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dietmar (ANF)

The C Book: Amended version now part of Cubic IDE
Press release An amended version of the freely available "The C Book" ( reported), originally published by Addison Wesley, is now available as e-book for Amiga developers. This revision is released as part of Cubic IDE and puts a rich source of information at programmers' fingertips. The book covers C90 and C99 on about 100 pages.

The book is integrated into Cubic, bookmarks below source codes provide direct access to chapters and topics: Screenshot.

This book and the Cubic IDE development environment are a great way for you to learn C: You can browse through chapters and try out contained example code directly in Cubic. The small examples in the book can be compiled with the free version of Cubic. The order of topics in this book is similar to the order that is taught in a typical C course.

"The C Book" is contained in the C/C++ package. You should have the latest free or commercial version of Cubic installed before you download this: Download.

The Learning Edition: To promote this release, the Learning Edition of Cubic (which is a package compiled specifically to learn C) is available at a reduced price of 35 EUR, instead of 50 EUR. It contains The C Book, too. This offer is open for two days only, while supply lasts: Special Promotion. (snx)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2006, 09:02] [Comments: 0]
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