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Haage & Partner

H&P: New Overview and Search Site
The service of H&P is improving more and more and therefore it is difficult to find the wanted sites. H&P now has created an overview and search site.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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clickBOOM S-File #5 Online
Nightlong (68k und PPC-version) is near to be finished. The covers are printed, the final tests are about to be done and as soon as Nightlong was enabled the master-CD can be created and the production can be started.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik via eMail

Amiga Arena news
Amiga Arena CD Rom Update!
For those who have got the Amiga Arena CD-ROM edition there is a keyfile for Imperium Terranum 2 for download. With the keyfile which is registered to "Amiga Arena User" the demoversion on the cd can be changed into a full version of IT2.

The keyfile version of IT2 is not freeware. Forwarding of the IT2 keyfile version is not allowed. It is just allowed to forward the IT2 archive which is free for download. The Amiga Arena CD-ROM version is available with the next edition.

Amiga Arena interview campaign!
New interviews with Pascal G. (TextLoader) and Thomas W. (AmigaAMP) online!

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

Amiga Future interview with Epic germany
Right in this moment on the homepage of Amiga Future in the "Aktion" section an interview with Epic Marketing Deutschland was published (German). Among other things in this interview Epic is talking about estimated release dates of thier current projects (Simon the Sorcerer 2 within this month, Dafel Bloodline and Earth 2140 not before October) and about their point of view on Amiga. Epic is comlaining about the big amount of piracy copies, too.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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DelfInit Version 2.1 Released
The utility for initiating the Delfina soundcard was updated and was now released as version 2.1. New: The program recognizes the Delfina Plus which formerly was done as Delfina Lite+, instead of the intern memory it is now shown the extern one.

Download: DelfInit.lha - 40 KB

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Moo Bunny Forum

Moo Bunny Forum: AmiWest Reports
In the forum of Moo Bunny some users have posted several interesting AmiWest 2000 show reports.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Set Up of SDK and AmigaOne Webcircle
Marco Frischkorn is thinking about to set up a link collection/webcircle for the Amiga SDK and AmigaOne. Those of you who have news, reports, tutorials, webpages etc. on this topic at hand would send this matter via email to Marco. Existing webpages will be linked by Webring, if needed all other things will get hosted. Why all this? Did you ever tried to get informtion about SDK?

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martina Jacobs on ANF

Amster version 0.7a Released
The Amiga Napster client "Amster" as version 0.7a is now available at Aminet. Napster is a project for sharing MP3 files using a special client with special features such like chatting, searching, download, newsletter and more. Among other this client version for Amiga offers multithreaded downloads with the opportunity of selecting priorities. The application requires AmigaOS3.x, MUI 3.8+, MCC_NListtree 19.97+ and MCC_Lamp 11.1+.

Download: Amster.lha - 472 KB - Amster.readme

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: Sweet dreams

Bill McEwens's announcement of Amiga going public next year gave Torsten the inspiration for this new caricature. By the way, our opinion poll concerning the cartoons is still going on because we want to recognize your wishes in a better way.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga news

AmiBench Moving
Caused by a switchin to another server AmiBench currently is reachable at The usual URL is accessible after changing the Domain Name Server in the next days.

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS Starts with Public Betatests
In order to participate on the public betatests, fill out the form at the titlelink, download the MorphOS archive, install it and studiously write us bugreports, if you find any bugs. Requirements: Reading the documentation and the following system equipment:

System Requirements:
  • OS3.1
  • 32 MB RAM
  • A1200 / A3000(T) / A4000(T)
  • CyberStorm PPC or Blizzard PPC

  • 64 MB RAM (more won't hurt)
  • CyberVision/BlizzardVision PPC with CGX4 installed for maximum performance
  • Fast PPC since 680x0 companion CPU does not have any impact on system performance

[News message: 02. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Charon Page

Charon Version 1.4 Released
Version 1.4 of the download manager "Charon" is ready for download. Charon is shareware an can get registered online at the titlelink.

Download: Charon.lha

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Status Update
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:00:20 +0200
To: AROS Announce
Subject: [AROS-Announce] Status update

BGUI has been completely ported to AROS, now. This means that the library
can be compiled and that all demos run. Cudos go to Stefan Berger.

Michael Schulz is working on making mice work on AROS Native/i386.
This includes work on a PCI.HIDD, an IRQ.HIDD, the VGA.HIDD and the
Serial.HIDD plus an IDE driver. Trackdisk is there, too, so the
next thing is to find a filesystem to use. We try to get SFS because
it seems one of the best filesystems for the Amiga at this time.
The SFS developers seem to be very positive to this, we'll see what
comes from it.

As for the Sowatec AG hiring
developers for AROS, all I can say at this time is that we had several
job interviews and things look quite good. The only thing that might
break it at this time (as I see it) is that we get not enough people.
We figured that we need four developers and last I looked, we had three
and one interview still open. Don't hold your breath but press your
thumbs :-)

Nils Henrik Lorentzen has begun to write a framebuffer.HIDD which
uses Linux' framebuffer for rendering. Right now, it's mostly for
debugging (it's a synchronous interface instead of X11s' asynchronous
one) but maybe, there will be a AROS Native/linux-i386, ie. a
version of AROS that will boot with the help of a Linux kernel
but without the need to install a complete Linux system. We'll
see what can be done here.

And I'm diving into the depths of Ami, the SDK for the next Amiga
by Amiga Inc.. As it looks, the
SDK is a bit disappointing because it's very rough and has lots of
holes but on the positive side, Amiga's crew is very helpful and
the developer support is just great. *sigh* Had we just had such
a support in the old C= days. Many thanks for their effort go to
Ray A. Akey and Gary Peake and all the members of the
Tao and Amiga
support staff that I'm bombing with EMails ;-) If they can keep this
attitude, then I have no doubt that in five or ten years, people
will name Ami in the same breath as Windows, EPOC and Linux.
Something really to look forward to.

As for stats, I'm proud that we made 40k hits on our web page and
this year has also been very productive from the EMail side: Last
year, there were about 300KB mails/month in the developer list.
This year, we have 1MB mails/month ! Thanks go to all those
members of the development team that have not been mentioned here
but who do important stuff, nonetheless (in no order): Henning
Kiel and Lars Bischoff for reporting bugs, Georg Steger for
cleaning up after the other developers have raged through the
code and calling me back to earth when necessary, Jaime Dias for
asking "stupid" questions that make us think what we're doing,
Manuel Lemos for trusting us with BGUI, Requin Frederic for
helping Michael Schulz, Tobias Seiler for continuing the NetBSD
port, Bernardo Innocenti for bugging people to allow us to port
their software to AROS and last but not least all those people
who I forgot :-) Thanks to you all; it's your
work that makes this possible.

And at the end, a short note to all those people who started own
ports of the AmigaOS: Good luck to you all. I think you will find
out soon enough why AROS took soo long. The AROS team is still
willing to share their knowledge and code with everyone out
there. And we can do this because of the MPL, the only true Open
Source license :-)

Sowatec AG,       CH-8330 Pfäffikon (ZH)
Witzbergstr. 7,
Tel: +41-(0)1-952 55 55
Fax: +41-(0)1-952 55 66
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

AROS-Announce mailing list

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Grabbe via eMail

ANN: Amiga Laptop
According to Joe Torre, the BoXeR development team is also working on a laptop Classic Amiga (about time we got one of those!).

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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VMC: 5D+ Internet Mouse shipping at last!
From today the long hoped for 5D+ Internet Mouse is sent to all the people who preordered and to the vendors. This new model is consequently custom-made enhanced version of the popular 4D+ Internet Mouse.

Since we are able to distribute any desired number of units of this model, at last we are in the position to provide specialized trade with it, too. With this we apologize to every Haage & Partner customer, as well as KDH customer who was forced to wait for a longer period of time.

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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01.Aug.2000 via eMail

Initial Testing and Preview: RedHat 7.0 Beta
After the release of the new RedHat 7.0 beta we took a lot at this and report on the first installation and give a perspective on the new features. The report is to finde at the report section (German). More informatin at the titlelink.

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Tech Extreme: Matrox & Amiga in the Shack
Another interesting article in a non-amiga media. By the way, we are collecting such articles centrally for you on our special site External Articles, so you are able to recover interesting articles even after a longer period of time without problems. This link otherwise is to find at "Special Pages".

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

ACE 2000 - The Alternative Computer Expo
At Albert Parkt in Melbourne, Australia, the ACE 2000 (The Alternative Computer Expo) will take place on 21./22. October 2000. The website on this event is online, now.

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank "Morn" Grochut on ANF

StrICQ 0.1731 Released
The latest version of the Amiga ICQ client is online for free download.
  • Re-Compiled for 68020/+ processors
  • Removed Debug option so the executable is only 521ko (200ko gain)
  • Updated the version numbers (nomore "1600 series")
  • Enabled cut and paste in Chat and History
  • StrICQ now uses it's own icon (PROGDIR:STRICQ) as app-icon and no longer Env:sys/Def_STRICQ
  • A lot of fonts are now FIXED so that cut/paste work with MCP
  • Re-worked prefs window: now resizable
  • Updated a lot of borders to ReadList type instead of String to give a closer AmIRC look for chat and list, it is also more MUI styled now and you can configure their look without messing up the input field borders.
  • Improved the look of some frames

Download: stricq1731.lha

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

"Publius" - The Web against Internet Censorship beeing Tested
«"Share and rule" - the classic formula to ensure one's power now apparently is turning against the governing people. Initiated by computer scientists from AT&T and the New York University a two month lastig experiment of a "censorship resident" publication system starts. On Tuesday 02. August 2000 the distribution of the proxy server shall start up, on 7. August 2000 the testing of the client software will begin.

The Publius named system ensures the promulgation of web releases similar to FreeNet by putting them on numerous servers using the peer-to-peer technique, and under some circumstances this will be done by splitting the files. Hence it becomes harder for potential or existing censorship offices to close documents in this system by carrier liabilities. More over that Publius relies on multible endcoding: It is only possible to decode the pages after all the splitted framents has been put together again. For the carrier of a server those pages are unreadble. For this reason the carrier cannot be hold responsible for content he/she is not able to know.»
The entire article at the titlelink. (German)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Mojo Nation: Another new System for File Sharing
«While Napster and Scour (after music the movies) are fighting for their future and one of the atlernative share servers, CuteMX, had closed for the time beeing waiting for the smoke to disapear, which came from the injunction against Napster, which was suspended again in the meantime, Mojo Nation started their test run and touts for users with an amount of features most of the competitors could not offer, yet. E.g. the software even supports it's own micropayment feature, as no other does by now.»

«Those seven cypherpunks believe that they have created the next "killer application" for the internet whith their sophisticated system. "We are a mixture of Napster and eBay", blew Jim McCoy, CEO of Autnomous Zone Industries, his big role models to Wired News.»
Entire article at the titlelink. (German)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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ATC: Official Beta Available
An official beta of the ftp program AmitTradeCenter is available for download. For this version a lot of little bugs have been fixed and enhancements have been added. Please, get details from this text.

Download: ATC_beta_31072000.lha - 266 KB

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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DOpus4 Support Page

Official Directory Opus 4 Manual Available
Dr. Greg Perry from GP Software granted to make the official Directory Opus 4 Manual as AmigaGuide available for donwnload.

Download: DopusManual.lha - 100 KB

[News message: 01. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

RegNet informed me, that they'd be releasing a new site and that the transfer should be smoothly - however due to an obvious IP address change, currently points to some completely different site (after first only containing an error message and then being down for a while). I would expect, that the DNS server entries get updated soon and would be be glad, if people that have not been able to register since 26th/27th of July would try again in a few days.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena presents: BallMaster Keyfile Special !
The keyfile for the puzzle game "BallMaster" (AGA, ECS) is now online available. Attention: The keyfile is registered to "AMIGA ARENA VISITOR" and therefor determined just for Amiga Arena visitors ! You are not allowed to distribute this file in any way ! We wish you much fun with BallMaster, Damir A. (Developer) and Olaf K. (Amiga Arena) !

Amiga Arena Interview Special!
There are new interviews with Achim Stegemann (Digital Almanac) and Guido Mersmann (Boulderdash) online available.

Imperium Terranum 2
With the permission of Michael Pfeiffer (VWP) we offer you a free download of the archievs IT2 and Star Trek.

Imperium Terranum 3
If you are interrested in developing IT3 you can contact Michael P.

Amiga Arena CD-ROM Edition!
An other review of the Amiga Arena CD-ROM is published in the actuall issue of Amiga Times.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Recent

New Aminet Uploads
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  773K+V1.50 - Brand new powerful programming l
PureBasic_Upd.lha    dev/basic  640K+V1.50 - Update for registered users (fro
MR_Classes.lha       dev/gui    184K+Reaction classes
CopyLockDecode.lha   disk/misc   10K+V1.34 Rob Northen Copylock Decoder
Track2File_src.lha   disk/misc   31K+V1.22 file ripper from NDOS & DOS disks 
fu_psv-e.lha         docs/hyper  67K+Large info about famous football club (E
fu_psv-e_pic-1.lha   docs/hyper 5.3M+Pictures to English version of "PSV Guid
fu_psv-e_pic-2.lha   docs/hyper 5.6M+Pictures to English version of "PSV Guid
fu_psv-e_pic-3.lha   docs/hyper 5.5M+Pictures to English version of "PSV Guid
fu_psv-e_pic-4.lha   docs/hyper 5.5M+Pictures to English version of "PSV Guid
fu_psv-e_pic-5.lha   docs/hyper 5.9M+Pictures to English version of "PSV Guid
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data   10K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (30 July
GlowMopoly.lha       game/data  141K+Gfx for HBMonopoly 2+ (AME/DEU/ENG)
PictrisDemo.lha      game/demo  2.6M+Demo of an addictive new puzzle game
IT_2_StarTrek.lha    game/misc    2K+Star Trek version of IT2, german
nts_slamtiltcd.lzh   game/patch   2K+Play SLAMTILT with CD32 JoyPad !! 
ICS.lha              hard/misc  1.6M+V1.10 ICS - professional color correctio
mamegui.lha          misc/emu    68K+MAME GUI
NeoMAMEGUI.lha       misc/emu    41K+NeoMAME GUI
N24-Metabox.lha      misc/misc  2.7M+(german) N24 Met
bass.lha             mods/blkha 282K+Protracker mod by blakkhar
terrortpmix.lha      mods/blkha 250K+Harder Protracker mod by blakkhar
Willi_tale.mpg       mods/elbie 4.2M+Sir Williams Tale [Saga Orch.] by ElbiE^
sad-can-can.lha      mods/hardc 3.4M+160 BPM HardCore by Sadista (DBM 10ch)
bO-027.lha           mods/techn 1.1M+#027 bOhema release - SPEKTRA.
bO-028.lha           mods/techn 188K+#028 bOhema release - XBALL.
Years_ago.lha        pix/misc    84K+[ancor] Sandra and Sarah young
LombiWB.lha          pix/wb     261K+Two grabs of my WB, one with RTG & one w
clip.lha             util/cli     6K+Manipulate the clipboard from shell (w/s
asyncioppc.lha       util/libs   24K+Asyncio.library with WarpOS functions (V
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   55K+Report+ 3.22: 8-function utility
Gurus2000_1807.lha   util/wb    615K+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Igor Sereda on ANF

Concerns to all Voyager 3.2.12 beta Users
On the 1st August you won't be aible to launch the Voyager (3.2.12) beta. I discovered this by surprise because I had set the system time wrong.

We contacted Oliver Wagner and he assured that he will offer a download to switch the timeout off.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen A. Theiner on ANF is back !
Caused by a harddiskcrash was not updated the last two weeks. Now I am back again to supply you with new game information. ACTUAL: The time to enrol for the SWOS tournament ends in the last days of august.

PS: Due to the harddiskcrash I lost all of my online-datas. If you wait for a reply on your mail, please send this mail once more.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Carrillo on ANF

Epic (UK) supports
Epic UK have teamed up with to give away a £10 pound voucher, for the best letter submitted to Amihoo's Talkback section, on a monthly base. To win, write about anything Amiga related. Best letter published in Issue 2 wins the £10 (ukp) Epic Voucher.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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ASM-One V1.44 will be released in August
Nothing changed during the last weeks on the webside. Now the author announced that he will release version 1.44 of the well known Amiga Macro-Assembler.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Paul Nolan Joins Amiga
As you may know Amiga Inc. is forming a new developer department at the time beeing. The first step will be to bring together first class designers and developers. Amiga Inc. is excited to announce now to have Paul Nolan, developer of Photogenics, on board, too.

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sinan Gurkan via eMail

AmigArt Online
After some server problems and a move caused by this, AmigaArt is now back at the well known address

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AIO Issue #37 Published
Issue #37 of "Amiga Information Online" is now for download.

Download: AIOV37.LHA

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ICS Version 1.10 Released
With the scanner color adjustment software ICS by Wolf Faust you can reach a nearly professional colormanagement for your scanner.

Download: ICS.lha - 1,7 MB -

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer via eMail

IT2 - Star Trek Edition
After IT2 the Star Trek version is now freeware and Open Source, too. You can download the update by following the titlelink

[News message: 31. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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