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WHDLoad: New Packets til 30.01.2006
With WHDLoad is it possible to install games and scene-demos made to work only on floppydisks. Also the incompatibility with newer Amiga-models is fixed.

Following installer are added oir updated since our last report: (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Status update January 2006
In his latest status update, Paolo Besser gives a summary of the recent developments around the open-source AmigaOS reimplementation AROS. He writes:

This is the first status update of 2006, and we wish to thank all AROS users, sponsors and enthusiasts for their support: at the beginning of 2005 AROS-Exec had about 250 members, now this number has doubled with more than 500 (and growing). During these months AROS has achieved some key goals such as network support, CVS to Subversion migration and PPC porting. More and more applications had been ported or added, lots of bug had been fixed, and there's also a flavour of AROS running on top of classic AmigaOS, in order to modernize it. We're all sure that 2006 will be a very interesting year for AROS. And now, let's go with our fresh news...

Georg Steger has fixed input preferences for mouse, in order to improve mice tracking and pointer precision on the screen.

Mathias Rustler has updated documentation for users and developers, adding some nice hints and removing obsolete informations. You'll find signs of his work through this site. Mathias has also commited ExecuteStartup, a little tool that executes whatever application you'll copy in the SYS:WBstartup drawer. (snx)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 21:17] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Lanser (ANF)

Logicgame: Sudoku 1.0
Michael Lanser ported Sudoku, it is one of the logicgames with a increasing popularity, for the Amiga. The minimum requirement are AmigaOS 3.1 and a Graphic-card; the game is available in german and english.

The game consists of a 9x9 square devided into 3x3 blocks. Some blocks are already filled at the beginning of the game. The number of prefilled blocks will depend on the level of difficulty. Aim of the game is to fill the blocks with the right numbers. Each row, each column and each block must contain the numbers 1 to 9. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 19:51] [Comments: 0]
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30.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell 0.0.38
The abc-shell ("Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell") is a with POSIX resp. Bourne compatible Shell, which provide a Unix/Linux environment to decrease the effort to port software.

Beside included in Version 0.0.38 is now possible to use inside of a shell the Amiga-Format to handle the path.

Download: abc-shell.lha (535 KB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 18:26] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Presentation of the FPGA-Amigas "Minimig" in Maarssen (Netherlands)
On the next meeting of the netherlands Commodore Gebruikersgroep at 18. February in Maarssen will Dennis van Weeren present his FPGA-Reimplementation of a Amiga 500 ( reported). (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 14:17] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Roesch (ANF)

AfA: AROS for AmigaOS 3.92
AROS for AmigaOS (AfA), a Project to enhance the AmigaOS 3.x with a reimporting of newer AROS-Functionen, is Update to Version 3.92.

The newer version provided a faster drawing of icons in high color. But in the default config is the FastIcon-option off. To activate this AfA-config is a system restart required. At this moment this option is only with AGA and Picasso96 tested - a feedback of the usability with CyberGraphX is requested.

As second change was a SaferSystem-option added to the AfA-config, which make it possible to switch the Exec-Guardfunction on and off (during operation) to protect the system agains a crash or makes it compatible. In default is this option deaktivated. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi (E-Mail)

PPCZone: PowerPC-Developerprogram
Genesi initiate a developerprogram on the PPCZone which is for everybody who has a project, a software port or a dissertation which works and valorize a PowerPC-Platform.

The first part is concentrated on Genesis Efika-Board and is also supported by Freescale. Accepted Project get his own blog-like subpages with version administration and file area. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 10:26] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet: Uploads til 29.01.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
Smart_SMBFS.lha           comm/net      10K  GEN  smart mount/demount script for SMBFS
CTorrentUI.lha            comm/tcp      74K  OS3  GUI for CTorrent v1.4.3 (BitTorrent clie
TimeLess.lha              demo/euro    203K  OS4  Scene Demo From 1994 , lots and lots of 
Fastidium.lha             demo/mag     672K  OS3  DiNX Project Polish Scene Magazine: Fast
SAFIntroForThePartyV.lha  demo/tp95     48K  OS3  SaF Intro For The Party V - NoAGA MULTIT
CapsDeviceDevBas.lha      dev/basic     39K  OS3  Using CAPSimage device from HBasic
xa-mos.lha                dev/cross    190K  MOS  6502/65816 cross assembler
awk.lha                   dev/misc     331K  OS4  awk, a programming language
coreutils-bin.lha         dev/misc     4.6M  OS4  GNU core utilities
libart_lgpl.lha           dev/misc     147K  OS4  libart_lgpl - A fast 2D Graphical librar
libfribidi.lha            dev/misc     296K  OS4  GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the 
AmsterServerList.lha      docs/misc      4K  GEN  Amster Server List
WwPartCale2006-ITA.lha    docs/misc      3K  GEN  2006 italian calendar made with Wordwort
scummvm-frak.lha          game/misc    2.7M  OS4  Point-and-Click adventure interpreter
Easy1541.lha              misc/emu     137K  OS3  Full package to manage a 1541 Drive 1.3.
DED_FFA1.mp3              mods/anakir  1.6M  GEN  "begin to fear" FFA track 1 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFA2.mp3              mods/anakir  1.7M  GEN  "grit" FFA track 2 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA3.mp3              mods/anakir  2.0M  GEN  "disdance" FFA track 3 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA4.mp3              mods/anakir  2.7M  GEN  "placid" FFA track 4 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA5.mp3              mods/anakir  1.9M  GEN  "astroturf" FFA track 5 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA6.mp3              mods/anakir  2.6M  GEN  "killygirl" FFA track 6 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA7.mp3              mods/anakir  874K  GEN  "punx dead" FFA track 7 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA8.mp3              mods/anakir  3.4M  GEN  "useless c---" FFA track 8 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA9.mp3              mods/anakir  1.3M  GEN  "muvaf--inc---z" FFA track 9 by DeadPOP 
DED_FFAa.mp3              mods/anakir  1.4M  GEN  "anthrax spores" FFA track 10 by DeadPOP
DED_FFAb.mp3              mods/anakir  2.2M  GEN  "ten k" FFA track 11 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAc.mp3              mods/anakir  3.6M  GEN  "bodily fluid" FFA track 12 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFAd.mp3              mods/anakir  1.4M  GEN  "astroi" FFA track 13 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAe.mp3              mods/anakir  1.6M  GEN  "undastandin" FFA track 14 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAf.mp3              mods/anakir  1.7M  GEN  "rebellion" FFA track 15 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAg.mp3              mods/anakir  1.9M  GEN  "kobi" FFA track 16 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAh.mp3              mods/anakir  5.0M  GEN  "but kiss her" FFA track 17 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFAi.mp3              mods/anakir  2.0M  GEN  "like a cat" FFA track 18 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAj.mp3              mods/anakir  1.5M  GEN  "henry ford" FFA track 19 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAk.mp3              mods/anakir  1.8M  GEN  "L.F.U." FFA track 20 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAl.mp3              mods/anakir  1.1M  GEN  "crusty" FFA track 21 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFAm.mp3              mods/anakir  1.3M  GEN  "out of it" FFA track 22 by DeadPOP 01
ADPCM_dec.lha             mus/misc      29K  OS3  Decoder for Christian Buchner's ADPCM pa
sapmaker-mos.lha          mus/misc      98K  MOS  Making SAP files from Atari XL/XE's musi
waveutils-mos.lha         mus/misc     186K  MOS  Wave utilities (Info/Repair/Simplify)
PTPlayLibrary.lha         mus/play      75K  VAR  Play ("decode") protracker modules
EVSkullflags.lha          pix/icon      93K  GEN  Patch with Skullflags for Eye Viewer 2.x
aoneshampoing.jpg         pix/misc     330K  GEN  Funny picture about the AmigaOne (in Fre
ikir_theme.lha            pix/theme    1.1M  GEN  ikir's Amiga OS4 Theme
Amigaz_OS3.9.png          pix/wb       549K  GEN  My A4000 OS3.9 desktop
BareED.lha                text/edit    347K  OS3  Text editor supporting proportional font
twiglets.lha              text/misc      5K  OS4  Make big text from normal fonts
d64tozipcode_aos4.lha     util/arc      35K  OS4  Converts D64 image files to Zipcode form
unrar-bin.lha             util/arc     161K  OS4  Unpacks RAR files
unrar-src.lha             util/arc     140K  GEN  Unpacks RAR files - source
unzip-bin.lha             util/arc     148K  OS4  UnZIP - binary archive
unzip-src.lha             util/arc     1.3M  GEN  UnZIP - source archive
zip-bin.lha               util/arc     154K  OS4  Zip
zip-src.lha               util/arc     905K  GEN  zip source archive
disappear101.lha          util/batch     1K  GEN  shell script to wipe out unwanted volume
StackAttack2.lha          util/boot      7K  OS3  Set minimum stack size for new processes
DirSize_IL.lha            util/cli      45K  VAR  Calculate directory sizes (68k + MorphOS
akGIF-dt.lha              util/dtype    43K  VAR  akGIF-dt V45.31 (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
WarpJPEGdt.lha            util/dtype   187K  VAR  JFIF-JPEG datatype V45.5 (68k,OS4,WarpOS
StormMesa_Archive.lha     util/libs    1.9M  GEN  Sources for StormMesa 3.1 / AMesa
StormMesa_Demos168K.lha   util/libs    524K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos1PPC.lha   util/libs    483K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos268K.lha   util/libs    907K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos2PPC.lha   util/libs    677K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos368K.lha   util/libs    896K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos3PPC.lha   util/libs    655K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos468K.lha   util/libs    536K  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos4PPC.lha   util/libs    517K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos568K.lha   util/libs    1.0M  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos5PPC.lha   util/libs    730K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos668K.lha   util/libs    1.0M  OS3  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Demos6PPC.lha   util/libs    841K  WUP  Demos for StormMesa 3.1
StormMesa_Dev.lha         util/libs    397K  VAR  StormMesa Developer archive
StormMesa_LibsPPC.lha     util/libs    503K  WUP  MESA/OpenGL implementation for AmigaOS
StormMesa_Src.lha         util/libs    1.5M  GEN  StormMesa 3.1 - The sources for GL, GLU 
StormMesa_VPerf68K.lha    util/libs    164K  OS3  StormMesa/OpenGL benchmark program
StormMesa_VPerfPPC.lha    util/libs    149K  WUP  StormMesa/OpenGL benchmark program
zlibrary.lha              util/libs     41K  OS4  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
AslToRT.lha               util/misc     31K  OS3  Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
flite-ahi-bin.lha         util/misc     15M  OS4  Flite: speech synthesis engine (with AHI
NoLed.lha                 util/misc     19K  OS3  Low-Pass Filter Killer
zhxpk.lha                 util/pack     27K  OS4  zhxpk - (un)packer using xpk
isomount122.lha           util/rexx      5K  GEN  mounts CD isos, 1.44mo pc and 880ko Amig
wet.lha                   util/wb      668K  OS4  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 02:46] [Comments: 0]
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30.Jan.2006 Uploads til 29.01.2006 uploads since our last report:
timeless.lha       dem/sce  202kb  Scene Demo From 1994 , lots and lots of 
zlibrary.lha       dev/lib   40kb  zlib core as a shared library for AmigaO
scummvm-frak.lha   gam/adv    2Mb  Point-and-Click adventure interpreter
coreutils-bin.lha  dev/uti    4Mb  GNU core utilities
libfribidi.lha     dev/lib  295kb  GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the 
depthmenu.lha      uti/wor  106kb  Popup menu for depth gadgets.
awk.lha            dev/lan  330kb  awk the text processing language
libart_lgpl.lha    dev/lib  146kb  libart_lgpl - A fast 2D Graphical librar
zhxpk.lha          uti/arc   26kb  zhxpk - (un)packer using xpk
d64tozipcode.lha   uti/fil   34kb  Converts D64 image files to Zipcode form
flite-ahi-bin.lha  aud/mis   15Mb  Flite: speech synthesis engine (with AHI
unzip-bin.lha      uti/arc  147kb  UnZIP - binary archive
unzip-src.lha      uti/arc    1Mb  UnZIP - source archive
zip-bin.lha        uti/arc  154kb  Zip
zip-src.lha        uti/arc  905kb  zip source archive
twiglets.lha       uti/tex    5kb  Make big text from normal fonts
wet.lha            uti/wor  668kb  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
unrar-bin.lha      uti/arc  160kb  Unpacks RAR files
unrar-src.lha      uti/arc  140kb  Unpacks RAR files - source
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 02:46] [Comments: 0]
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antibike (ANF)

Java für den Amiga: JAmiga Status-Update
The JAmiga-Team released a new Screenshot , which shows the last progress of the implementation of a Java Virtual Machine for Amiga. The developer notify that a lot "AWT Test Suites" working correctly. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 02:43] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

Quake 3 wins the Amiga Games Award 2005
The winner of the public voting on the Amiga Games Award 2005 is Quake 3, followed by Virtual Grand Prix 2 and Descent Freespace 2.

The results in detail:
  • 01. Quake 3: Arena
  • 02. Virtual Grand Prix 2
  • 03. Descent Freespace 2
  • 04. Foobillard
  • 05. Noiz2sa
  • 06. Neverputt
  • 07. Neverball
  • 08. rRootage
  • 09. Hexen 2
  • 10. Battle Of Wesnoth

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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Alinea Computer (ANF)

Alinea Computer: AmiPhoto 1.2 and ANotice 2.01 available
Press release - Wehrheim, Germany, the 28th of January 2006.

AmiPhoto 1.2
Today a new update 1.2 of AmiPhoto is available. In this update we have fulfilled a lot of our customers wishes. If you are not a customer of Alinea Computer because you miss a few features, then please contact us. We hope we can fulfill your desire.

Version 1.2 changes:
  • you can rotate JPEG files
  • you can jump from one page to another
  • new menu item: "Save catalog"
  • some new tooltypes: NO_APPICON => No AppIcon on the WB NO_STARTLOGO => no AmiPhoto logo at the start VIEWER (e.g.: VIEWER="Work:Tools/MysticView") => use another viewer instead of MultiView
  • and some bugfixes and internal improvements
We also updated the PDF manual. All registered customers can access the new version in our download section. If you have not registered, please register your copy here.

ANotice 2.01
This little update of ANotice 2 simply consists of bugfixes and deletion of inconsistencies. Big thanks go to Remo Constantin for his bugreport. We recommend this update even if your ANotice 2 works perfectly. All costumers will receive the update within the next few hours.

English site reworked
Our english sites are completely reworked. A very special thanks go to Darren Glenn for his work.

New partner sites
We are glad, that we have two new partner sites: and Together with we started a little article competition. We would be very happy if you would enter this contest.

AmiPhoto at dealers
We want to mention that you can get AmiPhoto also from our trade partners GuruMeditation and GGS-Data.

New items in our shop
Our shop has a lot of new items. You can find Radeons for your AmigaOne or Pegasos and a lot of other things. Please pop down to our online shop and have a good browse. (snx)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 19:20] [Comments: 0]
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28.Jan.2006 (software list)

GCC macro: API_MUI 1.7
API_MUI by Marian Guc is a macro for the GCC compiler to simplify the creating of MUI programs. The macro works with AmigaOS 3.x as well as with MorphOS and now also AROS.

Download: API_MUI_1.7.lha (8 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 07:33] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

News from Masonicons: apageMIK
The site, well known for offering lots of icon sets in the 'Glowicons' style, got a new design and there are some new downloads available.

'apageMIK' is a construction set for creating Amiga related standard websites. The package provides a basic environment for creating a simple standard page, hosting e.g. your program files. You just need a HTML editor - the design is delivered by 'apageMIK'.

There are also new wallpapers available: 'Dancing in the Sunshine of the Dark' inspired by a song of 'Fury in the Slaughterhouse' and 'The Wretched' inspired bei the music of 'Nine Inch Nails'. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 02:47] [Comments: 0]
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Golem (Webseite)

Programming: Second edition of the Open Book "C from A to Z" available
The book "C from A to Z" with 1.116 pages written by Jürgen Wolf is offered by Galileo Computing in the second, updated and extended edition in HTML-format for reading online or downloading.

The start in this programming language works with Windows as well as Linux/Unix and goes from "Hallo World" to dynamic data structures, algorythms and security aspects. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2006, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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27.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: GNU core utilities 5.2.1-2
The AmigaOS 4 port of the GNU Core Utilities is now available in version 5.2.1-2. These are basic help programs for the file-, Shell- and text editing. This current version is new compiled with the CVS-version of the clib2.

With the update the problems with the memory assignment as well as the symbolic links at paths in Unix-styles should be solved. The GNU Core Utilities can be downloaded under the title link and can be then found on Aminet and the OS4Depot. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2006, 07:32] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Rosentreter (ANF) New URLs for hosted projects
Because of a new structure of the server the folling sites which were hosted at can be now found under these new URLs:

dreamolers (Jacek Piszczek)
  • PowerTerm
  • VNCServer
  • logTool
  • TranspoClock
  • a.o.
New URLs:
· Jacas Southpole (we)Blog

kiero (Michal Wozniak)
  • ShowGirls
  • Neverball
  • Foobillard
  • Freespace2
  • GLQuake
  • GLHexen
  • u.a.
New URL:

CISC (Sigbjørn Skjæret)
  • SVGTools
New URLs:
· SVGTools Direktlink
· SVGTools (Quelltext) Direktlink

tokai (Christian Rosentreter)

New URL:
· OS Wallpaper

The old URLs will still work for a little while but it is recommended to update possible bookmarks and links. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2006, 07:00] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: BitTorrent 4.3.6
Sigbjørn 'CISC' Skjæret's written MorphOS port of the filesharing program BitTorrent is now available as version 4.3.6. An overview of the innovations or rather the bugfixes can be found in the official changelog.

Download: bittorrent-4.3.6-morphos.lha (7 MB) (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2006, 18:20] [Comments: 0]
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amiga-news is looking for editorial assistance
The amiga-news team is looking for a honorary editor for assistance in the news area. The vacant occupation requires a good knowledge of the German language, English would be appreciated, and the readiness to work into an online editorial system. A little time - and the interest in Amiga computing - should be spent. The scope of duties covers investigation and writing of German news. If you are interested please email to Nico Barbat. (nba) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2006, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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26.Jan.2006 (homepage)

AmigaOS 4: Programming Language awk 1.0
The AmigaOS 4 port of awk has received an update. It corresponds to the current innovations of the OpenBSD version and supports even the environmental settings now.

Awk is a programming language focused on searching and processing of patterns in character strings. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2006, 11:08] [Comments: 0]
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PowerPC: MPC7448 up to 1.7 GHz in 90nm
With the MPC7448 Freescale for the first time produces a PowerPC processor in the so-called 90-nanometer-process. The processor runs with a clock speed of 600 MHz up to 1,7 GHz and has 1 MByte L2-Cache. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2006, 16:27] [Comments: 1 - 25. Jan. 2006, 16:40]
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Inofficial Sensible Soccer world championship in 2006 hosts an inofficial "Sensible World of Soccer" world championship on 12 February 2006, which is carried out online via WinUAE including Kaillera Patch.

Anybody is allowed to participate, the game is played with national teams (setting "Team Players Equal" is deactivated). Whoever is interested is supposed to appear in the IRC channel #swos (QuakeNet) on 12 February 06 at 7 pm. There the players are assigned to teams with which they will participate in the world championship.

Own tactics are allowed, but have to be sent to by email by 11 February 06. All handed in tactics will be put on a special tournament-save-disc, which every participant has to use.

Further information, as well as a prepared WinUAE/Kaillera package is available under (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2006, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Amiga club meeting in Augsburg, Bielefeld and Mutterstadt


The Arbeitsgruppe Amiga meets on 28 January 06 between 2.30 pm and 6 pm in the rooms of the club "Augsburger Computer-Forum". With the help of four livecams the meeting can be watched online as well.


On 10 Feburary 06 the second BAUD club meeting is taking place this year. The "Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers" meet every third Friday from 6.30 pm in the tavern "Tinneff".


Also on 10 February 06 and also in a three-week-cycle the Amiga-Freunde Pfalz meet from 6.30 pm in the restaurant "Kegelcenter". (snx) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2006, 11:23] [Comments: 0]
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24.Jan.2006 (Kommentare)

Pegasos book: partial translations into German, Spanish and Portuguese
In addition to the English translation there are meantime also first partial versions of the PDF book "Le livre du Pegasos" in German (40 pages, table of contents), Spanish (35) and Portuguese (27) available under the link above. Those cover the first chapters up to chapter 3.2 or rather 3.5.

Should you consider the book as useful, please note that, although it is for free, donations are downright welcomed, to hold up the motivation of the authors and translators. We ask for comments on possible mistakes in content or translation. (snx) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2006, 03:15] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

AmigaAnywhere: Puzzle-game Brainteaser available
Linked to the header Amiga Inc. notify that Kaliko Entertainment has relased a new game for AmigaAnywhere. The puzzlegame is now available for WinCE at the Amiga Inc. Webshop. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 21:32] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: BarsnPipes 0.6
Alfred J. Faust released for AmigaOS 4-Version 0.6 of BarsnPipes (changes).

To exhaust the USB-CAMD-MIDI-Treibers from Lyle Hazelwood ( reports) BarsnPipes 0.6 includes further Tools. Theoretical are now eight USB-MIDI-Interfaces with 16 MIDI connections at the same time possible. Consequently are now 2048 independent MIDI-channels possinle.

Also the Author notify, that Michael Rees released the complete sourcecode of his work for Bars&Pipes between 1989- 1997. And he invoke everybody who like this work to send a E-mail of thanks to the coder. A big part of this programs are already ported from Alfred J. Faust to AmigaOS 4 - further will be follow.

Download: BnPOS4_06.lha (8,5 MB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 21:24] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Edition 15 - 19 published
Today the edition 15 - 19 of the Amiga Future (German Printmagazin) are online available in the article area of the Homepage. The issue date of this Magazins are between Autum 1998 and Sommer 1999. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 18:35] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Mauch (E-Mail)

Internet: Check the capability of your Browsers
On the webside "MultiOS Browser-Test" is it possible to check the capability of Webbrowser of several Operationsystems like AmigaOS, BeOS, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, Solaris, Unix, Windows to work with the webstandards.
Following items will be tested, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1-3), several Graphicformate, Document Object Model, JavaScript, iFrames, Registermaps, barrier-free and XML.

Since our last report at November 2004 the Webside would be complete revised and is now in according with the web-standard. New are the tests for the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), XHTML 1.1 (delivery in according to W3C) and a comparison of the PNG-Alphachanneltransparenye agains the the GIF-Format.

Beside the test the webside is also enhanced e.g. with a area of Browser-screenshots. Here are also Screenshots of AWeb and Ibrowse for AmigaOS 4. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 11:07] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

Amiga Demoscene Archive relocated
The Amiga Demoscene Archive is relocated and the new URL is Since our last report are following productions are new:

Gin and tronic by Ephidrena & scarab
Pornofunk by Rno & funktion
Hardcore by Nah kolor
Panacea by The black lotus
Neural assault by Rage
Tribute to acid by Nature
Jurassic pack 14 intro by Tulou
Quacker by Rno
One geometry by Universe
Treble by Rno
Hex pistols by Fit (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 06:51] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads til 22.01.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
SMSmui.lha             comm/misc     67K  OS3  SMSmui (src code included)
Apache_1.3.34_OS4.lha  comm/tcp      20M  OS4  Apache 1.3.34 PHP 5.1.1 - AmigaOS4 binar
CTorrent.lha           comm/tcp     102K  OS3  BitTorrent Client for Amiga with CTCS Su
A71Mail.lha            comm/www      19K  GEN  Email Form multilanguage written in php
BlueCode.lha           demo/aga      55K  OS3  DiNX Project: Blue Code (64k intro)
Overhead.lha           demo/aga     8.5M  OS3  DiNX Project - Overhead
MegaLZ-mos.lha         dev/cross     41K  MOS  MegaLZ Speccy packer/depacker
hq9p-mos.lha           dev/lang       6K  MOS  HQ9plus joke programming language
perl_reaction.tar.bz2  dev/lang     799K  OS4  Perl_Reaction - make perl scripts with G
PAR_Python.lha         dev/src        7K  OS3  PAR: access using the SIMPLEST of Python
bjldump-aos.lha        game/misc     30K  OS4  Dump Bombjack levels (arcade ROM dumps)
netherearth.lha        game/misc    646K  MOS  Nether Earth Remake v0.52b2 for MorphOS
wadext2-mos.lha        game/misc     27K  MOS  dump the lumps of a wad to files
animalkeeper.lha       game/think   109K  OS4  Zoo Keeper/Bejeweled/Monsterz clone
orictoppm-mos.lha      gfx/conv      34K  MOS  Convert an Oric video RAM dump into a po
optipng-mos.lha        gfx/misc     1.1M  MOS  PNG lossless optimizer (reduces filesize
SView5.lha             gfx/misc     2.1M  VAR  SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package    gfx/show      35K  OS4  skins for DvPlayer
FlashPlayer_mos.lha    gfx/show     230K  MOS  MOS port of flash (SWF) format file play
usbmidi.lha            hard/drivr    15K  OS4  CAMD driver for USB Class MIDI devices
atari800-mos.lha       misc/emu     462K  MOS  Atari 800/800XL/130XE/5200 emulator
bjldump-mos.lha        misc/emu      12K  MOS  dump Bombjack levels (arcade ROM dumps)
spconv_os4.lha         misc/emu      50K  OS4  Spectrum emulator snapshot file converte
PeriodicTable.lha      misc/sci      16K  GEN  Periodic table of the elements (PageStre
DED_FFA1.mp3           mods/anakir  735K  GEN  "begin to fear" FFA track 1 by DeadPOP 0
DED_FFA2.mp3           mods/anakir  748K  GEN  "grit" FFA track 2 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA3.mp3           mods/anakir  876K  GEN  "disdance" FFA track 3 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA4.mp3           mods/anakir  1.2M  GEN  "placid" FFA track 4 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA5.mp3           mods/anakir  841K  GEN  "astroturf" FFA track 5 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA6.mp3           mods/anakir  1.2M  GEN  "killygirl" FFA track 6 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA7.mp3           mods/anakir  382K  GEN  "punx dead" FFA track 7 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA8.mp3           mods/anakir  1.5M  GEN  "useless c---" FFA track 8 by DeadPOP 01
DED_FFA9.mp3           mods/anakir  603K  GEN  "muvaf--inc---z" FFA track 9 by DeadPOP 
WAR_ASM1.lha           mods/anakir  107K  GEN  "smoke e" ASM e.p. pt1 by AnakiR 2005
WAR_ASM2.lha           mods/anakir   90K  GEN  "tight a. the f." ASM e.p. pt2 by AnakiR
WAR_ASM3.lha           mods/anakir   43K  GEN  "das10" ASM e.p. pt3 by AnakiR 2005
WAR_ASM4.lha           mods/anakir   48K  GEN  "illegal" ASM e.p. pt4 by AnakiR 2005
WAR_ASM5.lha           mods/anakir  262K  GEN  "chaos rains" ASM e.p. pt5 by AnakiR 200
WAR_ASM6.lha           mods/anakir  104K  GEN  "eat me" ASM e.p. pt6 by AnakiR 2005
WAR_ANYK.mp3           mods/jungl   1.7M  GEN  "Strike Any Key" by AnakiR 06 Jungle-Chi
WAR_ANON.mp3           mods/mpg     1.3M  GEN  "Anonamous Automatic" by AnakiR 2006
WAR_ANYK.lha           mods/mpg      11K  GEN  "Strike Any Key" by AnakiR 2006
id3editor.tar.bz2      mus/edit      98K  OS4  MP3 tag editor written in perl with Reac
dme.lha                text/edit    326K  OS4  DME - text editor.
twiglets.lha           text/misc      6K  OS4  Make big text from normal fonts
amidisk.lha            util/dir     410K  OS4  File manager for OS4
akGIF-dt.lha           util/dtype    43K  VAR  akGIF-dt V45.30 (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
akJFIF-dt.lha          util/dtype   216K  VAR  akJFIF-dt V45.30 (JPEG, 68000-060/MOS)
akPNG-dt.lha           util/dtype   212K  VAR  akPNG-dt V45.30 (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)
akTIFF-dt.lha          util/dtype   307K  VAR  akTIFF-dt V45.30 (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
StormMesa_Libs68K.lha  util/libs    488K  OS3  MESA/OpenGL implementation for AmigaOS
NoLED_2.0.lha          util/misc     19K  OS3  Low-Pass Filter Killer v2.0
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jan.2006 Uploads til 22.01.2006
Uploads on since our last report:
scummvm-frak.lha       gam/adv    2Mb  Point-and-Click adventure interpreter    vid/pla   34kb  skins for DvPlayer
usbmidi.lha            dri/mis   15kb  CAMD driver for USB Class MIDI devices
bjldump.lha            gam/mis   30kb  Dump Bombjack levels (arcade ROM dumps)
animalkeeper.lha       gam/puz  109kb  Zoo Keeper/Bejeweled/Monsterz clone
dme.lha                uti/tex  325kb  DME - text editor.
id3editor.tar.bz2      aud/edi   97kb  MP3 tag editor written in perl with Reac
perl_reaction.tar.bz2  dev/lib  798kb  Perl_Reaction - make perl scripts with G
spconv.lha             emu/uti   49kb  Spconv - Spectrum emulator snapshot file
apache.lha             net/ser   19Mb  Apache 1.3.34 PHP 5.1.1 - AmigaOS4 binar
amidisk.lha            uti/fil  410kb  File manager for OS4
twiglets.lha           uti/tex    5kb  Make big text from normal fonts
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads til 22.01.2006
Uploads on aros-archives since our last report:
ttengine-7.2-aros-i386.tar.bz2  lib/mis  412kb  TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.2)
ttengine-7.2-src.tar.bz2        lib/mis  342kb  TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.2) s
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages up to 20.01.2006
With WHDLoad you can install games and scene demos on your hard drive which were originally meant only for use with disks. In addition, numerous incompabilities with newer Amiga models are fixed.

The following installers have been added, improved or updated since our last update:
  • 20.01.06 new: Infection (Virgin/Mastertronic) done by Codetapper
  • 18.01.06 new: Ski or Die (Electronic Arts) done by Galahad
  • 16.01.06 new: Legend Of Faerghail (ReLINE) done by JOTD
  • 16.01.06 improved: Defender of the Crown (Cinemaware) supports cdtv version, slave reworked, new icons
  • 08.01.06 fixed: Dogs of War (Elite Systems) fixed freeze bug in winuae
  • 08.01.06 fixed: Speedball 2 CD³² (Renegade) pause message fixed
  • 08.01.06 fixed: Space Quest 3 (Sierra) access fault fixed in english version
  • 08.01.06 fixed: Rise of the Robots (Mirage/Time Warner) cd³² control method fixed
  • 08.01.06 improved: Fire & Ice (Graftgold) various improvements
  • 08.01.06 improved: Operation Thunderbolt (Ocean) supports light guns
  • 08.01.06 improved: Operation Wolf (Ocean) supports light guns
  • 08.01.06 new: Red Storm Rising (MicroProse) done by JOTD
  • 08.01.06 new: Mindbender (Gremlin) done by JOTD
  • 03.01.06 fixed: P47 Thunderbolt (Firebird) music switch fixed
  • 03.01.06 improved: Operation Thunderbolt (Ocean) support for light guns added, manual and icons added
  • 29.12.05 improved: The Enforcer (Trojan) support for light guns added
(ps) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2006, 23:37] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jan.2006 (Software list)

MorphOS: PTPDigCam 2.0
Meanwhile, Christophe Genre's PTPDigCam is available in version 2.0. The MUI-based program makes it possible to download and delete pictures, videos and sounds from PTP-compatible digital cameras. The device clock can be read and set as well.

Until now, the program was tested with the following cameras:
  • Canon A70
  • Canon EOS 300D
  • Canon Ixus 40
  • Canon S1 IS
  • Kodak CX6200
  • Kodak CX6230
  • Kodak DX3500
  • Kodak DX4530
  • Kodak LS443
  • Kodak P850
  • Nikon CP3700
  • Sony DSC-P52
  • Sony DSC-V1
  • Canon Ixus 40 and A95 referenced and supported
  • Canon A75, A85, G5, G6, S50 and S60 referenced (untested)
  • Kodak P850 referenced and supported
  • Kodak CX6445, CX7220, CX7300, CX7310, CX7330, CX7525, CX7530, DX7590, DX7630, LS663, LS753, Z730 and Z7590 referenced (untested)
  • Nikon Coolpix 3200 and 3700 referenced and supported
  • Most of Nikon camera devices referenced (untested)
  • Default Nikon camera model to process unknown devices defined
  • Tooltype and argument "PACKET_MAX_SIZE" as packet maximum size during PTP data exchanges added (default 512 Ko)
  • Tooltype and argument "RESP_ERR_RETRY_DELAY_MS", as waited delay before to retry a failed response during PTP data reception added (default 0 ms)
  • Tooltype and argument "START_AUTO_SCAN" to control camera contents automatic scan at starting (default TRUE)
  • Automatic camera contents scan at proram starting
  • Add a list to display and select for action camera objects
  • Use MUI requester for user notification/selection boxes
  • Add PTP open session retry on error
  • Priority of the PTP communication process is increased during a PTP transaction
  • Fixed bug: Use only one PTP session to avoid object id. change
  • Fixed bug: Compile with Gcc includes for -noixemul
  • Fixed bug: Size in PTP send data frame corrected
  • Fixed bug: Video number was updated insteed of sound number after a sound delete completed action
Download: PtpDigCam-V2.0-MOS.lha (489 KB) (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2006, 20:02] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: First public beta version of the SFSDoctor
Already on the 8th of January, a first public beta version of the repair program SFSDoctor was published by Marek Szyprowski (screenshot). Here, it concerns a SelfBounty project (reported by, which can still be donated to.

In the meantime, the author has worked on the graphical user interface, so that he just has the filesystem-check module in front of him, as the last component. In addition, he is looking for a graphic artist for an appropriate icon.

Download: sfsdoctor-beta.lha (49 KB) (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2006, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jan.2006 (Web page)

PDF Book "Le livre du Pegasos": V1.3 R2 of the English version
The English translation of the PDF book "Le livre du Pegasos" is available in version 1.3 R2 since today. The document comprises 152 pages now, and lacks only the UAE chapter, compared to the French original.

  • MorphOS:
    • Instructions for compiling Ambient from the CVS
    • Deleting an MBR with the PC
    • Update of the memory chapter
    • Update of the chapter on harddisk installation
    • Update of the software overview
  • Linux:
    • Update of the Ubuntu chapter
    • Installation of KDE and Enlightenment e17 under Ubuntu
    • Update of the Yellow Dog chapter
    • Installation of SUSE on the Pegasos II
    • Installation of Gentoo on the Pegasos II
  • Chapter "Other Systems" added (AROS Live-CD et al.)
Please consider, in case you find the book useful, that though it is for free, donations are downright welcome, in order to sustain the motivation in the authors and translators.

Feedback to possible errors in the contents or the translations are asked for. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2006, 13:11] [Comments: 0]
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