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18.Nov.2014 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Word processor Calimero 0.1
Carsten Siegner is about to develop a new word processor for MorphOS. A first alpha version of "Calimero" now has been released (screenshot).

Download: Calimero_0.1.lha (107 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Nov. 2014, 17:20] [Comments: 0]
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17.Nov.2014 (Webseite)

Event: Picture galleries of "Saku" (Finnland, 20. September)
"Saku 2014" took place on September, 20th in Tampere (Finland) and according to the organizers about 200 up to 300 visitors attended it. Among others Petro Tyschtschenko and Mike Battilana (Cloanto) were special guests.

The Finnish Amiga User Group now has publsihed some picture galleries of the event (some other external picture galleries are linked on the official website of the event): (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Nov. 2014, 23:37] [Comments: 0]
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17.Nov.2014 (Webseite)

PCMCIA Right Angled Adapter (A1200/A600)
Amigakit offers a PCMCIA Right Angled Adapter which can be used for putting an Amiga 1200 or Amiga 600 into a tower case and making the PCMCIA-port available again. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Nov. 2014, 23:21] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 15.11.2014
The following archives have been added to Aminet until November 15h, 2014:
PPaintRUS.lha            biz/cloan  21K       Cloanto Personal Paint 7.1c R...
libxvidcore.lha          dev/lib    624K  OS4 Add XviD support to your app
BackUp.lha               disk/bakup 68K   68k A directory mirroring backup ...
diskimage_deviceSP.lha   disk/misc  33K       diskimage.device 53.3 spanish...
Prism2SP.lha             driver/net 28K       Prism2.device 1.7 & 2.6 s...
Koules.lha               game/actio 238K  68k Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
Koules_OS4.lha           game/actio 223K  OS4 Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
KoulesMOS.lha            game/actio 234K  MOS Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
F12014carset.lha         game/data  13K       2014 Car Set for F1GP Ed/Micr...
GloomDeluxe.lha          game/data  12M       New maps and characters for G...
ArcheoBot.lha            game/wb    40K   68k Find artifacts from Earth's p...
Eqwi.lha                 game/wb    36K   68k Clear all tiles from each board!
X_marks.lha              game/wb    30K   68k Spot the 'X' marks!
xroar.lha                misc/emu   771K  MOS Dragon and Tandy Coco emulator
Liisa1.adf               misc/math  880K  68k determine prime factors + mis...
CodeAudio.lha            mus/misc   1.2M  68k GUI for Lame,Ogg,Flac,Faad + ...
blum.lha                 util/cli   19K   68k A very good random number gen...
sha256.lha               util/cli   10K   68k Calculate SHA-256 hashes of f...
MPlayer-GUI.lha          util/misc  207K  OS4 GUI for MPlayer for OS4
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2014, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 15.11.2014
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until November 15h, 2014:
gnufind.lha              dev/uti 170kb 4.0 GNU find 4.1.20 (from findutils)
finalburnalpha.lha       emu/gam 7Mb   4.1 FB Alpha is an arcade emulator
koules.lha               gam/act 223kb 4.0 Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
spidercave.lha           gam/act 5Mb   4.0 a small action game
aceyducey.lha            gam/car 2Mb   4.0 simulation of the Acey Ducey car...
bageln.lha               gam/mis 2Mb   4.0 a small numbers game
hottiesview.lha          gra/vie 158kb 4.1 A modern image viewer
reactive_lib.lha         lib/mis 211kb 4.0 A custom BOOPSI system
cmg.lha                  uti/scr 2kb   4.1 Create an amigaguide file to pla...
d_cmd.lha                uti/she 3kb   4.1 D is a small shell util for list...
fortune.lha              uti/she 725kb 4.1 write random sentences in the sh...
amiupdate_dan.lha        uti/wor 19kb  4.0 Danish catalog files for AmiUpdate
amiupdate_ell.lha        uti/wor 8kb   4.1 Greek catalog files for AmiUpdat...
jack.lha                 uti/wor 14Mb  4.1 Multi-purpose utility for Workbench
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2014, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 15.11.2014
The following archives have been added to AROS-Archives until November 15h, 2014:
oricutron_v12.i386-aros.lha  emu/com 2Mb   Oric-1/Atmos/Telestrat/Pravetz 8...              gra/the 33kb  Fixed version of theme arosminimal            gra/the 66kb  2 Spiffy wallpapers for Icaros D...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2014, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 15.11.2014
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until November 15th, 2014: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2014, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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Szymon 'Szaman' Zyla (ANF)

Gloom Deluxe: New maps and characters
Czesław 'Leon' Mnich created an archive containing many new levels and examples made by him with the easy-to-use editor Maped. It also includes new weapons and characters from Star Wars and Doom as well as programs written by Robert Szacki to import pictures and objects into Gloom. Furthermore there are two articles in polish by Czesław Mnich on one about Maped and one how to create, Gloom objects, guns, sound effects and more.

Download: GloomDeluxe.lha (12 MB) (snx)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2014, 08:37] [Comments: 2 - 17. Nov. 2014, 19:40]
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Retro Game Calendars 2015
An user has created different desk calendars (PDF) with retrogaming motives which can be printed. Old CD cases can be used to present them. There are calendars with Amiga, C64, ZX Spectrum, ZX 81 and SMS motives. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Nov. 2014, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Kern - KeHo Software (ANF)

Multi platform arcade game: SpiderCave
Achim Kern's "SpiderCave" is a simple arcade game in which with your spaceship you have to avoid the attacks of a spider and to build ladders to the spider webs to steal its eggs.

The game is distributed as Hollywood-applet and should run on each platform which has a port of the Hollywood-player (AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS, Windows, Mac OS PPC/x86, Linux PPC/x86, Android). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Nov. 2014, 22:35] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Schönweiß (Forum)

New English-language Amiga forum:
Under Olaf Schönweiß has established an English-language forum which is about all kind of Amiga computers and which is independent of the manufacturer. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2014, 14:58] [Comments: 3 - 13. Nov. 2014, 06:09]
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A600 accelerator board Fúria EC020, second revision
The Polish Amiga trader has announced at the turn of the year to offer a revised version of the A600 accelerator board Fúria EC020 which was put on the market a year ago. The processor now has 33 Mhz. We do not know any furhter changes or the price. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2014, 01:21] [Comments: 0]
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CompactFlash-Adapter inclusive A1200-cover
Amigakit offers a CompactFlash adapter which is fastened to the A1200 back plate. After having installed the adapter - an IDE cable is included - the CF-card can be easily installed or removed without opening the A1200 every time. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2014, 00:59] [Comments: 0]
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App-Store: Amistore is online (update)
The App-store "Amistore" established by Amigakit obviously is online. A shop application which only runs under AmigaOS 4 (a version for AmigaOS 3 was announced) and according to the website is still a beta version can be downloaded. A web-interface for the store currently does not exist and as far as we know is not planned.

We would like to thank Andy "broadblues" Broad for the screenshots taken of shop. Broad has pointed out that not all items are already available but "soon".

Hint of the editorial staff: As far as we know the shop was written with Hollywood. If you launch the application a large number of pictures is loaded. Users with slower computers or low memory has reported long loading times.

Update: (11.11.2014, 16:45, cg)

According to reports of some customers, to the prices in the Amistore VAT and packaging and shipping costs must be added. Currently the final price for the product obviously will be only shown on the Paypal website after having purchased it. The amount of money which Paypal lists as packaging and shipping costs seems to be the Amistore fee. The pure purchase price will get the author of the product. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2014, 23:44] [Comments: 0]
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