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Archive 06/2000

Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: Amiga Airlines II

[News message: 17. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Informations from Gary Peake
Gary Peake posted an interesting article to the Open-Amiga mailing list which contains interesting information about the new Amiga Software Development Kit (SDK), hardware, developers and support of user groups.

[News message: 16. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll via eMail

I would like to inform you about some changes in the Geographical Amiga User Home Page Internet List (GAUHPIL). Most pages are now translated to German and the navigation links on most pages are set accordingly:

For the next three weeks, I'll be on vacation. Please continue to send me your updates and tips. I will read them all when I'm back home. Thank you for your attention and support!

[News message: 16. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Willem Mestrom in ANF

CDWriter: First public beta released
Willem Mestrom has made the first public beta of CDWriter available for download. Currently, only TAO works and only a couple of writers are supported.

[News message: 16. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl per eMail

Amiga Future interview with authors of ApanoSIN from LevelOne
Since ApanoSin is available from the retailers at last (detailed test report will be found in Amiga Future #26) wie of course immediatly did an interview with the programmers. This interview can be found at the AKTION site of Amiga Future (German). Furthermore we increased the "hefte; site. From now on you will be able to read results of tests to be informed more quickly.

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer im ANF

YAM 2.1 released
Download (Switzerland): YAM21.lha - 676 Kb
Download (USA): YAM21.lha - 676 K

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Blixth via eMail

Software updates from OnyxSoft
New versions of the following programs from OnyxSoft were released, and are available for download at the title link:
  • DRemind (Version 1.54a)
  • MiniHex (Version 1.1a)
  • QuickNote (Version 1.2)
  • TheMPegEncGUI (Version 2.02)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Hummel in ANF

Neo offers "The Clou AGA" for download
After the MSDOS version of "The Clou" available for download since about half a year NEO now decided to offer the Amiga version - BTW: which is even better than the MSDOS version - for free download. In this context I would like to remember the Open Source Project; the mailinglist is activated now, and it would be nice to meet even more "Amigans&qout; there.

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Link Directory got an external rating feature
As mentioned in our show report (English translation is in process) we talked with many of our audience at the Amiga show in Neuss and noticed some very good suggestions. Some asked to design the rating possibily inside Amiga Link Directory (ALS) in a way that the webmasters are able to include a rating code directly into their websites. Felix Schwarz from Innovative, who has written the ALD for us, immediate put this query into action.

If you choose a single entry inside the ALD now, you will allways get a link to "HTML-Code for rate boxes four your hompage" below "Rate this site!". At this you will be able to choose between three different layouts which will show up with the relating HTML code below. Using cut &'n paste you than can easyly put your favourit HTML code into your homepage. Then the visitors of your hompage will be able to rate your site! If you get an adequate number of ratings your site will get highlighted inside the search result list!

Example layouts for

Rate this site!!
Very bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very good
ALD powered by and Innovative

Rate this site!
ALD powered by and Innovative

Rate this site!
ALD powered by and Innovative

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via eMail

Epic: Foundation Gold available now
The "Foundation Gold Edition" is now available by number of pices. You will find further informations about this cover at our homepage at <<Products>>. The Gold Edition can be ordered from us, from the Amiga vendors or from the branchs of Weltbild Verlag.

Notice: This CD too has been produced orderly (silver CDs, printed cover and cellophane packing). If someone proffers you this product looking different, please contact us at

The Gold Edition is over a collection of "Foundation DC" and "The Undiscovered Land" as it offers new features, and enhancements to the original game. The Gold Edition comes with a fully reworked control, all the graphics were reworked and enhenced, incl. the animations of characters, buildings, trees, and every other object. There is a new "hard mode" with a significant more intelligent acting computer. The visual displays were all over reworked, vital emended, and designed more predictable. All the 80 missions included inside Gold Edition - 40 from the original game with little enhancements, and the 40 new missions from "The Undiscoverd Land". You can read more information at the homepage of the developer, Paul Burkey.

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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WarpSNES version 5.0 available
The long awaited version 5.0 of SuperNes emulator WarpSNES for power Amigas with WarpOS was released. 99% of the games for SNES are playable now! That new version requires chunkyppc.library, which you will find on Aminet.
Download: warpsnes.lha - 526 Kb

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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