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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

 Tuesday, 17. Aug. 1999Comments / Date
Swedish magazine x-files media interviews Stefan Burström0
VT Update version 3.16 and VirusCheckerII Update version 2.030
Amimaniacs is looking for Opus Themes0
Important info for DraCo users0
GoldEd Update version 6.1.40
Photogenics 4.2 to appear soon0
AmigaScene 0x10 (July/August) online0
Visitor number 250.000 has been found :-)0
Iwin announces new computers based on Amiga0
Jason Kroll: BeOS Release 4.50
 Monday, 16. Aug. 1999 
New Amiga User Group: AUG990
Othello - the virtual boardgame0
New version HydraBBS 1.100
New beta version StrICQ 0.1466 - August 15th, 19990
New mouse adapter: Punchinello from Power Computing0
Maim & Mangle mailinglist implemented0
Wanted: Name for a serial port add-on0
 Sunday, 15. Aug. 1999 
AmIRC version 3.1 released0
 Saturday, 14. Aug. 1999 
Product info: ViperTools version 1.00
New version Aimcik 0.7 Beta 50
RefTools! pages closed down0
New Cartoon: The dark times are over0
New VirusWarning.Guide version 2.80
 Friday, 13. Aug. 1999 
New prelude.library version 4.520
unIQue is looking for excellent musicians and 2D/3D graphic artists0
AWeb 3.3 to be released in a few weeks0
Macromedia wish list for Dreamweaver, IBM opens PowerPC design0
Tornado3D user-site online!0
Titan RC5 team delivered over 1 million keys :-)0
AmigaNation and AUGS present Amiga meeting in Zürich0
New security hole in internet protocol0
Fusion Preorder has to improve0 celebrates 1st anniversary0
LinuxPPCs CrackThisBox contest over0
QNX: QNX Neutrino® RTOS Documentation0
First CD from Jogeir Liljedahl released0
X-Arc beta version 1.4 beta 1 released0
CGXVideo.library Update Version 41.12 (V3)0
clickBOOM News0
 Thursday, 12. Aug. 1999 
New Play16 (Eclipse Edition)0
AminetGUI updated0
Again new update for Photogenics version 4.1 release 570
Maim & Mangle goes 3D hardware only0
Digital Images website updated0
GAUHPIL Press Release0
Amiga getting more and more media coverage0
Now it's official, Urban!0
 Wednesday, 11. Aug. 1999 
Amimaniacs: Interview with Dirk Harlaar of H&P0
New website from Crystal Interactive Software online0
Solar Eclipse: Pictures from Germany0
Starfighter - D'Yammen's Reign0
1 537 1069 ... <- 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 -> [Archive]
 Recent Discussions
Amiga 4000(T)ower for sale
Calvin Harris - Amiga A1200
Amiga basic rewritten for Apple
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Commodore Amiga MYSTYLE
 Latest Top-News
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.1 (22. Oct.)
Worms: The Director's Cut 1.5 for the 30th anniversary (20. Oct.)
Development tool: vasm 2.0 (16. Oct.)
Demis Hassabis: Nobel prize winner with an Amiga background (Update) (15. Oct.)
Managing ADF files: Rust library "adflib" V0.1.4 (12. Oct.)
Interview: Matthew Leaman (Amiga Kit, A-EON) about the A600GS (11. Oct.)
3D polygon models: 3D Object Converter v1.0 for AmigaOS 3.x/4.x (08. Oct.)
Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Image editor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 for Windows, Linux and macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Full version of word processor Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
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