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Floppy disk images: Disc Image Manager V1.46 for Linux, macOS and Windows
Gerald J Holdsworth's Disc Image Manager is an application used to load a retro disc image, read the catalogue and output any required files. In addition, it will also add files to the image, delete, and rename files and directories. On the Amiga side, reading and writing of AmigaDOS disks and hard disks with OFS and FFS formatting are supported (not fully tested with FFS). Support for directory cache and international characters is still missing.

As the author reports, the Disc Image Manager was originally a Delphi class written for inclusion in the Repton Map Display to read Repton data files directly from disc images. To test whether the class worked well, he wrote a GUI front-end for the class called Disc Image Reader, but it was only available on Windows. When someone asked about accessing Acorn DFS images on macOS, he decided to port his application to Lazarus. The first thing he added was write-back to the disc images, which turned Disc Image Reader into Disc Image Manager.

Changes in version 1.46:

New or improved features
  • Image report now lists the free space map for ADFS.
  • Add Partition button now works for DFS single sided images to add a second side.
  • Exporting files now includes a date/time stamp field in the *.inf file if set.
  • Importing files, where the *.inf file has a date/time stamp field, updates the date/time for the file.
  • The ADFS interleave can now be changed without re-organising the data. This method then re-reads the file using the new method.
  • Can now save a BASIC file to the host system as a text file.
  • BASIC file viewer now uses smaller text and no longer bold, unless it is a keyword. Text in quotes is now in italics.
  • Image report now checks every file and directory on an image and reports details of files with CRC32 error or broken directories (ADFS).
  • When importing a file to an image, it no longer complains if the selected node is not a directory. Now, it just selects the selected node's parent before importing the file.
  • The BackSpace key is now a shortcut for deleting files or directories.
Bug fixes
  • When deleting directories, the internal directory references were not getting updated.
  • When deallocating free space on a New Map ADFS, the wrong idlen was sometimes being used.
  • The New Map ADFS free space map was not getting read correctly.
  • Renaming an ADFS file in a ADFS/DOS hybrid image could crash the application on Windows. Renames on the DOS or Acorn FS side could also fail.
  • Broken ADFS directories were getting displayed with the 'Not Read' colours.
  • A corrupt 'JesMap' sector, on Acorn FS, can cause the application to crash. Additional checks have been put in place.
  • An ADFS Old Map, with no free space, would hang when trying to delete a file.
  • In ADFS, when selecting a sub-directory the image details status bar would sometimes report no image title, 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free.
  • When an ADFS New Map zone is close to capacity (i.e., not enough space for a fragment id to be written in), the free space was incorrectly reported. This would cause files and directories to fail to being written but the catalogue information would still be.
  • Deleting an ADFS directory which is the penultimate directory in the catalogue would result in the last one being deleted from the internal references. This then caused confusion with the front end GUI and resulted in a crash. In addition, deleting everything from the image would leave the free space map not correctly updated.
The author also provides a detailed PDF manual. (dr)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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