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Jens Schönfeld on ANF

individual Computers: Insider Section Updated
For all programmers and people interested in technics the insider section on the support site of individual Computers has been expanded. The following files were added:

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 23:45] [Comments: 0]
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mOOdS on ANF

mOOdS - music for your instincts
The module platform Moods has started their online module Compo on the 1st of March. This competition is some kind of experiment, all of the participants have to download samples from the homepage and make the best of those few samples. The point of interest in this is - everybody will make different music from these. Until April 1st modules can be sent to the Moods' organizer via e-mail or mail to participate in the Compo.

A few days after closing date the modules will be available for download and voting. Besides of glory, fun, and new friends unfortunately there is nothing else you can win....
More information are to find on the homepage.

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 20:42] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - DITO Password Release!
By authority of Dirk Holtwick the registration code for the vocabulary system software 'DITO' is ready for free download. DITO is built modular and has many features (flexible dictionary, gap-texts, number converter, vocable trainer).

The following languages are supported: English, Spanish and Italian. DITO and all of the additional modules are available from Aminet. Special thanks to Dirk Holtwick for releasing and to Erik Z. who made this possible and provided the file to the Amiga Arena!

Amiga Arena - Appeal!
Any further suggestions, tips or possibilities for the release of not further being developed sharware software? Please contact Olaf Koebnik! This also pertains to developers wanting to organize a special price project!

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 15:53] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail Version 3.2 Released
VirusHelp Denmark has updated their Now the documentation contains all of the viruses which recently became known.

Name: v3.2
Archive name: vht-vg32.lha
Archive size: 88.913 Bytes
Date: 03. March 2001
Programmer: Virus Help Denmark
Info: requires amigaguide.library

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 15:37] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Small via E-Mail

Schatztruhe News
Many new Amiga products (and some classics) and all items from the GTI Amiga Charts now available from Schatztruhe !
Additional products now available :

Chaos Engine 2 (Disk), Earth 2140 (CD), Exodus - The Last War(CD), Kang Fu (CD), Payback (CD), Simon the Sorcerer 2 (CD), Theme Park (CD), Wasted Dreams (CD), Animatic (CD), ROM 3.1 A1200 (Chip), Extreme Visual FX (CD), fx Paint (CD), fx Scan v3.0 (CD), MooVID Pro 2 (CD). VHI Studio (CD), Amiga Joypad, Amiga Mouse (white), Boing Ball Amiga Mouse Pad und DD-Disks (10er Box).

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 15:28] [Comments: 0]
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IEEE Spectrum Magazine (ANF)

IEEE Spectrum: Amiga: The Computer That Wouldn't Die
In the IEEE Spectrum Magazine there was published an article about the history of the Amiga. Focal point are the features of the original hardware (suitably to the main focus of the magazine), but the article also caters to the software.

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 15:20] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Strum

New Aminet Uploads
German Aminet is not accessible since two days; so today the last 7 day's uploads from wuarchive directly.

FLeagues_BB2.lha   biz/dbase  116K   0 Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.5a)
AE40-czech.lha     biz/haage   15K   0 ArtEffect 4.0 - Czech locale
AE40-francais.lha  biz/haage   15K   0 ArtEffect 4.0 - Francais locale
AE40-italiano.lha  biz/haage   19K   0 ArtEffect 4.0 - Italiano locale
AW20-czech.lha     biz/haage   13K   0 AmigaWriter 2.0 - Czech locale
AW20-italiano.lha  biz/haage   13K   0 AmigaWriter 2.0 - Italiano locale
AW20-nederland.lha biz/haage   13K   0 AmigaWriter 2.0 - Nederlands locale
AW20-turkce.lha    biz/haage   13K   0 AmigaWriter 2.0 - Turkce (turkish) locale
GI-TB_ArtEffec.lha biz/haage   42K   0 GlowIcon Toolbar for ArtEffect 4
amirsay.lha        comm/irc    62K   0 Speech for AmIRC (Loads of settings) V5.4b
3pYAM.lha          comm/mail   24K   0 AddOn for YAM and free email-address
Spitfire2.lha      comm/misc  787K   0 Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
AmyGate.lha        comm/net   116K   0 THE Aminet download manager V1.1A
adt_ixemul.lha     comm/tcp    78K   0 Aminet Download Tool 2.6, AmigaOS
Amitcpprefs_GR.lha comm/tcp     4K   0 Greek locale catalog for AmiTCP Prefs
facts.lha          comm/tcp    89K   0 V4.4 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
NetConnect_GR.lha  comm/tcp     3K   0 Greek locale catalog for NetConnect
Nature-Grid2f.lha  demo/intro  87K   0 Grid 2 final, winner 64k at TP2000
rno-aldi.lha       demo/slide 6.4M   0 RNO: "Goes Aldi" a TP2k partyslideshow
SamplesMaster.lha  dev/amos    92K   0 Creates IFF and RAW samples (italian)
yaec.lha           dev/e      460K   0 Yaec - Yet Another E Compiler [1.4a]
Basir.lha          dev/misc    64K   0 Commodore Basic reader and converter
Localizer1.39.lha  dev/misc   213K   0 A Locale Development Tool
MCC_NListtree.lha  dev/mui    260K   0 MUI list tree class for NList
NotizieAmiga.lha   docs/hyper 718K   0 ITALIAN ONLY comunicati NotizieAmiga 02/2001
AaktInt0201.lha    docs/mags  243K   0 International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0201GFX.lha docs/mags  305K   0 International infotainment magazine (graphics)
AIOV44.lha         docs/mags  319K   0 Amiga Information Online, Issue 44 (February 2000)
3DWorldArc0101.lha docs/misc   81K   0 Archive of the 3D World ML for 01/01
3DWorldArc1200.lha docs/misc   37K   0 Archive of the 3D World ML for 12/00
ChaosLite.lha      game/board 5.7M   0 World's Best Board Game! 1-8 players! Fantasy Wiza
Mattonite.lha      game/demo  259K   0 BreakOut demo game, working in progress
Mattonite_Src.lha  game/demo   33K   0 Source codes of Mattonite and MattoniteEd
Yatzy2000.lha      game/misc  121K   0 Another nice Yatzy game (MUI)
NapalmPL.lha       game/patch  11K   0 Polish Locale for Napalm
Experiment_Ful.lha game/role  1.3M   0 Futuristic graphic adventure
Awale.lha          game/think  56K   0 Awal  game for Amiga (french version)
Emerald.lha        game/wb    1.3M   0 Simple and different Games and effects in a window
Pishti.lha         game/wb    106K   0 Popular Turkish card game. (v1.03)
SmartScale.lha     gfx/conv    17K   0 A CLI program used for graphics conversion scripts
Photo2Ifx.lha      gfx/edit     1K   0 ARexx Script to load images selected in Photofolio
Perl.lha           misc/antiq 117K   0 Perl v
MemoTecV2.lha      misc/edu   156K   0 MemoTec - mind trainer (polish)
551convGUI.lha     misc/emu    19K   0 GUI for 551conv
apple2000e.lha     misc/emu    38K   0 Apple2000 with 2e extensions!
imdbDiff010216.lha misc/imdb  2.6M   0 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
SpaTra07.lha       misc/misc   71K   0 Spanish Translations Pack 07 v0.20
hardriving.lha     mods/house 641K   0 16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
ignorance.lha      mods/house 307K   0 16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
slowfood.lha       mods/house 255K   0 16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
spinsession.lha    mods/house 417K   0 16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
AntiqueDreamFu.lha mods/med   4.3M   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401.lha       mods/med   934K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401Fix.lha    mods/med   151K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
AutomaticTranc.lha mods/med   348K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ChaosPlus.lha      mods/med   125K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ElectronicCity.lha mods/med   796K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace1.lha     mods/med   1.1M   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace2.lha     mods/med   949K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheRace.lha mods/med   319K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheWorl.lha mods/med   343K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
MainCode.lha       mods/med    27K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
OneGoodDay.lha     mods/med   152K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
QuickStart.lha     mods/med   408K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
RaceB.lha          mods/med   261K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Syndromedia.lha    mods/med   579K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SysOIX-MCHVers.lha mods/med    42K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystemOfSynthS.lha mods/med    87K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystempOSVe4mo.lha mods/med   206K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
TheNight.lha       mods/med   134K   0 By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
alien.mpg          mods/mpg   3.2M   0 Alien busters. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) t
bc-andro.mpg       mods/mpg   5.0M   0 Andromeda:  Ambient new age music
deathstar.mpg      mods/mpg   4.1M   0 Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) tun
deepinside.mpg     mods/mpg   3.6M   0 Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) tun
earthquake.mpg     mods/mpg   4.1M   0 Earth quake. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) tun
lukeskywalker.mpg  mods/mpg   3.7M   0 Luke Skywalker. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) 
rockalive.mpg      mods/mpg   3.2M   0 Rock is alive. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) t
sommar.mpg         mods/mpg   3.0M   0 Sommartider. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance (MP3) tun
SmallPlugin2.lha   mus/play    28K   0 A fast, small and transparent AmigaAMP plugin
CastroD1.mpg       pix/3dani   12M   0 The Demo Castro 1
auge.jpg           pix/art     18K   0 Picture called "In the eye of the observer" 
aquiz01.jpg        pix/henz   236K   0 Amiga Quizshow
aquiz02.jpg        pix/henz   397K   0 Amiga Quizshow
aquiz03.jpg        pix/henz   250K   0 Amiga Quizshow
MyBVisionWB2.jpg   pix/wb     252K   0 A screenshot of my WB...please check it out=) 
BTopaz.lha         text/bfont   9K   0 Bulgarian kirilized Topaz font + Keymap
html-php.lha       text/edit   22K   0 Extended HTML,PHP,JavaScript,JSP parser
Epson_400.lha      text/print  40K   0 Epson Stylus 400/440/460 Driver for WB V40.21
SubStr.lha         util/cli     7K   0 Returns a substring from a given string
wavdt41.lha        util/dtype  17K   0 Datatype for wave sounds 68k+WOS (41.7a)
1200module.lha     util/moni    6K   0 A1200/060 Voodoo3 3000 Sysspeed Test module
DOSTrace213.lha    util/moni   24K   0 SnoopDOS-like System Monitor      V2.13
DefComp.lha        util/wb     26K   0 Popup menu program selection for DefIcon
Image2Icon.lha     util/wb     56K   0 Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.16a)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Wilps on ANF

Beta 3 of the exec.library 44.1 Published
Harry "Piru" Sintonen has released the third beta version of 'his' exec.library for download on his homepage. Besides bugfixes the library contains many optimizations, too.

Download: exec44_1_beta3.lha

[News message: 03. Mar. 2001, 05:23] [Comments: 0]
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GlowIcon toolbar for ArtEffect 4
The IconDesigners Thomas Peterseim, Oliver Tacke and Heinz Andreolla have made available their version of a toolbar for ArtEffect 4.0 for download at the title link.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 22:32] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens via E-Mail

New AMIGA Merchandising Products
AMIGA has some new merchandising articles. There are now CD holders, Amiga mugs and stainless steel coffee mugs with top.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 21:34] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze on ANF

stormamiga.lib V.45.00 alpha 5 for SAS/C
For registered beta testers, there's a new version of the stormamiga.lib which contains many small but not unimportant improvements. Here a short overview of the most important changes:
  • support for MC68881/82.
  • the functions atan2, cot and pow2 were added; now all math functions of SAS/C are replaced.
  • all functions can now be collected in one code hunk.
  • some optimizations and bugfixes.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 21:14] [Comments: 0]
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Press Release: "Free Amiga Jobs" Conversion
Cologne/Erkrath, Germany, 02-Mär-2001 - In April 2000, Free Amiga Jobs, the online job market especially for the Amiga market, was founded by and AMIGAplus. During its existence, more than 50 employees were placed with firms and thus many new Amiga projects brought forward.

On March 1st, 2001, Free Amiga Jobs was restructured and equipped with a powerful database. Employers can now submit their job offers online, while employees can search for a job by several criteria. Of course it can still be used for free by both employers and employees.

'Free Amiga Jobs' can be reached on the internet directly at the URL or from the website or

More information:
Nico Barbat E-mail:

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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Philippe Bourdin (author) on ANF

New Syntax Parser for GoldED Studio 6
A new syntax parser for GoldED Studio 6 is available for download at the title link.

The syntax parser is based on Dietmar Eilert's source code. Some bugs were fixed and new functions were added:
  • recognition of script tags: PHP, ASP, JSP and Java-Script
  • within those, the program code is displayed similar to C/C++ (special characters, strings, brackets and program blocks are highlighted).
Hints on the installation and an example are in the archive which can be downloaded at the title link.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via E-Mail

Airsoft Softwair Homepage News
The Airsoft Softwair Homepage can be reached now under too. The web site provides information about all Airsoft Softwair programs as well as information about the first CD-ROM "The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition". Of course the "old" URL is still valid.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer via E-Mail

VWP News
AudioCutter Cinema preview V 0.99 (Linux and Windows)
The preview version 0.99 of the AudioCutter Cinema can now be downloaded for free at In addition to bugfixes and improvements of the effects, it features a newer, much faster Surround Render Engine version 0.75. Further, it is now possible to save projects in AIFF track format in the unregistered demo version.

Imperium Terranum 2 for WinUAE
A special, self-extracting archive of the popular game Imperium Terranum 2 is now available at and can be downloaded directly at This package requires the Amiga emulator WinUAE and can be extracted directly into a Windows directory which is used by WinUAE as Amiga harddisk.

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 12:07] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Golem: IBM Presents Faster, Less Power Consuming PowerPC Processor
»PowerPC 750CXe promises more power with less power consumption
With the PowerPC embedded processor 750CXe, IBM present a new processor. The chip manufactured in IBM's 0,18 micron copper process, will be available between 400 and 700 MHz.
The PowerPC-750CXe micro processor comes with 256K on-chip L2 cache and is supposed to be used in miscellaneous devices as routers, modems, digital TV boxes, laser printers, optical switches, RAID controllers but also PC's.«

More news on the topic:
The Register
Toms Hardware

[News message: 02. Mar. 2001, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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Ray McCarthy via E-Mail

Kicksoft: DrawStudio 2 Winner Determined
Kicksoft Ltd. determined the winner of the recent competition and thanks all of the participants. Other competitions are to follow.

The winner of DrawStudio 2 is George Albanidis from Greece.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 23:41] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Caricature Online: So that was clear....

Walls are tottering in America, users are shivering here. Fortunately nothing happened for it could have been more bad....

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 23:07] [Comments: 0]
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Platow News

Metabox - And Proceedings yet Up
»As the news agency Reuters learned from the economy criminal case department of the prosecutor office of Hannover, Germany, there are preliminary proceedings concerning suspicion of manipulation of stock quotations and investment imposture against each of the three members of board of directors at the Metabox AG. Since end of year in Niedersachsen, Germany, it's beeing inspected if the crew of leaders at Metabox could be prosecuted for insider deals and manipulation of stock quotations. Still in the morning the company threatened to sue for libel a stock-letter because of reporting about such proceedings.«

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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alt.WoA Report by Fleecy Moss
Fleecy Moss (Amiga, Inc.) has posted an alt.WoA report.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 18:04] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - AmigaKonto full version
By authority of Adreas Regul the program AmigaKonto is ready for free download. AmigaKonto was developed for management of accounts. Especially for bank giro accounts with many movements one quickly forfeits summary in verifying recurrent money transfers. Therefore AmigaKonto first of all serves as a special kind of database for managing the different transfer orders. By various selection and statistic functions then it is possible to address single positions well directed.

Full benefit is to achieve in collecting account data over several years to have comparison values at hand enabling you to get a quick summary by use of the selection functions.

Amiga Arena - Toadies Survey supplement
Participation in the survey to develop a computer rival for Toadies is without engagement. With Toadies belonging to the "most downloads" of Aminet in mind, I'm very disappointed about the results of participation, so far.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 17:31] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VirusHelp Denmark Survey Results
VirusHelp Denmark asked their readers for the mostly used anti-virus program. Here are the survey's results:

Rank  Program          Votes    Percentage
1.    VirusZ            79       32%
2.    VirusChecker II   69       28%
3.    VT-Schutz         55       22%
4.    VirusExecutor     39       16%
5.    VirusWorkshop      5        2%
6.    Other programs     3        1%
7.    ZeroVirus          0        0%
8.    Xtruder            0        0%
9.    VirusSlayer        0        0%
10.   BootX              0        0%
Supplement 02 March 2001: Yesterday VirusHelp Denmark started a new survey asking the people to estimate how many different viruses are known for the Amiga system. Results will be announced on April 4th, 2001.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Support via E-Mail

Elbox: MediatorUP 1.8
The Mediator PCI-busborad driver MediatorUP v1.8 is available for registered users.

Furthermore Elbox Computer say thank you to all of the participants in the hardware configuration survey.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute (BAUD) on ANF

Earthquake in Seattle
Last night an earthquake with the strength of 6.8 happened to Northwest USA. Seattle was affected particular; the news are talking about one event of death and several people got hurt.

Best wishes to Snoqualmie (30 miles away from Seattle); I hope everybody at Amiga Inc. rode out this night and that there is no large loss.

Supplement 02 March 2001 On an e-mail from us Gary Peake from Amiga, Inc.replied:
Everything is lovely here. The building shook pretty good for about 30 seconds but no loss of life anywhere in Washington State and not a lot of physical damage except to older buildings in bad need of repair. The news media made it sound much worse than it really was or could have been.
Thanks for asking about us!

Gary Peake
Director - Developer Relations and Support
Amiga Inc.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 11:11] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Terstiege on ANF

BattleDuel now Freeware!
The popular shareware game BattleDuel is freeware from today.

All of the features are enabled and all of the background graphics are part of the archive now to be downloaded from the BattleDuel homepage (title link).

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 05:14] [Comments: 0]
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