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ACube Systems: Production of Sam460LE boards started
Press release: Dears customers,

we would like to tell you some important news about the production of the Sam460LE boards. Well, to be honest, just one BIG news.

The production has begun!!!

Do not miss the opportunity to be among the first to receive this new board. Join us in this new project by pre-ordering your board.

While waiting for the first batch to be ready, we want to share a preview of the schematics layout of our new board (editor's note: available under the title link). Whenever a new hardware pops up we, as hardcore users, are always interested in this kind of pictures, and we bet that all our customers will be interested as well :-)

Our goal, as always, is to give the AmigaOS 4.1 and MorphOS communities new hardware to run and enjoy. And let's not forget the large Linux community too! If you want to take part in this adventure, do not hesitate and take your ticket for the trip :-) (dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2022, 19:08] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 3.1 (update)
Just a few days ago, with the release of the new version 3.16 of MorphOS, the Wayfarer web browser not only became the default browser of the operating system, replacing the previous one Odyssey, but the author Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek also contributed an updated version 2.10.

Today he has already released version 3.0, which offers the following features:
  • Based on a 2022 WebKitGTK tree, supports most modern websites
  • Encryption of passwords via cryptostorage.library
  • Support for custom / self-signed server certificates
  • Audio playback including HLS
  • Video playback including MediaSource support
  • Download and Bookmarks managers
  • Built-in AdBlock Plus files support
  • Written in ObjectiveC and C++
Wayfarer requires MorphOS 3.16 and at least 1GB of RAM. A 1.5GHz or faster CPU with Altivec highly recommended.

Update: (19.03.2022, 19:19, dr)

Meanwhile is version 3.1 is available fixing a crash on exiting fullscreen mode. (dr)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2022, 22:28] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOne X5000 available from dealers again
As Alinea announces (German) in a posting on, the German dealer currently has A-EON's AmigaOne X5000 in stock. The product photo in the shop is said to be outdated, the machines are now shipped in a different case. According to Alinea, the higher price for the X5000 is caused by inflation and rising component prices, on top of that the computer now ships with a full version of Enhancer 2.1.

Most of the other shops A-EON lists as authorised resellers claim to have the X5000 in stock as well, although it is unclear how many of them always listed the product as available all the time and simple never bothered to update their shop listings. Amigakit is still not listing the X5000 at all.

Approached by, Alinea confirms (German) that the digital AmigaOS 4 license that ships with the X5000 is supplied by A-EON as well.That would indicate that A-EON's expired AmigaOS license has been renewed in the meantime. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2022, 21:46] [Comments: 0]
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AmiTube 1.0: YouTube client for all Amiga systems
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow's AmiTube enables watching YouTube videos on an 68k Amiga. To do so, they are converted to Commodore's CDXL format and downloaded (video).

Yesterday, Version 1.0 has been released, which now includes a download queue to start multiple conversations/download jobs that are processed one after the other. Also, an AREXX interface has been implemented that provides commands to search and start a conversion job and to play a movie. Furthermore, due to the great demand, there is also a version for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. The changes in detail:
  • History for search
  • AROS64 ABIv11 bit version
  • MorphOS Version
  • Amiga OS4 Version
  • Download more Amiga-like audio only formats: mp3 and 8svx
  • dual PNG Icons by AmigaSystem
  • Download Queue
  • Improved AutoPlay
  • AREXX interface
  • Dutch Translation
The latest version always is available on the AmiTube website or via update check in the application.

Please not that conversion is executed on the developer's personal server, thus he asks to restrict oneself to few and short videos. Furthermore the program must not be shared but always be downloaded from the author's website at the title link. (dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2022, 09:38] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Hoffmann

Amiga emulator for MacOS: vAmiga 2.0 Beta1
Yesterday Dirk Hoffmann released the first beta version of vAmiga 2.0 of his Amiga emulator for MacOS which is currently under development. As he tells us, he had planned to skip the final version 1.1 for quite some time, because in the meantime much more features have been added than originally planned. The highlight compared to the last beta release is the harddrive support. He wrote:
"I didn't really plan to implement this, but GitHub user mras0 has programmed a great harddrive controller (boot rom) that allowed me to add harddrive support with manageable effort. With the beta version released today, vAmiga 2.0 is feature-complete. So as soon as it proves stable enough, I'll release the official version 2.0." Detailed changes:
  • New features:
    • Added hard drive support.
    • The Sparkle updater is back.
    • Added a new video mode that automatically centers the display window.

  • Enhancements:
    • Copper accuracy has been improved.
    • vAmiga is a notarised app now.
    • The path to the FFmpeg executable can be customised.

  • Bugs:
    • The HSYNC area has been shifted to the proper location.
The minimum system requirement is macOS 10.15. (dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2022, 08:02] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Young

ReAction GUI for XAD: Avalanche 1.4
In the course of reporting on updates of various tools from Unsatisfactory Software, we had also mentioned Avalanche for the first time, a graphical user interface created with ReAction for the unarchiving tool XAD. Now Chris Young has released version 1.4, which among other things now includes a native OS4 version. Other changes:
  • Allow abort during extraction (button or ESC)
  • Now asks whether to overwrite files
  • ESC can now be used to quit, and Enter to start extraction
  • List of files can now be sorted by clicking on the column header
  • Clicking anywhere on the line now toggles the checkbox
  • Now confirms quit
  • Added option to invert selection to menu
  • Striped listbrowser

[News message: 17. Mar. 2022, 07:07] [Comments: 0]
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