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Using image files and discs in PC drives: DiskFlashback V1.0.1.0
Developer Rob Smith has written DiskFlashback, a convenient software for Windows 10/11 (64-bit) that enables PC floppy drives to read and write image files such as ADFs (Amiga Disk Files) during operation. It also allows you to process real discs in Amiga or Atari format, with the appropriate hardware extensions. To use it, you need the FloppyBridge plugin, which in turn requires additional hardware ( reported). Now he has released version of the software. Changes:
  • Fixed disabling "auto-detect com port" being ignored
  • Better support for hard disk image files larger than 4G (some partitions got ignored before)
  • Upgraded to use the new ADFLib v0.9
  • Changed error handling when reading from disks to include the Always Ignore option
  • Added Amiga PFS3 file system support (this was a real PITA!)
Editorial update, 12 June 2024 (nba): Our original news article stated that no special hardware is required to process physical Amiga disks. That is not accurate. The FloppyBridge plug-in is required, which in turn requires DrawBridge, Greaseweazle or Supercard Pro hardware. The article has been updated accordingly. (dr)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2024, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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