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Steven Flowers via eMail

Alive Mediasoft Press Release
Alive Mediasoft close down both the complete Amiga software and hardware area and intend to focus on the new printmagazin "The Pulse":

From: steven flowers
Amiga News <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:14:26 +0000
Subject: Alive

Deutsche Übersetzung von Jens Petersen siehe unten

Alive Mediasoft 15th June 2000

As from today, the following changes are effective:

1. Alive mediasoft is closing it's Amiga retail company with no future plans
to sell software or hardware in the Amiga market.

2. Alive mediasoft will no longer publish games for the Amiga market either.
Current copyright ownerships are being discussed with individual developers
to arrange possible transfer of publishing rights so that the games can
continue to made available to the Amiga public via a third party if the
developer so wishes.  News about individual titles will be announced as we
have it.

3. Ongoing development of games like Elite 3 and Phantasmagoria are again
being worked out with the authors/owners so hopefully we can arrange
continuation of these exciting projects so they do not get dropped out of
sight.  We have had a phenomenal response about our ventures and give our
word to everyone who was anxiously waiting for the release of these games
that we are doing everything in our power to ensure that we find someone to
continue our work.

4. As issue 13 of The Pulse has only been out a few weeks, orders are still
pouring in and we'd like to assure everybody that we're not going anywhere
immediately as there's a lot of work to be done in fulfilling current
orders and pre-orders for our customers, and see that everyone including
customers and developers working for us on royalty basis are sorted
out prior to the final closure of the retail company.

Anyone with outstanding orders will receive their goods during the next
few weeks.  Any items out of stock or that were pre-orders for games due out
shortly will be contacted individually.

As there is obviously much work to be done
our phone lines are often busy or on answer machine.  We can
still be contacted as normal via post or email.

But the news is not all bad....

With the assistance from a third party,  Alive's flagship publication
THE PULSE is to be become it's own entity and be published as a fully
commercial magazine.
We have so many great things lined up for the future issues including the
games  we have exclusives on and the other Amiga companies involved
in backing The Pulse that I would love to ramble on about,
but I should tell you in detail in another mail.

A further press release will be issued separately by The Pulse very shortly
providing full details of the exciting plans lined up for the launch of
issue 14.

We would like to thank everyone who bought games from the Alive retail
company  for their support and dedication over the years, and
say to you not to worry as you're  not going to lose out on your games
chioce as we've secured some great deals within
the trade to ensure that you don't lose the variety we offered.  Watch this
space for details....


Steven Flowers
Alive mediasoft.

TEL:    +44 (0)1623 467 579

[News message: 19. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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