 (update)
Mark "bigfoot" Olsen published the first screenshots showing his Quake-3-ports for MorphOS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Update: (22:44, 21.08.05, snx)
Meanwhile a demonstration-movie was published by Christian Rosentreter: (15 MB)
morphosquake3_lq.mp4 (6 MB, low quality, but compatible with MPlayer 0.9) (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 14:06] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Photos from the "Commodore- and Amiga Show"
Several photos from the latest "Commodore- and Amiga-Show" organized by the Dutch Commodore gebruikersgroup were published under the titlelink. The next meeting will be held in October 2005. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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21.Aug.2005 (website)

AmigaOS4: Sound card summary
At the title link, Davy Wentzler has published a summary regarding several sound cards which can be used under AmigaOS4 and which restrictions there are. Furthermore he mentions that Terratec and ESI/Egosys have been supportive companies while M-Audio and Creative stayed silent. (snx)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2005, 08:57] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges (ANF)

Aminet: external full text search engine Amifind moved
The Aminet full text search engine "Amifind" searches the more than 73000 readme files of the Aminet (more than 300 MB all together) in a few milli seconds kunden for the key words.

Thanks to a new server with higher meory capabilities can the search engine now be reached under (the homepage of Chris Hodges moved, too).

As the switching of the domain happened just yesterday it may happen that the access works for some users in the next days. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2005, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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Jump'n Run: Preview of "Mr. Beanbag!" (AGA)
Mr. Beanbag! is a classical jump'n'run just like Sega's Sonic-series. Numerous screenshots and a video can be watched under the titlelink, a playable preview will be published in the future as well.

The author, who presents her project in a thread on, wants to publish the game this year.

Preview-video: valley.avi (1,9 MB) (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2005, 14:30] [Comments: 0]
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E compiler: update for ECX to version 1.4.5
ECX 1.4 is a compiler for the programming language E for AmigaOS and MorphOS. The update of the compiler to version 1.4.5 requires the package of the version before (exc48.lha) and comes with several bug fixes and improvements.

Required is an installation of the Amiga-E-Paketes (amigae33a.lha) respectively at least the assign EMODULES: with the V40 EModules.

The compiler needs at least a 68000 processor, AmigaOS V37+ and 2 MB memory. The compiles require at least a 68020 (+68881 when using floating point) and AmigaOS V37 or a PPC and MorphOS.

  • 680x0 and PowerPC support
  • Support for EC binary modules and new binary modules
  • Support for the ADOS and the ELF output format
  • Support for mixed and pure output binary files
  • MorphOS support
ecx48.lha (537 KB)
ecx_upd.lha (120 KB)
amigae33a.lha (1,6 MB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2005, 08:21] [Comments: 0]
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RhoSigma, Roland Heyder (ANF)

Creating galleries and online-shops: MakeHTMLMap V4.000
Roland Heyders has updated his Shareware program MakeHTMLMap to version 4.000. This software can be used to create picture galleries as well as now online-shops, too. System requirements are AmigaOS 2.04 and 2 MB RAM.
Download: MakeHTMLMap.lha (884 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 22:52] [Comments: 0]
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Review: Tower D-Box (English)
Under the title link you can find an English review of the tower "D-Box" from Elbox. The author thinks that this tower is a good buy. It is well made, looks pretty good and has enough space for extensions.
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 19:34] [Comments: 0]
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19.Aug.2005 (Webseite)

AmigaOS4: Update der Perl 5.8.5-Portierung (Amiga-Version 0.02)
Andy Broad has released an update of his AmigaOS4-port of Perl v5.8.5. The programming language Perl ("practical extraction and report language") originally was developed by Larry Wall and underlies the GPL respectively the Perl Artistic License.

The new Amiga-version 0.02 allows stativ linking; most of the standard addons are included. Meanwhile just POSIX and Devel:DProf are missing. Additionally the update supports the Fork-emulation.

Download: perl.tar.bz2 (15 MB) (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 19:20] [Comments: 0]
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Neo (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Drum-Computer RockBEAT 1.0
RockBEAT is a simple software drum machine (Screenshot) for AmigaOS 4. It is a tool for musicians that allows you to create drumming tracks. It can create multiple tracks, each one being 4x 4/4 measures with 16th notes. You can save individual tracks as wav files, or the whole thing as one big song. You can drop in your own 16bit 44100Hz PCM WAV samples in the drumsamples/ folder if you like. Great for the bedroom guitarist!

The demo is restricted to 10 minutes. If you like it, you can purchase a keyfile from the author for $15 USD. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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19.Aug.2005 (website)

MorphOS: AmigaOS 3.x skin and icon set
L.A Yliniemi has released an AmigaOS 3.x-design skin for MorphOS, accompanied by a corresponding set of PNG icons. These do also include MIME icons and further Glowicon style system icons.

Download: AmigaOS3.x_Skin.lha (680 KB) (snx)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 06:35] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: nforce.device update / Betatesters needed
Michal Schulz, author of the NIC driver for nForce 1-4 chipsets ( reported), is looking for betatesters. For details, please consult his weblog at the title link. Also the latest binary has been published there.

Download: nforce.device (24 KB) (snx)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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Games database: including 699 cheats
Lemon Amiga, a big games database with many screenshots and detailled information, now offers a total amount of cheats for 699 amiga games. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 03:57] [Comments: 0]
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Retro-Gaming: Updates of and offers nine new scans of various reviews of console games originally published in the magazine ASM. has been updated with several reviews as well: Earthsiege 2 (PP), Emerald Mine (ASM), Hollywood Poker (ASM), Maupiti Island (AJ), Rambo II (64), Space Invasion (Commando) (64), Space Quest 3 (ASM). (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2005, 03:56] [Comments: 0]
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Texteditor: New name wanted for GoldED-distribution
The GoldED package shall get a new name, says programmed Dietmar Eilert. The name of the editor will remain GoldED but the whole package needs a different name (one which does not contain "ED" because development has moved away from pure editor and towards a package for developers). A list of candidates has been compiled under the titlelink. Further suggestions for a new name should be sent by email to the programmer or should be posted into the forum thread. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2005, 23:10] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

USB-controller: SUBWAY production running again
E3B announces the availability of its famous SUBWAY USB clockport controller. Due to numerous requests from the Amiga communitiy E3B has started a last production run of its SUBWAY controller to give interested Amiga users the chance to order one of these clockport modules to expand the Amiga 1200 with a regular USB port. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2005, 12:26] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench replacement: Scalos 41.1a (Beta)
A new beta-version of the well-known workbench replacement Scalos was published today. Details about the changes can be seen from the History.


AmigaOS 3: ScalosBeta_41.1a_68K.lha (1,7 MB)
MorphOS: ScalosBeta_41.1a_MOS.lha (1,7 MB) (cg)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2005, 03:23] [Comments: 0]
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Neo (ANF)

AmigaOS 4.0: MPlayer Dirty Preview #5
A new beta-version of the AmigaOS 4 port of the movie-player Mplayer was published today under the titlelink (Screenshot). (cg)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2005, 03:15] [Comments: 0]
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