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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Amiga Bootblock Reader 3.00 (Windows)
Jason Smith's "Amiga Bootblock Reader" recognizes, analyzes and extracts Amiga bootblocks out of ADF images. The Windows program recognizes 1716 different bootblocks and can launch disk images in WinUAE or FS-UAE.

Changes in the new version:
  • now recognises 1716 Bootblocks
  • Newly redesigned interface (mostly)
  • Lots of little changes all over the place
  • Includes boot pictures for many of the recognised bootblocks
  • Can now use WinUAE / FS-UAE from any location
  • Program uses PNGs generated by WinUAE screenshot function (You can create your own if needed)
  • Fixed Amiga emulator setting defaulting to WinUAE
  • It seems i broke .ZIP handling (containing ADF's) - fixed
  • Fix: When ABR found a ADF file, the 'Boot Disk' button wasn't enabling for some reason
Known problems:
  • If you add a String search that the program doesn't like it will refuse to scan correctly afterwards. Your string search contains a character that causes the scan routine to break, you will need to edit the search.brainfile file in a text editor and remove the offending line. (No blank lines)
  • While i have endeavoured to make the scanning as accurate as i can, in some cases there will be some inaccurate detection
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Oct. 2019, 00:38] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Joker 1/2019
Press release: Because 'Amiga Joker' is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, the original Joker team has decided to release a jubilee edition. The Amiga Joker 1/2019 is now available in APC & TCP's online shop.
  • The jubilee booklet for the 30th anniversary of the Amiga Joker
  • The most beautiful retro reading by editor-in-chief Richard Löwenstein and the original Joker team
  • Classics re-tested: Where was the joker wrong, which games are still top?
  • AJ founder in interview: Michael Labiner and the team about faked tests and the end of the joker
  • Current stuff in the test: How much fun do you have with new Amiga games?
  • Post Mortem: The creators of "Lionheart" are looking back
  • Also: demo gallery, mailbox and more on 48 pages, on the best paper in the world
In addition, the official Amiga Joker poster is immediately available at APC & TCP. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2019, 21:46] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.7.3
RedPill is a Game Construction Kit written in AmiBlitz2, which can help developing games of diverse genres - published videos show versions of Pacman and Mirror. RedPill is compatible to AGA and ECS, the "player" requires 1 MB Chip as well as some Fast RAM.

Changes in version 0.7.3:
  • Program stack size increased to 32 KB to avoid unstability and crashes when using autoslice
  • Sorting and rendering by Z has been recoded to avoid objects disappearing
  • Fix: Screen Flash trigger was not working when HUD was on top
  • File requesters now have a maximum size
  • Fixed an issue preventing from changing Var pages when selecting a Var in the triggers
  • Sound module code is now more robust to avoid memory leaks
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2019, 20:46] [Comments: 0]
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15.Oct.2019 (Forum)

ReAmiga: John Hertell published files of his Amiga replica
Under the title link John 'Chucky' Hertell has published the files for making the ReAmiga 3000 (video recorded on the Amiga34) just like he did it before for the "ReAmiga 1200" - which is a replica of the Amiga-1200 mainboard. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2019, 20:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga34: Announcements, videos and further pictures (Update)
In this news item we want to summarize all other news additional to the MorphOS for x64 as well as some further pictures completing the ones from yesterday.

In his speech Trevor Dickinson (A-Eon Technology) has announced an "Early-Adopter-Edition" of the AmigaOne 1222 which is based on the Tabor board (picture).

The price, including an "Early-Adopter" version of AmigaOS-4.1, for the Tabor board is supposed to be 400 Euro which corresponds to the announcement three years ago - but it is nether clear if this price includes VAT nor when it can be preordered. It is also not known what kind of limitations this version, compared to the final AmigaOS-4.1 version, will have. In spring the audio driver was still missing and the SATA driver had to be "polished". According to the comment of the visitor 'Skateman', all components of the Early-Adopter-AmigaOne-1222 are supposed to be working.

The new accelerator board Warp 1260 was presented together with the Warp 560 and further details explained: The board will be equipped with 256 MB Fast-RAM but which - similar to most of the 68060 extensions - operates only in the 68040 compatible bus mode, that means at half clock speed. Basically the DDR3-RAM is clocked with 800 MHz and connected to the 68060 processor via FPGA. The price will be 499 Euro, without processor. It has to be delivered by the purchaser.

Hyperion presented a beta version of Libre Office 5 which is ported by Hans-Jörg Frieden. Further information are not available so far.

Amiga34 impressions: Update (06:11, 15.10.19, snx)
ZDF TV report video link added. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2019, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Pictures of Amiga34 in Neuss (2nd Update)
This weekend the Amiga34 is taking place in Neuss, Germany. For, Thomas Scheller has taken some pictures.

One of the most outstanding exhibits was the x64 version of MorphOS, presented on a MSI-B450M-Mortar-Titanium board with Ryzen-5-3600 processor made by AMD. Currently via PXE-Netboot is started ( reported):

Besides, there have been replica of the Amiga 500 ("Project R.E.D."), of the Amiga 2000 ("A2K Black & White Edition 2.0") and of the AGA Amiga 3000 prototype AA3000 ("AA3000+" of the Finnish developer 'Hese' [older photos])):

Other presented systems ranged from a SAGE-II system (AmigaOS was developed on a SAGE IV) to an upgraded Amiga 1000 and an AmigaOne X5000/40:

The 23 offered Vampire-V4 computer (nine others have been picked up by beta testers) was sold out within hours.

Update: (09:23, 14.10.19, snx)
In a previous version of this news-item we mistook the photos of the AA3000 with the Amiga 3000 replica ReAmiga 3000. Photos and a video of the latter you can find in our follow-up news-item instead.

2nd Update: (09:02, 18.10.19, snx):
David Brunet kindly pointed out to us that the computer shown wasn't a populated exemplar of the rare AA3000 prototypes, but the extended replica AA3000+ instead. We appologize for our mistake. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 1 - 18. Oct. 2019, 09:14]
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Aminet-Uploads until 12.10.2019
The following archives have been added to Aminet until October 12th, 2019:
Office_Test_1.1.lha      dev/mui    557K  MOS Demo program for office.mcc
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha     game/role  18M   68k Implementation of Tunnels & T...
Runaway_AROSx86.lha      game/wb    2.3M  x86 LCD game conversion
Runaway_MOS.lha          game/wb    2.2M  MOS LCD game conversion
Runaway_OS3.lha          game/wb    2.2M  68k LCD game conversion
Runaway_OS4.lha          game/wb    2.5M  OS4 LCD game conversion
Runaway_WOS.lha          game/wb    2.5M  WOS LCD game conversion
Whack-a-Trump_AROSx86... game/wb    5.1M  x86 Whack-a-mole type game
Whack-a-Trump_MOS.lha    game/wb    5.0M  MOS Whack-a-mole type game
Whack-a-Trump_OS3.lha    game/wb    5.0M  68k Whack-a-mole type game
Whack-a-Trump_OS4.lha    game/wb    5.3M  OS4 Whack-a-mole type game
Whack-a-Trump_WOS.lha    game/wb    5.3M  WOS Whack-a-mole type game
tine.tar.gz              misc/unix  281K      A clone of ED for UNIX
HotCorner.lha            util/cdity 37K   MOS Mouse in screen corner trigge...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 12.10.2019
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until October 12th, 2019:
scummvm.lha              gam/adv 30Mb  4.1 2D Point-and-Click adventure int...          gam/adv 44Mb  4.1 ScummVM Source
freedroidrpg.lha         gam/rol 226Mb 4.0 Isometric RPG influenced by Para...
zitaftpserver.lha        net/ser 9Mb   4.1 A fast and secure FTP(S) server.
scummvm-tools.lha        uti/fil 3Mb   4.1 A collection of various tools fo...        uti/fil 1Mb   4.1 ScummVM Tools Source
aiostreams.lha           vid/mis 248kb 4.1 Stream video from major online p...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 12.10.2019
The following archives have been added to AROS-Archives until October 12th, 2019:
easyrpg-aros.lha             gam/adv 4Mb   play games created with RPG Make...
uhctools.i386-aros.lha       uti/wor 39kb  UHC Tools installer
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 12.10.2019
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Storage until October 12th, 2019:
AIOstreams_1.4.lha        Network/Streaming         Stream online video fro...
MCC_TextEditor_15.53.lha  System/MUI Classes        TextEditor custom class...
MCC_Webp_1.0.lha          System/MUI Classes        A WebP MUI Class
Office_test_1.1.lha       Office/WordProcessor      Demo program for office...
Runaway_1.12.lha          Games/Misc                A LCD game conversion.
WookieChat_2.11.lha       Communication             IRC client
WookieChat_2.12b9.lha     Communication             IRC client
Whack-a-Trump_1.2.lha     Games/Misc                Whack-a-mole type game
MorphOS_SDK_3.12_20191... Development/SDK           The MorphOS Development...
SpringMaus_0.9.lha        System/Ambient/Commoditie SpringMaus_0.9.lha
MorphOS_on_AMD64.jpeg     Screenshots               MorphOS_on_AMD64.jpeg
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 12.10.2019
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. The following installers have been added until October 12th, 2019: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2019, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga34: MorphOS on an AMD64 computer
This weekend the Amiga34 is taking place in Neuss, Germany. Here the MorphOS developer team has presented its operating system on an AMD-Ryzen-5 computer equipped with a Radeon-HD-4650 graphics board (Twitter: picture, video).

Regarding the video Károly 'chainq' Balogh has pointed out that it is a very early version with debug output handele - actually this morning Mark 'bigfoot' Olsen got it running on this new computer, for he could not bring his older system. Therefore you should not draw conclusions from the length of the booting about the future performance.

Due to a PowerPC emulation, on the AMD64 all existing PowerPC and 68k programs are working. This is based on a new kernel written by Mark Olsen, which is running on the presented system completely AMD64-nativ in 64-Bit mode, but also on PPC32 and PPC64 processors.

The presented system only is a preview what a future MorphOS NG could look like; many components still are missing. On the demonstration computer a mixture of AMD64 and PowerPC code is used.

Additionally the MorphOS team presents an Amiga 4000 with MorphOS 3.13 on a - according to the description - Cyberstorm-PPC accelerator board with 420 MHz (photo of its processor), that had already been shown at Amiga32 also. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2019, 22:25] [Comments: 0]
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11.Oct.2019 Announcement of new Amiga keyboards
On the ocassion of the Amiga 34 in Neuss which is taking place this weekend, the team of representing on table 44/45 has announced its next project, a new Amiga compatible replacement keyboard:
  • 100% Mechanical
  • 100% Compatible with Mitsumi Hybrid keycaps
  • Versatile - can be used on A500, A1200, A2000, A3000, A4000
  • USB Compatible (PC & Raspberry Pi) - Apollo Vampire support coming shortly
  • Strong & sturdy keyboard with body armor
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2019, 08:52] [Comments: 0]
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