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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Picasso96 conflict: Jens Schönfeld reacts to Cloanto's rebuttal
Jens Schönfeld (Individual Computers) has been publicly claiming (German) for quite a while that Cloanto (PersonalPaint, Amiga Forever) are distributing unlicensed copies of Picasso96. In an attempt to rebut these allegations, the Italian developer had published his documentation regarding the Picasso96 license for Amiga Forever two weeks ago.

Yesterday, Jens Schönfeld reacted to this move by adding an addendum to the Picasso96 press release on his company's website: He points to a section in the mails published by Cloanto where Mike Battilana from Cloanto and then P96-Owner Alexander Kneer agree on the phrase "licensed copy [...] without upgrade privileges" to describe Cloanto's license.

According to Mr. Schönfeld, this statement does not only refer to "upgrades" of Picasso96, but also to upgrades of Amiga Forever - meaning that the license would only be valid for the one Amiga Forever version that was available at the time the agreement was reached. He points out that the original P96 authors claimed there were no other licensees when selling the rights to the software to him - which he says confirms his point of view.

Today, a private e-mail from Jens Schönfeld was leaked to a dutch Amiga forum. In the message, he's telling the organisers of the Amiga34 event that he has to withdraw his offer to sponsor the event since (quote) "the legal confrontation with Cloanto is binding a lot of resources". He also states that he will "leave the market within the next 12 months" and that his stock and designs are for sale.

In a second message that was released later on, the German hardware developer confirms the authenticity of the leaked e-mail, but stresses that it was not meant to be released publically. He's also refining the statement regarding his exit from the Amiga scene somewhat, stating that he will "surely leave the market" should Cloanto "win a lawsuit" - but only in that case, apparently.

Notes from the staff:

The phrase "upgrade privileges" is pretty common in English licensing agreements, but in our experience always refers to just the software that is being licenced. As far as we can tell, using that phrase the way Mr. Schönfeld suggests it was used here would be a rather unorthodox approach.

Jens Schönfeld refers to "a lawsuit", that Cloanto might win. We are not aware of any lawsuits between Cloanto and Individual Computers and in late December the latter was still hoping (German) that his Italian adversary would "finally settle the whole thing in front of a court". This is why the remark is probably referring to the laswuit between Cloanto and Hyperion: Individual Computers is a Hyperion licensee and would be directly affected by a Hyperion defeat. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2019, 22:58] [Comments: 0]
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07.Mar.2019 website: Minor bugs fixed
Our programmer Programmierer Sven Drieling has fixed some minor bugs of the website of Among others Configuring the main page now also works although a coresponding cookie already exists on the computer of the user. Additionally the function "Send via e-mail" at the bottom of each message now uses the correct link to the original news item. We would linke to thank Thomas Rapp and Björn Berz for reporting the bugs. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2019, 21:05] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Game: Soundtrack CD of Reshoot R
Press release: To offset the wait for the release of the new Amiga Shoot'em-Up Reshoot R by Richard Löwenstein, we have decided to offer the soundtrack CD prior to the actual game's release. The audio soundtrack to Reshoot R has been produced by the game author, Richard Löwenstein, and APC&TCP. Contributors were AMIworx, German Remix Group, Altraz, d4XX and others.

The Reshoot R soundtrack CD is now available at the title link. Dealers who are interested in offering the Reshoot R soundtrack CD to their customers are welcome to contact APC&TCP by e-mail for availability details. To be fair, we want to mention that the Reshoot R soundtrack CD (in another format) will also be part of the Signature Edition of Reshoot R. (snx)

[News message: 06. Mar. 2019, 05:44] [Comments: 0]
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05.Mar.2019 (Webseite)

Personal Paint: Update to version 7.3c now available
Under the title link the update for the 8-bit paint program Personal Paint which was announced a month ago now is available for AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4.

The changes of this version among others add a polygon mode to grab brush tools, update the Itialian translation done by Luca Longone as well as add the support of long filenames. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Mar. 2019, 21:17] [Comments: 0]
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E-mail programs: AmiSSL 4.3 speeds up SSL/TLS communication
In February 2017 a team consisting of Jens Maus and Thore Böckelmann (e.g. YAM) and others released the first version of AmiSSL 4. Recently an update to AmiSSL 4.3 was released which now is based on the latest version OpenSSL 1.1.1a (20.11.2018) and provides the current protocol and cipher versions of TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. Changes:
  • Updated OpenSSL backend to latest OpenSSL 1.1.1a (20.11.2018) version including newest TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 protocol/cipher versions and general compatibility
  • Updated root certificates to latest Mozilla-based bundle provided by
  • Minor improvements/fixes
Using AmiSSL 3.x, some e-mail providers could not be used any longer on certain classic hardware because establishing the connection to the outbox and inbox servers failed due to the timeout of the required TLS/SSL encryption ( reported). Out tests show that version 4 of AmiSSL speeds up the SSL/TLS handshake. It is again possible to send and receive e-mails with a Freenet account using YAM and an Amiga 1200/030 (OS 3.9). (dr) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Mar. 2019, 10:13] [Comments: 0]
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Jump'n Run: Celtic Heart
After the releases of Trap Runner and Solid Gold the brothers Frank und Gerrit Wille have joined for their third game project called "Celtic Heart". According to programmer Frank in contrary to the first two games this time it is only an "internal test project" and therefore "is neither as polished as Trap Runner nor will there ever be a physical release of it".

For Celtic Heart to the existing trap-runner-engine the option of hitting the enemy while standing or sitting was added.


Game: CelticHeart.adf (880 KB)
Source code: CelticHeart.lha (880 KB)

Hint to the source code archive:

The archive contains the full project including source texts, graphics, music, tools, etc. For compiling an ADF the following tools are required:
  • ein C99 Compiler
  • vasmm68k_mot
  • vlink
  • GNU-make
Makefiles for vbcc ("Makefile") and gcc ("Makefile.unix") are also included but you have to change the path to the NDK3.x Assembler Includes: ASINC depending on the host system. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Mar. 2019, 01:19] [Comments: 0]
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Scene World Podcast (ANF)

Scene World Podcast Episode #60 - The Guru Meditation
In the latest issue of the podcast "Scene World", AJ Heller and Joerg Droege were talking with Amiga Bill and Anthony Becker both well-known for the Youtube channel "The Guru Meditation". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2019, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Javascript: Scripted Amiga Emulator 0.9.10
Rupert Hausberger's "Scripted Amiga Emulator" is written in Javascript and HTML5 using AROS-ROMs as Kickstart replacement. The emulator is used by for its Amiga "library". New in version 0.9.10:
  • Memory/Roms
    • Fixed wrong $A80000-memory-access in combination with extended-roms > 1mb. (Thanks 'Vesuri' for commit)
    • Updated AROS-ROMs to actual version SVN55696.
  • Disk
    • Fixed bug in DMS decompression with DEEP Compression (Thanks 'steffest' for commit)
  • Video
    • Added support for the 'fullscreen-API'. There is a new api-function called sae.screen() and the new hook-function
      config.hooks.event.screened(). All browsers should support that. See the examples.
    • The mouse-pointer can now be hidden or locked via the 'pointerLock-API'.
      The feature is enabled by default. All browsers should support that. See 'Config/Video/Cursor'.
    • A canvas-element can now used directly as output. See example2.htm
  • Audio
    • Fixed wrong/multiple audio-channel selection at the ADKCON-register. (Thanks 'Vesuri' for commit)
    • Added mute-support over sae.mute()
  • Ports
    • Added experimental support for the 'Gamepad API'. It is disabled by default.
      Go to 'Config/Ports' to enable it. (Thanks to 'SpliFF' for the basic implementation)
    • Better handling of buttons and movement. No input-events get lost and also the 3rd mouse-button is now dectected.
    • Added emualtion of various protection-dongles.
    • Finished support for direct-serial communication and added hooks. See the examples.
    • Added support for direct-parallel communication and hooks. Also see the examples.
    • Removed the 'Enable Serial'-checkbox from 'Config/Ports'. Does not made much sense without hooks.
  • Config
    • Added hooks that get called after the emulator has been started, stopped, reseted, paused or fullscreened.
    • Fixed invalid access of the config-object. (Thanks 'db48x' for commit)
  • Common
    • Removed Google-Analytics. Sorry for the molestation.
    • Added an error if a ZIP-file get detected. Compressed files are not yet supported.
    • Fixed Object.prototype.clone() to a custom function to be compatible with 'jQuery'. (Thanks 'Vesuri' for commit)
    • The patch-version-number has now a 2nd digit and starting at 10.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2019, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 137
The English and German editions of Amiga Future 136 (March/April 2019) have been released today and can be ordered from the magazine staff or various Amiga dealers. This issue's topics include reviews of "Trap Runner" and SMBFS as well as the fourth part of the workshop on the spreadsheet ignition. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2019, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Hollywood: APK Compiler 3.0 released

Press release: Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to present a brand-new version of one of the most popular add-ons for Hollywood 8.0: The Hollywood APK Compiler 3.0. This program converts Hollywood applets into stand-alone APK packages that can then be published on the Google Play Store where they will be available to billions of Android users. Once the Hollywood APK Compiler has been set up, the conversion of a Hollywood applet into an APK file takes only a few seconds.

Version 3.0 is a major update which adds support for Hollywood 8.0 as well as for RapaGUI 2.0. It also introduces a new build caching mechanism which greatly reduces build times. It is also possible to link whole directories of assets to the APK now and the plugin linker is much more efficient too. Furthermore, the Hollywood APK Compiler is now available in a Home Edition and a Professional Edition. The Professional Edition of the Hollywood APK Compiler removes the "Powered by Hollywood" splash screen, it allows you to execute custom Java code and it also allows the customization of the Hollywood APK Compiler's Android manifest and Gradle build scripts. See here for a detailed comparison between the Home and Professional Edition.

All people who have bought Hollywood 8.0 and a previous version of the Hollywood APK Compiler can request a free upgrade to the Home Edition of the Hollywood APK Compiler via e-mail. Alternatively, people who already own a previous version of the Hollywood APK Compiler can also upgrade to the Professional Edition with a discount. See here for more information.

Note that the Hollywood APK Compiler is currently only available for the Microsoft Windows platform because it requires the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) and the Android SDK, both of which are available for free download from the web. (snx)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 16:53] [Comments: 0]
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Philipp Lang (E-Mail)

Amiga keyboard: Second production run for replacements keycaps
Two years after finishing the first campaign of Philipp Lang and his team ( reported), under the title link all interested users can register for a second production run and purchase a set of keycaps for 49 US-Dollar (about 43 Euro) plus shipping. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 16:47] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 02.03.2018
The following archives have been added to Aminet until March 2nd, 2019:
Crono.lha                biz/misc   2.3M  OS4 Generator of printable annual...
exomizer.lha             dev/cross  739K  MOS A cruncher for 6502/Z80/6809 ... dev/m2     1.4M  68k old commercial m2 compiler (b...
m2amiga-bootstrap-4.4... dev/m2     164K  68k old commercial m2 compiler (b...  dev/m2     3.1M      old commercial m2 compiler (H... dev/m2     212K      old commercial m2 compiler (L...  dev/m2     1.1M      old commercial m2 compiler (s...      game/2play 610K  68k Dynablaster clone for up to f...
tenablaster.src.lha      game/2play 80K       ASM sources for Dynablaster c...
Koules.lha               game/actio 251K  68k Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
Koules_OS4.lha           game/actio 238K  OS4 Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
KoulesMOS.lha            game/actio 236K  MOS Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
MCE.lha                  game/edit  2.1M  68k Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-MOS.lha              game/edit  2.3M  MOS Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-OS4.lha              game/edit  2.5M  OS4 Multi-game Character Editor
modsurfer.lha            game/misc  259K  68k 3D rhythm game for your MOD c...
modsurfer_mods.lha       game/misc  6.2M      Selection of MODs for ModSurfer
AmiWolf_AGA.lha          game/shoot 3.8M  68k Amiga port of Wolfenstein 3D
AmiWolf_RTG.lha          game/shoot 3.8M  68k Amiga port of Wolfenstein 3D
tp.lha                   game/think 518K  68k Updated TetrisPro after 21 ye...
dtview2.lha              gfx/show   77K   68k datatype picture viewer for p...
Armakuni.lha             mods/8voic 361K      7ch Ninja Remix Armakuni UNCO...
CrockettsTheme.lha       mods/8voic 129K      6ch Miami Vice Crockett's Theme
Flatfoot.lha             mods/8voic 208K      6ch Flatfoot Music Theme from...
HOLF.lha                 mods/8voic 391K      6ch Ninja Remix Hills Of Lin ...
ITFC.lha                 mods/8voic 224K      8ch In Time For Christmas by ...
LFPG.lha                 mods/8voic 334K      5ch Ninja Remix Lin Fen Palac...
LFTPalace.lha            mods/8voic 427K      5ch Ninja Remix Lin Fen The P...
LinFen.lha               mods/8voic 160K      6ch Ninja Remix Lin Fen Theme
NWomen.lha               mods/8voic 419K      6ch Nordi Women Slow Blues by...
SRain.lha                mods/8voic 210K      8ch September Rain Soft-Poprock
TNScroll.lha             mods/8voic 255K      5ch Ninja Remix The Ninja Scr...
eemeli.lha               mods/jorma 270K      Eemeli by Pekka Pou
hc-anna.lha              mods/jorma 187K      HC-Anna by Vesuri (from JRm-U...
Airwolf.lha              mods/misc  235K      4ch Airwolf Theme Remastered!
Basement.lha             mods/misc  319K      4ch LN2 The Basement Uncompre...
BCBlues.lha              mods/misc  237K      4ch Bergen City Blues by HKvalhe
CentralPark.lha          mods/misc  379K      4ch LN2 Central Park Uncompre...
CPLoader.lha             mods/misc  339K      4ch LN2 Central Park Loader U...
FinalBattle.lha          mods/misc  156K      4ch LN2 The Final Battle Unco...
Kunitoki.lha             mods/misc  291K      4ch Ninja Remix Kunitoki The ...
LN3Earth.lha             mods/misc  306K      4ch LN3 Temple Of Earth Uncom...
LN3EarthC64.lha          mods/misc  320K      4ch LN3 Earth C64 Original Un...
LN3End.lha               mods/misc  163K      4ch LN3 The End Outtro Uncomp...
LN3Fire.lha              mods/misc  1.9M      4ch LN3 Fire Uncompressed
LN3Intro.lha             mods/misc  466K      4ch LN3 The Intro Theme Uncom...
LN3Void.lha              mods/misc  457K      4ch LN3 Void Uncompressed
LN3Water.lha             mods/misc  584K      4ch LN3 Water Uncompressed
LN3Wind.lha              mods/misc  261K      4ch LN3 Wind Uncompressed
LSTheme.lha              mods/misc  174K      4ch Luke Skywalker Star Wars ...
Mansion.lha              mods/misc  242K      4ch LN2 The Mansion Uncompressed
MansionLoader.lha        mods/misc  265K      4ch LN2 The Mansion Loader Un...
Mushroom.lha             mods/misc  95K       4ch Mushroom Pop-ballad by HK...
Office.lha               mods/misc  421K      4ch LN2 The Office Uncompressed
OfficeLoader.lha         mods/misc  213K      4ch LN2 The Office Loader Unc...
Sanctum.lha              mods/misc  166K      4ch Ninja Remix The Inner San...
Sewer.lha                mods/misc  497K      4ch LN2 The Sewer Uncompressed
SewerLoader.lha          mods/misc  366K      4ch LN2 The Sewer Loader Unco...
Street.lha               mods/misc  53K       4ch LN2 The Street Uncompressed
StreetLoader.lha         mods/misc  340K      4ch LN2 The Street Loader Unc...
TBLoader.lha             mods/misc  268K      4ch LN2 The Basement Loader U...
TFBLoader.lha            mods/misc  161K      4ch LN2 The Final Battle Loader
VadersTheme.lha          mods/misc  300K      4ch Darth Vader's Imperial Ma...
sidid.lha                mus/misc   45K   MOS HVSC playroutine identity sca...
Convert.lha              util/rexx  13K   68k Simple command line currency ...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 02.03.2019
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until March 2nd, 2019:
koules.lha               gam/act 238kb 4.0 Port of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
smurfen-game.lha         gam/pla 17Mb  4.1 Smurfy platformer game
mce.lha                  gam/uti 3Mb   4.0 Multi-game Character Editor
dcraw.lha                gra/con 3Mb   4.0 CLI converter for camera raw files
crono.lha                gra/mis 2Mb   4.1 Generator of printable annual ca...           net/ftp 20Mb  4.0 little TFTP client         net/mis 20Mb  4.0 CSTA-tester
deark.lha                uti/arc 3Mb   4.0 Extracting data from various fil...
sidid.lha                uti/mis 67kb  4.0 HVSC playroutine identity scanner
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 02.03.2019
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Storage until March 2nd, 2019:
Setlist-FM-dl_0.3.lha     Network/Download          A tool to connects to S...
dcraw_9.28.lha            Graphics/Tools            dcraw 9.28, CLI convert...
AmiSSL_4.3_68k.lha        System/Library/SSL        OpenSSL as an Amiga sha...
AmiArcadia_25.1.lha       Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
Exomizer_3.0.2.lha        Development/Cross         A cruncher for 6502/Z80...
MCE_11.0.lha              Games/Editor              Multi-game Character Ed...
Koules_1.34.lha           Games/Action              Port of Linux+OS/2 arca...
PyMUI_0.7.0.lha           Development/Python        A Python module allowin...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: Version 18.4 released / New installers until 02.03.2019
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. Version 18.4 provides many changes, bug fixes and new features, e.g. the splash window can also be closed now pressing the fire button on the joystick in port #1 and a new special quit key has been added which quits by pressing Reverse, Forward and Play together on a joypad.
  • fix: option NoReq/S has also effect now for errors occuring in conjunction with option Data/K (issue #3690)
  • fix: patch list command PL_GA fixed in the WHDLoadCD32
  • fix: fixed wrong results with resload_ExNext introduced in 18.3, e.g. game Ork Attack (Psygore)
  • fix: in version 18.3 a CMD_STOP/FLUSH/START of input.device was added, this seems to cause problems on some configurations, to avoid them the code has been removed again
  • chg: cpu cache handling in kickemu changed, there are new options CACHECHIP and CACHECHIPDATA, the behavior of option CACHE has been reverted to pre HDLoad release 18.3, with option CACHE all caches are enabled for expansion memory if MMU is used, with option CACHECHIP the instruction cache will be enabled for all memory independent from from WHDLoad's MMU usage, option CACHECHIPDATA will enable data and instruction cache for all memory, if no CACHE* option is set the cache are disabled now, in previous releases the cache setup wasn't modified which resulted in WHDLoad's default cache setup where inst/data cache is enabled for ExpMem/Slave if MMU used - similar to option option CACHE where additionally the 68060 stuff is enabled (branch cache, superscalar, write buffer), please consult also the provided kick.readme
  • chg: kickemu kick13.s has been modified to work with data cache in chip memory, gfx.Text now uses the cpu to clear the temporary buffer instead the blitter
  • new: macro PL_STR0 added to the patch list commands which will write the given string plus a 0-byte to the destination
  • new: italian keymap added to the docs (thanks Luca Longone)
  • fix: kickfs: with IOCACHE to order of writes is now preserved, in previous releases it was not, which could cause switches to the operation system on resload_SaveFileOffset because offsets outside the current filesize
  • chg: if SplashDelay=0 and ConfigDelay>0 the splash window is opened if there is a config (Juuso Salmijärvi)
  • chg: the local option Config now overwrites a config string contained in the Slave
  • chg: option Preload/S can also be used in the global configuration file
  • fix: using Snoop on the 68030 the fire button bits in cia.ddra can be set to output mode now (reading joypad), previously this was only allowed on 68040/60 (StingRay)
  • chg: BaseMemory is now allocated in possible three parts to reduce memory requirements if higher areas of chip memory are already used by the system
  • new: a segtracker modul has been added to all kickemu variants, equal to the known utility SegTracker by Michael Sinz this will track all loaded executables, WHDLoad will use this information to display name and offset in all error messages, this will make it easier to locate causes for malfunctions in kickemu installed programs
  • chg: the calculation of exec.ChkSum in kick12/13.s has been fixed
  • fix: if SegTracker was used and no matching segment was found WHDLoad displayed sometimes some garbage, this has been fixed
  • chg: all the sources provided by JOTD has been updated to the latest level, nonvolatile.s has been removed because the sources are now using the nonvolatile.s provided by WHDLoad, thanks to JOTD
  • chg: WHDLoadGCI allows now opening a new memory window from the address under the cursor in a memory window, a bug in partial extraction of Base/ExpMemory has been fixed
  • chg: a patch has been added to all kickemus to disable the key repeat of the input.device after a switch to the operating system, this should avoid problems on first time save operations triggered by a keypress
  • new: the splash window can also be closed now pressing the fire button on the joystick in port #1
  • new: a new special quit key has been added which quits by pressing Reverse, Forward and Play together on a joypad
  • chg: WHDLoad no longer tries to open the audio.device, there was not much benefit from it and to leave it avoids any requesters if already open by another application

Additionally, the following installers have been added until March 2nd, 2019:
  • 2019-03-01 improved: Bubble Bobble (Firebird) support for 2-button joystick and joypad added (Info)
  • 2019-02-25 improved: Superfrog (Team 17) joypad control added, floppy version chip memory reduced (Info)
  • 2019-02-24 improved: Battle Squadron (Innerprise) joystick 3rd button supported, CUSTOM3=1 to detect automatically if a joystick/pad or mouse is connected, CUSTOM4=1 to skip the blitter wait patch (Info, Image)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2019, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

Obligement archive now lists 6000 articles
During the last two months the articles below have been added to the website of the French AmigaOS and MorphOS magazine Obligement which now lists 6000 articles. Help for translating the articles into other languages is very welcome, please contact David 'Daff' Brunet.
  • January/February 2019 news
  • Old articles from Amiga News Tech n°24 to 27:
    • Tutorial: Utilization of Gawk
    • Programming: AMOS - Expression interpretor
    • File: Operating of the keyboard on AmigaOS
    • Tutorial: Debug withc MonAm
    • Programming: ARexx - Catalog of a disk
    • Programming: Lisp - the eight queens
    • Programming: How to program reentrant
    • Review of ReqLib
    • Programming: Assembleur - screengrab tool in IFF
    • etc.
  • Interview with Gilles Pelletier (ANAIIS developper)
  • Interview with Mohammed Abdul Raza Al-Nasah (Amiga user in Iraq)
  • Interview with Cédric Maillard (musician)
  • Hardware : presentation and review of the GBA1000 v4 card
  • Review of RickyD 0.2.0
  • File: Aegis Development
  • File: Cinemaware
  • File: Amiga Games List (update)
  • Tutorial: prepare an Amiga hard drive with MorphOS
  • Special quizz about the year 2018 on Amiga
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Mar. 2019, 21:44] [Comments: 0]
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Mini games: Dino Run and MeMo
Two little games have been released: "Dino Run" is a clone of a mini game contained in Google Chrome in which you make a dinosaur jump over barriers using the SPACE key. Writing this BlitzBasic game the author was going to get used to program sprites on the Amiga. The game MeMo is inspired by the card game "Memory".

Download links for Dino Run

Diskimage: (176 KB)
HD version: Dinorun.lha (37 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Feb. 2019, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS available / Paolo Cattani games pre-installed (04. Aug.)
Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced (01. Aug.)
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