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Martin Baute (BAUD) on ANF

Earthquake in Seattle
Last night an earthquake with the strength of 6.8 happened to Northwest USA. Seattle was affected particular; the news are talking about one event of death and several people got hurt.

Best wishes to Snoqualmie (30 miles away from Seattle); I hope everybody at Amiga Inc. rode out this night and that there is no large loss.

Supplement 02 March 2001 On an e-mail from us Gary Peake from Amiga, Inc.replied:
Everything is lovely here. The building shook pretty good for about 30 seconds but no loss of life anywhere in Washington State and not a lot of physical damage except to older buildings in bad need of repair. The news media made it sound much worse than it really was or could have been.
Thanks for asking about us!

Gary Peake
Director - Developer Relations and Support
Amiga Inc.

[News message: 01. Mar. 2001, 11:11] [Comments: 0]
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