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Stefan Blixth via E-Mail

OnyxSoft News
New version : DECH (Version 1.38)
Information : - Removed "Stack of executed programs" and
                replaced it with "Stack of the compiler".
New version : Detris (Version 3.1)
Information : - A lot of changes and added features,
                mouse/joystick can be used to control the
              - Two new draw methods for the background etc.
New version : DRemind (Version 1.57)
Information : - Removed a longstanding Enforcer hit.
New version : MultiRen (Version 1.44)
Information : - Fixed the MP3-Info plugin (returned wrong
              - Enable what entry the program will sort
                (secondly) by.
New version : QuickNote (Version 1.4a)
Information : - Fixed the enforcer hits that was
                introduced in 1.4,
                Thanks to Luca "Hexaae" Longone and
                Stefan Ruppert...
New version : TheMPegEncGUI (Version 2.07)
Information : - Added some options for BladeEnc.
              - Moved the encoder paths to make the GUI

[News message: 12. Mar. 2001, 23:45] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
CygnusEd Professional 4.21 for MorphOS
There are a minor update for CygnusED available at the MorphOS-Website. The official CygnusED4 CD-ROM is recommended for this update. Download: ced_mos_ppc-upd421a.lha

WBStartEmu Version 45.1d
Stephan Rupprecht released version 45.1d of his wbstart.library for OS3.9. Download: WBStartEmu.lha

Randomizer for the Workbench-background
Stephan Rupprecht released version 39.9 of 'random wbpattern picture selector'. Download: rndwbpix.lha

[News message: 12. Mar. 2001, 14:51] [Comments: 0]
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New Products for ImageFX by LegacyMaker Inc.
Legacy Maker, Inc. released a tutorial-video named Catalyzer Vol. 3 for ImageFX version 4.0. The video deals with layers, scaning, printing, animation and FXForge.

Version 2 of the Motion Control Plugin PanCanvas, for ImageFX were released.

"PanCanvas 2 lets you take a large image in ImageFX and move a virtual camera over it. You end up with an astonishingly smooth documentary-style animation.
You can output frames, anims, FlyerClips, and even Jstreams for the Broadcaster Elite. The virtual camera can zoom in and out, accelerate and decelerate, and move along a spline curve. You can add motion blur, render fields for video, and run macros on each frame before saving in a variety of formats."

Legacy Maker, Inc. will exhibit at the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis.

[News message: 12. Mar. 2001, 13:32] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld at ANF

isdnsurfer.device V1.942 Released
Few weeks ago a new programmer took over the work at the ISDN-software and ported the source to a new compiler. Because we could not find any bug in this new version we decided to release it as a public test version but there are no new features or bugfixes.

Download: isdndev.lha

[News message: 12. Mar. 2001, 00:28] [Comments: 0]
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AmiSource on ANF

Finally Fresh Explosives: dynAMIte is Ready
At the Cologne 'World of Amiga' the AmiSource-Crew had already spread a free preview version of the new network Bomberman clone 'dynAMIte'. Now, three months later, the game is ready and is downloadable as freeware exclusively from the AmiSource website.

French and English documentations are included while the single player mode desired by Petra didn't make it.

Download, log-in and take pleasure in the game. And all for free.

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
Frank Wille has made version 0.8f of his PPC library emulation ppclibemu available for download. Download: ppclibemu.lzx

HP Deskjet 870C driver
On Peter's Amiga Page you can find a new printer driver version 40.13 for the printer HP Deskjet 870C. Download: HP_Deskjet870C.lha

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 18:49] [Comments: 0]
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Gunter Hinrichsen on ANF

New Version of HTMLread
A new version of HTMLread (v1.1) can be downloaded from the support page.

HTMLread is an extension for YAM. YAM is a wonderful mailer, but not capable of displaying e-mails written in HTML code as like as sent by Netscape, Eudora or Outlook. HTMLread discovers, converts and sends these e-mails to a HTML viewer.

Some changes were made in the new version:
  • HTML parser rewritten (faster, more compatible, , full «base» tag support),
  • Problems with blank characters in the name fixed.
  • New GIF for condition.
  • Better error handling.
  • HTMLreadPrefs rewritten (now with MUI GUI)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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Gary Peake via E-Mail

AMIGA Inc.: New PDA Projects
As already reported on, Amiga Inc. is organizing a project for programming software for PDAs. People who want to take part in this project as programmers may announce himself/herself via this page.

Amiga already has contact with companies who like to use the AmigaDE software on their appliances. In this context Gary Peake, director for development and support at Amiga Inc., wrote the following on AMIOPEN mailing list:

We have spent considerable time talking with a company who likes what they see of the Amiga content thus far. They will not be announced until St Louis, but we all know that development needs lead time.

This company has some PDA models coming out real soon now and we have sold them on letting Amiga developers produce their content.

This content will be sold via a web portal and all certification and runnability testing will happen here at Amiga Inc for logistic reasons.

Specs are as follows for two separate units:

Screen Size: 240x320, 65k color3.5" reflective-TFT

Screen Size: 176x220, 65kcolor, 3" reflective-TFT

Both units will be able to handle up to 500k games and applications. Due to CPU speed limitations, code must be tight and efficient as always. This customer prefers VP coding, but won't pass on C, C++, or Java apps.

Examples of content needed:

Hoyle type card games
PokeYman derivatives
No X rated content!

I am sure they would welcome any freeware content, but they are mainly looking for commercial quality content. Details on how the system will work will be released shortly to those who respond to this email.
If you are seriously interested in producing PDA content please send me an email to
You MUST be under NDA AND be a registered Amiga developer before I can release any further information to you so make sure you have a valid NDA on file.

If you have not yet registered and you have a copy of our SDK, please go to and register as a developer.

If you do not have a valid NDA with us, simply look at under the "legal" menu, grab a copy of the NDA and get it mailed back or faxed back ASAP. Address and fax number is on the NDA.

Only serious need respond as we will be on a tight schedule to meet the first delivery date.

This may be cross posted to Amiga news web sites and other lists.

Gary Peake
Director - Developer Relations and Support
Amiga Inc.

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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New Development System for PDA Games for the AmigaDE
Ast, by the makers of KDP, is a new PDA game for AmigaDE. The game uses the gm-Engine to give developers easy access to the basic functions necessary for games developement for PDAs.

The release of Ast and gm is still long in coming. But for the meantime there's a picture of an Ast beta version. This imgae was taken before the final graphics set was added.

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schoelzel on ANF

Wordworth Developments
Unfortunately development of Wordworth for the AMIGA has ceased several time ago. The last version 7 indeed contains many features, but also lacks of things like for example a JPEG filter. So you have to convert the wanted JPEG graphic for now into IFF or another format Wordworth supports using a separate program. Another thing completely missing is PPC (WOS) support.

I'd like to call programmers among other things working with Wordworth to program the missing things (I'm mainly about the JPEG filter). Provided that I'd have the needed development tools, compilers etc., and a supporting (teaching!) programmer, I'd do it myself.

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 15:04] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

OS 3.9 FAQ Update Version 1.4
Greg Donner has updated the following parts of his official OS3.9 FAQ (Version 1.4):

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 14:59] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kuerzinger via E-Mail

AKIconzGold Update
5 days after the latest update there's again one due.: On my homepage can be found the third (and probably the last) "homepage only" preview of the AKIconzGold. There are almost 40 new icons. Additionally the ReadMe was extended by an important part regarding the installation in which the setting of the correct color palette is described that is necessary to display the icons as wanted.

The setting of this color palette gives some more advantages: All icons, no matter whether MagicWB (8 colors), RomIcons (16 colors, often to be found with the installers of WHDLoad and jst) or just the AKIconzGold (and also the similar BNSMWBicons) have always the right colors with this setting. And NewIcons, too, manage with this palette, and even GlowIcons do look relatively appealing on a 32 colors screen!
People who don't want to restrict themselves to one "kind" of icons but want to have the correct color settings for almost all icons should set this palette!

Besides, all sites of the homepage were recreated. Although less the design but especially the colors were chosen completely new. This looks, in my opinion, much better (and is much better matching the homepage title ;-)).

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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Ignatios Souvatzis via E-Mail

NetBSD/Amiga IOblix - Driver Change
The NetBSD/Amiga - IOBlix-Zbus driver was changed in a way that the quartz frequency is changeable via the kernel variable _iobzclock (with binpatch and reboot) or via the kernel option IOBZCLOCK.

Newer IOBlix cards use a 22.1184MHz quartz that allows more standard baud rates, older ones on the other hand use a 24MHz quartz. Owners of a 24MHz quartz need to set _iobzclock or IOBZCLOCK to 24000000.

Besides this, iobl* at zbus? is now included in the GENERIC configuration.

NetBSD-current testers are asked for review reports, also about the parallel interface. Details about the availability of source code etc. can be found at:

NetBSD in general
NetBSD on Amiga hardware

[News message: 11. Mar. 2001, 13:52] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
At OnyxSoft version 1.4 of QuickNote has been released. As it's name already suggests this program is a virtual notepad. Download: quicknote.lha

Tales of Tamar
For registered users of the online strategy game Tales of Tamar the new version 0.10 for Atari and v0.33_R6 for Amiga with bugfixed trading and further bugs fixed are available for download.

[News message: 10. Mar. 2001, 15:49] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox via E-Mail

FastATA Version 2.4 Released
FastATA v.2.4 is a common version of software designed for:
  • FastATA 4000 Controller (A4000 Power Flyer) for A4000, A3000 or A1200 with ZORRO III busboard,
  • FastATA ZIV Controller (A1200 ZIV Power Flyer) for A1200 with ZIV busboard.

New in this release:
FastATA software version 2.4 improves HDD reading procedures and the bug in nosplit disk identification process, which could make difficult the change of the way of HDD installation (SPLIT/NOSPLIT), was fixed.

[News message: 10. Mar. 2001, 07:11] [Comments: 0]
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Mennosto via E-Mail

PC MP3-Player 'Sonique' Planned for AmigaDE
Sonique is an audio player often used on PCs. According to the current Sonique newsletter it is planned to port version 2 - which is under development at the time being - to as much platforms as possible. The interesting thing in this is the AmigaDE being mentioned, too. Further details can be taken form the Sonique 2 FAQ.

This is from the Sonique newsletter, (sonique as you may
know is a rather good MP3-player on the PC)



As promised, this issue is a special update on the
current state of Sonique 2.  Things are progressing
very well and we're wetting ourselves several times
a day from sheer excitement. We have to keep the
entire office covered in plastic.  We've got webvan
delivering rubber pants and huggies directly to our
workstations. Yup, Sonique 2 is really that cool.

(stuff about sonique 2 deleted)


You are probably wondering just what this Sonique 2
thing is really all about.  How is it different than
Sonique 1?  Why should you even care?  Well, first
off, let's talk about the number 2.  The "2" in
Sonique 2 is really less about Sonique VERSION 2.0
and more about Sonique 2, THE SEQUEL.  Sonique 2 is
not just another upgrade of the same old tired software.
No No NO! Sonique 2 is completely different.  Sonique 2
has been in development for over 2 years and shares almost
no code with Sonique 1.  It is based on entirely new
ultra-swoobtastic(tm) technology.  Audio system,
GUI engine, Skinning system, plugin architecture,
visual system, all sparkling new!  Even has that great
"new software" smell.


Sonique 2 is based on some very nifty technology that
Andrew, Nicholas, and the rest of the Sonique coders
have been developing for the last year called MANTIS.
MANTIS serves two important functions: First, it separates
GUI design from application development, allowing designers
and programmers to work separately on the same app, freeing
designers from the need to program and programmers from the
the need to do GUI design (they hate that).  Second, it
provides an extremely powerful environment for creating and
operating real-time GUI interfaces.  Animation, effects,
layering, font rendering, menu systems, and just about
everything else are handled by MANTIS, giving the GUI
designer supreme control over the look and feel of their
app.  Want to make a fully animated semi-transparent free
floating dockable custom menu with flames shooting out of it?
Want it in 200 languages? MANTIS can do that for you...


MANTIS is not the only booty-slappin' body rockin' trick up
our sleeve.  There's also the new audio system.  It features
24 bit audio (just like professional studio gear), support
for DSP effects chains, can easily handle just about any file
format, and is faster than fast.

The plugin system is flexible and powerful.  There are
really no limitations to what you can do.  Plugins can take
advantage of MANTIS and integrate seamlessly. We expect a lot
of really interesting plugins to be developed for Sonique 2.

This is going to be amazing...

(stuff about skins removed)


Sonique 2 is very portable.  We designed it to be from the

Expect Sonique 2 for Windows 9x, ME, NT4, 2K, XP as well as
Mac OSX,

Linux, BeOS, and AmigaDE


Yes, Sonique 1.x Skins and Visuals will work with Sonique 2..


If you have questions about Sonique 2, ask them in the forum
We will go through the threads in the forum every so often
and move common questions onto the FAQ.

The answers that you seek are often available from other users
or Team Sonique members themselves.  We prefer communicating
in the forum to receiving tons of email.  We get enough email
as it is.


Sonique 2 is something everyone at Team Sonique cares about
deeply.  We're sure that you are going to love it.  We
certainly do...


If you have business related questions about Mantis or Sonique2,
please contact our business development staff at 0000,8000,0000 or call 415-276-3940.

I hope this is of intrest to you,

Bye M Stormink.

[News message: 10. Mar. 2001, 02:53] [Comments: 0]
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