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Amiga getting more and more media coverage
Heiko Krappmann writes:
In the issue of PC-Praxis before the last one, there has been an article about AmigaOS 3.5. The report was about technical details and the release date. The MCC was mentioned briefly, too.
The latest issue of the PC-Joker printed a small article about our Amiga, too, sounding like this: "Did you already know that Amiga is to release a new computer with Linux, appearing this year?"
At Giga, Michael Labiner stated once that they would possibly switch to Amiga if there would be enough games to fill an issue. The video is available from PC-Joker, issue 7/99, MPEG format. Also many VIPs are "coming out" as Amiga fans, like Oliver Kahn (German soccer pro) at Giga. He said he had an Amiga once, and is missing it :-).

Rudi Rager writes:
In the August issue of the P.M. magazine, our Amiga is mentioned twice in the scope of a raytracing special.
Quote: "Oberland Computer now offers the made-in-Germany monzoom 3d for Windows, originally developed for the legendary Amiga computer." Further down the text, it reads: "One of the dream applications for pros, Cinema4D, developed by Maxon Computer also originally for the Amiga, is now available as an entry version."
The article starts on page 88, the Amiga is mentioned p.90f. Speaking for myself, I am very happy about little things like this :-).

Dirk Baeyens found the following article from Gateway to bring back Amiga.

More articles can be found on the Linux Special Page, where we collected all interesting articles about AMigaNG/Linux/QNX sorted chronologically (Wall Street Journal,,, FutureZone, Computerwoche etc.). (ps)

[News message: 12. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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