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20.Nov.2006 Uploads until 19.11.2006
These are the uploads at which have benn added since our last message:
pcx_dt.lha          dat/ima   19kb  PCX picture datatype
targa_dt.lha        dat/ima   18kb  Targa (.tga) picture datatype
atw_mdiv2-os4.lha   dem/sce    2Mb  MegademoIV 2 by Artwork
pucrunch.lha        dev/cro  119kb  A cruncher for C64 executeables
sdlpngsavesurf.lha  dev/exa  343kb  An example on how to save a SDL surface 
ablit.lha           dev/lib    2Mb  Alpha Channel Blit Library
libogg.lha          dev/lib  114kb  libOGG
libpng.lha          dev/lib  621kb  libPNG
libsap.lha          dev/lib  160kb  libSAP 1.51 use this to play Atari SAP m
libsps.lha          dev/lib    1Mb  C++ Multithreading Library
libvorbis.lha       dev/lib  775kb  libVORBIS
texinfo-bin.lha     dev/mis  506kb  GNU documentation system
texinfo-src.lha     dev/mis    2Mb  GNU documentation system (sources)
make-bin.lha        dev/uti  356kb  GNU make including parallel compile
sb128ahi.lha        dri/aud   15kb  OS4 SB128 AHI Driver
winterjumper.lha    gam/pla  194kb  A Giana Sisters remake
atris.lha           gam/puz    1Mb  Tetris clone
sdlame.lha          gam/puz    5Mb  SDLame a small puzzle game
globulation2.lha    gam/str   10Mb  Globulation 2 - Free software RTS game w
wesnoth.lha         gam/str   77Mb  Battle for Wesnoth
codesets.lha        lib/mis  413kb  Library for handling codesets and charac
docket.lha          uti/mis   53kb  Powerful cron-like scheduling commodity
psid64.lha          uti/mis  688kb  Make a C64 exe from a PSID file             uti/mis   57kb  A new multiview program
vim-bin.lha         uti/tex    6Mb  Vim, the editor
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Nov. 2006, 14:51] [Comments: 0]
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