Amiga emulator for MacOS: vAmiga 1.1 beta 9
Dirk Hoffmann has released a new beta version of his Amiga emulator for macOS which is currently under development. The changes version 1.1 beta version 9 are as follows:
- Enhancements:
- The hardware config panel has been split into a separate chipset panel and a memory panel.
- Compatibility:
- The DDF logic has been reworked from scratch based on the Agnus schematics.
- The HBLANK area has been shortened and moved (#637, #584, #575).
- Bug fixes:
- The Copper can’t trigger at cycle $E3 any more.
- Fixed a bug in the LINK command that had been introduced recently.
- Fixed some Sanitizer warnings.
[News message: 01. Feb. 2022, 16:18] [Comments: 0]
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