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Fun Time World

AAA Award Canceled For The Time Being
Since 1997 the AAA Awards were given to people out of the Amiga area, among other things for their hard- and software products. Among the award winners have been Holger Kruse, Dave Haynie, Marcel Beck, Kermit Woodall, Stefan Burstroem and SoftLogik. Now the awarding of this price will be canceled for the time being. The reasons for this are too little manpower and too low support. In the future the award may be granted again. This depends among other things on the community and Amiga. Everybody who wants to comment on this may write to more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Voyager: Supported Tags
On January 14th, 2001 Oliver Wagner has updated the list of the HTML tags supported by the WWW browser 'V³'. It now meets the level of the version 3.3.69 of the browser.

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlagwack via email

Second SimpleMail Alpha Released
On January 14th, 2001 Hynek Schlawack and Sebastian Bauer have released the second alpha version of the email client 'SimpleMail'. Compared to the previous version the following has changed:
  • New: image buttons.
  • New: showing of HTML mails (using internal routines lent from SimpleHTML).
  • New: mails with different mode possible.
  • New: showing of mail threads.
  • New: index files for folder.
  • Change: better address book.

SimpleMail can be found under There are also screenshots of the software on this site. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

News Regarding the Amiga in Norwegian Language
Under there can be found up-to-date news from the Amiga area in Norwgian language. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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ANN Looking for Advertising Income
For financing the Amiga Network News Christian Kemp is looking for companies to advertise on ANN. The latest advertising banner showed only 5 US Dollars during 13 days while 50,000 page views were counted. Costs appear to ANN among other things because of web space, telephone (monthly around 100 US Dollars), and domain name.

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

Digital Almanac III update v2.3
Achim Stegemann wrote:
A new update for Digital Almanac III to version 2.3 was sent to all online registered cusotmers. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0]
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Jorge Pino (taken from the newspaper Computerwoche)

New Multi-Functional Chip
An interesting multi-functional chip was presented by people out of the Commodore/Amiga area at the CES. The company Embedded Wireless Devices (EWD) offers with the "Valhalla E8000" a chip that is capable of transferring several wireless communications protocols like Bluetooth, 802.11 (wireless LAN) or Home RF simultaneous. Panasonic will apply the chip in future products.

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad version v13.1
On January 14th, 2001 version 13.1 of WHDLoad has been released. This version contains many bugfixes and improvements. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0]
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stephan Rupprecht on ANF

WAV datatype v41.6
On January 14th, 2001 Stephan Rupprecht has released version 41.6 of the WAV datatype. With this datatype you can play sound files encoded in WAV format. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame News

Ultra Violent Worlds released
Some time ago Crystal Interactive has announced to offer Amiga games on dual format CD-ROMs, that would contain a version for another computer system along with the version for the Amiga. Now, with Ultra Violent Worlds the first game of this kind has been released for the Amiga and IBM PC compatibles. more ...

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Strum

New Aminet Uploads
amlog.lha            comm/misc  100K+V2.2 - HTTP/FTP/MAIL adress database
streamer.lha         comm/www    32K+Internet radio - Shoutcast player
AAM-Demo.lha         demo/aga   1.3M+AmigaAnimeManga AGA DEMO => First DEMO
kng-flow.lha         demo/intro 127K+Winner 64kb at FuckYanica One, jan 6-7, 
Anime-X.lha          demo/mag   762K+H-Anime disk-mag from Carnage
Wishkah.lha          demo/sound 821K+Music Disk by VORTEX
ADV-ITA.lha          dev/amos   478K+Italian adventures creator
BUtility.lha         dev/amos   134K+Extension for Amos 1.3 users.
BSMustek-src.lha     dev/c       43K+Source for Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver F
lclint.lha           dev/c      515K+A tool for statically checking C program
SegTracker_pch.lha   dev/debug   13K+Patches SegTracker V37.73 to V37.74
ScalaHelp.lha        dev/misc   623K+A little help script for scalamm - progr
VCDGear.lha          disk/cdrom 134K+Create VideoCD images for burning or ext
hof-html.lha         docs/hyper 255K+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame January 2001
xadclients.lha       docs/hyper  18K+Guide to all the XAD clients
ademoinfo.lha        docs/lists 355K+Amiga demo list
amiuserlist.lha      docs/lists  66K+AmigaUserList V10.98 of Germany, Switzer
AmigaFuture28.lha    docs/mags  736K+Great german paper mag preview
InterviewsAren.lha   docs/misc   45K+Amiga Arena Interviews 2000
PBOBS_Setup.lha      game/data   21K+PuzzleBOBS 1024x768x8 config file.
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  316K+BreakOut demo game, working in progress
SeekAndDestroy.lha   game/patch  27K+HD-Installer for Seek And Destroy V1.0
colourlines.lha      game/think 107K+Logical ball game
Seachess.lha         game/think   9K+Tic-Tac-Toe; Source included.
CyberBugfiX.lha      gfx/aga      9K+CGXAGA companion - new features & chipme
CGX-AGA.lha          gfx/board    2K+Devs:Monitors/CGXAGA replacement with so
PfPaint_ENG.lha      gfx/edit    32K+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
PfPaint_FRA.lha      gfx/edit    35K+French documentation for PerfectPaint V2
PfPaint_V24.lha      gfx/edit   1.3M+Paint,Anim from 1 to 24bits
PBOBS_GfxE.lha       gfx/show   337K+Guide to make gfx to PuzzleBOBS game (E)
PBOBS_GfxI.lha       gfx/show   346K+Guide to make gfx to PuzzleBOBS game (I)
ICS.lha              hard/misc  2.4M+V2.01b LE ICS - professional color corre
OliverK.lha          mods/blkha 120K+HC PT mod by blakkhar
Beach.lha            mods/med   260K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Dreamer.lha          mods/med   640K+Ukrainian Dreamer's MED-module   
Happy.lha            mods/med   273K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Jangle.lha           mods/med   290K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Light_candle.lha     mods/med   132K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Mama.lha             mods/med   267K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Plasma.lha           mods/med   226K+Good Vetal OCSS-remix on Demo-music
Rainy_day.lha        mods/med   204K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Shut_up.lha          mods/med   383K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
Stop.lha             mods/med   474K+MED-module by ukrainian Dreamer    
SPL_HappyPhone.lha   mods/misc   43K+SOPROL module called "Happy Phone"
BaxPlayerV2.2.lha    mus/play   159K+Multi-format module player.
EP_FredGray.lha      mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "Fred Gray" external replaye
OS39Wallp.lha        pix/back   1.1M+Some AmigaOS3.9 Wallpapers (Backgrounds 
swalps.jpg           pix/views  194K+Scene from the Swiss Alps
lorys_SS.lha         pix/wb     359K+My grab of shapeshifter on my A1200t Bli
Yod-WB1.jpg          pix/wb     286K+(1280x960) OS3.9, CV PPC, Heretic II & m
Yod-WB2.jpg          pix/wb     245K+(1280x960) OS3.9, CV PPC, WipeOut2097 & 
OFS033.jpg           pix/wfm    374K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS034.jpg           pix/wfm    519K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS035.jpg           pix/wfm    490K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS036.jpg           pix/wfm    365K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS037.jpg           pix/wfm    729K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS038.jpg           pix/wfm    637K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS039.jpg           pix/wfm    651K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS040.jpg           pix/wfm    526K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
TheGateway.jpg       pix/wfm    474K+The Gateway
ttfr.lha             text/font    8K+Rename true type fonts file correctly
TurboVal.lha         util/boot   18K+The best validator for FFS (v2.1)
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 104K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS) 
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype 132K+PNG image datatype (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS) 
boards229.lha        util/libs   41K+Boards.library V 2.29 - 428 Expansion bo
WHDInfo.lha          util/misc   12K+WHDLoad slave examiner for HD games V1.2
Safe.lha             util/virus  19K+Safe v14.6 - virus dicovering system
CoolCALC.lha         util/wb    122K+*skinnable* calculator for the AmigaOS
RxTD.lha             util/wb     27K+V1.0, WB 3.9 ToolsDaemon prefs converter
TextloaderNG.lha     util/wb    494K+TextConverter V2.20 - Word,WPerfect,HTML
VisualPrefs_RU.lha   util/wb     56K+VisualPrefs: Russian catalog and docs
VisualPrefs_SI.lha   util/wb     36K+VisualPrefs: Slovenian catalog and docs
VisualPrefs_SR.lha   util/wb     10K+VisualPrefs: Serbian catalog

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 12:03] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

MacOS X Resembling Image Set
Under the title link you can download two MacOS X (Aqua) resembling image sets for use with Opus Magellan 2. Additionally, to make the workbench look fresh and stylish, there are several patterns for use with MUI and also for the workbench windows with a similar refreshing look. You can find screenshots and the archive sized 102 KB.

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 07:24] [Comments: 0]
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M. Lueck on ANF

AmigaOS 3.9 Wallpapers (Background Images)
Hello Amigans, as there's the huge amount of 4 new background images on the AmigaOS 3.9 CD since AmigaOS3.5 I have decided to do some myself. The first archive is already available on Aminet under pix/back/os39wallp.lha (1024x800 24Bit). A 800x600 version was just transferred onto Aminet. The 800x600 version is named OS39w800.lha Both archives are freeware and I allow Haage&Partner to use these.

[News message: 14. Jan. 2001, 02:30] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

Safe Version 14.6 Released
Safe is a virus detector which can discover viruses, but cannot terminate them. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 23:09] [Comments: 0]
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Virtual Dimension

EMail Game: StarEmpire II
01-31-2000 will be the official launch of StarEmpire II planned, the space strategy game! This text basing game is payed via e-mail, so no flatrate is needed. There are still some seats to take - who wants to can still log on. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:50] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

Greg Donner: OS3.9 FAQ Updated
Greg Donner has updated the pages "Known Bugs", "3rd Party", and "Utilities" of his Amiga OS3.9 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:24] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via eMail

CDTVTools v1.0 Published
CDTVTools v1.0 has been released on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. This package is a collection of programs using the CDTV base library to give also normal Amiga users the CTDTV feeling. All of the included programs are commodities which can be controlled via Exchange. So now everybody can e.g. start the original CDTV screen blanker, CD player or preferences program. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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Xandiy on ANF News
At you can post your opinion about several products for the Amiga. For each (rational) opinion of members one will get 1 (one) score. For every 4 (four) scores one will get 1 (one) EURO credit entry. Credits can be payed from 5 (five) EURO! more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Luehr on ANF

Chip: C64 with New Garment
«The Internet magazine Hardwareguru has sighted a Commodore 64 at the super market Kaufland as a surfing machine designed to be directly connected to a TV set.
Web.It reissued the C64, but did not use the original hardware. The Web-C64 is equipt with a low-end AMD processor with 100 MHz, 16 MByte ROM, and 16 MByte RAM, as well as two MByte flash memory.»
Entire article at the title link (German).

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

NVidia OS Poll Online Again
The offline taken poll on the favourite operating system is now online again. At the time Amiga is ahead with 57.91%. IP addresses of "multiple voters" are logged and published in a black list!

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Silicon Valley Pioneer William Hewlett Has Passed
«The legendary engineer and Silicon Valley pioneer William Hewlett has passed on Friday in Palo Alto, California, at the age of 87. He was co-founder of the technology corporation Hewlett-Packard. Together with David Packard he started his business in a garage in Palo Alto and lead it to the computer age and to a high tech giant with 49 milliards US dollar volume of sales. Hewlett millionfold got ahead of his initial target, " do anything to earn a nickle". The economy magazine Forbes listed him on position #26 of the richest men of America with fortune of nine milliards US dollars.»

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - Interview Action!
"Rags" the action game by Shades Production was a little sensation at Aminet, not without a reason! For all of you still remembering "Beach Head II" on the C64 it's to be said "obligation to download"! But read the preview of "Rags" and the interview with Shades Production! at the "Aktion" area yourself! more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 15:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

XBaze Website with New URL
The website of the database program 'XBaze' by Rafal Kaczmarczyk is available under (title link), from now on.

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 13:58] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Unger on ANF

In release 1.0.1. of the KICKSTART ARCHIVES beside of some smaller changes in particular the PDF files of the patent history have been re-converted and can be read trouble-free with Apdf v2.2, now too. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 13:47] [Comments: 0]
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Infomedia Network News
Infomedia Network and the Tao Group signed an agreement to deliver TVision products. Press release of 01-10-2001:
Infomedia and Tao Group Collaborate to deliver TVision Development Kit... more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 13:47] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts HP

New Datatypes for WARP
WarpJPEG.datatype 44.16 of 12.1.2001, Freeware
JFIF-JPEG picture datatype (68k,PPC/WarpOS,PPC/MorphOS) more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 13:33] [Comments: 0]
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The Quantum Leap: StormC 4
The latest version of the successful development system actually represents a quantum leap: network capability, shared make, CVS, modified GCC compiler for the Amiga hunk format, global full-text search, extended editor, debugging of tasks and shared libraries, and the new StormDOC. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 10:26] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner on ANF - News About the Reorganisation
The renewal of comes to figures. The popular company Synotec will care for the re-design. Since there should not only be optical changes, but also changes of the contents we need your help. more ...

[News message: 13. Jan. 2001, 09:59] [Comments: 0]
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Paul Nolan

Photogenics Website with New Layout
Paul Nolan's website for Photogenics was updated and has got a new layout.

[News message: 12. Jan. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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mFTP II Version 1.3 Released
Version 1.3 of the FTP client mFTP II has been released. more ...

[News message: 12. Jan. 2001, 18:17] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane Campan via eMail

Scalos 1.2d Beta Released
A new beta version of Scalos, the extensive Workbench replacement, has been released. The website hasn't been updated, yet. Please read the readme's before installation! more ...

[News message: 12. Jan. 2001, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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PC Manufacturer Gateway Cancels Every 10th Job wrote:
«The US computer manufacturer Gateway after unexpected deficit cancels more than every tenth job. As the company announced on Thursday (local time) in San Diego, California, job slashing would go off already during the first quarter this year, Gateway employed 19,300 people worldwide in 1998. The offeror specialized in direct shipping of PCs announced a deficit of 94,3 millions of US dollar for 4Q/2000, because of diclined demand and risen pricing pressure. » more ...

[News message: 12. Jan. 2001, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst on ANF

WB2000 Images and MiniGlowIcons Update
Due to great demand now there is an updated archive of the Mini GlowIcons, and an special archive for WB2000 users who can only use IFF-pictures with this program. If number of downloads, which you can reach via "Aktuelles", will keep on this high level there will be new icons added.

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 22:56] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Mishap: The recent number suddenly did not show any new uploads any more. Of course the new number now gives in return the uploads of the last two weeks; but there is no other option to get back to rotation, yet. more ...

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 22:15] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

Nice Calculator for the AmigaOS
Who ever worried about the shop-soiled calculator of the AmigaOS can look forward, now! On my homepage one can download the initial version of CoolCALC. This one virtual offers the same functions as the original program, but can be embellished with skins (one is part of the archive) and can be iconified. Under the title link you will find screenshots and also the download area. Have fun!

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 22:09] [Comments: 0]
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Xandiy on ANF Looking for Sponsor(s)
Since finally a possibility was found to give bonus for written opinions one or more sponsors (with banner) are wanted. Interested people may please contact more ...

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 22:09] [Comments: 0]
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Halvadjian Georges on ANF

PerfectPaint V2.4
PerfectPaint v2.4 is available for download under the title link. What's new?
  • Improve some requester
  • Improve Brush Mosaic
  • Raylab Factory: RayLab Factory is a powerfull and simple gui for RayLab. With this gui, you can:
    • Select a predefined shapes or 3D font.
    • mappe you shape with predefined textures or a mapping image.
    • rotate your shape, place your light ...
    • and build you picture or brush directly in perfectpaint. RayLab is a freeware raytracer made by Marcus Geelnard.

Include in PerfectPaint package, the raylab881 executable and the documentation (with the permission of the author). There is a Wos version of Raylab on Aminet (raylabwos.lha) and a 'PPC elf' version, on the official Raylab homepage
  • fixed a bug while saving CMAP palette
  • New tool: Rotated ellipse
  • several bugs corrected with CMAP brush
  • small bugs corrected with gradient effect, starfield effect, zoom, TurboPrint and Symetrie
  • Add Load and Save Stencil
  • Use AsyncIO.library
  • PPM picture can, now be loaded and saved.
  • Fix a bug with the arexx command: pp_Render, the script for saving Gif anim will works well now
  • Animation can be croped.
  • Improve PerfectPaint aspect: Desktop and Requester can have pattern (in PPM format) (see prefs/Backgrounds)
  • You can, now, manage 10 different brushes. With these brushes you can create, loading and saving Albums.
  • Little bug fixed with XPK requester
  • New Color effect: Adjust levels and Auto levels.
  • If you change depth of your picture, Current brush is automatically remapped
  • Improve balance requester
  • Improve Rubber stamp
  • Improve arexx script: LoadPS (postscript)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 22:09] [Comments: 0]
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Linux 2.4.0 Released
After almost 2 years of development on 01-05-2001 Linux 2.4.0 was released. more ...

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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GUI History Since 1973
Under the title link you can read the history of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) since 1973.

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Patch for EASys! 4.84 Released
On the 'Servicepacks' page there is a "patch" for the current version 4.8.4 (has to be installed!) underr OS 3.9 available. Please, it is absolut necessary for you to read the Readmefile before installation! more ...

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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ICS Version 2.01b Released
Version 2.01 of the free available color calibration software for AmigaOS 'ICS' by Wolf Faust was released. Download links for the program as well as diverse additions you will find under the title link.

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

Greg Donner: OS3.9 FAQ Update
Greg Donner has updated his Amiga OS3.9 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) as well as the compatibility list, installation tips, and the page with known bugs.

[News message: 11. Jan. 2001, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

"Die Welt": How The Chips Learned Being Noisy
"Until 1985 acoustical there was no alteration according to the standard of computer sound which was introduced by C64. To this time Atari had the idea of producing an home computer Atari ST equip with a MIDI-interface. This Musical Instrument Digital Interface made it possible to control electronic music instruments like keyboards with the computer. Atari ST was the first computer in series that used this possibility and made the data exchange between computer and music instruments possible. The built-in 8-Bit-sound-chip had only the ability of producing three mono voices, but the main processor worked perfectly together with the MIDI-interface. Musicians from all over the world recognized the future of computer music and almost each sound studio connected its mixing desk with an Atari ST. Since the early nineties a MIDI-interface was standard for sound cards. more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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Simon II

Simon the Sorcerer II
As you can read on the homepage of Paul Burkey, who made the Amiga-port of Simon the Sorcerer II, there will be a MAC-port soon. It also could have been solved the audio-problem. There will be an update for the Amiga-version in a few days.

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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NVidia OS Opinion Poll
There is an opinion poll at the NVidia news site in the left menu about the preferred operating system. The Amiga is also on the list and is currently on the third place with 17,99 % after BeOS and Windows. more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via eMail

Epics News: Amiga-Version of Earth 2140 Available
From today Earth 2140 which is a for the PC developed real-time strategy game by Topware Interactive is available for Amiga. Earth 2140 needs an Amiga with at least 68040 CPU, a 4 MB graphic board and 24 MB RAM. But in order to have the full pleasure of the game it is recommended a PPC Amiga with 32 MB RAM. On the website of Epic Interactive under the title link you can find a new demo-version as well as further information about Earth 2140. more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Futurezone: New Power Macs are Ready
The most efficient model of the new Macintoshs which is a 733 MHz G4 Power Mac surpassed a Pentium-4-PC [1,5 GHz] with 12 seconds while rendering a 3D-graphic to the pleasure of the audience. more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 13:19] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts HP

New Datatype for Warp
WarpJPEG.datatype 44.15 from 9.1.2001, freeware
JFIF-JPEG picture datatype (68k,PPC/WarpOS,PPC/MorphOS) more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 10:34] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS News
Sigbjørn Skjæret has published a new VCDGear 1.6d at "This Amiga-port of VCDGear (station-version) can make VCDs on your Amiga. You can find information to the original project at" Please have a look at the VCDGear.readme (1780B). more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 10:23] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

AmigaOS 3.5 Boing-Bag #2a Released
Because of some minor bugs at Boingbag #2 of AmigaOS 3.5 yesterday it was published an update #2a which simply has to be installed over Boingbag #1 or #2. Download: BoingBag2a.lha - 1,6 MB

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 08:55] [Comments: 0]
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V³ Portal

V³ 3.3.65beta Released
It was released version 3.3.65beta of the Amiga-browser Voyager. This is the first version with a new layout-engine. A keyfile is needed. you can find important information about the changes in v_33beta65.readme. more ...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2001, 08:55] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Scharp

30.3./1.4.2001 - Amiga2001, St. Louis, USA
The 7th Gateway Computer Show 'Amiga2001' will take place late March / early April 2001 in St. Louis, USA. Organizer is Bob Scharp. On the web page (title link) you will find unter "Next Show" an updated list of exhibitors, which clubs and personalities will attend, and which events are panned. more ...

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 22:18] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via eMail

CD32 Games Install Kit v4.1 NG Released
The CD32 Games Install Kit v4.1 NG has been released on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. But this update can only be downloaded and used by people owning the CD-ROM "The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition". In version 4.1 the integrated emulator's compatibility is strongly enhanced, and some bugs are fixed. Owners of the CD-ROM "The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition" can download the update using the program updater which is part of the CD-ROM.

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 21:40] [Comments: 0]
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09.Jan.2001 now with Customer Portal perhaps is the only customer portal for Amiga. You can give your opinion about products or websites for Amiga. One can enter anything dealing with Amiga, e.g. shareware - freeware - hardware - software - ..... more ...

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 21:35] [Comments: 0]
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Heise Newsticker

Heise: Corel Parts with Their Linux Branch
As it looks like Corel will do part with their Linux branch. more ...

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 16:11] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Naumann via eMail

Picture Supplement regarding WoA 2000
Mirko Nauman has sent us a whole lot of pictures from the WoA2000. Unfortunately we cannot publish all of these, cause 34 MB are simply way too much. We selected the nicest pictures and made a little catalog out of these which you can find here. more ...

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 16:11] [Comments: 0]
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Chief via eMail

Another Commander now Freeware
'Another Commander' is a buiseness simulation and stragety game in space. The game was made available for free download by Rangonsoft. more ...

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 01:27] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Dietz

CES: New Products and Pictures
Under the title link you can find the final report by Christoph Dietz. He discovered many new products on the CES which though are not necessarily Amiga specific, but not less interesting.

[News message: 09. Jan. 2001, 00:30] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
OpusMI.lha           biz/dopus  1.3M+GlowIcon DOpus Images (7th Release)
OpusMIupd.lha        biz/dopus  236K+OpusMI Update (6th to 7th Release)
HomeBank.lha         biz/misc   201K+V1.8 The personal account manager (MUI)
AmBoS-Demo.lha       comm/ambos 1.6M+AmBoS 2.98 - Full/demo archive
AmBoS-Update.lha     comm/ambos 1.2M+AmBoS-Update Rel. 2.98j (Wednesday 03-Ja
AInfoBOT.lha         comm/irc    31K+Clone of the PERL InfoBOT
EZPagerNG_CE.lha     comm/misc  407K+Send messages to german pagers (Scall,Sk
LCR-I.lha            comm/misc  114K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
LCR-P.lha            comm/misc   75K+LeastCostRouter Print-Tool
LCR.lha              comm/misc  112K+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
AutoTCP.lha          comm/tcp     1K+AutoTCP, Autostart your favourite TCP/IP
ApacheMI.lha         comm/www    49K+GlowIcons for Apache Servers
Cookie_Killer.lha    comm/www    14K+AWeb cookie management (v1.01)
wpz-frozen40.lha     demo/aga   1.3M+Frozen#4o - The Party Edition
Nature-Grid2fx.lha   demo/intro  86K+Nature - Grid2, winner 64k at TP2000
jrm-mm70.lha         demo/sound 132K+DA JoRMaS: MonoMeno #70
BlitzLstDec00.lha    dev/basic  253K+Blitz mailing list archives for December
2b_TKLsort.lha       dev/c       33K+This program sorting text files. 
Amiga-C-Dec00.lha    dev/c      122K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Dece
codestorage.lha      dev/c      354K+Create & manipulate your own DataBase of
pgmasst.lha          dev/c       77K+A GUI for various text editing & formatt
MuGuardianAnge.lha   dev/debug  287K+MungWall superset, detect accesses to no
yaec.lha             dev/e      287K+Yaec - Yet Another E Compiler [1.2b]
WHDLoad_dev.lha      dev/misc   500K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
WHDLoad_usr.lha      dev/misc   130K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
FindChanges.lha      disk/misc   40K+Finds changes made to disk
Aakt0101HTML.lha     docs/mags  247K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
WarpUp-Dec00.lha     docs/misc  121K+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in D
Rags.lha             game/actio 2.4M+Violent and fast 1 on 1 combat game
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  237K+BreakOut demo game, working in progress
WHDIDemos.lzh        game/patch 1.5M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesA-B.lzh     game/patch 1.5M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesC-D.lzh     game/patch 1.3M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesE-F.lzh     game/patch 820K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesG-I.lzh     game/patch 1.1M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesJ-M.lzh     game/patch 1.3M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesN-R.lzh     game/patch 1.4M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesS-T.lzh     game/patch 1.8M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesU-Z.lzh     game/patch 709K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
eyangband.lha        game/role  798K+EyAngband 0.2.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
SvIVFix916.lha       gfx/misc   189K+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.15 (4.1.2001)
AMP2.lha             gfx/show   147K+MPEG1/2,MP2/3,AC3 player v2.01 (010106)
CC-Tools.lha         hard/drivr  36K+Download to C-Control/BASIC
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  665K+V1.56 PSX MemoryCard Reader
actors.lha           misc/imdb   27M+Actors.list (29.12.2000)
actresses.lha        misc/imdb   14M+Actresses.list (29.12.2000)
aka-names.lha        misc/imdb  635K+Aka-names.list (29.12.2000)
aka-titles.lha       misc/imdb  2.1M+Aka-titles.list (29.12.2000)
alternate-vers.lha   misc/imdb  490K+Alternate-versions.list (29.12.2000)
biographies.lha      misc/imdb   21M+Biographies.list (29.12.2000)
business.lha         misc/imdb  1.0M+Business.list (29.12.2000)
certificates.lha     misc/imdb  678K+Certificates.list (29.12.2000)
cinematographr.lha   misc/imdb  1.6M+Cinematographers.list (29.12.2000)
color-info.lha       misc/imdb  1.8M+Color-info.list (29.12.2000)
complete-cast.lha    misc/imdb  311K+Complete-cast.list (29.12.2000)
complete-crew.lha    misc/imdb  116K+Complete-crew.list (29.12.2000)
composers.lha        misc/imdb  1.6M+Composers.list (29.12.2000)
costume-design.lha   misc/imdb  513K+Costume-designers.list (29.12.2000)
countries.lha        misc/imdb  2.5M+Countries.list (29.12.2000)
crazy-credits.lha    misc/imdb  113K+Crazy-credits.list (29.12.2000)
directors.lha        misc/imdb  3.4M+Directors.list (29.12.2000)
distributors.lha     misc/imdb  1.6M+Distributors.list (29.12.2000)
editors.lha          misc/imdb  1.2M+Editors.list (29.12.2000)
genres.lha           misc/imdb  1.9M+Genres.list (29.12.2000)
german-aka-tit.lha   misc/imdb  371K+German-aka-titles.list (29.12.2000)
goofs.lha            misc/imdb  572K+Goofs.list (29.12.2000)
imdbDiff001229.lha   misc/imdb  1.2M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
iso-aka-titles.lha   misc/imdb   22K+Iso-aka-titles.list (29.12.2000)
italian-aka-ti.lha   misc/imdb  434K+Italian-aka-titles.list (29.12.2000)
keywords.lha         misc/imdb  2.5M+Keywords.list (29.12.2000)
language.lha         misc/imdb  1.8M+Language.list (29.12.2000)
laserdisc.lha        misc/imdb  932K+Laserdisc.list (29.12.2000)
literature.lha       misc/imdb  1.1M+Literature.list (29.12.2000)
locations.lha        misc/imdb  889K+Locations.list (29.12.2000)
misc-companies.lha   misc/imdb  417K+Miscellaneous-companies.list (29.12.2000
miscellaneous.lha    misc/imdb  7.9M+Miscellaneous.list (29.12.2000)
movie-links.lha      misc/imdb  2.3M+Movie-links.list (29.12.2000)
movies.lha           misc/imdb  3.0M+Movies.list (29.12.2000)
mpaa-ratings-r.lha   misc/imdb   76K+Mpaa-ratings-reasons.list (29.12.2000)
plot.lha             misc/imdb  8.5M+Plot.list (29.12.2000)
producers.lha        misc/imdb  2.7M+Producers.list (29.12.2000)
production-com.lha   misc/imdb  2.9M+Production-companies.list (29.12.2000)
production-des.lha   misc/imdb  559K+Production-designers.list (29.12.2000)
quotes.lha           misc/imdb  2.4M+Quotes.list (29.12.2000)
ratings.lha          misc/imdb  796K+Ratings.list (29.12.2000)
release-dates.lha    misc/imdb  2.0M+Release-dates.list (29.12.2000)
running-times.lha    misc/imdb  1.4M+Running-times.list (29.12.2000)
sound-mix.lha        misc/imdb  943K+Sound-mix.list (29.12.2000)
soundtracks.lha      misc/imdb  1.6M+Soundtracks.list (29.12.2000)
special-fx-com.lha   misc/imdb   76K+Special-effects-companies.list (29.12.20
taglines.lha         misc/imdb  504K+Taglines.list (29.12.2000)
technical.lha        misc/imdb  1.3M+Technical.list (29.12.2000)
trivia.lha           misc/imdb  1.0M+Trivia.list (29.12.2000)
writers.lha          misc/imdb  3.7M+Writers.list (29.12.2000)
gettinwet.lha        mods/jorma  87K+Gettin' Wet by Naks (Techno, from JRm-MM
Amigaska.lha         mods/med   111K+Amiga is back Western style in Apr 1999 
CriticalsPromo.lha   mods/misc   31K+Custom module from Critical's "Promotion
HaleBob.mpg          mods/mpg   4.4M+Spacy SSV1.03c MOD in MP3 Apr 1997 by Th
EP_RiffRaff.lha      mus/play     6K+EaglePlayer "Riff Raff" external replaye
Sid4Amiga.lha        mus/play   417K+Plays C64 Sid Music Files - PPC/68K/GUI
documentviewer.lha   text/misc   67K+Show the User a directory of documents t
MMULib.lha           util/libs  578K+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
AslToRT.lha          util/misc   11K+Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition requester to ReqTo
LC2.lha              util/misc  184K+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni  101K+V1.43 Millenium - WB graphics benchmark
DosTrace.lha         util/moni   24K+DOS monitor better than SnoopDos
ReqCh.lha            util/sys     7K+Bugfixed replacement for C:RequestChoice
TransPrefs22.lha     util/sys    39K+TranslatorPrefs V2.2 (640x256 fixt)
Ver.lha              util/sys    14K+Bugfixed replacement for c:version 40.1
LSClock21.lha        util/time   35K+SHAREWARE clock utility - New Release v2
Safe14_5.lha         util/virus  19K+Safe v14.5 - virus dicovering system
xvslibrary.lha       util/virus  51K+External Virus Support Library v33.24
MemIcon.lha          util/wb     13K+Memory/Screen/OS display for OS3.5/OS3.9
RunArgs.lha          util/wb      8K+V3.0, WB 3.9 ToolsDaemon Menu Launcher
WB2000_18_Ita.lha    util/wb      3K+Italian Catalog for Workbench2000 1.8   

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 22:15] [Comments: 0]
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Trogladite Software

Trogladite Software is Looking for Developers
Trogladite Software is looking for new software-developers and web-designers for our website. If you are interested visit the title link for further informations.

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 22:12] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

Safe V14.5 Released
Safe is a virus-detector that just looks for viruses but it will not delete them. more ...

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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David Connolly via eMail

Amiga Survivor
CS&E took over the well known printed magazine 'Amiga Survivor', originaly published by Robert Iveson. They are looking for advertisers to finance the future of this magazin. Visit the title link or contact the below address for further information. more ...

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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DirOpus 4.15e (Beta) Released
Changes of this beta release:
  • Fixed various Enforcer Hits
  • Moved the code back to SAS/C, sorry GCC fans ;-(
  • Added support for bigints (64 bit math) and changed code as required
  • Removed all '#include's proto's and converted="" them to pragmas
  • Added a smakefile that has dependencies

Download: DOpus4beta.lzx - 455 KB

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 21:02] [Comments: 0]
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Joern Plewka, Support Katodev on ANF

Audio Driver for New and Old Sound Cards
Katodev announce that the development-documentation for the X-Audio.device is still available at the software page of their website. They would be glad if new cards would use it. more ...

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Freund on ANF

Amiga Story at the ARIVA Stock Forum
The Amiga Story at the ARIVA Stock Forum.

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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HD Installer

JST 4.4 Released
Version 4.4 of JST were released. If you want to use old games with new systems you will love JST. more ...

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 03:46] [Comments: 0]
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Eternity News

Eternity News: MPG Video-card / USB for AMIGA
Eternity wrote:
We are looking for some developers for the realising of an MPEG-Video-card or a USB-card for the Amiga in co-operation with Kato Development: more ...

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 02:42] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane "SteaG" Campan

New Graphic-Adventure
X-Team Software announce a new adventure game which they will develop together with Hurricane Studios. You can find initial screenshots at the title link.

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 02:28] [Comments: 0]
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CES: Interview with Grant Courville, QNX
At CES, Christoph Dietz has interviewed Grant Courville from QNX (English translation by Martina Jacobs): more ... (Translation: mj)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 01:21] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Cartoon: Low Tide
more ... (td) (Translation: td)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2001, 00:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Image editor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 for Windows, Linux and macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Full version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
AROS: Demo version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (25. Aug.)
Crowdfunded book: Retro Gaming Library - Amiga Edition (18. Aug.)
Operating system for the Amiga: Second alpha version of "Serena OS" (13. Aug.)
MorphOS: Continued GMail support by Iris questionable (11. Aug.)
Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS available / Paolo Cattani games pre-installed (04. Aug.)
Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced (01. Aug.)
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