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Cracktros - made with Hollywood
A user compiled the "cracktros" coming with Hollywood, i.e. intros of the demo scene, for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2006, 22:36] [Comments: 0]
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14.Jan.2006 (website)

AmigaOS 4: Warp3D plugin for Playstation emulator FPSE
As the next update of Mathias Roslund's FPSE port will take some more time the author released a Warp3D plugin for the existing version of the Playstation emulator.

The plugin works very well with some games (Colin McRae and Ridge Racer are mentioned as examples), other games are problematic or run even slower.

Download: gpuw3d.lha (111 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2006, 16:31] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: ColdFire plans for Debian-m68k
As the computer news site Symlink reported exist plans to port the Debian Linux variant for processors of the 680x0 family to the related successor architecture ColdFire to revive this Linux project.

At the time it's not decided wether a common port for both architectures is indeed possible but for now the barriers seem not to be insuperable. In addition Freescale promised for this project five Coldfire boards for testing purposes. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2006, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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13.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

Linux: Updated AmigaOne-Kernel (2.4.26, 2.6.8-16)
On 8th January the PegXMac-developer Entwickler David Bentham published the updated Linux-Kernel for the AmigaOne.

The adapted 2.4.26er Kernel should now enable DMA for all AmigaOne-boards.

The eleventh version of the Kernel 2.6.8-16 works together with most of the drivers as moduls (z.B. printers, USB) and the SILImage-nodul can be used again, too.

Besides this there is a new 3D-driver (agpgart) but which is only for tests. The author asks for sending back the Log-files (dmesg and /var/log/messages) under the title link.

Furthermore there are still problems to be solved so some Amigas may crash. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2006, 07:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Self made: Amiga 1200 in DVD-Player-tower
Under the title link 'Fixi' describes how he put an Amiga 1200 with CD-drive, turbo card, IDE-controller and harddrives into the tower of a DVD-player. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2006, 06:37] [Comments: 0]
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Jens 'bruZard' Henschel (ANF)

AmiBlitz2 added to Blitzbasic-Forum
After an opinion poll in the Blitzbasic forum of the Windows-, Linux- and Mac OS-users a new category for AmiBlitz2 was established today. With this action it is tried to build a bridge between the new Blitzbasic variants and the original.

It is the aim that the exchange between users of all four operating systems should create new impulses and the experience of the Amiga Blitzbasic community should be mixed with new ideas of the newer BlitzPlus-/Blitz3D- and BlitzMax-users. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2006, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Golem (ANF)

Next Cell Generation under Work
The three in the development of the Cell cpu participating companies IBM, Sony and Toshiba are extending their cooperation. Together the three firms want to develop new techniques for the next chip generation with a size in structure of 32 nanometers and less. (ps) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2006, 13:43] [Comments: 0]
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OpenPegasos: Pegasos 2 Design specification released (Update)
Members of may download the design specifications of the Pegasos 2 for free. The membership at is free for "developers".

As Genesi's management mentions in a blog entry, the current Pegasos 2 design is not yet fullfilling the EU directive RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) which will is mandatory from July this year.

Update: (12.01.2006, 16:00, cg)

At's forums, Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco ("BBRV") explain that the parts of the documentation that are still missing will be made available during the next two months. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2006, 18:10] [Comments: 0]
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11.Jan.2006 (Software-Liste)

MorphOS: DigiFilter 2.0
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski has released DigiFilter version 2.0 for MorphOS. It is a design tool for digital FIR filters ("finite impulse response".

Different to programs which are limited to typical low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop frequency answers or are encompassing a limited set of frequency points, DigiFilter offers a graphic frequency response editor.

The program uses a window design technique with rectangle, trirangle, "Blackman" and "Kaiser" windows. Thanks to high otimization even very long filter (2048 sample points and more) may be used real ime on G3 computers.

DigiFilter 2.0 requires the media stream library Reggae B by the same author ( reported). (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2006, 15:51] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

More graphic designers wanted for the Shoot'em Up "Megalospirit"
"Megalospirit", a Shoot'em Up for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, MorphOS and maybe AmigaOS 4, is under development since 2003 (screen shots: 1, 2, 3, 4). The game requires OpenGL and SDL and uses a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels. The engine runs under Windows, Mac OS and Linux yet.

The current team, Jérôme "Polluxe" Davoine (code), Olivier "Haploo" Gonneau (music) and Thierry "LorD" Philippe (gfx), is looking for one or two more gfx dsigners who may design sprite or (tile based) landscapes. If you interested, you may contact the developers lord @ lordfpx . com. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2006, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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Heise: Microsoft verifies FAT patents
German it news service Heise report the U.S. patent and trade department (USPTO) verified two debatably patent belonging to the FAT file system ("Common name space for long and short filenames", US patents 5,579,517 and 5,758,352).

The decision was based upon the assumption that these techniques are not "prior art" but a new invention and is final. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2006, 12:21] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Scheele (ANF)

Hardware meeting of the AmigaClub SH on 04.02.2006
The Amiga Club Schleswig-Holstein is again hosting a hardware meeting in the FH Kiel. The meeting will take place on Saturday, 04.02.2006 starting at 1 pm. Whoever wants to participate with his own computer is asked to register briefly by email. Admission is free. Further information can be obtained under the link above clicking on "Termine/News" (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 23:47] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Forever 2005: test report in issue 2/2006 of c't
The computer magazine c't publishes a test report about the emulation complete package Amiga Forever 2005 in its latest issue 2/2006 on page 66.
In addition there is an article about the 22nd CCC conference in Berlin on page 18/19, showing a photo of the Amiga 4000 which had been used there. ( berichtete). (snx) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 22:40] [Comments: 0]
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FSF announces "GNU Gnash Flash movie player"
The Free Software Foundation, which is among the heavyweight of the OpenSource scene and among other things responsible for the GNU General Public License (GLP), announces the "GNU Gnash Flash movie player" as well as the corresponding firefox plugin under the link above, both are supposed to be distributed under the GPL.

Gnash would be the first opensource player ever, which would be compatible with the proprietary format SWF 7 of Macromedia. (cg)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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Mario Misic (ANF)

Encyclopaedia: Big Book of Amiga Hardware is online again
The Big Book of Amiga Hardware, which had to be taken offline four weeks ago because of copyright problems is now online again. The pages for driver- and manual downloads have been removed.

The German Mirror of BBoAH will be available in a few days as well. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 17:48] [Comments: 0]
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(ANF) Pentium 4 computer in a case with integrated keyboard presents a computer with integrated keyboard similar to the classical Commodore models, which is equiped with a Pentium 4 processor up to 3,2 Ghz or a Celeron D. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 02:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. and ICTV are cooperating
In a joint press release Amiga Inc. and ICTV announce the future distribution of "Amiga Anywhere" applications over ICTV's "HeadendWare".

With the help of HeadendWare the owners of digital set-top-boxes have access to interactive contents. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2006, 02:06] [Comments: 0]
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09.Jan.2006 (Webseite) Win a copy of AmiPhoto or ANotice 2
Write an article for's articles section about AmigaOS 4 or AmigaOne and be in with a chance to win a free copy of AmiPhoto or ANotice 2. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 18:07] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: RSS-Reader XNet-RSS 51.7
XNet-RSS is a RSS-Reader and shows "RSS-Feeds", short messages in textform, for example offered by Changes in Version 51.7:
  • added favicon.ico support (8, 24, 32 bit with masking)
  • added News Bar positioning prefs
  • reworked iso-8859-2 encoding support
  • improved html entities parsing and stripping
  • bugs fixing
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads til 08.01.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
A71Mail.lha           comm/www     19K  GEN  Email Form multilanguage written in php
qsilver-ws.lha        comm/www     47K  GEN  HTTP/1.0 compliant web server in ARexx
AntiMagiam.adz        demo/disk   428K  OS3  Crack And Roll Demodisk
PAR_bwBASIC.lha       dev/basic     4K  OS3  PAR: access using bwBASIC.
bintoc.lha            dev/c        14K  VAR  Binary to C source converter
perl-src.tar.bz2      dev/lang     15M  GEN  Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4 src
perl.tar.bz2          dev/lang     12M  OS4  Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4
sdl_perl.tar.bz2      dev/lang    2.3M  OS4  SDL_perl extention for amigaos4, (dynami
abc-shell-0.0.37.lha  dev/misc    532K  OS4  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
grep-2.5.1a.lha       dev/misc    1.8M  OS4  GNU grep 2.5.1a
libfreetype2.lha      dev/misc    810K  OS4  Freetype2             game/board  585K  OS3  Wuzzi
DC2Lvl-EMine11.lha    game/data   365K  GEN  81 levels for Diamond Caves II
bouldercaves.lha      game/jump   472K  GEN  BoulderDaesh RTX Caves Archive
boulderdaesh.lha      game/jump   926K  OS3  BoulderDaesh RTX Main Archive
boulderfull.lha       game/jump   4.5M  OS3  BoulderDaesh RTX Full Archive
bouldergames.lha      game/jump   2.9M  GEN  BoulderDaesh RTX Games Archive
bouldergraph.lha      game/jump   196K  GEN  BoulderDaesh RTX Graphics Archive
bouldersound.lha      game/jump   184K  GEN  BoulderDaesh RTX Sound Archive
frozen.lha            game/misc   9.0M  OS4  Frozen Bubble, a popular game written in
jpegxinfo.lha         gfx/misc     11K  OS4  Drag'n'drop JPEG Exif viewer (jhead GUI)
mijfif.lha            gfx/show     23K  MOS  JFIF&BMP24 viewer for CGX MorphOS
warpview.lha          gfx/show     36K  OS4  A fast Image Viewer using Warp3D
BetaScanMustek.lha    hard/drivr  207K  OS3  latest Mustek Betascan SANE driver
BetaScanUMax.lha      hard/drivr  333K  OS3  Umax Betascan driver
yaps.lha              hard/drivr  173K  OS4  YAPS - Yet Another PCI Scan program
diezi7-ModMix.mp3     mods/mpg    1.2M  GEN  Remix of a nice and short mod
rockbeat.lha          mus/edit    1.6M  OS4  Create drumming tracks and export them a
organ_09a_68k.lha     mus/midi     91K  OS3  Organ plugin for HD-Rec
organ_09a_mos.lha     mus/midi    105K  MOS  Organ plugin for HD-Rec
organ_09a_wos.lha     mus/midi     93K  WUP  Organ plugin for HD-Rec
iLander.lha           mus/play     29K  GEN  iLander White skin for AmiNetRadio
iLander_Black.lha     mus/play     27K  GEN  iLander Black skin for AmiNetRadio
oggvorbis_tn.lha      mus/play    189K  OS4  Ogg Vorbis Plugin for TuneNet
tunenet.lha           mus/play    448K  OS4  Music Player (Shoutcast, MP3, PT, AIFF, 
SKETHYSC.jpg          pix/misc     89K  GEN  Sketchy Scan
SWIMGIRL.jpg          pix/misc     42K  GEN  Swim Girl
UNREALCO.jpg          pix/misc    100K  GEN  Unreal Colour
amipal-mi.lha         pix/nicon   1.3M  GEN  amipals music icons
OneLine_MUI.lha       text/misc   201K  OS3  Text parser, CR-LF-TAB + GhostScript850 
sdiREKOPrefs.lha      util/dtype   15K  GEN  Preferences GUI for sdiREKO DataTypes
libpcre.lha           util/libs   1.6M  OS4  Perl-compatible regular expression libra
TTManagerSP.lha       util/libs     5K  GEN  TTManager 1.0 spanish catalog v1.0.0
zlibrary.lha          util/libs    40K  OS4  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
AslToRT.lha           util/misc    30K  OS3  Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 16:00] [Comments: 0]
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09.Jan.2006 Uploads til 08.01.2006 uploads since our last report:
mixer.lha         aud/mis   91kb  Mixer
libpcre.lha       dev/lib    1Mb  Perl-compatible regular expression libra
sdl_perl.tar.bz2  dev/lib    2Mb  SDL_perl extention for amigaos4, (dynami
zlibrary.lha      dev/lib   39kb  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
envy24ht_ahi.lha  dri/aud   19kb  Envy24HT AHI driver
lost.lha          gra/ico  150kb  Ken's Lost Icons
xnet-rss.lha      net/new    1Mb  Native AOS4.0 RSS News Reader
yaps.lha          uti/har  173kb  YAPS - Yet Another PCI Scan program
abc-shell.lha     dev/uti  531kb  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
frozen.lha        gam/puz    8Mb  Frozen Bubble and popular game written i
grep.lha          uti/fil    1Mb  GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
oggvorbis_tn.lha  aud/pla  189kb  Ogg Vorbis Plugin for TuneNet
tunenet.lha       aud/pla  448kb  Music Player (Shoutcast, MP3, PT, AIFF, 
rockbeat.lha      aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
perl.tar.bz2      dev/lan   11Mb  Perl 5.8.5 AmigaOS4
jpegxinfo.lha     gra/mis   11kb  Drag'n'drop JPEG Exif viewer (jhead GUI)
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 16:00] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads til 08.01.2006
aros-archives uploads since our last report:
bzip2-1.0.3.tar.gz    dev/lib  985kb  bzip2 archiver + linklib
unlzx.tar.bz2         uti/arc   17kb  .lzx unarchiver  dev/lan  233kb  Amilua AROS binary        dev/lan  247kb  Amilua source
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 16:00] [Comments: 0]
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(ANF) It seems cheap - Media Markt and Saturn often more expensive
A investigation of the german newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung" shows that the 50% to 70% of the offered articles of the German Electronic Discounters "Media Markt" and "Saturn" are more expensive then the same articles offered by "Kaufhof", "Karstadt" or "Schaulandt" (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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PowerPC-Linux: Yellow Dog Linux 4.1
Terrasoft released a new Version of his LinuxPPC-Distribution Yellow Dog, which supports beside PowerMacs also the Pegasos. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Raffaele (ANF)

Polaris: Open Solaris Kernel for PowerPC (Pegasos ODW) compiled
The "PPC OpenSolaris Projekt" notify, that the compiled yesterday the first time a working kernal version of the open-source operationsystem for PowerPC CPUs.

The first platform for the "Polaris" named project is the Pegasos ODW. Genesi donated this project with some Pegasos Computers. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 15:38] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future release 58 (Januar/Februar 2006) was published
The following German text reports about the release 58 of the German Amiga-Magazin "Amiga Future". The Amiga Furure are only published in german language. Pressemitteilung : Etwas früher als geplant ist heute die Amiga Future Ausgabe 58 (Januar/Februar 2006) erschienen.

In dieser Ausgabe sind wieder Artikel für alle Bereiche dabei. So haben wir Desert Racing für den Classic Amiga, BlobWars für AmigaOS 4 und Virtual GP für MorphOS getestet.

Aber natürlich gibt es nicht nur Berichte über Spiele. Ein MyApacheStarter Test fehlt genauso wenig im Heft wie ein Special über die AmigaOS 4 Prefs oder RAM und ein Review von AmiKit.

Natürlich ist das nicht der gesamte Inhalt der Amiga Future. Auf unerer Homepage findet ihr eine Inhaltsangabe sowie Leseproben.

Als besonderes Highlight haben wir, neben vielen weiteren Vollversionen, auf unserer LeserCD Main Actor sowie Ports of Call. (Ein passendes Interview zu POC fehlt natürlich auch nicht.)

Die Auflage der Amiga Future steigt stetig. Das hatte in der Vergangenheit zur Folge das einige Einzelheft-Besteller leider leer ausgegangen sind. Um das zu vermeiden haben wir natürlich die Druckauflage erhöht. Trotzdem haben wir auch dieses mal die Befürchtung das die Ausgabe wesentlich früher ausverkauft ist als geplant. Wir empfehlen deswegen allen Usern die an dieser Ausgabe der Amiga Future Interesse haben, so bald wie möglich zu bestellen.

Die Amiga Future ist im Amiga Fachhandel (Zum Beispiel Vesalia, GGS-Data, ...) sowie auf den Amiga Future und APC&TCP Homepages erhältlich. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 15:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Reggae B veröffentlicht (Update)
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski notify a new class is now added to Reggae - it is fir.filter used for audio signal filtering. The code is highly optimized, so even very long filters (2048 taps and more) can be performed in realtime even on G3 processor. Some routines are written for AltiVec, but MorphOS 1.4.5 kernel doesn't have AltiVec turned on, so routines can't be used yet (but they are there, tested and waiting for a new kernel).

Update: (18:18, 09.01.06, snx)
The complete packet is now released, Reggae B. Beside the actual classes is the fir.filter included and also a second new class named winicon.demuxer to load Windows Icons. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2006, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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Heinz-Raphael Reinke (ANF)

Development Environment: AmiDevCpp 0.9 "Monster Pack"
The development environment AmiDevCpp is now available in version 0.9. With the IDE, programs can now be produced for following systems:
  • MS Windows (x86)
  • AmigaOS (68k)
  • AmigaOS 4 (PPC)
  • MorphOS (PPC)
  • AROS (x86)
However, AmigaOS 4 developers must additionally obtain an up-to-date SDK, since that is not freely available yet.

For downloading over 100 files, or rather, 90 MB, DSL users should download the Internet setup program (67 KB). Users of a slower Internet connection still have the possibility to download the files individually.

Since the new server does not seem to work correctly yet, it can happen that individual files are not completely downloaded. These files can be found very easily, in that you view the downloaded files sorted by size, and then manually download those that are too small.

On usage: In the Help menu, a "First Steps" tutorial can be found now. The various compilers can be selected in the "Project->Project options->Compiler" menu. The standard compiler is for MS Windows. Keep in mind to change this to "m68k-AmigaOS", particularly in Amiga projects that are already created. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 18:17] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Multimedia Application Layer: Hollywood 2.0 available
Press release:Airsoft Softwair is proud to announce that the biggest update in Hollywood history is now available. Hollywood 2.0 is a massive update with endless new features. The program and its documentation have almost doubled in size. Here is a brief overview of the major new features of Hollywood 2.0 but there are tons more:
  • Programming language: Hollywood has a completely new, state-of-the-art 64-bit script language which is dynamically typed and thus, extremely flexible
  • Sprites: Hollywood now offers a fully featured sprite library that is implemented completely in software. Hence, there are no limitations in sprite size, frames, colors and so on. With sprites, a lot of cool things are possible
  • Music library: The new music library allows playback of MP3 files and Protracker modules. Ptahiplay.library is no longer required!
  • AROS support: Hollywood is now available for the i386 version of the Amiga Research Operating System AROS. On AROS native, Hollywood 2.0 gives a stunning performance on modern PCs. Additionally, AROS support means that you can compile x86 native AROS executables also from MorphOS, AmigaOS 3.x or AmigaOS 4 now
  • Antialias: Antialiasing is now fully implemented for TrueType fonts on all systems. Drawing routines are very fast even on 68k because of highly-optimized code
  • Powerful scheduler: Hollywood's new, powerful scheduler allows you to create exactly timed scripts which run at the same speed on every system
  • Alpha channel support: Hollywood supports graphics with an alpha channel now. Thus, it supports graphics with up to 32-bits per pixel now. Highly optimized drawing routines give excellent results even on 68k systems
  • Clip regions: Hollywood provides powerful clipping functions now that allow you to clip your graphics even to custom shaped regions (like circles, rectangles with round edges and so on)
  • Collision detection: Fast pixel-exact collision detection is now offered. Even alpha channel information is taken into account by the collision detection!
  • New off-screen rendering functions: All graphics calls can be used now to render to brush masks and alpha channels, too. Paves the way for unique special effects!
  • New GUI: The GUI has been completely rewritten and is much more functional now. It has a showcase that lists all the examples that come with Hollywood and also has screenshots and information about them
  • New examples: Hollywood 2.0 comes with over 15 cool new examples that demonstrate the new features. Hollywood has now over 45 examples in total
  • Dramatic speed improvements: The image processing functions are up to 10 times faster now on WarpOS because the PPC is used now for everything! The drawing library is also much faster now
  • Layer improvements: When removing layers, Hollywood will now use special undo effects which work just the other way round. Furthermore, layers can be given names now. This makes it much easier to work with them because the names do not change like the ids! Finally, anim layers are possible now
  • DOS functions: Hollywood 2.0 brings many new DOS functions including a powerful CopyFile() function which can copy whole directories and is customizable through a callback function
  • New button library: A much more flexible button library has superseded the old one. The new button library calls functions instead of labels and has more features!
  • Sample library: The PlaySample() command offers many more options now and can trigger OnSampleEnd and OnSampleLoop events for perfect script timing!
  • Doublebuffer: Hollywood 2.0 has functions for setting up a double buffered display. Double buffer scaling is fully implemented
  • Drawing library: All commands of the draw library can draw alpha-blended graphics now, too. Additionally, there are some new functions like Arc() which draws a partial ellipse, and FloodFill() which fills a bordered region with a color
  • Compiler: The Hollywood compiler has been completely rewritten and is more configurable now. You can embed version strings and more information in your executables. It is also possible to fix the settings of your compiled scripts; for instance, you can create an executable that will only run in full screen mode
  • New fillstyles: All drawing functions can use additional fill styles. Hollywood supports the fill styles 'gradient' and 'texture' now
  • Image export: You can now save your brushes to files and also save snapshots of your script from within Hollywood!
  • Independence: Hollywood does no longer require the guigfx.library, render.library, and ptahiplay.library
  • Full 1.x compatibility: Although the kernel has been completely exchanged, Hollywood 2.0 is fully compatible with the previous versions. All your scripts should run fine with Hollywood 2.0, and Hollywood Designer and Malibu do not need any updates, either
Starting with Hollywood 2.0, the program does no longer work on systems without a graphics board. A hi/true color screenmode is now required.

Hollywood comes on a CD-ROM that contains versions for all supported platforms: There are native versions of the program for AmigaOS 3.x, WarpOS, MorphOS, AmigaOS 4 and for the first time AROS (i386). A download version is also offered. If you order the download version, you will have to download an ISO image which you need to burn on CD-R then. If you already own Hollywood 1.x, you can buy a discounted upgrade version.

Hollywood 2.0 is Airsoft Softwair's definite Multimedia experience (Code name: Vision.1) and was given 10 of 10 points throughout by all of its beta testers. On top of all those features, Hollywood also has a cross-compiler which allows you to save executables for any platform that Hollywood supports.

For example, AROS users can save AmigaOS 4 executables with Hollywood. Or MorphOS users can save WarpOS executables and so on. Hollywood is the ultimate bridge between all those different AmigaOS compatible platforms! With Hollywood, you can support them all. If you want to learn more about Hollywood, please visit the Hollywood product information which also contains a full feature list of Hollywood. (snx)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 14:39] [Comments: 0]
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Murakami (ANF)

aMiGa=PoWeR: Issue 33 of the french magazine available
Issue 33 of the french print-magazine aMiGa=PoWeR is available. Among other stuff it contains articles about Alchimie 5, Amiga's 20th anniversary and AROS, reviews of AmigaOS 4 Update #3 (8 pages), TuneNet, Wet and Beats Of Rage, tutorials for SQLite and BitTorrent as well as many other articles about Desert Racing Of Bardos, Crossfire II for AmigaOS 4 and the annopunced Power Vixxen LT board.

aMiGa=PoWeR is a French newspaper issued by AFLE (French association). Created in 1998, A=P became thanks to the experience of AFLE (created in 1994) the 1st French-speaking Amiga newspaper. Entirely laser printed, aMiGa=PoWeR is distributed in the whole world. (snx)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 14:24] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2006 (Web page)

Pegasos: AmigaOS and CD32 loader
Marcel 'Frostwork' Unbehaun has compiled an AmigaOS and CD32 loader, by means of which the Pegasos II can boot into the respective Amiga environment. By default, an inserted CD32 CD is booted directly.

The Amiga emulation is based on E-UAE and requires appropriate Kickstart files (from the CD32 by default). In addition, you need a Torrent client in order to download. You can obtain details on the range of functions and the installation under the title link. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Terstiege (ANF)

Java version of BattleDuel completed / Update to the Amiga version
The freeware artillery game BattleDuel (screenshot) now exists as a Java version as well. This port conforms to a one-to-one conversion of the Amiga original, so that network games are possible between both systems.

At the same time, an update for the Amiga version was developed, which ensures compatibility to the Java version and corrects small errors. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 13:04] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2006 (Web page)

AmigaOS 4: Mixer 1.17 and Envy24HT 5.6
Before long, updates to the mixer as well as to the Envy24HT sound card driver by Davy Wentzler will be available in OS4Depot. The latter, in version 5.6, now supports the Terratec card Aureon 7.1 Space as well.

In addition, the Mixer 1.17 can now operate the AC97 codec on this sound card as well as on the Aureon Sky, so that CD, Aux, Mic and Line-In can be mixed. Moreover, support for several sound cards was improved. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 08:17] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2006 (Web page)

MorphOS: UnRAR 3.5.4
The MorphOS port of UnRAR is now available in version 3.5.4.

Download: unrar.lha (275 KB) (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 02:09] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2006 Preview function in the Forums
Thanks to Philippe "PAB" Bourdin, the Forums have a preview function in the meantime: Whoever prepares a new contribution, can first display a preview, before the comment is actually posted.

Whoever has change requests or suggestions for improvement for the Forums, is sincerely invited to communicate these to us in the corresponding thread. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2006, 01:56] [Comments: 0]
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