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AmigaOS 4: First screenshots of a Blender port
Apparently, Thomas Frieden is working on a port of the 3D package Blender to AmigaOS 4, as proved by two of the screenshots published on (1, 2).

Hans-Jörg "Rogue" Frieden comments that although the port is already very stable and complete except for the GameBlender module, some things simply do not work as they should yet. Therefore, some time will go by until the release. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2007, 15:58] [Comments: 0]
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IRC Client: WookieChat 2.7 Beta 4
James "jahc" Carroll is making available a new beta version of his MUI-based IRC client Wookiechat. The latest changes can be gathered from the changelog. Wookiechat is available for all Amiga systems. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2007, 15:47] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Phonolith MIDI-Sampler 0.7
Phonolith is a software instrument for AmigaOS 4 to play sampled wave forms. It can be used with Horny and other CAMD based sequencers or simply with a connected MIDI keyboard. New in version 0.7:
  • some tools for easier creation of instruments
  • panorama for each mixer channel
  • support of application.library
  • finally a working "Save" button for settings and window positions

Features of version 0.7:
  • downmixing to AIFF file (not for lite version)
  • receives MIDI notes through camd.library
  • mixer unit with volume/panning controls and peak meters
  • 16 different instruments at once
  • ADSR amp envelope for each instrument
  • unlimited number of samples for each instrument, for key and velocity ranges
  • supports AIFF and WAVE sample format (only 16 bit)
  • imports Logic EXS24 instruments (PPC and Intel format)
  • ReAction GUI
  • application.library support (for saving settings and registering Phonolith as application)
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2007, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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antibike (ANF)

Software licence: GPLv3 released
Sixteen years after version 2 did the Free Software Foundation release the final version of the software licence GPLv3 yesterday representing an adaption to the changes that took place since then (e.g. DRM and software patents).

Further information can be found for example on heise open. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2007, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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29.Jun.2007 (Webseite)

RSS reader: miniRSS-Reader 0.1
miniRSS-Reader is a simple RSS reader and works as a commodity. The hbasic2.library is required.

Link: Download page (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2007, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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antibike (ANF)

Bittorrent-Client: Beehive available for AmigaOS
The Bittorrent-client Beehive written by Hannu Komsa is now available for AmigaOS. Exactly Beehive is a MUI interface for the client Enhanced CTorrent written by Dennis Holmes. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2007, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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Phobos (ANF)

Faces of Mars: Further handy pictures by Eric W. Schwartz
For Phobos which is a "portal for alternative mobile content" further handy pictures and cartoons were licensed by Eric W. Schwartz. The first seven ones are available under the title link.

Further contents are supposed to follow. The website should be written in this way that Amigas can access it without problems. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2007, 07:19] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: New WinAros developer version
After the publishing of the Light-Version of WinAros meanwhile there is a current version for developer which additionally contains "Murks!"-IDE as well as all files which are required under AROS.

Murks! uses the same project file format like AmiDevCpp and therefore can load and save those projects. The archive contains some examples as well as a short documentation in AmigaGuide format.

Download: WinArosDeveloper062007.exe (35 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2007, 07:10] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Digital Universe 1.5 (Demo)
Bill Eaves provides a demo version of the astronomy program Digital Universe 1.5. The software is in an early beta state, but not far in future a commercial distribution is planned.

The demo can be installed besides an older full version, but has the following limitations:
  • Only one section can be viewed, approximately the region where the Orion constellation is located.
  • Only constellations in the period of January 1 to November 5 can be simulated.
  • The most part of the hypertext encyclopedia, part of the full version, was removed.
(cg) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2007, 17:48] [Comments: 0]
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28.Jun.2007 (Website)

AmigaOS 4: Instant Messenger Epistula 52.11 (Beta)
A new beta version of the instant messenger Epistula is available for registered users. After a nearly complete rework of the core program only the msn protocol is supported so far, file transfers are not implemented yet.

The download link for this beta version can be found under the title link in the section "Bug-Tracker". (cg) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2007, 17:33] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Battle for Wesnoth 1.3.4 (developer version)
The round based strategy game "Battle for Wesnoth" is available as developer version 1.3.4 for AmigaOS 4. Please keep in mind that the latest stable version is still 1.2.4. (cg) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2007, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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Sébastien Jeudy (ANF)

"Class meeting" of original Amiga developers
Last week a major part of the developer team which developed the original Amiga met at the wedding of Dale Luck. Carl Sassenrath has taken a photo of this reunion and introduces the persons in his blog. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2007, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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Grzegorz Kraszewski (ANF)

MorphOS: basic support of GIF for Reggae
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski's MorphOS multimedia library Reggae has been extended today with basic GIF image decoding support. It is considered beta, because some GIF features are not yet supported: animations, transparency, tiled images and interlacing.

These missing features will be implemented in the near future. Some old Reggae classes have been updated as well, all new and updated ones are available for download at the title link. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2007, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

MorphOS: Shuffle 1.7
Shuffle is a MorphOS implementation of the famous Sliding Block Puzzle, often also known as 15 Puzzle.

The update of Shuffle is available for all registered users. The update adds new functions and fixes a few smaller issues. Registered users can download the archive from the Shuffle Download Area.

Fixes and new features since Shuffle 1.5:
  • Stars are properly counted now ('Level available' and 'Level solved' stars were ignored in previous release)
  • Added a workaround for MorphOS 1.4 intuition window title bug (thx to antibike for finding it and help with testing)
  • Fixed menu shortcuts in main window
  • Added keyboard control. Use Cursor keys to move tiles, use Shift+ Cursor keys to move multiple tiles and Enter for activation (thx to henes for suggestion)
  • Added a symbol to select levels randomly to 'Levels' window
  • Added an option to sort levels according to various attributes to 'Levels' window (thanks to roschmyr for suggestion)
  • Added a bubble help to game progress gauge in 'Statistics' window to show current number of stars
  • Added replay mode (thx to Geit for suggestion)
  • Reworked graphics of various levels to reduce similiar or almost identical tiles
  • Decreased difficulty to get stars for 'Slide record' a bit
  • Various smaller improvements, fixes and cosmetics
To learn more about Shuffle visit its homepage at the title link. There is also a new video on YouTube available, which demonstrates the new replay feature. (snx)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2007, 18:51] [Comments: 0]
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25.Jun.2007 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Porting Guide for Dummies 1.6.1
Spot's Porting Guide for Dummies, a guide to transfer multiplatform-programs to AmigaOS 4, is available in Version 1.6.1 .

A overview of all changes is linked to the header. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2007, 11:45] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Issues 54 and 62 online
Press release The german issues 54 and 62 of the Amiga Future are out of stock. Because of that you can read the two magazines (amongst many other issues) online.

The issue 66 has been released recently and is available in our online shop. Just now we work hard on issue 67. Number 67 will be the first Amiga Future issue being published in German and English.

We ask all interested users to order issue 67 as soon as possible because we will print only the preordered amount plus a small reserve. (snx)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2007, 11:30] [Comments: 0]
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24.Jun.2007 (Web page)

Podcast Receiver: AmiPodder 1.6
AmiPodder by Robert Williams is an ARexx program that allows the reception of so-called podcasts. In addition to MUI, including the NList, NListTree and TheBar classes, RxMUI is also required.

In version 1.6, some errors were corrected and new functions were implemented. Among these are searching and, if need be, subsequently deleting downloaded podcasts based on various criteria, the availability of icons from now on, and the full localization (a German and an Italian catalog is enclosed). (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2007, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaNN (Web page)

Tutorial: Installing an AmigaOS 4 cross compiler
At UtilityBase, Nicolas Mendoza describes the individual steps for installing the cross compiler by Joachim Birging for AmigaOS 4 on a Linux system under the title link. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2007, 09:34] [Comments: 0]
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