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Thomas Lorenz by eMail

Fusion Preorder has to improve
Thomas Lorenz writes:
Source: Fusion-Mailinglist
At Blittersoft only 200 users have changed their "statement of interest" in FusionPPC into a "real" preorder. The preorders can be placed at the title link.
Since the given deadline of 60 days for project realisation to availability will only start when 500 real orders (level 2) are collected, all who stated their interest, and all who would like to see FusionPPC come true, should order at Blittersoft ASAP. Blittersoft has taken over managing the preorders, so this is the only place you should turn to for a preorder (and not directly to Microcode-Solutions).
Orders can be placed by snail mail, too; Blittersoft accepts EuroCheques. For other ways of payment contact Blittersoft by eMail. (ps)

[News message: 13. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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