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Seq 3.0: MIDI sequencer for AmigaOS 4 has been updated
The new version 3.0 of the MIDI sequencer Seq by Tuomas Hokka is now available for AmigaOS 4. This simple tool allows you to create and edit MIDI sequences and is aimed at musicians who want to use their Amiga as a compositional tool. The current update includes numerous improvements, including to the user interface and MIDI output.

All changes to version 3.0 summarised:
  • FIXED one major bug in saving project: Too many bytes were written so it was filled with zero bytes and that will break reading one integer value in the project file. This will be fixed automatically in loading project. User will be prompted to choose to save the project immediately after.
  • Fixed bugs
  • New song (long) mode to One time track, added One time banks
  • Increased number of song steps to 96, project files version increased to 9
  • Added more settings to alt/double note
  • Alt notes displayed in steps better
  • Some font sizes increased
  • Added new tooltype to set large font
  • Refactored some parts of the source code for better maintainability and to avoid bugs
Seq is offered as freeware and can be downloaded from OS4Depot. (nba)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2025, 11:31] [Comments: 0]
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