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Archive 06/2000


CyberGraphX News
The final update of CGX V3 (CGX_r71) is available from the download area of the CyberGraphX website. This version of CyberGraphX contains some bugfixes regarding OS3.5 and the cgxsystem.lib 41.22. For CVPPC & BVPPC new drivers version 2.8 are available as well.

The download area was reworked and old single update files were removed.

If you are owner of VillageTronic hardware, the Service-Petition of Paul Qureshi could be of interest for you. With this petition, Paul wants to convince VillageTronic to release the support documents to noted repair shops in different countries so that it can be guaranteed that VT products will still be repaired in future.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Digital Dreams Entertainment

Digital Dreams Entertainment: Code name Hell Squad is finished!
As can be read on the start page of DDE, the action game «Code name Hell Squad» has been finished.
Demo download: HSdemo.lha - 2,15 MB

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Gantert

The Cheating Utility
"Dwarf" is now available on my homepage for free download. It is a program in the style of TrainerMaker and Cheater and allows the manipulation of memory addresses (with search/compare/change as on the Action Replay). It is written entirely in C and utilises a nice GadTools GUI.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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CS&E via eMail

CS&E has moved to new offices
CS&E has moved to new offices in England and can now be reached at the following address:

Crystal Software and Electronics Ltd
7200 The Quorum, Oxford Business Park, Oxford, OX4 2JZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 481 421, Fax: +44 (0) 1865 481 482.

Soon the company will also be represented in Germany. Read further details under the title link.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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CD³² Allianz via eMail

CD³²-Allianz News
_*CD³² Developer-Kit available again*_

A few weeks ago, we had to remove the CD³² Developer-Kit from our homepage, as we were lacking the webspace and Gary Peake forced us to.
Now it's available again as we have webspace again and explained to Gary that we had the permission from Petro Tyschtschenko.

_*CD³²-Allianz visits the Amiga fair in Neuss*_

We will visit the fair event in Neuss so that you can get in touch with us. There you can discuss with us the future of the CD³², the current game situation of the CD³², CD³²-Allianz and the cooperation with amiga.topcool and so on. This is what we're looking forward the most.
Of course we will also try to get in touch with companies, distributors and software programmers and hope to present you positive news after the fair.

_*New distribution channels for CD³² Outside found*_

After the CD³² Outside can be found soon on the AmigaPlus- and AmigaFuture CD-ROM, as well as in the CD³²-Corner, we are pleased that our magazine will soon be also available on Aminet and the Aminet CD-ROMs. This will raise its acquaintance which should lead to a higher interest in the CD³². From which the CD³² Outside will benefit as well.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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News from Alive Mediasoft
We too have received the eMails mentioned on ANN. Find above a direct link to the Alive Mediasoft's answer at ANN so that we don't repeat them here and you can direcly participate in the discussion on the theme.

03 June 2000, supplement:
Bothered Steven Flowers from Alive Mediasoft started his eMail with the words, "first of all I'm pretty pissed off", and wordy he explained why Goal 2000 wouldn't be just a cracked version of Goal. There were many new features and possiblities comming with Goal 2000 not implemented in Goal, and that cracked version was taken with the developer's consent, cause there wasn't any other version available at that time.

Might be that such procedures are being used with a release, but in my opinion this should be avoided as far as is possible, even though. That's debatable. But I actually recieved eMails from ppl complaining about AM again and again during the last few month, e.g. developers who either didn't get payed or even nobody asked them, if their software may be distributed. In the past I allways replyed on those ppl, they should set their problems clear direct with AM, cause I presumed them to be unsuccessful particular cases. Goal just overflowed the barrel, and put patience at an end. (ps)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bladerunner in ANF

The Clue becomes open source
As it looks, the ingenious burglar simulation will become Open Source. The guys from Neo are apparently preparing a sourcecode packet. Meanwhile, there are also many discussions going on about it in the Neo Forum. Sadly I can't find any participation from Amiga programmers. It would be nice if there'd be another Amiga release. For more information follow the title link.

NEW JOBS AT NEO - Good chances for programmers to enter the Online Generation
Two new positions for C++ programmers are available from June on at neo Software in Vienna. If you always dreamed of becoming a game developer you should take a look at the job descriptions.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Günter Horbach in ANF

Amiga Trademark
Everybody who wants to use the registered trademark «Amiga» must apply for a license at Amiga Inc. This application can be made via email to and must have the word Trademark in the subject line. This helps to speed up the permission process.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Davy Wentzler via eMail

Audio Evolution News
In the «Download PPC plug-ins» area you can download a new high-quality plugin "Reverb".

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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