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Jürgen Reinert by eMail

Product info: ViperTools version 1.0
Jürgen Reinert writes:
Status: Freeware
Short: installing the ISDN DataBox "Speed Viper"
  • changing presets (locale, MSN etc.)
  • showing and resetting fee counters
  • resetting to factory presets
  • loading new firmware to DataBox

  • GUI
  • does work without MUI
  • comfortable choosing of serial port
  • supports 300 to 115200 Baud

  • Amiga with AmigaOS 3.0+
  • DataBox "Speed Viper"
  • hard drive

[News message: 14. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer by eMail

New version Aimcik 0.7 Beta 5
Download: Aimcik.lha (ps)

[News message: 14. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steve Darksun by eMail

RefTools! pages closed down
Steve Darksun writes:
Sad but true. The RefTools! pages have been closed down due to lack of interest from the sponsor. Read the title link. (ps)

[News message: 14. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Cartoon: The dark times are over

(td) (Translation: td)

[News message: 14. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by eMail

New VirusWarning.Guide version 2.8
Name: VirusWarning.Guide
Version: v2.8
Archive name: vht-vg28.lha
Archive size: 81,591 bytes
Date: August 14th, 1999
Author: Virus Help Denmark (ps)

[News message: 14. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst by eMail

New prelude.library version 4.52
Patrick Beerhorst writes:
New prelude.library V4.52 at the A.C.T. homepage. The new version fixes several bugs concerning the Rombler module for the Prelude ZII. Download: PrlLib452.lha. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

unIQue is looking for excellent musicians and 2D/3D graphic artists
unIQue is looking for excellent musicians and 2D/3D graphic artists for the shoot'em'up game ACSYS. Candidates can contact The development status indicator is at 25%. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Zimmermann by eMail

AWeb 3.3 to be released in a few weeks
Latest info by AmiTrix concerning AWeb 3.3:
On August 12th, William Parker replied to the question when AWeb 3.3 is scheduled for release:
AWeb 3.3 is almost done and we will be releasing it in a few weeks. Free to AWeb 3.x owners. Thanks for your patience. Bill (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Werner by eMail

Macromedia wish list for Dreamweaver, IBM opens PowerPC design
Stefan Werner writes:
This news I found at, but it should be interesting for Amiga users, too:
Macromedia Wish List for Dreamwaver
Macromedia Wish Lists
Macromedia (creators of Dreamweaver, a WYSIWYG HTML editor and Flash, the industry standard web plug-in, among others) have two wishlists up at the moment for future release features. If you would like to see BeOS ports of these products, let them know! -snip-
An Amiga version of the two programs wouldn't be bad either, would it? I, for one, work with Dreamweaver for Windows professionally, and IMHO Dreamweaver is the best HTML editor there is!

IBM Opens PowerPC Design to Apple Rivals
Yves Crevecoeur found on MacWeek this news brief that discusses IBM's action to open the PowerPC platform. These machines will not run MacOS, however they will run Linux PowerPC and, we hope one day, BeOS. This newly opened design with a 450Mhz G3 (aka. PowerPC 750) was shown in the IBM booth at Linux World Expo. Systems using this design should begin shipping in Q1 2000 at earliest, no OEMs have (of yet) jumped on board the PowerPC Bandwagon says IBM. -snip-

This sounds quite like the Pios One, doesn't it? It would be interesting for sure to see the P5-QNX running on this box, with boot menu for Linux and BeOS :-) (ps) (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Roman Schmid by eMail

Tornado3D user-site online!
Roman Schmid writes:
Here you find: tutorials, textures, objects, materials etc. for download. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Titan Computer

Titan RC5 team delivered over 1 million keys :-)
With this, Titan Computer now takes 1st place in the Hall of Fame. Congratulations!
The online order page of Titan Computer is now functional. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaNation and AUGS present Amiga meeting in Zürich
On Saturday, September 4th, starting 2:00 PM, swiss Amiga users are meeting in the buildings of the ISP EUnet near Stauffacher in Zürich. AmigaNation together with AUGS is hosting a little meeting where Amiga users from the region can meet and get to know each other, exchange experiences or simply chatting. This meeting is schdeuled to become a regular, alike to the AUGS meetings in Wil and Basel. More information at the title link. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Future Zone

New security hole in internet protocol
Future Zone writes:
Windows 95, 98, 2000, SunOS and Solaris affected | hackers can read all outgoing data | MS says internet protocol to blame. Full article at the title link. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Lorenz by eMail

Fusion Preorder has to improve
Thomas Lorenz writes:
Source: Fusion-Mailinglist
At Blittersoft only 200 users have changed their "statement of interest" in FusionPPC into a "real" preorder. The preorders can be placed at the title link.
Since the given deadline of 60 days for project realisation to availability will only start when 500 real orders (level 2) are collected, all who stated their interest, and all who would like to see FusionPPC come true, should order at Blittersoft ASAP. Blittersoft has taken over managing the preorders, so this is the only place you should turn to for a preorder (and not directly to Microcode-Solutions).
Orders can be placed by snail mail, too; Blittersoft accepts EuroCheques. For other ways of payment contact Blittersoft by eMail. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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13.Aug.1999 celebrates 1st anniversary
We have grown up and learned running. Yes, parents among you will know that babies usually learn running with 13-14 months, but we are of the quick type :-). Meanwhile consists of a team of nine, all of which are working on the news enthusiastically and with fun. We have learned much this year, some ideas are implemented, others are waiting under the desk. Until we get "adult", there will surely be many news coming your way, in both meanings of the word.
For the statisticans among you, some data:
On August 13th, 1998, the first news was posted: "CU Amiga Magazine cancelled". Back then we had a great 200 readers per month. September 98 they were 1000, October 98 1800, November 98 2700, in December 98 5400, January 99 11,000, February 99 16,500, in March 99 even 23,900, in April 99 again a great increase to 31,900, in May 99 36,800, in June 99 37,200, in July 99 47,000, and this month we will surely reach 50,000 readers :-) We are very excited about this success, and will keep pressing it.
On this opportunity, we want to say a global thank you to all who contributed to this site one way or another. Special thanks goes to all the other news services; without them, collecting the news would be much harder. We are also very thankful to all the attentive Amiga users and developers supplying us with news by eMail.
We would be very happy about birthday greetings in our guestbook :-). (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Linux Ticker

LinuxPPCs CrackThisBox contest over
Linux Ticker writes:
The contest to crack to win the machine is over, without anybody managing to crack the box. The reason given by the maintainer is (among others) that simply too much bandwith was wasted, and some people tried to crack systems of the ISP and its other customers. (Full article at the title link.) (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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QNX: QNX Neutrino® RTOS Documentation
QNX Neutrino® RTOS Documentation. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Central

First CD from Jogeir Liljedahl released
Jogeir Liljedahl, possibly the best known Amiga MOD musician, has released his first music CD. Jogeir has composed e.g. Guitar Slinger. Download: GuitarSlinger.lha (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

X-Arc beta version 1.4 beta 1 released
Registered users can test this beta version. A version for NC2- and Demo-users is not available. Download: X-Arc1_4beta1.lzx. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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CGXVideo.library Update Version 41.12 (V3)
Download: cgxvideo4112.lha (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Lübkemeier by eMail

clickBOOM News
Rainer Lübkemeier writes:
At the GO-section of the clickBOOM portal, an update (360 kB) for T-Zer0 is available (v1.01). It should remove the audio problems with the IDEfix. Moreover, there is an update for the manual. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel by eMail

New Play16 (Eclipse Edition)
Thomas Wenzel writes:
While porting my audio software to 24-bit, the first thing to do was the ages-since-last-updated Play16. The new version 1.9, which has been completed yesterday, can now process 24-bit AIFF data. The playback, however, is still 16-bit. Next is an AHI-Record and AmigaAMP, and of course the AHI driver for the Prelude. As soon as the digital interface is available, the full resolution can be used with the appropriate equipment (external 24-bit converter). Play16 is available from (title link), and soon from Aminet. Aside from the expanded AIFF support, nothing much has changed however. There are more detailed error reports if you try to play back unsupported formats or compressions, and that's it. Please don't bombard me with eMails, what else weird features I should be implementing, I have no time for it :) I consider the project closed, and do only detail refining. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz by eMail

AminetGUI updated
Alexander Kurtz writes:
My AminetGUI has been updated. I now added a new link area. Aside from little improvements of the design, the most important change is that the GUI now has a mirror. It can now be reached at:
Mirror 1:
Morror 2:
If anybody has ideas or suggestions, please contact
Mirror 1 is having troubles, but this will be resolved ASAP. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Paul Nolan

Again new update for Photogenics version 4.1 release 57
The old update program did have troubles with very old versions of Photogenics 4.0. The again reworked update is now online (download Update57.lha) including the reworked update-program, or Update.lha for older revisions of Photogenics 4.0. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The World Foundry [News]

Maim & Mangle goes 3D hardware only
To really get the most out of Maim & Mangle, a "high spec" Amiga is required. Too many features are simply invisible without 3D hardware. So, we desided to support M&M for Amigas with 3D hardware only. The 68k version requires an 060. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steward Walker by eMail

Digital Images website updated
Steward Walker writes:
The website of Digital Images has been updated.
The URL of the website will change shortly. We will inform you.
New infos about Wipeout 2097 and Space Station 3000 are available. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll by eMail

GAUHPIL Press Release
Dietmar Knoll writes:
The G.A.U.H.P.I.L. is five years online!
August 12th, 1999, Göttingen, Germany: Dietmar Knoll announces the fifth online anniversary of the Geographical Amiga User Home Page Internet List (GAUHPIL).
The GAUHPIL is a moderated list of private Amiga users homepages. It was created in 1994. Today, a major update has been released. The list now contains 785 private homepages of Amiga users in 33 countries on six continents!
Since July, there is a cooperation between the GAUHPIL, the Amiga Head Count by Stefan Instinske and the Amiga User List by Stefan Martens. The adresses can be found on the German pages.
All Amiga users are wellcome to send infos about their private homepages, so they can be added to the list. Please consider putting a link on your site, to bring attention to this service! (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga getting more and more media coverage
Heiko Krappmann writes:
In the issue of PC-Praxis before the last one, there has been an article about AmigaOS 3.5. The report was about technical details and the release date. The MCC was mentioned briefly, too.
The latest issue of the PC-Joker printed a small article about our Amiga, too, sounding like this: "Did you already know that Amiga is to release a new computer with Linux, appearing this year?"
At Giga, Michael Labiner stated once that they would possibly switch to Amiga if there would be enough games to fill an issue. The video is available from PC-Joker, issue 7/99, MPEG format. Also many VIPs are "coming out" as Amiga fans, like Oliver Kahn (German soccer pro) at Giga. He said he had an Amiga once, and is missing it :-).

Rudi Rager writes:
In the August issue of the P.M. magazine, our Amiga is mentioned twice in the scope of a raytracing special.
Quote: "Oberland Computer now offers the made-in-Germany monzoom 3d for Windows, originally developed for the legendary Amiga computer." Further down the text, it reads: "One of the dream applications for pros, Cinema4D, developed by Maxon Computer also originally for the Amiga, is now available as an entry version."
The article starts on page 88, the Amiga is mentioned p.90f. Speaking for myself, I am very happy about little things like this :-).

Dirk Baeyens found the following article from Gateway to bring back Amiga.

More articles can be found on the Linux Special Page, where we collected all interesting articles about AMigaNG/Linux/QNX sorted chronologically (Wall Street Journal,,, FutureZone, Computerwoche etc.). (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Now it's official, Urban!
Rüdiger Engel did mention it in his WoA-report, but now clickBOOM has officially announced the winners, and who is listed as the best gamer? Our "Mr. Aminet" Urban Müller himself. Urban is awarded clickBOOM games for a lifetime, including all past and future titles. Sarcastically, clickBOOM adds that now everybody knows what Urban is doing when the Aminet is down again, or the last CD is delayed ;-).
Runner-ups are Jamie Sheralt, who won the MicroniK Infinitiv-tower including Phase5 CV64/3D, Luke Stowe and Daniel Platt. Congratulations. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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