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Fun Time World

Now it's official, Urban!
Rüdiger Engel did mention it in his WoA-report, but now clickBOOM has officially announced the winners, and who is listed as the best gamer? Our "Mr. Aminet" Urban Müller himself. Urban is awarded clickBOOM games for a lifetime, including all past and future titles. Sarcastically, clickBOOM adds that now everybody knows what Urban is doing when the Aminet is down again, or the last CD is delayed ;-).
Runner-ups are Jamie Sheralt, who won the MicroniK Infinitiv-tower including Phase5 CV64/3D, Luke Stowe and Daniel Platt. Congratulations. (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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